
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass and Hilbat will be in the White House.

Shit Ingot can't see the truth because she's, well, a shit ingot. LOL
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For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.
What a wonderful old thread! :clap:
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.

8 years as FLOTUS
6+ years as Senator
4 as Sec of State.

Rubio had it right, she is the most qualified person running.

IF you could shrink your ass down to human size, you may be able to get someone to yank your head out of your voluminous posterior so you could see it. Oh wait, you're a lonely battleaxe with no friends at all.

Carry on.
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.

8 years as FLOTUS
6+ years as Senator
4 as Sec of State.

Rubio had it right, she is the most qualified person running.

IF you could shrink your ass down to human size, you may be able to get someone to yank your head out of your voluminous posterior so you could see it. Oh wait, you're a lonely battleaxe with no friends at all.

Carry on.
and the only one that required her to show leadership skills was the 4 years as Sos.

And during those 4 years, she failed as a her own admittance for all intents and purposes....


I did not know it was a bad idea to have lower level staffers that I hand picked to deny extra security to an embassy in the most volatile region in the world.

I did not know it was a bad idea to have an independent server seeing as someone may send me classified information.

I did not know something may be ultimately be deemed classified until it was labeled as classified.

I did not know it was a good idea to hire tech people around me that

So all you have is her resume of jobs....but nothing concrete to say why you support her.
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.
What a wonderful old thread! :clap:
It hurts sometimes to see your confident prophicies dug up and exposed to the world like that.. The reason to chill about them. Fortunatly I don't have any that can be dug up like that.
Oh look a troll with no substance to speak of of their own has to dig up old threads to come up with something to talk about.

Is anyone surprised?
Care to talk about that?
Numbers that are a result of... (paraphrased)...

the republicans are lying. You can keep your doctor.
the republicans are lying. You can keep your policy.
the republicans are lying. Terrorism is on the run.
The republicans are lying. The economy is in much better shape.

Those numbers do not show how well Obama did. They show how naïve the electorate can be and how Obama knew it and capitalized on it.

You know...sort of how Hillary is doing it now. You know...."I wanted to have 2 email addresses"....and....."I gave 33,000 emails" know....all that stuff.
I'm gonna guess that Rabbi handed candyass a whipping in some current thread so naturally candyass bumped an old thread to get even.
Pretty childish but common among the dumbfucks on the left.
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.
Obama was a learn on the job guy....

and what did we get?

I found out about it on the news.

I found out about it in the papers

I found out about it when you guys found out about it.

I did not know.

They are a JV team.

(paraphrased)....'there must be some sort of thing we can get out of this Michael Brown thing to make the white man look bad'
Oh look a troll with no substance to speak of of their own has to dig up old threads to come up with something to talk about.

Is anyone surprised?
Care to talk about that?
I don't have serious discussions with dumbass trolls. I had to unignore the ignored just to figure out who was bumping the old irrelevant thread.
Not the least bit surprised it was a loser like you.
Still have that SLUT as your avatar I see.
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.

8 years as FLOTUS
6+ years as Senator
4 as Sec of State.

Rubio had it right, she is the most qualified person running.

IF you could shrink your ass down to human size, you may be able to get someone to yank your head out of your voluminous posterior so you could see it. Oh wait, you're a lonely battleaxe with no friends at all.

Carry on.

LMAO I'll shrink my size 6 when you shrink your size 26 asswipe.

8 years as FLOTUS
6+ years as Senator
4 as Sec of State.

Yup and she wasn't a success at any of them. More of a pain in the ass for anyone who had to deal with her.

Oh and speaking of friendless battleaxes you should know all about that title.

Carry On.
and the only one that required her to show leadership skills was the 4 years as Sos.
And during those 4 years, she failed as a her own admittance for all intents and purposes....
I did not know it was a bad idea to have lower level staffers that I hand picked to deny extra security to an embassy in the most volatile region in the world.
I did not know it was a bad idea to have an independent server seeing as someone may send me classified information.
I did not know something may be ultimately be deemed classified until it was labeled as classified.
I did not know it was a good idea to hire tech people around me that
Wow, she should be easy to beat then.

So all you have is her resume of jobs....but nothing concrete to say why you support her.

Oh, you're asking me a question to why I support her. After reading all of your comments, I doubt she knows how to feed or clothe herself.

As long as she will appoint center-left jurists to the high court, I'll support her. If you were to look at my reasons for supporting Obama in 2012, it was for the same reasons. Both parties are out to lunch fiscally. Both are needlessly partisan. Both are equally beholden to special interests.

Anyone telling you that they are different are telling you a story.
the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?


Shit ingot, otherwise known as Candy Corn, is a supporter of Hilbat and doesn't care that the woman isn't competent to be POTUS.

She will support her to the bitter end and doesn't want to hear about how incompetent the woman is or how she failed in every position she's ever held. Shit Ingot doesn't care.

In fact she will tell you Hilbat's campaign is kicking ass.
Putting Candycorn aside.......I just don't get it.

All I hear about is Hillary's leadership skills...

But when we look at her experience as a leader we have "I didn't know about the request for more security" and "in retrospect, it was a bad idea" and "How can I know something WILL be deemed classified before it is"...

I mean.....she keeps admitting she was not a good leader....yet being a good leader seems to be her selling point.

I don't get it.

It's not hard JH. She wants to be POTUS and doesn't give a shit that she's not qualified. She's never been a leader but she thinks she can do the job. The presidency isn't the place to learn how to be a leader. You must be a leader to be POTUS.

How folks can support her knowing she's not leader is beyond me. The woman has proven time and time again that she's isn't a leader and has no clue how to be one. She also doesn't seem to have a lick of common sense.

Yet people like CC and others will support her no matter what.

8 years FLOTUS
6+ years as Senator
4 Years as Sec of State.

Rubio was right; she is the most qualified person running. As for being "beyond you", we can add hygiene to that list.
Oh look a troll with no substance to speak of of their own has to dig up old threads to come up with something to talk about.

Is anyone surprised?
Care to talk about that?
I don't have serious discussions with dumbass trolls. I had to unignore the ignored just to figure out who was bumping the old irrelevant thread.
Not the least bit surprised it was a loser like you.
Still have that SLUT as your avatar I see.

Gee, and you're complaining about Donald Trump destroying the GOP. Listen to yourself...calling a woman a "slut" whom you'll never meet, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has met her.

IF you want to see why the GOP is circling the drain, you and Claudette should look in the mirror. You're both idiots.
Oh look a troll with no substance to speak of of their own has to dig up old threads to come up with something to talk about.

Is anyone surprised?
Care to talk about that?
I don't have serious discussions with dumbass trolls. I had to unignore the ignored just to figure out who was bumping the old irrelevant thread.
Not the least bit surprised it was a loser like you.
Still have that SLUT as your avatar I see.

Gee, and you're complaining about Donald Trump destroying the GOP. Listen to yourself...calling a woman a "slut" whom you'll never meet, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has met her.

IF you want to see why the GOP is circling the drain, you and Claudette should look in the mirror. You're both idiots.
She is not a woman. She is a leech on society who needs you & me to pay for her sexual encounters because she has them so often she can't afford them herself.

No surprise that you hide behind the pussy coward.

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