To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate

Do You Think Children & Adults Should Be Vaccinated

  • Yes, the doctors say so

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • No, chemicals don't belong in our bodies

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
Michelle Bachmann maintains there's no good reason for schools to require the HPV vaccination.

And she's right. I agree with her.

But people who reject vaccinations for TB, influenza, diptheria, whooping cough...things that anyone can get just walking around in the store...that a different thing that forcing girls only to get injected with a *vaccination* that may, or may not, actually prevent some types of cervical cancer that is the result of contracting an STD.
Same thing goes for the vaccines for whooping cough and other illnesses-they may or may not prevent the disease.
Different batches of vaccines have varying levels of the chemicals that make them, which would explain why some people have reactions and some don't. That would also explain why it works for some people and not others.
Darlene, I have the flu. If I had been vaccinated, I wouldn't have it. Until at least Saturday, I have the potential to infect dozens of innocent people, including the elderly and small children.
If I can't cope with the flu, how can an elderly person or an infant cope?

Get them vaccinated!
Getting a flu shot doesn't mean you won't get the flu. Science is never 100% true or accurate.

Do you enjoy living in this country without any chance of getting smallpox or polio? Then be happy there weren't a bunch of Darlene's running around here a few decades ago.
There's always a chance of getting those diseases.
"... vaccine safety gets more public attention than vaccination effectiveness, but independent experts and WHO have shown that vaccines are far safer than therapeutic medicines.2,3"

"In four of six WHO regions, substantial progress has been made in measles elimination; transmission no longer occurs indigenously and importation does not result in sustained spread of the virus.11 Key to this achievement is more than 95% population immunity through a two-dose vaccination regimen."

"...vaccines annually prevent almost 6 million deaths worldwide.19 In the USA, there has been a 99% decrease in incidence for the nine diseases for which vaccines have been recommended for decades,20 accompanied by a similar decline in mortality and disease sequelae."

WHO Vaccination greatly reduces disease disability death and inequity worldwide
Michelle Bachmann maintains there's no good reason for schools to require the HPV vaccination.

And she's right. I agree with her.

But people who reject vaccinations for TB, influenza, diptheria, whooping cough...things that anyone can get just walking around in the store...that a different thing that forcing girls only to get injected with a *vaccination* that may, or may not, actually prevent some types of cervical cancer that is the result of contracting an STD.
Same thing goes for the vaccines for whooping cough and other illnesses-they may or may not prevent the disease.
Different batches of vaccines have varying levels of the chemicals that make them, which would explain why some people have reactions and some don't. That would also explain why it works for some people and not others.

Not true. Pertussis vaccinations definitely have led to a huge decrease in infection. Pertussis is making a comeback as an immediate and acknowledged reduction in vaccination across the country.
Life in the United States has become too medical-centered. Anytime a child gets sick, you give him or her medication. Ear infection? antibiotics. Cold or flu? pills and/or shots. Fever? pills. We aren't allowing our bodies to do what they were meant to do and fight off the infection. That's why we have immune systems, white blood cells, and so much more naturally in our bodies. You don't need to run to the doctor anytime something comes up.
Darlene, I have the flu. If I had been vaccinated, I wouldn't have it. Until at least Saturday, I have the potential to infect dozens of innocent people, including the elderly and small children.
If I can't cope with the flu, how can an elderly person or an infant cope?

Get them vaccinated!
Getting a flu shot doesn't mean you won't get the flu. Science is never 100% true or accurate.

Do you enjoy living in this country without any chance of getting smallpox or polio? Then be happy there weren't a bunch of Darlene's running around here a few decades ago.
There's always a chance of getting those diseases.

Well technically there's zero chance of anyone getting smallpox ever again. Because of vaccines and all. Though I guess some terrorists might get to the remaining supply of the disease in one of the 2 ultra secure locations that it's kept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But PHEW thank goodness if that happens..... we have a vaccine!
The alternative is a lot more death.

I'm not interested in my kids dying from influenza. I don't want them to die of measles. I don't want them to die of a raging staph infection 18 hours after I decide that it's *more healthy* for my kid to fight off the infection on his or her own.
Darlene, I have the flu. If I had been vaccinated, I wouldn't have it. Until at least Saturday, I have the potential to infect dozens of innocent people, including the elderly and small children.
If I can't cope with the flu, how can an elderly person or an infant cope?

Get them vaccinated!
Getting a flu shot doesn't mean you won't get the flu. Science is never 100% true or accurate.

Do you enjoy living in this country without any chance of getting smallpox or polio? Then be happy there weren't a bunch of Darlene's running around here a few decades ago.
There's always a chance of getting those diseases.

Well technically there's zero chance of anyone getting smallpox ever again. Because of vaccines and all. Though I guess some terrorists might get to the remaining supply of the disease in one of the 2 ultra secure locations that it's kept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But PHEW thank goodness if that happens..... we have a vaccine!
Getting a cold and the flu actually strengthens the immune system.

If it doesn't kill you.

Getting an immunization also strengthens your immune system...only you don't get sick, you don't die, and you don't infect others, who get sick, and die.
Darlene, I have the flu. If I had been vaccinated, I wouldn't have it. Until at least Saturday, I have the potential to infect dozens of innocent people, including the elderly and small children.
If I can't cope with the flu, how can an elderly person or an infant cope?

Get them vaccinated!
Getting a flu shot doesn't mean you won't get the flu. Science is never 100% true or accurate.

Do you enjoy living in this country without any chance of getting smallpox or polio? Then be happy there weren't a bunch of Darlene's running around here a few decades ago.
There's always a chance of getting those diseases.

Well technically there's zero chance of anyone getting smallpox ever again. Because of vaccines and all. Though I guess some terrorists might get to the remaining supply of the disease in one of the 2 ultra secure locations that it's kept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But PHEW thank goodness if that happens..... we have a vaccine!
Getting a cold and the flu actually strengthens the immune system.

If it doesn't kill you.

Getting an immunization also strengthens your immune system...only you don't get sick, you don't die, and you don't infect others, who get sick, and die.

There's a theory that if 80% of the world got a flu shot it could wipe out the disease completely. I'd say that was crazy buy hey... smallpox.

Right now about 40% get it in America. Who knows about the rest of the world.
With so much debate swirling throughout the media, its hard to make a decision about vaccinations.
This is especially true with infants and young children. Their brains and young bodies are still growing and maturing, why should we interfere with the natural progression of things?

I'd like to see both sides with evidence-from both sides.
I'm personally anti-vax and I've decided to be this way from research I've done.
I've also come to my decision because the CDC won't tell us the way vaccines are made, what tests are done to verify their safety and efficacy, and the true ingredients in these chemical-laden formulas.

What are your thoughts?
The natural progression of things before modern medical science was an early death. A hundred years ago before we started immunizing children, childhood death from common diseases were over 20 times greater than today. Thanks to vaccines, we have wiped out diseases such as Smallpox, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Diphtheria. Today over 2 million die from vaccine preventable diseases. However, there're a lot of people campaigning to abolish childhood vaccinations. Although there is no good science to support their contentions their campaign goes on. Some of these people actually think there is good scientific grounds to oppose vaccines. Others oppose it on religious grounds and yet others are just against it because it's recommended by the CDC.
Eliminating all vaccinations would be very effective in reducing the constantly alleged Social Security Crisis and ending all the various state and municipal pension concerns. But best were liberals to come up with an anti-vaccine vaccine that would undo the immunities conferred by all previous vaccinations. Then nature would kill off enough people that they'd have enough left over tax money do launch a trillion new giveaway programs.

Free phones for all!

A Tesla in every garage!
Getting a cold and the flu actually strengthens the immune system.
“Getting the flu is not a good idea,” says Dr. Ardis Hoven, an infectious disease specialist and trustee of the American Medical Association. “The primary reason is that the influenza virus undergoes antigenic variation, so on a yearly basis the strain undergoes change.” Meaning: Getting this year’s flu doesn’t necessarily prevent you from getting next year’s flu.

There are over 200 viral types cause the common cold, Rhinovirus being the most common. Even if you develop an immunity to one it will do little good because these viruses are constantly mutating.
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It's amazing that so many people without any training in infections diseases or immunology have become such experts that they are willing to risk the health and lives of their kids and others.

I for one, will follow the advice of my family doctor and my kids doctors even though it might agree with the recommendations from the CDC.
Er..that's a flame.

So you put it in the CDZ so you could insult the people who disagree with you, and then if you feel insulted, you can post the cdz rules and tell them to knock it off.

That's why I don't post here.
I haven't insulted anyone in this thread.

Only anybody who disagrees with you:

"I didn't want to be insulted for going against what has been brainwashed into society."

That's an insult.
That's not an insult but alright. Earlier in this thread, I was told that I should have my kids taken away (personal attack), called a liberal or leftist nutjob (insult), and also Obamabot (insult).
Implying that many people have been brainwashed into believing certain things is not an insult.
It is, however, completely inane. You are actually implying the rest of us have been 'brainwashed' into getting vaccinated yet 100 percent of the data shows that vaccinations are not only highly effective but also extremely safe.

You have NO data to back yourself up and then jump on the first opportunity another poster gives you because he brings in a few claims of people who had bad reactions. None of that is even remotely scientific.

It is crystal clear who is brainwashed about vaccinations. Unfortunately for your claim, it is not the rest of us.
Disagree? Well damn I wish your kids the best of luck. I hope they don't need it.
I've taken after my dad--strong immune system from the get-go.
My son had adverse reactions to the Hep B shot he got while he was in the hospital.
He started having breathing difficulties such as retractions and breathing rate was too fast.
I know it was from the Hep B shot because we didn't get that until just a few hours before being discharged.
Malikai was doing just fine until then.

Some vaccinations may be helpful but a child's immune system is fully functional until around two years.
I don't think infants and toddlers should have their new bodies bombarded with foreign substances.

^ This.

My middle kid is in the autistic range (high functioning ... blech, I hate that term). His vaccinations didn't cause his problems, they were there from the get go. But back then the whole mercury/autism thing was buzzing all around. I didn't catch wind of that until my youngest was about to entire Kindergarten. So she had already had her shots but all the vaccine talk got me concerned. So before I just arbitrarily got her all the shots the school/government said she HAD to have, I got her titers checked. All were fine except for whooping cough, which was low but within range. I asked the doc if the shots were given would my daughter be any MORE protected. Nope. So I nixed any further shots for her. Tried like hell to get her to get the chicken pox when my oldest had it ... no such luck. She did get that vaccine (it was before I knew of the vaccine dust-up). My son (the special needs kid) ended up getting a chicken pox booster when he was 18 or 19. At that point, shingles would be more of a concern. I may have her get the booster as well.

Anyway, if I had to do it all over again I'd wait until the kiddo was two before starting any vaccinations, and have their titers checked prior to any boosters. If they needed the booster I'd wait a longer amount of time, space them out.
Disagree? Well damn I wish your kids the best of luck. I hope they don't need it.
I've taken after my dad--strong immune system from the get-go.
My son had adverse reactions to the Hep B shot he got while he was in the hospital.
He started having breathing difficulties such as retractions and breathing rate was too fast.
I know it was from the Hep B shot because we didn't get that until just a few hours before being discharged.
Malikai was doing just fine until then.

Some vaccinations may be helpful but a child's immune system is fully functional until around two years.
I don't think infants and toddlers should have their new bodies bombarded with foreign substances.

^ This.

My middle kid is in the autistic range (high functioning ... blech, I hate that term). His vaccinations didn't cause his problems, they were there from the get go. But back then the whole mercury/autism thing was buzzing all around. I didn't catch wind of that until my youngest was about to entire Kindergarten. So she had already had her shots but all the vaccine talk got me concerned. So before I just arbitrarily got her all the shots the school/government said she HAD to have, I got her titers checked. All were fine except for whooping cough, which was low but within range. I asked the doc if the shots were given would my daughter be any MORE protected. Nope. So I nixed any further shots for her. Tried like hell to get her to get the chicken pox when my oldest had it ... no such luck. She did get that vaccine (it was before I knew of the vaccine dust-up). My son (the special needs kid) ended up getting a chicken pox booster when he was 18 or 19. At that point, shingles would be more of a concern. I may have her get the booster as well.

Anyway, if I had to do it all over again I'd wait until the kiddo was two before starting any vaccinations, and have their titers checked prior to any boosters. If they needed the booster I'd wait a longer amount of time, space them out.

My career is working with children who have autism. I know many parents, including others in my profession, who have waited to get and/or spaced out vaccinations. If that's a precaution parents want to take I think they are absolutely fine doing that. I also believe that any type of medication should be an absolute last resort and many in my field feel that way as well.

But every professional I know or have known knows that the link between vaccines and autism is not real. There's no causation there.

There's no harm in what you're saying spacing them out and waiting... but I fully believe a child is much better off with vaccinations.
Disagree? Well damn I wish your kids the best of luck. I hope they don't need it.
I've taken after my dad--strong immune system from the get-go.
My son had adverse reactions to the Hep B shot he got while he was in the hospital.
He started having breathing difficulties such as retractions and breathing rate was too fast.
I know it was from the Hep B shot because we didn't get that until just a few hours before being discharged.
Malikai was doing just fine until then.

Some vaccinations may be helpful but a child's immune system is fully functional until around two years.
I don't think infants and toddlers should have their new bodies bombarded with foreign substances.

^ This.

My middle kid is in the autistic range (high functioning ... blech, I hate that term). His vaccinations didn't cause his problems, they were there from the get go. But back then the whole mercury/autism thing was buzzing all around. I didn't catch wind of that until my youngest was about to entire Kindergarten. So she had already had her shots but all the vaccine talk got me concerned. So before I just arbitrarily got her all the shots the school/government said she HAD to have, I got her titers checked. All were fine except for whooping cough, which was low but within range. I asked the doc if the shots were given would my daughter be any MORE protected. Nope. So I nixed any further shots for her. Tried like hell to get her to get the chicken pox when my oldest had it ... no such luck. She did get that vaccine (it was before I knew of the vaccine dust-up). My son (the special needs kid) ended up getting a chicken pox booster when he was 18 or 19. At that point, shingles would be more of a concern. I may have her get the booster as well.

Anyway, if I had to do it all over again I'd wait until the kiddo was two before starting any vaccinations, and have their titers checked prior to any boosters. If they needed the booster I'd wait a longer amount of time, space them out.

My career is working with children who have autism. I know many parents, including others in my profession, who have waited to get and/or spaced out vaccinations. If that's a precaution parents want to take I think they are absolutely fine doing that. I also believe that any type of medication should be an absolute last resort and many in my field feel that way as well.

But every professional I know or have known knows that the link between vaccines and autism is not real. There's no causation there.

There's no harm in what you're saying spacing them out and waiting... but I fully believe a child is much better off with vaccinations.

Yeah, the connection between autism/vaccines has been debunked but at the time ... no one knew (well, I didn't know) if there was a connection or not.

We did some meds for a brief period of time. The doc we were seeing at the time wanted to increase the dosage. Errr, no. Stopped that.

I remember when he was teething and the doc wrote an rx for ibuprofen for him (right before it went otc) ... it was like manna from heaven! We also noticed that caffeine seemed to have a positive effect on his behavior (for brief periods of time). He's been drinking coffee since he was nine. lol

Took him off of dairy and wheat when he was nine for four years. Did it over the summer between third and fourth grade. When he went back to fourth grade his teachers noticed a HUGE improvement in his behavior. His behavior was THEE biggest problem. Long, long road of mostly two steps forward, one step back with him. He's 21 now, graduated hs, working M-F at a local collage. He rocks!

Anyway, I don't have a problem with vaccines per se ... I do think they have the schedule of shots too soon into those new humans and too close with the boosters.
Disagree? Well damn I wish your kids the best of luck. I hope they don't need it.
I've taken after my dad--strong immune system from the get-go.
My son had adverse reactions to the Hep B shot he got while he was in the hospital.
He started having breathing difficulties such as retractions and breathing rate was too fast.
I know it was from the Hep B shot because we didn't get that until just a few hours before being discharged.
Malikai was doing just fine until then.

Some vaccinations may be helpful but a child's immune system is fully functional until around two years.
I don't think infants and toddlers should have their new bodies bombarded with foreign substances.

^ This.

My middle kid is in the autistic range (high functioning ... blech, I hate that term). His vaccinations didn't cause his problems, they were there from the get go. But back then the whole mercury/autism thing was buzzing all around. I didn't catch wind of that until my youngest was about to entire Kindergarten. So she had already had her shots but all the vaccine talk got me concerned. So before I just arbitrarily got her all the shots the school/government said she HAD to have, I got her titers checked. All were fine except for whooping cough, which was low but within range. I asked the doc if the shots were given would my daughter be any MORE protected. Nope. So I nixed any further shots for her. Tried like hell to get her to get the chicken pox when my oldest had it ... no such luck. She did get that vaccine (it was before I knew of the vaccine dust-up). My son (the special needs kid) ended up getting a chicken pox booster when he was 18 or 19. At that point, shingles would be more of a concern. I may have her get the booster as well.

Anyway, if I had to do it all over again I'd wait until the kiddo was two before starting any vaccinations, and have their titers checked prior to any boosters. If they needed the booster I'd wait a longer amount of time, space them out.

My career is working with children who have autism. I know many parents, including others in my profession, who have waited to get and/or spaced out vaccinations. If that's a precaution parents want to take I think they are absolutely fine doing that. I also believe that any type of medication should be an absolute last resort and many in my field feel that way as well.

But every professional I know or have known knows that the link between vaccines and autism is not real. There's no causation there.

There's no harm in what you're saying spacing them out and waiting... but I fully believe a child is much better off with vaccinations.

Yeah, the connection between autism/vaccines has been debunked but at the time ... no one knew (well, I didn't know) if there was a connection or not.

We did some meds for a brief period of time. The doc we were seeing at the time wanted to increase the dosage. Errr, no. Stopped that.

I remember when he was teething and the doc wrote an rx for ibuprofen for him (right before it went otc) ... it was like manna from heaven! We also noticed that caffeine seemed to have a positive effect on his behavior (for brief periods of time). He's been drinking coffee since he was nine. lol

Took him off of dairy and wheat when he was nine for four years. Did it over the summer between third and fourth grade. When he went back to fourth grade his teachers noticed a HUGE improvement in his behavior. His behavior was THEE biggest problem. Long, long road of mostly two steps forward, one step back with him. He's 21 now, graduated hs, working M-F at a local collage. He rocks!

Anyway, I don't have a problem with vaccines per se ... I do think they have the schedule of shots too soon into those new humans and too close with the boosters.

It sounds like you're one hell of a parent! :clap2:

I wish there were more of you :)
The alternative is a lot more death.

I'm not interested in my kids dying from influenza. I don't want them to die of measles. I don't want them to die of a raging staph infection 18 hours after I decide that it's *more healthy* for my kid to fight off the infection on his or her own.
What about Autism, SIDS, and Shaken Baby Syndrome? Haven't you read the testimonials?

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