
I don't have serious discussions with dumbass trolls. I had to unignore the ignored just to figure out who was bumping the old irrelevant thread.
Not the least bit surprised it was a loser like you.
Still have that SLUT as your avatar I see.

Gee, and you're complaining about Donald Trump destroying the GOP. Listen to yourself...calling a woman a "slut" whom you'll never meet, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has met her.

IF you want to see why the GOP is circling the drain, you and Claudette should look in the mirror. You're both idiots.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.
We keep hearing from RWrs that President Obama wasn't qualified...that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified.

OK...who IS qualified and what is it that makes them qualified while President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not?
I said Obama was not qualified because he had yet to demonstrate leadership skills. Leadership skills, more than anything else, is key to a successful presidency. If you can not lead your staff, your cabinet, your people around you, you will fail.

I reviewed then senator Obama's resume. He had never led in a situation where finances and accountability were key. He never authored legislation that received bi partisan support. He never chaired a major committee. His only private sector job was with a law firm where, after 3 years, he was still not promoted to junior partner status and was still doing what he was originally hired to do....contract review.

Hillary Clinton had the chance to show us her leadership skills and as I laid out in an earlier post, she failed at the leadership part. She made some very questionable decisions that she, herself, admits were wrong.

As for Republican candidates....

Rubio was considered by BOTH sides of the aisle as an outstanding speaker of the House in Florida where he passed a multitude of bi partisan legislations....that takes great leadership skills.

Firorina, although very articulate and intelligent (like Obama), failed as a leader at HP...thus why she is off my list.

Jeb Bush did an outstanding job working with a spilt state as Governor...he showed great leadership skills. His name is his worst enemy.

Kasich has proven to be a great has Walker who did not kick scream and cry when the opposition tried to run him out of town.

Sorry...Hillary is not a great leader. She proved that to all of us. Yo9u can not cite a single thing she did as SoS that proved she was a great leader...I can (and have) cited several proving she wasn't.

Kasich and walker are "great" leaders. Oh...okay.

Well, you vote for Kasich and Walker and I'll (and millions more) will vote for Hillary. Good luck. You'll need it.
Still wont address her lack of leadership skills.

Wonder why that is.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.
We keep hearing from RWrs that President Obama wasn't qualified...that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified.

OK...who IS qualified and what is it that makes them qualified while President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not?
I said Obama was not qualified because he had yet to demonstrate leadership skills. Leadership skills, more than anything else, is key to a successful presidency. If you can not lead your staff, your cabinet, your people around you, you will fail.

I reviewed then senator Obama's resume. He had never led in a situation where finances and accountability were key. He never authored legislation that received bi partisan support. He never chaired a major committee. His only private sector job was with a law firm where, after 3 years, he was still not promoted to junior partner status and was still doing what he was originally hired to do....contract review.

Hillary Clinton had the chance to show us her leadership skills and as I laid out in an earlier post, she failed at the leadership part. She made some very questionable decisions that she, herself, admits were wrong.

As for Republican candidates....

Rubio was considered by BOTH sides of the aisle as an outstanding speaker of the House in Florida where he passed a multitude of bi partisan legislations....that takes great leadership skills.

Firorina, although very articulate and intelligent (like Obama), failed as a leader at HP...thus why she is off my list.

Jeb Bush did an outstanding job working with a spilt state as Governor...he showed great leadership skills. His name is his worst enemy.

Kasich has proven to be a great has Walker who did not kick scream and cry when the opposition tried to run him out of town.

Sorry...Hillary is not a great leader. She proved that to all of us. Yo9u can not cite a single thing she did as SoS that proved she was a great leader...I can (and have) cited several proving she wasn't.

Kasich and walker are "great" leaders. Oh...okay.

Well, you vote for Kasich and Walker and I'll (and millions more) will vote for Hillary. Good luck. You'll need it.

Poll Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in N.H. 44-37 Boston Herald

Neighboring worries. Again, you're simply stupid.
Gee, and you're complaining about Donald Trump destroying the GOP. Listen to yourself...calling a woman a "slut" whom you'll never meet, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has met her.

IF you want to see why the GOP is circling the drain, you and Claudette should look in the mirror. You're both idiots.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

Gee, and you're complaining about Donald Trump destroying the GOP. Listen to yourself...calling a woman a "slut" whom you'll never meet, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has met her.

IF you want to see why the GOP is circling the drain, you and Claudette should look in the mirror. You're both idiots.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

That is why I keep the Fluke avatar up. It just brings out the irrational hatred in the GOP like nothing else. They really can't help themselves from foaming at the mouth over her.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

Fluke is wealthy. She was not demanding birth control coverage for herself.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.
We keep hearing from RWrs that President Obama wasn't qualified...that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified.

OK...who IS qualified and what is it that makes them qualified while President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not?
I said Obama was not qualified because he had yet to demonstrate leadership skills. Leadership skills, more than anything else, is key to a successful presidency. If you can not lead your staff, your cabinet, your people around you, you will fail.

I reviewed then senator Obama's resume. He had never led in a situation where finances and accountability were key. He never authored legislation that received bi partisan support. He never chaired a major committee. His only private sector job was with a law firm where, after 3 years, he was still not promoted to junior partner status and was still doing what he was originally hired to do....contract review.

Hillary Clinton had the chance to show us her leadership skills and as I laid out in an earlier post, she failed at the leadership part. She made some very questionable decisions that she, herself, admits were wrong.

As for Republican candidates....

Rubio was considered by BOTH sides of the aisle as an outstanding speaker of the House in Florida where he passed a multitude of bi partisan legislations....that takes great leadership skills.

Firorina, although very articulate and intelligent (like Obama), failed as a leader at HP...thus why she is off my list.

Jeb Bush did an outstanding job working with a spilt state as Governor...he showed great leadership skills. His name is his worst enemy.

Kasich has proven to be a great has Walker who did not kick scream and cry when the opposition tried to run him out of town.

Sorry...Hillary is not a great leader. She proved that to all of us. Yo9u can not cite a single thing she did as SoS that proved she was a great leader...I can (and have) cited several proving she wasn't.

Kasich and walker are "great" leaders. Oh...okay.

Well, you vote for Kasich and Walker and I'll (and millions more) will vote for Hillary. Good luck. You'll need it.

Poll Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in N.H. 44-37 Boston Herald
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

That is why I keep the Fluke avatar up. It just brings out the irrational hatred in the GOP like nothing else. They really can't help themselves from foaming at the mouth over her.
Might as well put up pics of Megyn Kelly too. They took all of a nano-second to go misogynist on her too.
I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

That is why I keep the Fluke avatar up. It just brings out the irrational hatred in the GOP like nothing else. They really can't help themselves from foaming at the mouth over her.
Might as well put up pics of Megyn Kelly too. They took all of a nano-second to go misogynist on her too.

She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

Your Rome is burning.....:D
No RW war on women here.

It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

That is why I keep the Fluke avatar up. It just brings out the irrational hatred in the GOP like nothing else. They really can't help themselves from foaming at the mouth over her.
Might as well put up pics of Megyn Kelly too. They took all of a nano-second to go misogynist on her too.

Nope...that's not misogynist in the least.
It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

That is why I keep the Fluke avatar up. It just brings out the irrational hatred in the GOP like nothing else. They really can't help themselves from foaming at the mouth over her.
Might as well put up pics of Megyn Kelly too. They took all of a nano-second to go misogynist on her too.

Nope...that's not misogynist in the least.
Human nature apparently defies liberal lesbians.

Let me ask, was shoving a cigar up an interns vagina misogynistic?
It's second nature to call women names. The only difference between rap stars and the GOP is the jewelry.
It certainly doesn't take much for them to default to the misogynist comments, does it?

That is why I keep the Fluke avatar up. It just brings out the irrational hatred in the GOP like nothing else. They really can't help themselves from foaming at the mouth over her.
Might as well put up pics of Megyn Kelly too. They took all of a nano-second to go misogynist on her too.

Nope...that's not misogynist in the least.
Jealous that no one wanted to "hit it" with you=/=misogynistic
See, it took all of 8 posts to justify the Fluke/Slut comment as "she's no stranger" to now talking about cigars, vaginas, and asking strangers if they are jealous about not being raped by a loser like you. You should be ashamed of yourself but you'd have to have a moral compass to violate first. We both know you lost that; likely before you went into Prison
See, it took all of 8 posts to justify the Fluke/Slut comment as "she's no stranger" to now talking about cigars, vaginas, and asking strangers if they are jealous about not being raped by a loser like you. You should be ashamed of yourself but you'd have to have a moral compass to violate first. We both know you lost that; likely before you went into Prison
Raped? Really?

That's why dumbfucks like you are on ignore & back you go.
Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.
We keep hearing from RWrs that President Obama wasn't qualified...that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified.

OK...who IS qualified and what is it that makes them qualified while President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not?
I said Obama was not qualified because he had yet to demonstrate leadership skills. Leadership skills, more than anything else, is key to a successful presidency. If you can not lead your staff, your cabinet, your people around you, you will fail.

I reviewed then senator Obama's resume. He had never led in a situation where finances and accountability were key. He never authored legislation that received bi partisan support. He never chaired a major committee. His only private sector job was with a law firm where, after 3 years, he was still not promoted to junior partner status and was still doing what he was originally hired to do....contract review.

Hillary Clinton had the chance to show us her leadership skills and as I laid out in an earlier post, she failed at the leadership part. She made some very questionable decisions that she, herself, admits were wrong.

As for Republican candidates....

Rubio was considered by BOTH sides of the aisle as an outstanding speaker of the House in Florida where he passed a multitude of bi partisan legislations....that takes great leadership skills.

Firorina, although very articulate and intelligent (like Obama), failed as a leader at HP...thus why she is off my list.

Jeb Bush did an outstanding job working with a spilt state as Governor...he showed great leadership skills. His name is his worst enemy.

Kasich has proven to be a great has Walker who did not kick scream and cry when the opposition tried to run him out of town.

Sorry...Hillary is not a great leader. She proved that to all of us. Yo9u can not cite a single thing she did as SoS that proved she was a great leader...I can (and have) cited several proving she wasn't.

Kasich and walker are "great" leaders. Oh...okay.

Well, you vote for Kasich and Walker and I'll (and millions more) will vote for Hillary. Good luck. You'll need it.
one does not need to agree with ones ideology to recognize one is a good leader.

Bill Clinton and I do not see eye to eye. But he is one of the greatest leaders of our time in my eyes.

But I noticed how, not once, have you cited facts to support your side of this debate. I was asked who is a good leader and I answered with reasons. Walker did not "give up" when confronted. Do you need to agree with his policies to see that such takes a strong leader?

I cited reasons why Hillary Is not a good address it by saying something like "I make it sound like she cant clothe herself"

I cited reasons why Rubio and others were a good respond with "walker and kisch good leaders?" in a sarcastic way.

But you refuse to debate facts. Compare notes.

You refuse teach....or learn.

You simply want the upper hand in a forum.

Quite immature if you ask me.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

Fluke is wealthy. She was not demanding birth control coverage for herself.

Right on cue

Our resident conservative wannabe is here to defend the left.
No, dumbass. I am correcting a falsehood. Big difference, dipshit.

I am very much opposed to the government dictating what benefits an employer should provide to their employees. See one example here.


The next time someone corrects an error and states the facts, try "Thank you" instead of hacking up even more bullshit.
Gee, and you're complaining about Donald Trump destroying the GOP. Listen to yourself...calling a woman a "slut" whom you'll never meet, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has met her.

IF you want to see why the GOP is circling the drain, you and Claudette should look in the mirror. You're both idiots.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

I've explained how wrong you are a number of times. You're simply too ignorant to understand it and too republican to admit you're wrong.

"She's not a woman"....oh; okay.
No RW war on women here.
Go eat some pussy & shut up. It's not like you understand the proper roles of man and woman anyhow
No RW war on women here. :rolleyes:
seems that's all you guys are interested in.

Nothing of substance such as the debate at hand.

I lost interest in this conversation.

She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

Fluke is wealthy. She was not demanding birth control coverage for herself.

Right on cue

Our resident conservative wannabe is here to defend the left.
No, dumbass. I am correcting a falsehood. Big difference, dipshit.

I am very much opposed to the government dictating what benefits an employer should provide to their employees, and I am on record saying so during the Fluke fiasco.


The next time someone corrects an error and states the facts, try "Thank you" instead of hacking up even more bullshit.
The only thing you need to correct are your delusions.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

Fluke is wealthy. She was not demanding birth control coverage for herself.

Right on cue

Our resident conservative wannabe is here to defend the left.
No, dumbass. I am correcting a falsehood. Big difference, dipshit.

I am very much opposed to the government dictating what benefits an employer should provide to their employees, and I am on record saying so during the Fluke fiasco.


The next time someone corrects an error and states the facts, try "Thank you" instead of hacking up even more bullshit.
The only thing you need to correct are your delusions.

See one example here.

You are the one who is deluded, and working hard to stay that way, willfully blind monkey.

It's a simple fact that Fluke was not demanding employer birth control coverage for herself. She was wealthy and had no trouble getting birth control. She was seeking the coverage on behalf of other women she knew. If you had listened to her testimony instead of getting your "information" filtered through Rush Limbaugh's bladder, you would know this.

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