Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

Try not to be such a blatant hack when you can’t handle a discussion that doesn’t fit neatly under your partisan labels. You want to talk about threatening judges overall? Oooh…that’s going to make your cult leader look even worse then isn’t?

But that isn’t your point. You are simply trying to divert the discussion from a gag order and defendent or (or anyone involved) threatening judges and their families in a case they are involved in. That’s a no-no, in case you haven’t realized that yet. Maybe that is why you have to resort to shallow what-about-isms instead of addressing the reasons a gag order was finally needed.

oh oh oh….but Schumer.

oh and you hate America

and and you are icky!

Anything else?

I'm not diverting anything you hack, you're the one that made the statement, and you have zero excuse for your hypocrisy, as usual. Same shit, different day with you people.

Let's hear you say it wasn't right for Schumer to be threatening supreme court justices. Can you bring yourself to do it? 🤡 Let's hear you tell us what 'threats' Trump was making to have his 1st amendment rights infringed. Bet you never will, cause you don't have any integrity or honesty, you only care about destruction and any means necessary to accomplish it.

Until then, you and your partisan bullshit posts aren't worth anyone's time.
Thankfully, I am not an attorney, although I have worked closely with many in my profession.
How is Mr. Cohen paying anyone with his own money, a campaign finance law? Using your "logic," if Cohen bought groceries with his own money, that constitutes a campaign finance crime. Seriously?
Cohen exceeded the $2,700 donation limit. There is no limit on using your own money.

Thus, if he had simply had Cohen report the payment as “hush money,” there would be no crime.
Once again, the contrast to other controversies is telling. Before the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton’s campaign denied that it had funded the infamous Steele dossier behind the debunked Russian collusion claims.
The funding was hidden as legal expenses by then-Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias. (The FEC later sanctioned the campaign over its hiding of the funding.). When a reporter tried to report the story, he said Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”
Likewise, John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, was called before congressional investigators and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothing to correct the misleading information given to Congress.
Yet, there were no charges stemming from the hiding of the funding, though it was all part of the campaign budget.

  • Prosecutors said the purpose of the hush payments was to influence the 2016 election, and treated them as campaign contributions, which are subject to restrictions under the Federal Election Campaign Act.
  • Cohen’s payment to Clifford, they said, exceeded the $2,700 limit on personal contributions to a single candidate for an election. The payment he helped arrange for McDougal flouted the ban on corporations contributing directly to campaigns.

Hillary didn’t hold speeches rallies proclaiming the election was stolen.

Hillary did NOT exort a mob to march on the Capitol while results were being certified.

Hillary did what other candidates in close elections have done: complained, possibly used the courts to challenge results…all legitimate, legal options to challenge an election.

Trump exhausted the legal options and instead of gracefully conceding and peacefully handing over power, he opted to form a mob, prime it with self righteous anger and a massive of grievance and send them to the Capitol.

There is no equivalency between what Trump did and any other losing candidate.

Only in your warped opinion. You're not capable of discernment, period.
Remind me…where are Clinton’s rallies exhorting people to protest and march on the Capitol?

Whataboutism failed.

Fucking hypocrite, you cheered on the campus protests all over the country, the vandalism, the destruction, and you sit here now saying conservative's protesting is criminal. Fuck you. When you hold your cultist D's to the same standards, then you might be taken seriously, but you're not even capable of that, your opinion is garbage. So sad for you and your fellow partisan hacks that Trump's rallies are huge and well attended, cry some more.
None, she never asked people to peacefully Trump did.

She and the Demafascist ordered their brownshirts to violence....and insurreciton.

They're all liars and hypocrites, every single one of them.
Fucking hypocrite, you cheered on the campus protests all over the country, the vandalism, the destruction, and you sit here now saying conservative's protesting is criminal. Fuck you. When you hold your cultist D's to the same standards, then you might be taken seriously, but you're not even capable of that, your opinion is garbage. So sad for you and your fellow partisan hacks that Trump's rallies are huge and well attended, cry some more.

Supporting protests is not the same as supporting criminal activity.

One might otherwise say you support a rapist and his violent mob.
Leaving aside the obvious inaccuracy that Trump asked people to ”peacefully” protest…when that word was used only once…in an hour long speech pumping people up for violence…..and already covered in billions of threads….

Did Hillary ask people to protest?

Did sh ask them to March on the Capitol and interfere with the certification process?

Yes or no?

In what speech or rally did she order people to violence and insurrection?

Is protesting now suddenly against the law too? Or is only your side allowed to riot, burn, steal, take over? Pathetic. A so called 'liberal' in here crying about her political opponents protesting. 🤡
Ignorance is bliss isn’t it? You are well practiced.

Gag orders of this sort are seldom needed because, like most of our democratic institutions, including the judiciary we depend on the basic decency of people to respect the institution: the courtroom, the judge, the jury. A gag order is seldom needed because what judge says in his courtroom, goes.

As with everything else…Trump has exploited our lack of guardrails and our reliance on good will.

Lack of guardrails???? We have a former president being tried in a criminal bogus case with a corrupt judge and prosecutor, and you have the fucking gall to talk about 'guard rails'? 🤡🤡🤡
Lack of guardrails???? We have a former president being tried in a criminal bogus case with a corrupt judge and prosecutor, and you have the fucking gall to talk about 'guard rails'? 🤡🤡🤡
But everything you just said is stupid and wrong.

Notice you don't have any actual defense against the crimes.
Supporting protests is not the same as supporting criminal activity.

One might otherwise say you support a rapist and his violent mob.

Your bullshit is really getting old, and it's showing in the polls. You've cried 'wolf' one too many times.
Is protesting now suddenly against the law too? Or is only your side allowed to riot, burn, steal, take over? Pathetic. A so called 'liberal' in here crying about her political opponents protesting. 🤡
So you now consider assault, property destruction, theft and vandalism to be “peaceful protesting”.

Or is that only if it is at Trumps behest?

You cultists are downgraded from lunatic to simply pathetic.

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