Today's media lead stories

CNN is leading with the congressional investigations findings that there is NO evidence that Obama tapped Trump showing Trumps tweets were not truthful.

Fox is leading with the Trump paid 38 million in taxes story.

Interesting. Despite the "outrage" from the whitehouse about this story that is a positive for Trump... anybody think this was another shiney object leaked by Trump to distract from the wire tap story? If so, should there be consequences for a president if he actually lied in a public statement with the intent of defaming a past president, then lies by leaking a positive story to deflect from the other lie while blaming the media and others for leaking it.

I just see the hole getting deeper and deeper.

I think it's pretty clear trump leaked the tax returns so people would stop talking about his lunatic accusation that president Obama had him wiretaped.
I just see the hole getting deeper and deeper.
There is indeed a hole getting deeper. Who knows, maybe it'll bring some relief to you guys.

But then I have precious little experience in these matters.
The best hope is for it to bring some accountability and maybe some humility to our wreckless and arrogant commander n chief. Unlikely though
he's not reckless or arrogant. You retards don't even know what that means. For example, it's arrogant to demand a sitting pres to apologize for correctly identifying a criminal who is engaged, currently, in treason. It is reckless to force a president to apologize for calling for the investigation of said criminals.

13 Republicans and 9 Democrats on the Intel Committee totally disagree with you, and I say you're full of horsecrap.
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past presidents have offered their tax returns in a gesture of good faith establishing a bond with the people based on trust and integrity.

Trump and his ball licking bots have no interest in trust OR integrity.

F Trump
past presidents have offered their tax returns in a gesture of good faith establishing a bond with the people based on trust and integrity.

Trump and his ball licking bots have no interest in trust OR integrity.

F Trump

It's D. Trump. Keep up please.
past presidents have offered their tax returns in a gesture of good faith establishing a bond with the people based on trust and integrity.

Trump and his ball licking bots have no interest in trust OR integrity.

F Trump

It's D. Trump. Keep up please.

sorry to confuse another simpleton.


you try and keep up
past presidents have offered their tax returns in a gesture of good faith establishing a bond with the people based on trust and integrity.

Trump and his ball licking bots have no interest in trust OR integrity.

F Trump

It's D. Trump. Keep up please.

sorry to confuse another simpleton.


you try and keep up
Lubricate next time, eh?
I just see the hole getting deeper and deeper.
There is indeed a hole getting deeper. Who knows, maybe it'll bring some relief to you guys.

But then I have precious little experience in these matters.
The best hope is for it to bring some accountability and maybe some humility to our wreckless and arrogant commander n chief. Unlikely though
he's not reckless or arrogant. You retards don't even know what that means. For example, it's arrogant to demand a sitting pres to apologize for correctly identifying a criminal who is engaged, currently, in treason. It is reckless to force a president to apologize for calling for the investigation of said criminals.
They are baseless accusations. What is it about no evidence do you not understand. I'm fine with suspicion, he called for an investigation, and the senate intelligence committee he found that there was no evidence. The problem is he made proclamations like they were facts and acted like he had evidence when he didn't. Reckless and irresponsible!
That there is (allegedly) no evidence doesn´t mean Trump is wrong.
The president of the United States making statements like that without evidence is irresponsible and wrong. Don't see how anybody can justify it

if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Also, has the earth healed, or the seas lowered in the past 8 years?

Also, who was against gay marriage before he was for it, even though we all know he was never really against it?
Campaigning for a bill and how it is executed are very different things. The gib couldn't control the free market. The Doctor thing wasn't a lie, it was a miscalculation, a false assumption. Plenty of evidence that climate change is having a negative effect on our environment. Policy positions change for everybody over time.

All of these are very different than Trump accusing Obama of a felony without having evidence.

Are you getting dizzy from all that spin.

I hope you had to type that while looking away from the keyboard, hackey-mchackerson.
Which part is spin? You really don't recognize the differences between the 4 different examples?

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
The president of the United States making statements like that without evidence is irresponsible and wrong. Don't see how anybody can justify it

if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Also, has the earth healed, or the seas lowered in the past 8 years?

Also, who was against gay marriage before he was for it, even though we all know he was never really against it?
Campaigning for a bill and how it is executed are very different things. The gib couldn't control the free market. The Doctor thing wasn't a lie, it was a miscalculation, a false assumption. Plenty of evidence that climate change is having a negative effect on our environment. Policy positions change for everybody over time.

All of these are very different than Trump accusing Obama of a felony without having evidence.

Are you getting dizzy from all that spin.

I hope you had to type that while looking away from the keyboard, hackey-mchackerson.
Which part is spin? You really don't recognize the differences between the 4 different examples?

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.
if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Also, has the earth healed, or the seas lowered in the past 8 years?

Also, who was against gay marriage before he was for it, even though we all know he was never really against it?
Campaigning for a bill and how it is executed are very different things. The gib couldn't control the free market. The Doctor thing wasn't a lie, it was a miscalculation, a false assumption. Plenty of evidence that climate change is having a negative effect on our environment. Policy positions change for everybody over time.

All of these are very different than Trump accusing Obama of a felony without having evidence.

Are you getting dizzy from all that spin.

I hope you had to type that while looking away from the keyboard, hackey-mchackerson.
Which part is spin? You really don't recognize the differences between the 4 different examples?

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.

Fine, a promise is a promise, and Obama broke his, even if he claims ignorance, which is probably worse. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" LOL When you unleash forces that impact the free market, the results are all on you, or in this case him and the rest of the Democrats.

Evidence, but not enough to ask me to lower my standard of living while DiCaprio keeps his jet setting ways. Lead by example, or shut the fuck up.

And complete bullshit on his position changing. He probably was OK with Gay Marriage from the get go, just like Hillary, but changed their public view once the LGBT lobby had more clout than the Black Religious lobby.
CNN is leading with the congressional investigations findings that there is NO evidence that Obama tapped Trump showing Trumps tweets were not truthful.

Fox is leading with the Trump paid 38 million in taxes story.

Interesting. Despite the "outrage" from the whitehouse about this story that is a positive for Trump... anybody think this was another shiney object leaked by Trump to distract from the wire tap story? If so, should there be consequences for a president if he actually lied in a public statement with the intent of defaming a past president, then lies by leaking a positive story to deflect from the other lie while blaming the media and others for leaking it.

I just see the hole getting deeper and deeper.
That there is (allegedly) no evidence doesn´t mean Trump is wrong.

Just because you haven't been charged and there's no evidence, doesn't mean you didn't murder your wife, does it?
Except you don't execute somebody based on suspicion or dislike for the person. I hope you never serve on a jury.

I was responding to a post that said just because there's no evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Yes it does mean it didn't happen.

I forget how immune to sarcasm cons are.
CNN is leading with the congressional investigations findings that there is NO evidence that Obama tapped Trump showing Trumps tweets were not truthful.

Fox is leading with the Trump paid 38 million in taxes story.

Interesting. Despite the "outrage" from the whitehouse about this story that is a positive for Trump... anybody think this was another shiney object leaked by Trump to distract from the wire tap story? If so, should there be consequences for a president if he actually lied in a public statement with the intent of defaming a past president, then lies by leaking a positive story to deflect from the other lie while blaming the media and others for leaking it.

I just see the hole getting deeper and deeper.
That there is (allegedly) no evidence doesn´t mean Trump is wrong.

Just because you haven't been charged and there's no evidence, doesn't mean you didn't murder your wife, does it?
Except you don't execute somebody based on suspicion or dislike for the person. I hope you never serve on a jury.

I was responding to a post that said just because there's no evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Yes it does mean it didn't happen.

I forget how immune to sarcasm cons are.
Except there IS evidence in the case to which you were responding. Enough evidence to warrant an investigation. Your sarcasm fails.
Campaigning for a bill and how it is executed are very different things. The gib couldn't control the free market. The Doctor thing wasn't a lie, it was a miscalculation, a false assumption. Plenty of evidence that climate change is having a negative effect on our environment. Policy positions change for everybody over time.

All of these are very different than Trump accusing Obama of a felony without having evidence.

Are you getting dizzy from all that spin.

I hope you had to type that while looking away from the keyboard, hackey-mchackerson.
Which part is spin? You really don't recognize the differences between the 4 different examples?

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.

Fine, a promise is a promise, and Obama broke his, even if he claims ignorance, which is probably worse. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" LOL When you unleash forces that impact the free market, the results are all on you, or in this case him and the rest of the Democrats.

Evidence, but not enough to ask me to lower my standard of living while DiCaprio keeps his jet setting ways. Lead by example, or shut the fuck up.

And complete bullshit on his position changing. He probably was OK with Gay Marriage from the get go, just like Hillary, but changed their public view once the LGBT lobby had more clout than the Black Religious lobby.
Ok that's getting a little better, I'll give you the broken promise for the Obamacare. It wasn't a lie but it also didn't deliver what he campaigned about. Just like Trump campaigned on banning all Muslims from entering the US, and Mexico paying for a borderwall those would be broken promises as well.

There is overwhelming evidence to the effects of climate change. A much larger conversation than we can tackle in a simple post.

As for the switching positions on gay marriage issue. Most people evolve their political views as they grow older, but politicians act on more than just their personal views as they represent groups of people. Obama may have been pro gay marriage for his whole life, but that doesn't mean that it was the right political decision to make 2 decades ago. There are factors like seeing what states decide to do, when to make it a federal issue, looking at the judgement from the courts, hearing the will of consituants. All of these are important factors in evolving the positions of politicians.
Are you getting dizzy from all that spin.

I hope you had to type that while looking away from the keyboard, hackey-mchackerson.
Which part is spin? You really don't recognize the differences between the 4 different examples?

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.

Fine, a promise is a promise, and Obama broke his, even if he claims ignorance, which is probably worse. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" LOL When you unleash forces that impact the free market, the results are all on you, or in this case him and the rest of the Democrats.

Evidence, but not enough to ask me to lower my standard of living while DiCaprio keeps his jet setting ways. Lead by example, or shut the fuck up.

And complete bullshit on his position changing. He probably was OK with Gay Marriage from the get go, just like Hillary, but changed their public view once the LGBT lobby had more clout than the Black Religious lobby.
Ok that's getting a little better, I'll give you the broken promise for the Obamacare. It wasn't a lie but it also didn't deliver what he campaigned about. Just like Trump campaigned on banning all Muslims from entering the US, and Mexico paying for a borderwall those would be broken promises as well.

There is overwhelming evidence to the effects of climate change. A much larger conversation than we can tackle in a simple post.

As for the switching positions on gay marriage issue. Most people evolve their political views as they grow older, but politicians act on more than just their personal views as they represent groups of people. Obama may have been pro gay marriage for his whole life, but that doesn't mean that it was the right political decision to make 2 decades ago. There are factors like seeing what states decide to do, when to make it a federal issue, looking at the judgement from the courts, hearing the will of consituants. All of these are important factors in evolving the positions of politicians.

Trump is trying to place his moratorium on certain at risk countries, but the courts are stopping him. He's laid the groundwork for the wall, but its only been 2 months.

And as much as you try to spin the "I was against it before I was for it bullshit, it''s still bullshit. Hillary is guilty of the same.
Which part is spin? You really don't recognize the differences between the 4 different examples?

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.

Fine, a promise is a promise, and Obama broke his, even if he claims ignorance, which is probably worse. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" LOL When you unleash forces that impact the free market, the results are all on you, or in this case him and the rest of the Democrats.

Evidence, but not enough to ask me to lower my standard of living while DiCaprio keeps his jet setting ways. Lead by example, or shut the fuck up.

And complete bullshit on his position changing. He probably was OK with Gay Marriage from the get go, just like Hillary, but changed their public view once the LGBT lobby had more clout than the Black Religious lobby.
Ok that's getting a little better, I'll give you the broken promise for the Obamacare. It wasn't a lie but it also didn't deliver what he campaigned about. Just like Trump campaigned on banning all Muslims from entering the US, and Mexico paying for a borderwall those would be broken promises as well.

There is overwhelming evidence to the effects of climate change. A much larger conversation than we can tackle in a simple post.

As for the switching positions on gay marriage issue. Most people evolve their political views as they grow older, but politicians act on more than just their personal views as they represent groups of people. Obama may have been pro gay marriage for his whole life, but that doesn't mean that it was the right political decision to make 2 decades ago. There are factors like seeing what states decide to do, when to make it a federal issue, looking at the judgement from the courts, hearing the will of consituants. All of these are important factors in evolving the positions of politicians.

Trump is trying to place his moratorium on certain at risk countries, but the courts are stopping him. He's laid the groundwork for the wall, but its only been 2 months.

And as much as you try to spin the "I was against it before I was for it bullshit, it''s still bullshit. Hillary is guilty of the same.
I'm not talking about a moratorium on at risk countries, I was talking about when he said "I'm calling for a ban on all Muslims into this country until we figure out what the hell is going on" I know his presidency is young but there's is no way he isn't doing that. Who's spinning now?
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