Today's conservatives ignore the medial prefrontal cortex


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Arthur Brooks is probably my favorite conservative, primarily because he's articulate, thoughtful, reasonable and respectful. While I disagree with him on many issues, behavior like that is too rare nowadays. He's the author of The Conservative Heart, among other books, in which he posits that there is a moral argument for capitalism.

In this short clip he describes how conservatives would be more effective if they appealed to people's medial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that processes moral judgements.

That certainly wouldn't accurately describe today's GOP, which communicates in a style more along the lines of Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Michael Savage.

Anyway, you might want to check this out:

There is a moral arguement for capitalism. While it makes a lot of people poor, desperately so, it's the best system invented to date. And superior to previous ones.

Past systems had even more poor people exploited by a very few rich as in monarchistic systems. At least in capitalism you have a chance to be less-poor. In other systems you had no chance at all.

Capitalism isn't ideal, but it's the best option right now and better than others.
Arthur Brooks is probably my favorite conservative, primarily because he's articulate, thoughtful, reasonable and respectful. While I disagree with him on many issues, behavior like that is too rare nowadays. He's the author of The Conservative Heart, among other books, in which he posits that there is a moral argument for capitalism.

In this short clip he describes how conservatives would be more effective if they appealed to people's medial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that processes moral judgements.

That certainly wouldn't accurately describe today's GOP, which communicates in a style more along the lines of Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Michael Savage.

Anyway, you might want to check this out:

As opposed to the Democrat's reliance on the limbic system, and its concern with emotions, pleasure, and bodily functions.
Arthur Brooks is probably my favorite conservative, primarily because he's articulate, thoughtful, reasonable and respectful. While I disagree with him on many issues, behavior like that is too rare nowadays. He's the author of The Conservative Heart, among other books, in which he posits that there is a moral argument for capitalism.

In this short clip he describes how conservatives would be more effective if they appealed to people's medial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that processes moral judgements.

That certainly wouldn't accurately describe today's GOP, which communicates in a style more along the lines of Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Michael Savage.

Anyway, you might want to check this out:

As opposed to the Democrat's reliance on the limbic system, and its concern with emotions, pleasure, and bodily functions.

Democrats do a better job of appealing to emotions, yes. I'd guess that Brooks would equate that with appealing to people's morality.

That doesn't necessarily mean that their agenda is more moral, it simply means they do a better job of appealing to it.
Democrats do a better job of appealing to emotions, yes.

They do more than appeal to them. They make impractical decisions based upon them, and are quick to anger when this particular character flaw is pointed out to them when rational men oppose their decisions.
Those conservatives who actually possess a medial prefrontal cortex have devoted it to "preborn babies", "gay marriage will ruin my marriage," and "KILL OBAMACARE!!!!!"

There's no room for anything else.
There is a moral arguement for capitalism. While it makes a lot of people poor, desperately so, it's the best system invented to date. And superior to previous ones.

Past systems had even more poor people exploited by a very few rich as in monarchistic systems. At least in capitalism you have a chance to be less-poor. In other systems you had no chance at all.

Capitalism isn't ideal, but it's the best option right now and better than others.
Capitalism does NOT make people poor any more than God makes people Presbyterian.Capitalim give everyone the tools and opportunity to become wealthy. As a matter of fact, the preference in pure capitalism would be that everyone be wealthy as poor people make terrible customers.
Capitalism isn't perfect, but that is more the fault of people than a system.
We are, and have never been purely capitalistic. We have public education, welfare, health care that people can take advantage of if they choose to.
If people choose to not apply themselves in school and decide they are fine with the bare necessities welfare provides, they stay poor, but I'll be damned if that can be blamed on capitalism.
The basic difference between capitalism and socialism is personal responsibility
Those conservatives who actually possess a medial prefrontal cortex have devoted it to "preborn babies", "gay marriage will ruin my marriage," and "KILL OBAMACARE!!!!!"

There's no room for anything else.
You're very funny! Pathetically so, actually.
Conservatives talk about values, budgets and laws. Liberals talk about people. This is why libs win arguments all the time. We need to get better talking about people.
The video is called "The Moral Case for Capitalism" but it doesn't talk about capitalism. It talks about welfare reform.

The fallacious equivocation undermines the point, much like making a materialist case for a good cause loses to a moral case for a bad cause.
Those conservatives who actually possess a medial prefrontal cortex have devoted it to "preborn babies", "gay marriage will ruin my marriage," and "KILL OBAMACARE!!!!!"

There's no room for anything else.
You're very funny! Pathetically so, actually.
Great counter-argument!
You would have had to make an argument for there to be a counter-argument.
All you did was spill milk on your shirt and blame someone else.
Democrats are the party of division, they drive wedges between races and classes to foment envy and hatred.

Republicans are the party of caving, they stand around congratulating themselves for compromising with Democrats while the debt skyrockets to $18 trillion, government takes over the healthcare system, millions of babies are aborted, millions of illegals pour across our borders, millions of good paying jobs flee our taxes and regulations to other countries only too happy to have our jobs.

One small band of conservatives in the House attempt to take a stand and both establishment parties label them as extremists?

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