I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.

There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.

Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.
I was on the phone with a guy who was 15 miles from the center of OKC at the moment when the bombs detonated. He stopped speaking, excused himself and then said, "My god, sorry for the interruption but I think I've just heard the loudest sonic boom we've ever had in this area".

He called me back later to tell me what it was he had actually heard and he was devastated, as was everyone.

I thought it was thunder, then I got up and looked out the window, there was not a cloud in the sky.
I was sent on active duty one week before the blast, if not I would have been downtown at the Murrah bldg at the Federal Employees Credit Union...

I'm a procrastinator, otherwise I would have been at the SS office when they opened, getting my daughters SS card. She was 2 1/2 weeks old. I was calling the SS office to make sure I had all the documents needed at the time of the bombing.

Glad you were called to duty! :)
It wasn't the first time I cheated death..
My sister and I worked at Sirloin Stockade when Roger Dale Stafford robbed the place and murdered all the employees(1977)....We had ditched work that night to go to an Aerosmith concert..

Holy cow! I remember that. I haven't thought about that incident in a long time. I was only 12. You are one lucky person!
Yes..I is..I have had a couple more times I missed death too, but maybe later I will tell.....I always lived on the south side of OKC.....Moore also and Norman while in the Nasty Guard and college...
Take it to the conspiracy section...
You seem to be swallowing the conspiracy here.
"The original plan, according to several sources, including an FBI informant, had been to blow up not the Murrah building but the federal courthouse next door. The two buildings shared an underground garage and McVeigh’s crew was supposed to plant the bomb there, much as Ramzi Yousef had planted a fertilizer bomb beneath the World Trade Center in New York two years earlier – an attack McVeigh had studied and vowed to improve upon.

"The Ryder truck was first seen downtown around 8am, 50 minutes before McVeigh later claimed to have arrived, but could not get into the garage because the truck was too tall – a clamorous miscalculation confirmed to the Guardian by both senior government sources and members of the radical far right. There followed a nerve-wracking hour in which people and vehicles associated with the Ryder truck were spotted several times around downtown and adjoining neighborhoods.

"Plan B was, apparently, to park the truck in an alley between the federal courthouse and the Old Post Office building, site of Oklahoma’s main bankruptcy court. But the truck had to back out of the alley, said multiple sources, because a US Marshals Service truck was already there dropping off a prisoner.

"Parking the bomb in the handicapped spot directly below the daycare center was Plan C and – as far as anyone can tell – McVeigh’s idea alone.

"If, as seems likely, McVeigh was left suddenly alone at this point, the 18-year-old Mercury Marquis may have been the only car available to him. Everything about it, including the missing license plates and the propaganda materials left on the front passenger seat, suggest it was meant to be kept close to the bomb site and provide a 'signature' for the attack. It became a getaway car only as a desperation measure.

Oklahoma City bombing 20 years later key questions remain unanswered
The government shut down the investigation and kept McVeigh in isolation finally executing him in a record 7 years as opposed to the average 14 years. How could McVeigh have driven the truck and his own car at the same time? The government never seriously looked for the notorious "John Doe #2" . McVeigh's associates who were convicted were not at the blast scene.Indications are that the entire scenario was cooked up by the ATF as a "sting" that went terribly wrong. A judge was told to postpone court before the explosion and there were no ATF agents in an otherwise busy office at the time of the blast. McVeigh was captured quickly because the Feds already knew who he was and what he was driving..
It must be sad and awful to be a sick as you are. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I agree! We need a forum therapist for the board nutters. :p
I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.

There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.

Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?
I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

McVeigh was a nutjob and no way belonged to the right. He was a lone radical. You guys are the ones who try to avoid talking about 9/11 because it was muslim terrorists and it was one of a great many attacks. And it's never one or two crazies, there are hundreds of millions of them.

Everyone denounced McVeigh. The left attempted to vilify the right over that and acted like every Republican should answer for it.

The guy was as crazy as they come and only other murderous lunatics would identify with him. Stop the bullshit of trying to wrap him around the necks of every conservative.

Usually you guys blame the victims. Well, the Clinton administration offended this lunatic, so they should apologize for doing that and provoking an attack.
I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.

There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.

Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?

That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.
I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

McVeigh was a nutjob and no way belonged to the right. He was a lone radical. You guys are the ones who try to avoid talking about 9/11 because it was muslim terrorists and it was one of a great many attacks. And it's never one or two crazies, there are hundreds of millions of them.

Everyone denounced McVeigh. The left attempted to vilify the right over that and acted like every Republican should answer for it.

The guy was as crazy as they come and only other murderous lunatics would identify with him. Stop the bullshit of trying to wrap him around the necks of every conservative.

If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it....simple.

Currently, there are 784 known hate groups operating across the country, including neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, black separatists, border vigilantes and others.

Since 2000, the number of hate groups has increased by 30 percent. This surge has been fueled by anger and fear over the nation’s ailing economy, an influx of non-white immigrants, and the diminishing white majority, as symbolized by the election of the nation’s first African-American president.

Hate and Extremism Southern Poverty Law Center

The left celebrated when Osama bin Laden was killed, the right pouted.

We're not talking about 9-11 because this thread is about the OKC bombing.
oh look another libturd dancing on the graves of the dead to make a pathetic political point.

There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.

Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?

That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Say someone murders someone opposed to your right to send naken selfies of yourself and send them to people. I'm guessing that you don't believe people should be killing other people to protect that. So you're telling me at that point your choices are to be OK with the murder, or change positions and oppose the right to take naked selfies and send them out. That is your standard. Seriously you want us to believe that.

A guy murders the clerk in a 7/11 because they sell coke Slurpies. You would either demand 7/11 stop selling coke slurpies or you would be supporting murder.

Liberals are such simpletons. Again, this is why conversations with you people never go anywhere. You can't process a point.
There's no political point to be made, moron. It's a well known fact that McVeigh was a rightwinger and this was politically motivated. You're an idiot.

Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?

That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Say someone murders someone opposed to your right to send naken selfies of yourself and send them to people. I'm guessing that you don't believe people should be killing other people to protect that. So you're telling me at that point your choices are to be OK with the murder, or change positions and oppose the right to take naked selfies and send them out. That is your standard. Seriously you want us to believe that.

A guy murders the clerk in a 7/11 because they sell coke Slurpies. You would either demand 7/11 stop selling coke slurpies or you would be supporting murder.

Liberals are such simpletons. Again, this is why conversations with you people never go anywhere. You can't process a point.

WTF are you blabbering about?
Swish, liberals are so dumb it's funny.

The point is YOU made the discussion political, it didn't need to be. No one said McVeigh didn't do it as a political statement, he did. Yet again, no discussion with a liberal goes anywhere because you don't understand anything and you can't follow a discussion

I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?

That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Say someone murders someone opposed to your right to send naken selfies of yourself and send them to people. I'm guessing that you don't believe people should be killing other people to protect that. So you're telling me at that point your choices are to be OK with the murder, or change positions and oppose the right to take naked selfies and send them out. That is your standard. Seriously you want us to believe that.

A guy murders the clerk in a 7/11 because they sell coke Slurpies. You would either demand 7/11 stop selling coke slurpies or you would be supporting murder.

Liberals are such simpletons. Again, this is why conversations with you people never go anywhere. You can't process a point.

WTF are you blabbering about?

I knew you woudn't get it.

You are saying my choices are to change sides and disagree with Tim McVeigh's views or I'm OK with murder. I can't agree with him but disagree with what he did.

So that's your standard. If anyone kills someone for something you agree with but you do not think they should have committed murder, then you are saying you would either change sides or you would be OK with murder. It's an idiotic position. And you are just the idiot to have it.
I remember 20 years ago today, as if it were yesterday. Twenty years ago, the Alfred P Murrah building was bombed by right wing terrorist Timothy McVeigh, an anti-government, gun toting nutcase.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing


(Reuters) - When Priscilla Salyers attends Sunday's anniversary ceremony for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, she will be thinking how far she has come in fighting depression and survivor's guilt.

She and hundreds of other survivors will bow their heads at the 20th Remembrance Ceremony at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, marking the day a cargo truck with more than two tons of explosives blew up, killing 168 people.

Salyers plummeted five floors when the fuel-and-fertilizer bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

She remembers the sound, remembers locking eyes with a coworker she would never see alive again and remembers the chaos and noise as the floor disintegrated under her feet. She was trapped in the rubble of the nine-story building for hours, her head beneath a 25-foot column of concrete.

Anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing, and accomplice Terry Nichols were tried and convicted on federal charges. McVeigh was executed, and Nichols received multiple life prison sentences.

Today, the depression does not haunt Salyers as often. The survivor's guilt is not as razor sharp. Helping to design the memorial was a step in her healing.

"I hope we are an inspiration to those who are starting their own journey to healing," Salyers said. "I hope people see that life goes on. So many of us have picked up the pieces and kept moving forward."

Among survivors attending the ceremony will be some of the "miracle babies," six men and women who were aged under 5 and were in the building's daycare center when the bomb exploded.

Despite seared lungs, ravaged faces and mental and psychological scars, they try not to dwell on the past and move on.

One of the daycare babies, Joseph Webb, said he feels like he must share his story to remind the public of what happened that day, but he will not attend on Sunday.

"For me, it's too distracting from the solemnity, the austerity that I want to experience on my own," Webb said.

Former President Bill Clinton, who was in his first term in office when the bombing happened, is scheduled to close the memorial service.

Other officials scheduled to attend are former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, Mayor Mick Cornett and Governor Mary Fallin.

"The lessons learned twenty years ago on April 19, 1995 – and in the months and years thereafter – have changed the way America responds to violence and terrorism," Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, said in a statement.

Survivors gather for 20th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing Reuters

A christian terrorist attack

Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995.Neocons and Republicans grow angry and uncomfortable whenever Timothy McVeigh is cited as an example of a non-Islamic terrorist. Pointing out that a non-Muslim white male carried out an attack as vicious and deadly as the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t fit into their narrative that only Muslims and people of color are capable of carrying out terrorist attacks. Neocons will claim that bringing up McVeigh’s name during a discussion of terrorism is a “red herring” that distracts us from fighting radical Islamists, but that downplays the cruel, destructive nature of the attack.

Prior to the al-Qaeda attacks of 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing McVeigh orchestrated was the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S. history: 168 people were killed and more than 600 were injured. When McVeigh used a rented truck filled with explosives to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, his goal was to kill as many people as possible. McVeigh was motivated by an extreme hatred for the U.S. government and saw the attack as revenge for the Ruby Ridge incident of 1992 and the Waco Siege in 1993. He had white supremacist leanings as well (when he was in the U.S. Army, McVeigh was reprimanded for wearing a “white power” T-shirt he had bought at a KKK demonstration). McVeigh was executed on June 11, 2001. He should have served life without parole instead, as a living reminder of the type of viciousness the extreme right is capable of.
I understand that you want to forget about the fact that this was done by a rightwing extremist, I truly do.

You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?

That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Say someone murders someone opposed to your right to send naken selfies of yourself and send them to people. I'm guessing that you don't believe people should be killing other people to protect that. So you're telling me at that point your choices are to be OK with the murder, or change positions and oppose the right to take naked selfies and send them out. That is your standard. Seriously you want us to believe that.

A guy murders the clerk in a 7/11 because they sell coke Slurpies. You would either demand 7/11 stop selling coke slurpies or you would be supporting murder.

Liberals are such simpletons. Again, this is why conversations with you people never go anywhere. You can't process a point.

WTF are you blabbering about?

I knew you woudn't get it.

You are saying my choices are to change sides and disagree with Tim McVeigh's views or I'm OK with murder. I can't agree with him but disagree with what he did.

So that's your standard. If anyone kills someone for something you agree with but you do not think they should have committed murder, then you are saying you would either change sides or you would be OK with murder. It's an idiotic position. And you are just the idiot to have it.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said you justified McVeigh's terrorist act, I said you were trying to justify his ideology. There's a big difference there.
You can't cure stupid with information, can you? Go back to snapping nudie pictures of yourself, this is all too complicated for you. You're used to that, aren't you?

That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Say someone murders someone opposed to your right to send naken selfies of yourself and send them to people. I'm guessing that you don't believe people should be killing other people to protect that. So you're telling me at that point your choices are to be OK with the murder, or change positions and oppose the right to take naked selfies and send them out. That is your standard. Seriously you want us to believe that.

A guy murders the clerk in a 7/11 because they sell coke Slurpies. You would either demand 7/11 stop selling coke slurpies or you would be supporting murder.

Liberals are such simpletons. Again, this is why conversations with you people never go anywhere. You can't process a point.

WTF are you blabbering about?

I knew you woudn't get it.

You are saying my choices are to change sides and disagree with Tim McVeigh's views or I'm OK with murder. I can't agree with him but disagree with what he did.

So that's your standard. If anyone kills someone for something you agree with but you do not think they should have committed murder, then you are saying you would either change sides or you would be OK with murder. It's an idiotic position. And you are just the idiot to have it.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said you justified McVeigh's terrorist act, I said you were trying to justify his ideology. There's a big difference there.
It's akin to saying you aren't stupid, you are just being trying to be so. It's a pretty ditsy argument.
That sounds better than listening to you try to justify McVeigh's ideology with Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Say someone murders someone opposed to your right to send naken selfies of yourself and send them to people. I'm guessing that you don't believe people should be killing other people to protect that. So you're telling me at that point your choices are to be OK with the murder, or change positions and oppose the right to take naked selfies and send them out. That is your standard. Seriously you want us to believe that.

A guy murders the clerk in a 7/11 because they sell coke Slurpies. You would either demand 7/11 stop selling coke slurpies or you would be supporting murder.

Liberals are such simpletons. Again, this is why conversations with you people never go anywhere. You can't process a point.

WTF are you blabbering about?

I knew you woudn't get it.

You are saying my choices are to change sides and disagree with Tim McVeigh's views or I'm OK with murder. I can't agree with him but disagree with what he did.

So that's your standard. If anyone kills someone for something you agree with but you do not think they should have committed murder, then you are saying you would either change sides or you would be OK with murder. It's an idiotic position. And you are just the idiot to have it.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said you justified McVeigh's terrorist act, I said you were trying to justify his ideology. There's a big difference there.
It's akin to saying you aren't stupid, you are just being trying to be so. It's a pretty ditsy argument.

I'm sorry, are you trying to string a sentence?
You need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said you justified McVeigh's terrorist act, I said you were trying to justify his ideology. There's a big difference there.

You need to work on your language skills. I said I agree with his view, I said I do not agree with his actions. That seems very clear. So how was I "trying to justify" anything?

Ideology BTW, is ambiguous in that statement. It could mean his ideology that government should not murder it's own citizens, which I agree with, or his ideology that he should commit murder on behalf of that view, which I don't.

If you're intentionally vague, you may confuse people. But that's on you, not us

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