Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer

Don't see what the big deal is , EXCEPT shouldn't liberals be screaming about the fact that we even have a national cathedral?

Dumb shits.
The national cathedral was built with private funds and donated to the nation in a private trust. There are been Jewish services there. Imo, its more a non-story, as the cathedral is not tied to any one religion but rather is supposed to be a symbol of national unity
I never heard of Satan being called Allah. Has anyone else, besides AmericanFirst?
Hes an evil god, therefore calling him Satan would probably be appropriate. Even an atheist like me can see the difference between christians and muslims. I can tolerate christianity, but Islam is a poison on humanity and it shouldnt be tolerated in civilized societies.
All your post does is show your complete ignorance if the Muslim world. There are 1.7 BILLION Muslims on the planet: a tiny, very tiny, percentage of them are engaged in terrorism and wars. The vast, vast majority are living peaceful, ordinary lives, living harmoniiously with the West, with Christians and Jews, etc. Your entire perspective on the Muslim world is based on the narrow focus of the media.
1. You don't know what Muslims are doing behind the closed doors and window blinds. Their Koran advocates wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, massive discrimination against women, and even mass murder of non-Muslims.

2. Regardless of "vast majorities", a very small number of Muslim jihadists can do massive harm. The 9/11 killers were on 19 in number. The Boston Bombers were only 2. The Fort Hood shooter was only 1. ONE jihadist with a nuclear bomb could kill a million people.

3. To say that Islam shouldn't be tolerated in civilized societies is CORRECT. It is in violation of the US Constitution and scores of US laws. It is a crude, immoral ideology that doesn't fit in civilized Western societies.
Sounds just like what the Romans were saying about the christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.
Sounds just like what the christians were saying about the jews in the Middle Ages.
The difference is that the Christians were not doing these immoral and (under US laws) ILLEGAL things. Nor is it in their doctrine. But Muslims ARE doing these things, and it IS in their doctrine > the Koran and Hadith.
Don't see what the big deal is , EXCEPT shouldn't liberals be screaming about the fact that we even have a national cathedral?

Dumb shits.
The national cathedral was built with private funds and donated to the nation in a private trust. There are been Jewish services there. Imo, its more a non-story, as the cathedral is not tied to any one religion but rather is supposed to be a symbol of national unity
That's not what I heard. I heard it was Episcopal.
Washington National Cathedral - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, under the first seven Bishops of Washington, erected the cathedral under a charter passed by the United States Congress on January 6, 1893.[5] Construction began on September 29, 1907, when the foundation stone was laid in the presence of President Theodore Roosevelt and a crowd of more than 20,000, and ended 83 years later when the "final finial" was placed in the presence of President George H. W. Bush in 1990. Decorative work, such as carvings and statuary, is ongoing as of 2011. The Foundation is the legal entity of which all institutions on the Cathedral Close are a part; its corporate staff provides services for the institutions to help enable their missions, conducts work of the Foundation itself that is not done by the other entities, and serves as staff for the Board of Trustees. In 2011, the Cathedral was named the recipient of a $700,000 matching grant limited to preservation work as part of the Save America's Treasures program, a public-private partnership operated by the nonprofit National Trust for Historic Preservation using federal funds that must be matched by private dollars.[6]
Don't see what the big deal is , EXCEPT shouldn't liberals be screaming about the fact that we even have a national cathedral?

Dumb shits.
The national cathedral was built with private funds and donated to the nation in a private trust. There are been Jewish services there. Imo, its more a non-story, as the cathedral is not tied to any one religion but rather is supposed to be a symbol of national unity
That's not what I heard. I heard it was Episcopal.
And it's up to them whether they want to allow a muslim prayer session or not, right?
Wonder how many Mosque in the US would let Christians have a Christian mass at their mosque. My guess is none

Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer service and Bryan Fischer is predictably outraged, urging his listeners to call the cathedral and complain that allowing this prayer service to take place violates the Ten Commandments.

On his radio program today, Fischer gave out the cathedral's phone number and encouraged his listeners to call and voice their opposition by complaining that the prayer service is really an effort to convert the cathedral into a mosque and is in violation of the very first of the Ten Commandments.

"This is one of the Ten Commandments," Fischer said. "You shall have no other gods before me. Allah is another god. The Bible says you, as a nation, shall have no other gods before me ... Make your objections known, that you object to the National Cathedral being turned into a mosque. That was not the purpose for which it was built. The purpose for which it was built is to worship the God that made America great and you object to it being used to worship a god of a completely different religion":
- See more at: Fischer Muslim Prayer Service At National Cathedral Violates The Ten Commandments Right Wing Watch
Don't see what the big deal is , EXCEPT shouldn't liberals be screaming about the fact that we even have a national cathedral?

Dumb shits.
The national cathedral was built with private funds and donated to the nation in a private trust. There are been Jewish services there. Imo, its more a non-story, as the cathedral is not tied to any one religion but rather is supposed to be a symbol of national unity
That's not what I heard. I heard it was Episcopal.
And it's up to them whether they want to allow a muslim prayer session or not, right?
Well, I put up the link that the Natl Cathedral is NOT owned by the Episcopal church. There are episcopal services there. The cathedral dean is an episcopal cleric. However, the cathedral has even been the temporary home of a jewish congregation.
Don't see what the big deal is , EXCEPT shouldn't liberals be screaming about the fact that we even have a national cathedral?

Dumb shits.
The national cathedral was built with private funds and donated to the nation in a private trust. There are been Jewish services there. Imo, its more a non-story, as the cathedral is not tied to any one religion but rather is supposed to be a symbol of national unity
That's not what I heard. I heard it was Episcopal.
And it's up to them whether they want to allow a muslim prayer session or not, right?
Boggles the mind why anyone would even consider such a ludicrous idea.
Don't see what the big deal is , EXCEPT shouldn't liberals be screaming about the fact that we even have a national cathedral?

Dumb shits.
The national cathedral was built with private funds and donated to the nation in a private trust. There are been Jewish services there. Imo, its more a non-story, as the cathedral is not tied to any one religion but rather is supposed to be a symbol of national unity
That's not what I heard. I heard it was Episcopal.
And it's up to them whether they want to allow a muslim prayer session or not, right?
Well, I put up the link that the Natl Cathedral is NOT owned by the Episcopal church. There are episcopal services there. The cathedral dean is an episcopal cleric. However, the cathedral has even been the temporary home of a jewish congregation.
Religions are very specific things. There is no such thing as diversity when it comes to religion, but if this Cathedral, a very impressive structure, was Christian to begin with,, it should have stayed that way. YOU don't share when it comes to religion. And BTW, Islam is not a religion.

See Post # 88.

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