Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer

Allah is another god

Drrr, Allah is simply the Arabic word for God.
The first bibles, and many today, still use the word.

Jesus - what a fucking moron.
And Dick used to just be a nickname for Richard.

As is usual for moronic twats, you can't answer, so have to post a load of old bollocks.
idiots on parade here.

Dress up nice, you're heading the parade.
This was from 2012. I'm telling you folks, better start waking up before it's too late.

Brussels Bans Annual Christmas Tree Display – It May Offend Muslims

Brussels replaced its popular Christmas tree exhibit this year at the city center due to concerns that it may offend the local Muslim population.
The Right Perspective reported:
Government officials in Brussels, Belgium banned Wednesday a popular Christmas tree exhibit out of concerns that the local Muslim population found it “offensive.”
An “electronic winter tree,” will take the place of the traditional Christmas Tree and Nativity scene at the city center of Grand Place, reports Brussels News.
The electronic sculpture will stand 25 meters (82 feet) tall and consists of a set of television screens, reports Brussels Expat. “During the daytime you can climb to the top of the tree where you will be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the city,” the website explains. “As soon as it becomes dark the tree turns into a spectacle of light and sound. Every ten minutes an amazing show will unfold.”
City councilwoman Bianca Debaets believes a “misplaced argument” over religious sensitivities has moved Brussels to put up the light sculpture. She points to the fact that it display not be referred to “Christmas” in any way to make her point.
“I suspect that the reference to the Christian religion was the decisive factor” in replacing the tree, she told reporters. “For a lot of people who are not Christians, the tree there is offensive to them.”

Brussels Bans Annual Christmas Tree Display 8211 It May Offend Muslims The Gateway Pundit

Now we Druids want our fair share of time!

There's an oak tree waiting to be delivered to The National Cathedral. Chopping block, too!
Now we Druids want our fair share of time!

There's an oak tree waiting to be delivered to The National Cathedral. Chopping block, too!
Pastafarians sure can't wait to walk in there and hold a meeting with their pasta strainers - and teach the 'congregation ' how to cook a holy appendage.
Mr. Fischer is obviously not a Catholic. In June there was a historic first when at the Vatican they held Islamic prayers.

It's not an issue as far as I know within the Catholic Church.
Do you have a link to this Vatican story ?
Allah is not "another God", and the Ten Commandments are in the Koran as well.
This came up the other day. I carpool with two Muslims and two Hindus. This issue came up, and I asked the Muslims for clarification. There is only one god. We call him by one name, Muslims call him Allah. Allah is just a name for God. They don't have another god, and they don't think the Christian god is not the true god. They believe there is only one god, just like Christians believe, and it is the same god. Allah is simply the word for god in Arabic; God is the word for god in English.
Don't worry about it. Islam has nothing to do with God or religion anyway. Presenting itself as a religion is just a SCAM that Islam has been using for 1400 years, to shield itself from criticism due to its many immoralities (and in the USA, ILLEGALITIES as well)
Want to see idiocy ? You just coined it.

Are you saying Christmas is purely a religious festival, not just an sales gimmick?
Tell me, how many people go out and buy shitty gifts, and how many are in Church on Christmas morning?

You know I'm right, but you don't wish to admit it.
I never heard of Satan being called Allah. Has anyone else, besides AmericanFirst?
Hes an evil god, therefore calling him Satan would probably be appropriate. Even an atheist like me can see the difference between christians and muslims. I can tolerate christianity, but Islam is a poison on humanity and it shouldnt be tolerated in civilized societies.
Absolutely correct and undeniable.
Want to see idiocy ? You just coined it.

Are you saying Christmas is purely a religious festival, not just an sales gimmick?
Tell me, how many people go out and buy shitty gifts, and how many are in Church on Christmas morning?

You know I'm right, but you don't wish to admit it.
I was referring to your statement of the Christian God not being actually a religious entity.
I never heard of Satan being called Allah. Has anyone else, besides AmericanFirst?
Hes an evil god, therefore calling him Satan would probably be appropriate. Even an atheist like me can see the difference between christians and muslims. I can tolerate christianity, but Islam is a poison on humanity and it shouldnt be tolerated in civilized societies.
All your post does is show your complete ignorance if the Muslim world. There are 1.7 BILLION Muslims on the planet: a tiny, very tiny, percentage of them are engaged in terrorism and wars. The vast, vast majority are living peaceful, ordinary lives, living harmoniiously with the West, with Christians and Jews, etc. Your entire perspective on the Muslim world is based on the narrow focus of the media.
1. You don't know what Muslims are doing behind the closed doors and window blinds. Their Koran advocates wife beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, massive discrimination against women, and even mass murder of non-Muslims.

2. Regardless of "vast majorities", a very small number of Muslim jihadists can do massive harm. The 9/11 killers were on 19 in number. The Boston Bombers were only 2. The Fort Hood shooter was only 1. ONE jihadist with a nuclear bomb could kill a million people.

3. To say that Islam shouldn't be tolerated in civilized societies is CORRECT. It is in violation of the US Constitution and scores of US laws. It is a crude, immoral ideology that doesn't fit in civilized Western societies.
This was from 2012. I'm telling you folks, better start waking up before it's too late.

Brussels Bans Annual Christmas Tree Display – It May Offend Muslims

Brussels replaced its popular Christmas tree exhibit this year at the city center due to concerns that it may offend the local Muslim population.
The Right Perspective reported:
Government officials in Brussels, Belgium banned Wednesday a popular Christmas tree exhibit out of concerns that the local Muslim population found it “offensive.”
An “electronic winter tree,” will take the place of the traditional Christmas Tree and Nativity scene at the city center of Grand Place, reports Brussels News.
The electronic sculpture will stand 25 meters (82 feet) tall and consists of a set of television screens, reports Brussels Expat. “During the daytime you can climb to the top of the tree where you will be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the city,” the website explains. “As soon as it becomes dark the tree turns into a spectacle of light and sound. Every ten minutes an amazing show will unfold.”
City councilwoman Bianca Debaets believes a “misplaced argument” over religious sensitivities has moved Brussels to put up the light sculpture. She points to the fact that it display not be referred to “Christmas” in any way to make her point.
“I suspect that the reference to the Christian religion was the decisive factor” in replacing the tree, she told reporters. “For a lot of people who are not Christians, the tree there is offensive to them.”

Brussels Bans Annual Christmas Tree Display 8211 It May Offend Muslims The Gateway Pundit

This was one case of Islamization among thousands of others.

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