You are an idiot.

You have displayed your lack of sensitivity to those who died at OK city.

You now display your lack of character and lack of ability to discuss.

I knew two people (children) that lost their lives that day, you miserable little twit.

you just don't quit

I was on the phone with a guy who was 15 miles from the center of OKC at the moment when the bombs detonated. He stopped speaking, excused himself and then said, "My god, sorry for the interruption but I think I've just heard the loudest sonic boom we've ever had in this area".

He called me back later to tell me what it was he had actually heard and he was devastated, as was everyone.

Swish. The point is selfie girl is using it for cheap political points against the right who mostly thought Timmy should get the death penalty and guns which weren't involved in the attack, then when she gets challenged she starts crying about the children she knew and we're a bunch of meanies. Then she didn't care about the children who died in Waco or Vicki Weaver, suddenly that wasn't actually a standard

And slowly, inch by inch, kaz starts to justify what McVeigh did.
What a crock of shit. That whole incident could have been avoided if white supremacist, Randy Weaver had only cooperated, instead he was an anti-government, paranoid lunatic who refused to cooperate, or even attend his court hearings. His wife believed that the apocalypse was imminent. What happened was unfortunate, but it could have all been avoided.

So they killed his wife, OK, I get it now, thanks for explaining.

Now that you explained Ruby Ridge so equivalently, what about Waco and all the people the government killed there?

There are conflicting stories about the shootout, and I wasn't there. Both were situations that involved gun crazy idiots. It makes no difference of what happened during Ruby Ridge or Waco. That's not justification for murdering 168 people, so why even bring it up?
I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.
Just couldn't help yourself in making it political.

McVeigh made it political. He stated, first and foremost, that the bombing was revenge for Waco and other actions by the federal government.

He was right that Waco and Ruby Ridge were government attrocities, but killing people wasn't the solution to that, it was unmitigated murder, it doesn't matter if he was right.

That has nothing to do with selifie girl making the anniversary political


Next he'll be telling you that terrorists shooting abortion doctors isn't political.

You two are too stupid to breathe
Just couldn't help yourself in making it political.

McVeigh made it political. He stated, first and foremost, that the bombing was revenge for Waco and other actions by the federal government.

He was right that Waco and Ruby Ridge were government attrocities, but killing people wasn't the solution to that, it was unmitigated murder, it doesn't matter if he was right.

That has nothing to do with selifie girl making the anniversary political


Next he'll be telling you that terrorists shooting abortion doctors isn't political.

You two are too stupid to breathe

Tim McVeigh was a rightwing American terrorist. That is an inescapable fact.
You have displayed your lack of sensitivity to those who died at OK city.

You now display your lack of character and lack of ability to discuss.

I knew two people (children) that lost their lives that day, you miserable little twit.

you just don't quit

I was on the phone with a guy who was 15 miles from the center of OKC at the moment when the bombs detonated. He stopped speaking, excused himself and then said, "My god, sorry for the interruption but I think I've just heard the loudest sonic boom we've ever had in this area".

He called me back later to tell me what it was he had actually heard and he was devastated, as was everyone.

Swish. The point is selfie girl is using it for cheap political points against the right who mostly thought Timmy should get the death penalty and guns which weren't involved in the attack, then when she gets challenged she starts crying about the children she knew and we're a bunch of meanies. Then she didn't care about the children who died in Waco or Vicki Weaver, suddenly that wasn't actually a standard

And slowly, inch by inch, kaz starts to justify what McVeigh did.

OK, so your standard is that if someone kills someone over something you agree with their position on but in no way did you believe anyone should be murdered, you would change your view on the position or you are justifying that they committed murder. Seriously? Somehow I think once again you just proved that you are a liar
McVeigh made it political. He stated, first and foremost, that the bombing was revenge for Waco and other actions by the federal government.

He was right that Waco and Ruby Ridge were government attrocities, but killing people wasn't the solution to that, it was unmitigated murder, it doesn't matter if he was right.

That has nothing to do with selifie girl making the anniversary political


Next he'll be telling you that terrorists shooting abortion doctors isn't political.

You two are too stupid to breathe

Tim McVeigh was a rightwing American terrorist. That is an inescapable fact.

Yep, a fact that has zero to do with my point
What a crock of shit. That whole incident could have been avoided if white supremacist, Randy Weaver had only cooperated, instead he was an anti-government, paranoid lunatic who refused to cooperate, or even attend his court hearings. His wife believed that the apocalypse was imminent. What happened was unfortunate, but it could have all been avoided.

So they killed his wife, OK, I get it now, thanks for explaining.

Now that you explained Ruby Ridge so equivalently, what about Waco and all the people the government killed there?

There are conflicting stories about the shootout, and I wasn't there. Both were situations that involved gun crazy idiots. It makes no difference of what happened during Ruby Ridge or Waco. That's not justification for murdering 168 people, so why even bring it up?

I didn't bring it up, you did
McVeigh made it political. He stated, first and foremost, that the bombing was revenge for Waco and other actions by the federal government.

He was right that Waco and Ruby Ridge were government attrocities, but killing people wasn't the solution to that, it was unmitigated murder, it doesn't matter if he was right.

That has nothing to do with selifie girl making the anniversary political


Next he'll be telling you that terrorists shooting abortion doctors isn't political.

You two are too stupid to breathe

Tim McVeigh was a rightwing American terrorist. That is an inescapable fact.
another libturd dancing on victims graves, what a scumbag.
I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.

There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.
Oklahoma City is what happens when some rightwinger actually starts believing the rightwing rants about the Declaration of Independence.
Oh look, another conspiracy kook.
So you think McVeigh and Nichols acted alone?
"It’s not just conspiracy theorists who doubt McVeigh dreamed up the plot by himself and carried it out with just Terry Nichols for help.

Larry Mackey, the No 2 prosecutor against McVeigh and the lead prosecutor against Nichols, has acknowledged his team did not entirely believe it, either. 'If you had said to us: "Anybody in the room 100% confident that McVeigh was alone, raise your hand," we would have all kept our hands in our laps,' Mackey told me in 2010."
Oklahoma City bombing 20 years later key questions remain unanswered
He was right that Waco and Ruby Ridge were government attrocities, but killing people wasn't the solution to that, it was unmitigated murder, it doesn't matter if he was right.

That has nothing to do with selifie girl making the anniversary political


Next he'll be telling you that terrorists shooting abortion doctors isn't political.

You two are too stupid to breathe

Tim McVeigh was a rightwing American terrorist. That is an inescapable fact.
another libturd dancing on victims graves, what a scumbag.

As opposed to you never blaming Muslims for 9/11?
Oh look, another conspiracy kook.
So you think McVeigh and Nichols acted alone?
"It’s not just conspiracy theorists who doubt McVeigh dreamed up the plot by himself and carried it out with just Terry Nichols for help.

Larry Mackey, the No 2 prosecutor against McVeigh and the lead prosecutor against Nichols, has acknowledged his team did not entirely believe it, either. 'If you had said to us: "Anybody in the room 100% confident that McVeigh was alone, raise your hand," we would have all kept our hands in our laps,' Mackey told me in 2010."
Oklahoma City bombing 20 years later key questions remain unanswered

Take it to the conspiracy section...
I knew two people (children) that lost their lives that day, you miserable little twit.

you just don't quit

I was on the phone with a guy who was 15 miles from the center of OKC at the moment when the bombs detonated. He stopped speaking, excused himself and then said, "My god, sorry for the interruption but I think I've just heard the loudest sonic boom we've ever had in this area".

He called me back later to tell me what it was he had actually heard and he was devastated, as was everyone.

I thought it was thunder, then I got up and looked out the window, there was not a cloud in the sky.
I was sent on active duty one week before the blast, if not I would have been downtown at the Murrah bldg at the Federal Employees Credit Union...

I'm a procrastinator, otherwise I would have been at the SS office when they opened, getting my daughters SS card. She was 2 1/2 weeks old. I was calling the SS office to make sure I had all the documents needed at the time of the bombing.

Glad you were called to duty! :)
It wasn't the first time I cheated death..
My sister and I worked at Sirloin Stockade when Roger Dale Stafford robbed the place and murdered all the employees(1977)....We had ditched work that night to go to an Aerosmith concert..
I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.

There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.

Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

Next he'll be telling you that terrorists shooting abortion doctors isn't political.

You two are too stupid to breathe

Tim McVeigh was a rightwing American terrorist. That is an inescapable fact.
another libturd dancing on victims graves, what a scumbag.

As opposed to you never blaming Muslims for 9/11?

non-sequitur. I know you won't get that since you have no ability for critical thinking
you just don't quit

I was on the phone with a guy who was 15 miles from the center of OKC at the moment when the bombs detonated. He stopped speaking, excused himself and then said, "My god, sorry for the interruption but I think I've just heard the loudest sonic boom we've ever had in this area".

He called me back later to tell me what it was he had actually heard and he was devastated, as was everyone.

I thought it was thunder, then I got up and looked out the window, there was not a cloud in the sky.
I was sent on active duty one week before the blast, if not I would have been downtown at the Murrah bldg at the Federal Employees Credit Union...

I'm a procrastinator, otherwise I would have been at the SS office when they opened, getting my daughters SS card. She was 2 1/2 weeks old. I was calling the SS office to make sure I had all the documents needed at the time of the bombing.

Glad you were called to duty! :)
It wasn't the first time I cheated death..
My sister and I worked at Sirloin Stockade when Roger Dale Stafford robbed the place and murdered all the employees(1977)....We had ditched work that night to go to an Aerosmith concert..

Holy cow! I remember that. I haven't thought about that incident in a long time. I was only 12. You are one lucky person!

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