

Wow, thanks to whoever dragged this thread out of oblivion. There were several like this, but this is a great example of, well, you know.

They created their own comfy little world, and they haven't left it yet.


It was me. Love twisting the knife.

Considering the way they were behaving, I don't blame you.

What was clear from the beginning was that they were somehow confusing how they thought people should vote, based on their political opinions, instead of what the numbers were showing objectively. That's a pretty naive way to look at something. Of course, their "leaders" were doing precisely the same thing.


Just part of that little world they created.


UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics
It was me. Love twisting the knife.

Considering the way they were behaving, I don't blame you.

What was clear from the beginning was that they were somehow confusing how they thought people should vote, based on their political opinions, instead of what the numbers were showing objectively. That's a pretty naive way to look at something. Of course, their "leaders" were doing precisely the same thing.


Just part of that little world they created.


UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Geesh, 31/2 million "popular" votes for a win is nothing to brag about, albeit a "win is a win" regardless of how one buys their votes.

"Among the "gifts" Romney cited were free health care "in perpetuity," which he said was highly motivational to black and Hispanic voters as well as for voters making $25,000 to $35,000 a year.

Romney: Obama won with 'gifts' to certain voters
Considering the way they were behaving, I don't blame you.

What was clear from the beginning was that they were somehow confusing how they thought people should vote, based on their political opinions, instead of what the numbers were showing objectively. That's a pretty naive way to look at something. Of course, their "leaders" were doing precisely the same thing.


Just part of that little world they created.


UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Geesh, 31/2 million "popular" votes for a win is nothing to brag about, albeit a "win is a win" regardless of how one buys their votes.

"Among the "gifts" Romney cited were free health care "in perpetuity," which he said was highly motivational to black and Hispanic voters as well as for voters making $25,000 to $35,000 a year.

Romney: Obama won with 'gifts' to certain voters

If he wanted to win he should have put on a better show. I am not pleased with him or his campaign strategy. "In the call, Romney didn't acknowledge any major missteps, such as his "47 percent" remarks widely viewed as denigrating nearly half of Americans, his lack of support for the auto bailout, his call for illegal immigrants to "self-deport," or his change in position on abortion, gun control and other issues. He also didn't address the success or failure of the campaign's strategy of focusing on the economy in the face of some improvement in employment and economic growth during the months leading up to Election Day."

He is a numbers guy he should have focused better on that, while showing how his strategy could have improved life for all.
Considering the way they were behaving, I don't blame you.

What was clear from the beginning was that they were somehow confusing how they thought people should vote, based on their political opinions, instead of what the numbers were showing objectively. That's a pretty naive way to look at something. Of course, their "leaders" were doing precisely the same thing.


Just part of that little world they created.


UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Geesh, 31/2 million "popular" votes for a win is nothing to brag about, albeit a "win is a win" regardless of how one buys their votes.

"Among the "gifts" Romney cited were free health care "in perpetuity," which he said was highly motivational to black and Hispanic voters as well as for voters making $25,000 to $35,000 a year.

Romney: Obama won with 'gifts' to certain voters

A win is a win.....but you wouldnt know about that.. tee hee
Considering the way they were behaving, I don't blame you.

What was clear from the beginning was that they were somehow confusing how they thought people should vote, based on their political opinions, instead of what the numbers were showing objectively. That's a pretty naive way to look at something. Of course, their "leaders" were doing precisely the same thing.


Just part of that little world they created.


UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Geesh, 31/2 million "popular" votes for a win is nothing to brag about, albeit a "win is a win" regardless of how one buys their votes.

"Among the "gifts" Romney cited were free health care "in perpetuity," which he said was highly motivational to black and Hispanic voters as well as for voters making $25,000 to $35,000 a year.

Romney: Obama won with 'gifts' to certain voters

You RWers just didn't like where the "gifts' were going.
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.

How'd it go?
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Oh, the Tea Party whackos have been wrong on most everything

I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Gee Shit Ingot its nice to see you're still an asshole and a bigger bitch than ever.

And you're right. I was wrong but then who knew there so many stupid voters out there.

We'll all be watching to see if the DNC grabs its crotch and yanks you're hero Hilbat. She's got so much baggage I doubt she can even see the door. The DNC can do better than that POS.

If they support someone else and tell Hilbat to take a hike I think you'll be in the corner crying.

Oh and you can kiss my ass. Asshole. LOL
Last edited:
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Gee Shit Ingot its nice to see you're still an asshole and a bigger bitch than ever.

And you're right. I was wrong but then who knew there so many stupid voters out there.
Seriously you ignorant fuck stain, when has one of your predictions ever come to fruition?
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Gee Shit Ingot its nice to see you're still an asshole and a bigger bitch than ever.

And you're right. I was wrong but then who knew there so many stupid voters out there.
Seriously you ignorant fuck stain, when has one of your predictions ever come to fruition?
Candy, can't you get along with anyone? I have discussed issues in the past with you, I know you can do that.
I can appreciate your anger with what is happening with Hillary, but it doesn't mean yet that she isn't going to take the crown. Both parties are in a state of flux.
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Gee Shit Ingot its nice to see you're still an asshole and a bigger bitch than ever.

And you're right. I was wrong but then who knew there so many stupid voters out there.
Seriously you ignorant fuck stain, when has one of your predictions ever come to fruition?

Glad to see you're still here you ignorant Shit Ingot.

Lets see if your prediction comes to fruition.

If you've still rooting for Hilbat I doubt it. LOL
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Gee Shit Ingot its nice to see you're still an asshole and a bigger bitch than ever.

And you're right. I was wrong but then who knew there so many stupid voters out there.
Seriously you ignorant fuck stain, when has one of your predictions ever come to fruition?
Candy, can't you get along with anyone?
I don't have time for political correctness. LOL
I have discussed issues in the past with you, I know you can do that.
I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
I can appreciate your anger with what is happening with Hillary,
What is happening with Hillary? Oh yeah, she is kicking ass, remaining on-message, and will easily win the nomination. The Presidency is within grasp.
but it doesn't mean yet that she isn't going to take the crown. Both parties are in a state of flux.
The Democrats are united behind Hillary.
For all the talk about a close election, it aint gonna happen. We are looking at a landslide ala 1980. Romney has all the advantages here. Obama is sucking wind. While the polls look close I suspect a lot of people who say they support Obama do so because they dont want t be perceived as racist.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting 47% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Romney has a 20-point advantage among white voters. Obama is supported by 91% of black voters and 57% of other minority voters.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen concludes that for Obama to win, “he will need to improve his own job approval rating between now and Election Day. For that to happen, perceptions of the economy will have to reverse their current downward trend.”
With the economy headed towards another recession that wont happen.

For those who doubt it, polls for Walker's recount showed a dead heat right up until actual results, when he won big.




the democrats are behind Hillary? Why? Lets see....

She required an independent review board to advise her that she should not allow lower level state department employees to make unilateral decisions as it pertains to embassy security in the most volatile region in the world. That's a leader?

As secretary of state she apparently did not recognize what will be deemed as classified information before it was deemed classified. That is someone,as President, you want to determine what should be classified information ?

She allowed a high level state department employee (herself) to use an independent server from the government server knowing the possibility existed that someone would send that person classified and or "top secret" information. That is the person you want to be make\ing very sensitive decisions as it pertains national security?

She nor any of the people she hand picked were aware that you can have more than one email address on any handheld device...something 10 years olds know. That is the person you want hand picking cabinet members?

Now, sure, many other candidates may not have the credentials to be president. Some of them we just don't know....others have failures in their background so we do know.

But you don't see the above as failures that prove she is not worthy of the presidency of the United States?

Oh look a troll with no substance to speak of of their own has to dig up old threads to come up with something to talk about.

Is anyone surprised?
What is happening with Hillary? Oh yeah, she is kicking ass, remaining on-message, and will easily win the nomination. The Presidency is within grasp.
I to think Romney will win big.

I can't for the life of me see how anyone with at least one working brain cell can think Barry has done a good job as POTUS.

He got voted in because folks were sick of Bush and the Reps. The pendulum swung big for the Dems in 2008. I think its gonna swing the other way come Nov.

Its gonna be all about the economy and people will be voting with their pocketbooks.

Barry had his shot and his policies ain't worked worth shit. Time for someone else to try and straighten out the mess.

Gee bitch, who'd thought you'd be so wrong so often?

Gee Shit Ingot its nice to see you're still an asshole and a bigger bitch than ever.

And you're right. I was wrong but then who knew there so many stupid voters out there.
Seriously you ignorant fuck stain, when has one of your predictions ever come to fruition?
Candy, can't you get along with anyone?
I don't have time for political correctness. LOL
I have discussed issues in the past with you, I know you can do that.
I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
I can appreciate your anger with what is happening with Hillary,
What is happening with Hillary? Oh yeah, she is kicking ass, remaining on-message, and will easily win the nomination. The Presidency is within grasp.
but it doesn't mean yet that she isn't going to take the crown. Both parties are in a state of flux.
The Democrats are united behind Hillary.


Please see my sig. I have added your quote along with Stat's. Should be interesting to see how the predictions turn out. :D

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