Today's media lead stories

I recognize you trying to spin each answer to fit your own narrative.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.

Fine, a promise is a promise, and Obama broke his, even if he claims ignorance, which is probably worse. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" LOL When you unleash forces that impact the free market, the results are all on you, or in this case him and the rest of the Democrats.

Evidence, but not enough to ask me to lower my standard of living while DiCaprio keeps his jet setting ways. Lead by example, or shut the fuck up.

And complete bullshit on his position changing. He probably was OK with Gay Marriage from the get go, just like Hillary, but changed their public view once the LGBT lobby had more clout than the Black Religious lobby.
Ok that's getting a little better, I'll give you the broken promise for the Obamacare. It wasn't a lie but it also didn't deliver what he campaigned about. Just like Trump campaigned on banning all Muslims from entering the US, and Mexico paying for a borderwall those would be broken promises as well.

There is overwhelming evidence to the effects of climate change. A much larger conversation than we can tackle in a simple post.

As for the switching positions on gay marriage issue. Most people evolve their political views as they grow older, but politicians act on more than just their personal views as they represent groups of people. Obama may have been pro gay marriage for his whole life, but that doesn't mean that it was the right political decision to make 2 decades ago. There are factors like seeing what states decide to do, when to make it a federal issue, looking at the judgement from the courts, hearing the will of consituants. All of these are important factors in evolving the positions of politicians.

Trump is trying to place his moratorium on certain at risk countries, but the courts are stopping him. He's laid the groundwork for the wall, but its only been 2 months.

And as much as you try to spin the "I was against it before I was for it bullshit, it''s still bullshit. Hillary is guilty of the same.
I'm not talking about a moratorium on at risk countries, I was talking about when he said "I'm calling for a ban on all Muslims into this country until we figure out what the hell is going on" I know his presidency is young but there's is no way he isn't doing that.

So far I can only find one direct quote on "Ban all Muslims" and that was pretty early on in his campaign. Over time it focused more on jihad types and the countries that are harboring them, or at least not really looking for them. If you want to talk about evolution, this is a better example, mostly because everyone knows he has a habit of talking out of his ass, and doing so in a non-politician way.
Just calling it as it is... if you disagree then make a counter argument.

Fine, a promise is a promise, and Obama broke his, even if he claims ignorance, which is probably worse. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" LOL When you unleash forces that impact the free market, the results are all on you, or in this case him and the rest of the Democrats.

Evidence, but not enough to ask me to lower my standard of living while DiCaprio keeps his jet setting ways. Lead by example, or shut the fuck up.

And complete bullshit on his position changing. He probably was OK with Gay Marriage from the get go, just like Hillary, but changed their public view once the LGBT lobby had more clout than the Black Religious lobby.
Ok that's getting a little better, I'll give you the broken promise for the Obamacare. It wasn't a lie but it also didn't deliver what he campaigned about. Just like Trump campaigned on banning all Muslims from entering the US, and Mexico paying for a borderwall those would be broken promises as well.

There is overwhelming evidence to the effects of climate change. A much larger conversation than we can tackle in a simple post.

As for the switching positions on gay marriage issue. Most people evolve their political views as they grow older, but politicians act on more than just their personal views as they represent groups of people. Obama may have been pro gay marriage for his whole life, but that doesn't mean that it was the right political decision to make 2 decades ago. There are factors like seeing what states decide to do, when to make it a federal issue, looking at the judgement from the courts, hearing the will of consituants. All of these are important factors in evolving the positions of politicians.

Trump is trying to place his moratorium on certain at risk countries, but the courts are stopping him. He's laid the groundwork for the wall, but its only been 2 months.

And as much as you try to spin the "I was against it before I was for it bullshit, it''s still bullshit. Hillary is guilty of the same.
I'm not talking about a moratorium on at risk countries, I was talking about when he said "I'm calling for a ban on all Muslims into this country until we figure out what the hell is going on" I know his presidency is young but there's is no way he isn't doing that.

So far I can only find one direct quote on "Ban all Muslims" and that was pretty early on in his campaign. Over time it focused more on jihad types and the countries that are harboring them, or at least not really looking for them. If you want to talk about evolution, this is a better example, mostly because everyone knows he has a habit of talking out of his ass, and doing so in a non-politician way.
So when Trump does it, it is a non politician talking out of his ass or it's a starting point for negotiations... but when Obama does it he is a liar who breaks promises. And you say that I'm the one doing the spinning? Haha, yeah right

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