Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer

The National Cathedral has been run by Episcopalians. They seem to have simply abandoned their Christianity. Some people think they can just go out and do anything they want, and that they're being somehow cool. Not so with Christianity. You stick to the principles, or you're out.
Allah is not "another God", and the Ten Commandments are in the Koran as well.
This came up the other day. I carpool with two Muslims and two Hindus. This issue came up, and I asked the Muslims for clarification. There is only one god. We call him by one name, Muslims call him Allah. Allah is just a name for God. They don't have another god, and they don't think the Christian god is not the true god. They believe there is only one god, just like Christians believe, and it is the same god. Allah is simply the word for god in Arabic; God is the word for god in English.
Don't worry about it. Islam has nothing to do with God or religion anyway. Presenting itself as a religion is just a SCAM that Islam has been using for 1400 years, to shield itself from criticism due to its many immoralities (and in the USA, ILLEGALITIES as well)
Your post is absolute stupidity.
I'd be more worried about retailers suicide bombing me.
After all, the Christian God is just a retail sales gimmick these days, not actually a religious entity.

I was referring to your statement of the Christian God not being actually a religious entity.

But that isn't what I said, only what you thought, or wanted people to think, I'd said.

In context, my post talks about the loss of religious meaning to Christmas, and how it's been hijacked by the retail trade.
The National Cathedral has been run by Episcopalians. They seem to have simply abandoned their Christianity. Some people think they can just go out and do anything they want, and that they're being somehow cool. Not so with Christianity. You stick to the principles, or you're out.
Out where? :rofl:

Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer service and Bryan Fischer is predictably outraged, urging his listeners to call the cathedral and complain that allowing this prayer service to take place violates the Ten Commandments.

On his radio program today, Fischer gave out the cathedral's phone number and encouraged his listeners to call and voice their opposition by complaining that the prayer service is really an effort to convert the cathedral into a mosque and is in violation of the very first of the Ten Commandments.

"This is one of the Ten Commandments," Fischer said. "You shall have no other gods before me. Allah is another god. The Bible says you, as a nation, shall have no other gods before me ... Make your objections known, that you object to the National Cathedral being turned into a mosque. That was not the purpose for which it was built. The purpose for which it was built is to worship the God that made America great and you object to it being used to worship a god of a completely different religion":
- See more at: Fischer Muslim Prayer Service At National Cathedral Violates The Ten Commandments Right Wing Watch

OMG! That idiot thinks that muslims worship a different god from the christians? And people believe that?

Ok here's the truth for all you religious challenged people.

Jewish people, christians and muslims all worship the same god. The difference is:

Jewish people don't believe that jesus christ is the messiah. They don't believe that mohammed is the messenger for god.

christian people believe that jesus christ is the messiah returned to earth. They don't believe that mohammed is the messenger for god.

muslim people believe that mohammed is the messenger of god. They don't believe that jesus christ was the messiah.

However they all believe in the same god.

Any fool who listens to fischer is just as stupid and uninformed as that idiot.

Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer service and Bryan Fischer is predictably outraged, urging his listeners to call the cathedral and complain that allowing this prayer service to take place violates the Ten Commandments.

On his radio program today, Fischer gave out the cathedral's phone number and encouraged his listeners to call and voice their opposition by complaining that the prayer service is really an effort to convert the cathedral into a mosque and is in violation of the very first of the Ten Commandments.

"This is one of the Ten Commandments," Fischer said. "You shall have no other gods before me. Allah is another god. The Bible says you, as a nation, shall have no other gods before me ... Make your objections known, that you object to the National Cathedral being turned into a mosque. That was not the purpose for which it was built. The purpose for which it was built is to worship the God that made America great and you object to it being used to worship a god of a completely different religion":
- See more at: Fischer Muslim Prayer Service At National Cathedral Violates The Ten Commandments Right Wing Watch

OMG! That idiot thinks that muslims worship a different god from the christians? And people believe that?

Ok here's the truth for all you religious challenged people.

Jewish people, christians and muslims all worship the same god. The difference is:

Jewish people don't believe that jesus christ is the messiah. They don't believe that mohammed is the messenger for god.

christian people believe that jesus christ is the messiah returned to earth. They don't believe that mohammed is the messenger for god.

muslim people believe that mohammed is the messenger of god. They don't believe that jesus christ was the messiah.

However they all believe in the same god.

Any fool who listens to fischer is just as stupid and uninformed as that idiot.

well , that's a simplistic explanation of it, from a simpleton
Allah is not "another God", and the Ten Commandments are in the Koran as well.
This came up the other day. I carpool with two Muslims and two Hindus. This issue came up, and I asked the Muslims for clarification. There is only one god. We call him by one name, Muslims call him Allah. Allah is just a name for God. They don't have another god, and they don't think the Christian god is not the true god. They believe there is only one god, just like Christians believe, and it is the same god. Allah is simply the word for god in Arabic; God is the word for god in English.
Don't worry about it. Islam has nothing to do with God or religion anyway. Presenting itself as a religion is just a SCAM that Islam has been using for 1400 years, to shield itself from criticism due to its many immoralities (and in the USA, ILLEGALITIES as well)
Your post is absolute stupidity.
Islam is not a religion. For 1400 years, Islam has been using religion as a shield from criticism it of course deserves, for it's many immoral (and in the US ILLEGAL) practices (mass genocide, wife-beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, lying, animal cruelty/killing, severe sex discrimination, censorship, etc) Most people around the world do not consider Islam to be a religion, nor do some countries (ex. Italy, Myanmar)
The National Cathedral has been run by Episcopalians. They seem to have simply abandoned their Christianity. Some people think they can just go out and do anything they want, and that they're being somehow cool. Not so with Christianity. You stick to the principles, or you're out.
Out where? :rofl:
Out of Christianity. They're no longer Christians. Starting with a violation of the first Commandment, putting a Muslim prayer service in a Christian cathedral is about as sacriligeous as it gets. With the utter filth that permeates the Koran, and the satanic character of Mo the Pedophile, its creator, this whole thing amounts to Satan moving into the house of God. Whatever looneytune came up with this bonehead idea, he needs to be fired in a hurry.

Islam is banned by Article 6, Section 2 of the US Constitution > the Supremacy Clause (simply never enforced) and it should not even be allowed to be practiced in a mosque, much less a Christian cathedral.
I'd be more worried about retailers suicide bombing me.
After all, the Christian God is just a retail sales gimmick these days, not actually a religious entity.

I was referring to your statement of the Christian God not being actually a religious entity.

But that isn't what I said, only what you thought, or wanted people to think, I'd said.

In context, my post talks about the loss of religious meaning to Christmas, and how it's been hijacked by the retail trade.
Yes, you said that, but you ALSO said that the Christian God is ......not actually a religious entity. Even if you had stopped after the word "days", and not posted the last 5 words, you still would have been saying that the Christian God is not actually a religious entity. I can't believe you're trying to wiggle out of this. It's so APPARENT. If this is not what you meant to say, than just say so. No big crime to speak incorrectly. We all do it sometimes.
The National Cathedral has been run by Episcopalians. They seem to have simply abandoned their Christianity. Some people think they can just go out and do anything they want, and that they're being somehow cool. Not so with Christianity. You stick to the principles, or you're out.
It's their call, isn't it? Seems like a lot of other so-called christians are jumping up to tell them who they can or cannot use their church.
I never heard of Satan being called Allah. Has anyone else, besides AmericanFirst?
Hes an evil god, therefore calling him Satan would probably be appropriate. Even an atheist like me can see the difference between christians and muslims. I can tolerate christianity, but Islam is a poison on humanity and it shouldnt be tolerated in civilized societies.
All your post does is show your complete ignorance if the Muslim world. There are 1.7 BILLION Muslims on the planet: a tiny, very tiny, percentage of them are engaged in terrorism and wars. The vast, vast majority are living peaceful, ordinary lives, living harmoniiously with the West, with Christians and Jews, etc. Your entire perspective on the Muslim world is based on the narrow focus of the media.
1. You don't know what Muslims are doing behind the closed doors and window blinds. Their Koran advocates wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, massive discrimination against women, and even mass murder of non-Muslims.

2. Regardless of "vast majorities", a very small number of Muslim jihadists can do massive harm. The 9/11 killers were on 19 in number. The Boston Bombers were only 2. The Fort Hood shooter was only 1. ONE jihadist with a nuclear bomb could kill a million people.

3. To say that Islam shouldn't be tolerated in civilized societies is CORRECT. It is in violation of the US Constitution and scores of US laws. It is a crude, immoral ideology that doesn't fit in civilized Western societies.
Sounds just like what the Romans were saying about the christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.
Sounds just like what the christians were saying about the jews in the Middle Ages.
Remind me? When was the last time a Muslim Mosque allowed a priest from another religion to preach in that Mosque?

good point------first there should be a hindu prayer festival in
Because Mecca is in the U.S under our Constitution, right?

of course not-----because Mecca is a city on the planet earth---and most historians believe that there were hindus
there------some even believe that the "idols" which were
there were Hindu Idols. ALSO because there were all kinds of people in Mecca for periods of time that exceed
the period of time that there were muslims there------generally jews and Zoroastrians.-----there were Christians
there too----but only for a few centuries
I'd be more worried about retailers suicide bombing me.
After all, the Christian God is just a retail sales gimmick these days, not actually a religious entity.

I was referring to your statement of the Christian God not being actually a religious entity.

But that isn't what I said, only what you thought, or wanted people to think, I'd said.

In context, my post talks about the loss of religious meaning to Christmas, and how it's been hijacked by the retail trade.

Christmas is a holiday-----not synonymous with the
Christian religion. Thanksgiving is also a holiday----just
not for Turkeys. Ramadan is not a holiday----it is an excuse for muslims to engage in terrorism
I never heard of Satan being called Allah. Has anyone else, besides AmericanFirst?
Hes an evil god, therefore calling him Satan would probably be appropriate. Even an atheist like me can see the difference between christians and muslims. I can tolerate christianity, but Islam is a poison on humanity and it shouldnt be tolerated in civilized societies.
All your post does is show your complete ignorance if the Muslim world. There are 1.7 BILLION Muslims on the planet: a tiny, very tiny, percentage of them are engaged in terrorism and wars. The vast, vast majority are living peaceful, ordinary lives, living harmoniiously with the West, with Christians and Jews, etc. Your entire perspective on the Muslim world is based on the narrow focus of the media.
1. You don't know what Muslims are doing behind the closed doors and window blinds. Their Koran advocates wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, massive discrimination against women, and even mass murder of non-Muslims.

2. Regardless of "vast majorities", a very small number of Muslim jihadists can do massive harm. The 9/11 killers were on 19 in number. The Boston Bombers were only 2. The Fort Hood shooter was only 1. ONE jihadist with a nuclear bomb could kill a million people.

3. To say that Islam shouldn't be tolerated in civilized societies is CORRECT. It is in violation of the US Constitution and scores of US laws. It is a crude, immoral ideology that doesn't fit in civilized Western societies.
Sounds just like what the Romans were saying about the christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.
Sounds just like what the christians were saying about the jews in the Middle Ages.

does not come close to that which muslims say about Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Christians
I never heard of Satan being called Allah. Has anyone else, besides AmericanFirst?
Hes an evil god, therefore calling him Satan would probably be appropriate. Even an atheist like me can see the difference between christians and muslims. I can tolerate christianity, but Islam is a poison on humanity and it shouldnt be tolerated in civilized societies.
All your post does is show your complete ignorance if the Muslim world. There are 1.7 BILLION Muslims on the planet: a tiny, very tiny, percentage of them are engaged in terrorism and wars. The vast, vast majority are living peaceful, ordinary lives, living harmoniiously with the West, with Christians and Jews, etc. Your entire perspective on the Muslim world is based on the narrow focus of the media.
1. You don't know what Muslims are doing behind the closed doors and window blinds. Their Koran advocates wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, massive discrimination against women, and even mass murder of non-Muslims.

2. Regardless of "vast majorities", a very small number of Muslim jihadists can do massive harm. The 9/11 killers were on 19 in number. The Boston Bombers were only 2. The Fort Hood shooter was only 1. ONE jihadist with a nuclear bomb could kill a million people.

3. To say that Islam shouldn't be tolerated in civilized societies is CORRECT. It is in violation of the US Constitution and scores of US laws. It is a crude, immoral ideology that doesn't fit in civilized Western societies.
Sounds just like what the Romans were saying about the christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.
Sounds just like what the christians were saying about the jews in the Middle Ages.

does not come close to that which muslims say about Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Christians
and? As far as I am concerned...the terrorists and nut-case extremists of all religions should just go off somewhere and kill each other....just like all gang-bangers should do. It would be a much more pleasant world then.

Oh, and BTW, my "ridiculous portrayal of Islam" is based on living more than 7 years in 3 different Muslim countries (90%+ Muslim population), living and working in these countries where my clients, co-workers, neighbors, etc., were also more than 90% Muslim. I'm not at all ignorant about this issue.[/QUOTE]

your credential is meaningless, Esmeralda--------you were a guest and being treated as a guest. The people with the
CREDENTIAL to judge what muslims are like are those who lived as non muslims ------in muslim dominated countries ---in communities that pre-dated islam in those countries.

talk to chaldeans, to Zoroastrians from Mumbai, to jews from any shariah shit hole etc etc
The National Cathedral has been run by Episcopalians. They seem to have simply abandoned their Christianity. Some people think they can just go out and do anything they want, and that they're being somehow cool. Not so with Christianity. You stick to the principles, or you're out.
It's their call, isn't it? Seems like a lot of other so-called christians are jumping up to tell them who they can or cannot use their church.
Including some Episcopalians who object to a small group of strategically placed loons making a horrendous decision that affects many more people than themselves. This might shed more light on the word "their".

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