Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

Free societies do not operate from the premise 'show me the man and I'll show you the crime" as authoritarians target political opponents.
Irrelevant babble. I notice you don't care if he committed the crimes or not. In fact, I think you prefer that your orange god commit crimes. It makes the micropeens tingle.
What crimes, are you the only person who knows what they are? 🤡
The charges against him have been public knowledge, the subject of many discussions and in multiple media sources for some time now. If you are too stupid to have looked it up before engaging in discussions about it, don’t expect others to do it for you.
Irrelevant babble. I notice you don't care if he committed the crimes or not. In fact, I think you prefer that your orange god commit crimes. It makes the micropeens tingle.
The only people that don't care if he committed crimes or not, is the dembot lynch mob that simply wants to hang him because he is running against Xiden
So you now consider assault, property destruction, theft and vandalism to be “peaceful protesting”.
Or is that only if it is at Trumps behest?
You cultists are downgraded from lunatic to simply pathetic.
"Mostly peaceful" protests got redefined, remember?

Which has nothing whatsoever to do with the trial. Zip, zero, nada, NOTHING. If you have any character or soul, even you know these trials are bogus and shameful for our country.
Has everything to do with the trial

It is a sequence of events
If not for Stormy…..
Irrelevant babble. I notice you don't care if he committed the crimes or not. In fact, I think you prefer that your orange god commit crimes. It makes the micropeens tingle.
What part of "there are no crimes" don't you understand?
The bookkeeping crimes expired.
The crime being covered up was never specified, not in the opening, not in the Bill of Particulars, no clue what it is???

Just a show trial to keep Trump from campaigning.
No a lawyer would have told him no because what he was doing was illegal. He paid his fixer because fixers cross the line. I think people are losing site of this. Why does Trump hire lawyers who aren't afraid to cross the line like Sidney Powell, Rudy and Cohen???
Specifically, what is illegal? None of our far-left friends know what law was broken. The prosecuting attorney didn't even lay out what law was broken.
The charges against him have been public knowledge, the subject of many discussions and in multiple media sources for some time now. If you are too stupid to have looked it up before engaging in discussions about it, don’t expect others to do it for you.
What is the crime Trump committed that resurrected the dead misdemeanor?
Irrelevant babble. I notice you don't care if he committed the crimes or not. In fact, I think you prefer that your orange god commit crimes. It makes the micropeens tingle.
I do not have an Orange god. I never voted for him.

I DO oppose Stalinist political machinations, however.
So you now consider assault, property destruction, theft and vandalism to be “peaceful protesting”.

Or is that only if it is at Trumps behest?

You cultists are downgraded from lunatic to simply pathetic.

No, you do. You're the one that supported the campus 'protests', which included everything you listed.

How dare conservatives protest, only your side is allowed to do that, just like only your side is allowed to use the judicial system to take down a political opponent. Everything 'your side' does is legit, that's how partisan and hopelessly pathetic you are.
What is the crime Trump committed that resurrected the dead misdemeanor?
See post 363. For a list of charges against him, Google is your friend. For a direct answer to your question, look it up yourself. Discussions with trolls like you are a waste.
"Mostly peaceful" protests got redefined, remember?

View attachment 947211
What was redefined? The majority of the protests were peaceful. Those that were not, have not been labeled peaceful. Try again.
You're pretending to be stupid, naive, obtuse.

Not his lawyer. Stop calling Cohen that. He was his fixer. Fixers cross the line that lawyers won't. Sidney Powell is another one. Rudy too.
The charges against him have been public knowledge, the subject of many discussions and in multiple media sources for some time now. If you are too stupid to have looked it up before engaging in discussions about it, don’t expect others to do it for you.

Yeah, that's why no one can identify the 'other' charge in the current trial. :rolleyes: You don't care whether or not he ever committed an actual crime, you only care that he's smeared and taken out of the presidential race. You only support corrupt pieces of shit for office that have the same goal in destroying the US that you do.
No, you do. You're the one that supported the campus 'protests', which included everything you listed.

How dare conservatives protest, only your side is allowed to do that, just like only your side is allowed to use the judicial system to take down a political opponent. Everything 'your side' does is legit, that's how partisan and hopelessly pathetic you are.
“…a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”
See post 363. For a list of charges against him, Google is your friend. For a direct answer to your question, look it up yourself. Discussions with trolls like you are a was

What was redefined? The majority of the protests were peaceful. Those that were not, have not been labeled peaceful. Try again.
He is not a troll.

*************** Mod Edit: No discussing mod actions (whether real or perceived) on the open forum. Take it to PMs. You have been told this many times!!!

The fact of the matter is that this is all a politically motivated witch hunt.
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The jury will decide whether they believe Stormy or believe Trumps denials they had sex.

My money is on Stormy
Which Stormy, the one that claims they had sex or the one that put her sig on a letter saying she didn't? I mean, you have to choose one and assume the other is lying.

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