Tomorrow feb 12 is birthday of our most famous white supremacist

Too funny

Since 1935, Republicans have not managed to elect over eight members of Congress
Democrats have elected over 100

All members of the Klan today support the Republican agenda

Congress?? How in the hell does the Republican Party have only elected EIGHT since 1935 when they control BOTH houses of CONGRESS? LOL!!
I have no idea why Republicans have only managed to elect eight blacks in the last 100 years
Too funny

Since 1935, Republicans have not managed to elect over eight members of Congress
Democrats have elected over 100

All members of the Klan today support the Republican agenda

Congress?? How in the hell does the Republican Party have only elected EIGHT since 1935 when they control BOTH houses of CONGRESS? LOL!!
I have no idea why Republicans have only managed to elect eight blacks in the last 100 years
That's very simple, sabotaged by libturd media

Ask Clarence Thomas
Too funny

Since 1935, Republicans have not managed to elect over eight members of Congress
Democrats have elected over 100

All members of the Klan today support the Republican agenda

Congress?? How in the hell does the Republican Party have only elected EIGHT since 1935 when they control BOTH houses of CONGRESS? LOL!!
I have no idea why Republicans have only managed to elect eight blacks in the last 100 years

I'd say your data is skewed.
I have consistently said that the rebel states tried to secede to protect slavery- but the North did not fight to free the slaves.

You're right about the north. They didn't care about the slaves. But to say the south fought to keep slavery is nonsense. Only like 10% of southern households had slaves.
The North was willing to work within the bounds of our Constitution. The south feared our Constitution and made one of their own that guaranteed slavery in perpetuity

HAHAHA. What a preposterous thing to say. Lincoln shut down 300 northern newspapers for opposing the war. You call that constitutional???
Tell me which State of the "North" owned slaves?

No one said any northern states owned slaves. But four southern states that owned slaves were allowed to stay in the Union. Obviously, if the war had been about freeing slaves they would have been told to abolish slavery or join the rebs. THINK
Lincoln wasn't a "white supremacist" nor did he "save the Union". He was a terrible politician with a gift for one liners and the Union fell apart under his watch.
I think we can all agree you are incredibly ignorant about slavery and the Civil War.

Prior to the Civil War, slavery was legal in half of the states- and illegal in half the states.

The vast majority of slaves were held by the States that attempted to secede to protect their right to own humans.
The 1860 Census and Slavery in the United States
Deep South states held the most slaves and this is where most of the larger plantations existed. Mississippi’s slave population stood at 55% out of a total population of 791,305. South Carolina’s slave population represented 57% of the total population. These percentages decrease with upper South states like Virginia (31%), Tennessee (25%), and Kentucky (20%). Border States like Maryland accounted for the lowest numbers (13%).

Most of the slave states did try to secede- a few did not.

The 'country' had no legal way of outlawing slavery other than by a Constitutional Amendment- which is what the 13th Amendment did.
just plain wrong you scrub.

LOL- feel free to try to prove me wrong- it would be amusing.
Why don't you post up facts that the north didn't have slaves your article stated most not all! So fk off dweeb

Tell me which State of the "North" owned slaves?

Here is a map of Slave and Free States in 1857- which of these states would you call "North"?
Slavery in the North, Washington, and Oney Judge -
Thanks for proving my point.
Lincoln wasn't a "white supremacist" nor did he "save the Union". He was a terrible politician with a gift for one liners and the Union fell apart under his watch.

Lincoln was as racist as most everyone was in 1860- and he did indeed save the Union- and was a masterful politician- and slavery apologists have always hated him.
I have consistently said that the rebel states tried to secede to protect slavery- but the North did not fight to free the slaves.

You're right about the north. They didn't care about the slaves. But to say the south fought to keep slavery is nonsense. Only like 10% of southern households had slaves.

You can't refute my post- so you lie about what said.

I have consistently said that the rebel states tried to secede to protect slavery- but the North did not fight to free the slaves
Tell me which State of the "North" owned slaves?

No one said any northern states owned slaves. But four southern states that owned slaves were allowed to stay in the Union. Obviously, if the war had been about freeing slaves they would have been told to abolish slavery or join the rebs. THINK

You are the only one saying that the Civil War was being fought to abolish the slaves- I have consistently told you otherwise- you are either a blatant liar or suffering from dementia.

The four southern slave states that did not secede did not rebel- so Lincoln had no authority to do anything about their slaves- that took the 13th Amendment that you despise so much.
How many black men are imprinted upon our money? Plastered on a mountain side?
How many Asian men? How many women? How many Australoids?

I mean this could go on for ever.

The fact is that prior to World War 2, the vast majority of our statesmen and military were white men and those two groups are the ones people usually build statues and honors to.

Too bad if that gets your nickers in a bind, kid.
The President can't change law. The Emancipation Proclamation in no way shape or form freed one single slave in The United States.

that's false. it was an executive order. :thup:
Executive orders dont change the law, but only changes the way the law is enforced.

Lincoln in his capacity as Commander in Chief, had the authority to liberate captured slaves in the rebellious territories.

IF one considers the Confederacy a different nation at that time, then the EP did not free slaves in the US, but only in enemy territory.
Too funny

Since 1935, Republicans have not managed to elect over eight members of Congress
Democrats have elected over 100

All members of the Klan today support the Republican agenda

Congress?? How in the hell does the Republican Party have only elected EIGHT since 1935 when they control BOTH houses of CONGRESS? LOL!!
I have no idea why Republicans have only managed to elect eight blacks in the last 100 years

I'd say your data is skewed.
Dare you to prove me wrong
What would have happened if not for Lincoln?

The South, with their nation dedicated to Slavery, would still be beating and raping slaves to their hearts content
Too funny

Since 1935, Republicans have not managed to elect over eight members of Congress
Democrats have elected over 100

All members of the Klan today support the Republican agenda

Congress?? How in the hell does the Republican Party have only elected EIGHT since 1935 when they control BOTH houses of CONGRESS? LOL!!
I have no idea why Republicans have only managed to elect eight blacks in the last 100 years

I'd say your data is skewed.
Dare you to prove me wrong

Sure. Just look at the number of House Congressional seats the Republicans won in the 2014 election alone.

Republicans gain total control of US Congress

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