Tomorrow Is September 11th. What Is The President Doing To Keep Us Safe From Terrorism?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. On the eve of the 13th Anniversary of those attacks, you must ask yourself: What is Obama, more rather, what is our government doing to keep America safe from terrorism? Nothing. So far Obama has done more to promote it that to cull it.

Yes, it has been 13 years and we haven't had another terrorist attack on our soil since then, but what do you think will happen when a president foolishly donates money to terrorist groups such as Hamas and al-Qaeda? Well, he's asking for trouble; and trouble has already reached our shores and is pervading the very essence of our homeland.

Tonight, I learned that there is a radical Islamic terrorist training camp not 30 miles from my home, it has been there since 2007. Yes, 30 miles, in the city of Commerce, Georgia. These terrorists call themselves Jamaat al-Fuqra. And they really do exist. They have 11 suspected compounds throughout the southeast, including three here in Georgia alone. More information can be found here. Although they have not carried out acts of violence on the citizenry, it is only a matter of time before they could potentially do. However, I hope for my sake and the sakes citizens in my area, that I am wrong. They could be in your backyard, your neighborhood, and you would never know. That my friends should alarm you.

Obama isn't doing enough to stop the terrorist threat in America. Lets suppose you have a terrorist camp near you? It angers me, and it should anger all of you, that there are terrorist cells springing up all over America. So as you sit down to hear our President speak to the nation tonight about how to deal with ISIS, keep in mind his failure to stop them as they rampaged through Iraq and Syria. Keep in mind his eagerness to pull our troops out of Iraq when the mission was not accomplished; and how it gave birth to this barbaric terrorist group who beheaded two American journalists. His foreign policy is a failure. And he himself admitted he 'had no strategy.' Does he now have one? We will see tonight.

So I ask all of you: What is the President and the US doing to keep the US safe from terrorism?
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Him? Nothing.

But 800,000 cops and 3,000,000 military members will be on watch, ready to fight.

There are terror cells here. All those domestic MRAPs and SWAT teams the media demonized for a month, may come to use.
We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. ...

I'm impressed that the OP got all the way to the second line of his OP before twisting a political act into a religious one.

Baby steps ...
Him? Nothing.

But 800,000 cops and 3,000,000 military members will be on watch, ready to fight.

There are terror cells here. All those domestic MRAPs and SWAT teams the media demonized for a month, may come to use.
nobody cares if they are used for terrorists you retard. That was never the argument.

Seriously you people are stupid.
As long as he and his family are ok, the whole world can go up in flames!

That's what I am beginning to think of him anyway.:dunno:

The rest of us? who gives a stinking damn about that.
So I ask all of you: What is the President and the US doing to keep the US safe from terrorism?

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ... FDR - December 7, 1941

only idiots give credence to "terrorism" and turn themselves into their own cells.

We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. On the eve of the 13th Anniversary of those attacks, you must ask yourself: What is Obama, more rather, what is our government doing to keep America safe from terrorism? Nothing. So far Obama has done more to promote it that to cull it.

Yes, it has been 13 years and we haven't had another terrorist attack on our soil since then, but what do you think will happen when a president foolishly donates money to terrorist groups such as Hamas and al-Qaeda? Well, he's asking for trouble; and trouble has already reached our shores and is pervading the very essence of our homeland.

Tonight, I learned that there is a radical Islamic terrorist training camp not 30 miles from my home, it has been there since 2007. Yes, 30 miles, in the city of Commerce, Georgia. These terrorists call themselves Jamaat al-Fuqra. And they really do exist. They have 11 suspected compounds throughout the southeast, including three here in Georgia alone. More information can be found here. Although they have not carried out acts of violence on the citizenry, it is only a matter of time before they could potentially do. However, I hope for my sake and the sakes citizens in my area, that I am wrong. They could be in your backyard, your neighborhood, and you would never know. That my friends should alarm you.

Obama isn't doing enough to stop the terrorist threat in America. Lets suppose you have a terrorist camp near you? It angers me, and it should anger all of you, that there are terrorist cells springing up all over America. So as you sit down to hear our President speak to the nation tonight about how to deal with ISIS, keep in mind his failure to stop them as they rampaged through Iraq and Syria. Keep in mind his eagerness to pull our troops out of Iraq when the mission was not accomplished; and how it gave birth to this barbaric terrorist group who beheaded two American journalists. His foreign policy is a failure. And he himself admitted he 'had no strategy.' Does he now have one? We will see tonight.

So I ask all of you: What is the President and the US doing to keep the US safe from terrorism?
He will be golfing.
We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. ...

I'm impressed that the OP got all the way to the second line of his OP before twisting a political act into a religious one.

Baby steps ...

I'm impressed you actually managed to read that far.

And I'm also impressed that you managed to get through an entire post and not call me any names. Golden star for you! They do these things in the name of Islam. Would you care to prove to the contrary? And no, Obama saying "ISIS isn't Islamic" does not count.

You liberals manage time and again to show your lack of backbone on issues of national security.

Baby steps...
We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. On the eve of the 13th Anniversary of those attacks, you must ask yourself: What is Obama, more rather, what is our government doing to keep America safe from terrorism? Nothing. So far Obama has done more to promote it that to cull it.

Yes, it has been 13 years and we haven't had another terrorist attack on our soil since then, but what do you think will happen when a president foolishly donates money to terrorist groups such as Hamas and al-Qaeda? Well, he's asking for trouble; and trouble has already reached our shores and is pervading the very essence of our homeland.

Tonight, I learned that there is a radical Islamic terrorist training camp not 30 miles from my home, it has been there since 2007. Yes, 30 miles, in the city of Commerce, Georgia. These terrorists call themselves Jamaat al-Fuqra. And they really do exist. They have 11 suspected compounds throughout the southeast, including three here in Georgia alone. More information can be found here. Although they have not carried out acts of violence on the citizenry, it is only a matter of time before they could potentially do. However, I hope for my sake and the sakes citizens in my area, that I am wrong. They could be in your backyard, your neighborhood, and you would never know. That my friends should alarm you.

Obama isn't doing enough to stop the terrorist threat in America. Lets suppose you have a terrorist camp near you? It angers me, and it should anger all of you, that there are terrorist cells springing up all over America. So as you sit down to hear our President speak to the nation tonight about how to deal with ISIS, keep in mind his failure to stop them as they rampaged through Iraq and Syria. Keep in mind his eagerness to pull our troops out of Iraq when the mission was not accomplished; and how it gave birth to this barbaric terrorist group who beheaded two American journalists. His foreign policy is a failure. And he himself admitted he 'had no strategy.' Does he now have one? We will see tonight.

So I ask all of you: What is the President and the US doing to keep the US safe from terrorism?

Your governor allows terrorist training camps in your state and you're crying about the President?

We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. ...

I'm impressed that the OP got all the way to the second line of his OP before twisting a political act into a religious one.

Baby steps ...

I'm impressed you actually managed to read that far.

I'm also impressed that you managed to get through an entire post and not call me any names. Golden star for you! They do these things in the name of Islam, care to prove to the contrary? And no, Obama saying "ISIS isn't Islamic" does not count.

Baby steps...

"Call you names"? What do I look like, Quantum Kazbag? :lol:

Thought you might ask me why I said that. I'll tell you anyway.

Wherever you got this idea that 9/11 was some kind of "religious" attack -- and I know somebody out there fed it to you -- you need to understand the reason it was characterized and revised that way.

The actual horrific events of 9/11 are in no way uncertain or in question. We know what went down. What's malleable is the "why". Shifting an act of political terrorism into the realm of the religious has a specific manipulative purpose.

A political act results, predictably, out of a political history - international politics in this case. Understanding that background requires a great deal of study of contexts and history. You have to navigate all kinds of complexities including your own country's part in that history, and what it means here, and what it means there, and third parties, and fourth parties, in order to grok the "why" of it. That produces a large swath of POVs and contingencies and mitigating factors. It can make the brain hurt.

But convert the same political act into a religious one, and eeeeeverything suddenly gets much easier. Now you can sell the despised religion as the enemy -- no matter if the perpetrators weren't even religious people if you can sell them as adherents to that religion, you sell the idea of "Evil". Evil is a base emotion, divorced from the rational, and serves as a tool to open up the can of Rabid that you want from the populace.

The Rabid that you want, that is, if you're trying to sell a war. You can't start a war with rationality.

The concept "Evil" is an advertising tool, just as fast food stores paint their environment red because it makes people hungry. As an emotion, fear is a gut reaction. It shoots first and asks questions later (if at all). And that's what the advertiser wants -- the image (perception) of the Emmanuel Goldstein entity as the embodiment of pure Evil, to be despised and eradicated from the planet. No more international political study-- new Instant Religi-whiz, now with special ingredient Fear-it-all, gets those brain-hurts out and leaves a nice rabid populace ready to kill. No muss, no fuss.

And it begins with simple terminology -- truth is always the first casualty in warmongering. You don't have to sell 9/11 as a "religious" basis --- it's already been sold to you in the phrase "Islamic militants" and you dutifully ingested and did what you were expected to do --- passed it on to the Grand Meme. That serves as one more affirmation.

And that's what they want.

So carry on.
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We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. ...

I'm impressed that the OP got all the way to the second line of his OP before twisting a political act into a religious one.

Baby steps ...

I'm impressed you actually managed to read that far.

I'm also impressed that you managed to get through an entire post and not call me any names. Golden star for you! They do these things in the name of Islam, care to prove to the contrary? And no, Obama saying "ISIS isn't Islamic" does not count.

Baby steps...

"Call you names"? What do I look like, Quantum Kazbag? :lol:

Thought you might ask me why I said that. I'll tell you anyway.

Wherever you got this idea that 9/11 was some kind of "religious" attack -- and I know somebody out there fed it to you -- you need to understand the reason it was characterized and revised that way.

The actual horrific events of 9/11 are in no way uncertain or in question. We know what went down. What's malleable is the "why". Shifting an act of political terrorism into the realm of the religious has a specific manipulative purpose.

A political act results, predictably, out of a political history - international politics in this case. Understanding that background requires a great deal of study of contexts and history. You have to navigate all kinds of complexities including your own country's part in that history, and what it means here, and what it means there, and third parties, and fourth parties, in order to grok the "why" of it. That produces a large swath of POVs and contingencies and mitigating factors. It can make the brain hurt.

But convert the same political act into a religious one, and eeeeeverything suddenly gets much easier. Now you can sell the despised religion as the enemy -- no matter if the perpetrators weren't even religious people if you can sell them as adherents to that religion, you sell the idea of "Evil". Evil is a base emotion, divorced from the rational, and serves as a tool to open up the can of Rabid that you want from the populace.

The Rabid that you want, that is, if you're trying to sell a war. You can't start a war with rationality. The concept "Evil" is an advertising tool, just as fast food stores paint their environment red because it makes people hungry. As an emotion, fear is a gut reaction. It shoots first and asks questions later (if at all). And that's what the advertiser wants -- the image (perception) of the Emmanuel Goldstein entity as the embodiment of pure Evil, to be despised and eradicated from the planet.

And it begins with simple terminology -- truth is always the first casualty in warmongering. You don't have to sell 9/11 as a "religious" basis --- it's already been sold to you in the phrase "Islamic militants" and you dutifully ingested and did what you were expected to do --- passed it on to the Grand Meme. That serves as one more affirmation.

And that's what they want.

So carry on.

Don't lecture me. This isn't Political Correctness 101, this is reality. Liberals like you have to rationalize your own passivity because you have no real basis to justify why you are. You have to twist the meaning of what 'evil' is to fit it to your own concept of evil. "Don't call them radical Islamists" or "those people aren't religious" or "evil isn't evil" is preposterous. Spare me this PC nonsense. I am a libertarian and I hate unjustified wars, but even I see the danger this group poses to the world. You? You simply disagree just to disagree. War is always bad and never will work to solve anything.

So, people who do harm to us and others in the name of Islam aren't religious? Is that what I'm getting here? That what ISIS did was a political move? That those radical Islamists flew three planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon for political reasons? What? Are you insane? "You can't start a war with rationality" you say. Nor can you start one with a red line, either. So, for example if a political act in America involved killing people, then we would all be dead. Correct? There went the entirety of your argument, right there.

Pogo, let me let you in on a secret. When people behead two Americans, that's evil. When they purposefully kill Christians who don't convert to Islam, they are evil. When they rape and force their women into unwanted marriages, that's evil. Evils like that only exists once in a generation with Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao being a some examples. Also, look at their name: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria/Libya. They invoke the name of Islam in their very name! Listen to yourself!

For the record, they turned this into a religious issue when they started on a genocidal campaign against Christians in Iraq. They are indeed radical, simply because another radical group, al-Qaeda disowned them. When al-Qaeda disowns one of it's offshoots, you know just how evil they really are. You sound like you don't want them to be killed. I can only take it that you are defending them. For your sake, I hope you aren't. There need not be any historical context to know that ISIS/L is the manifestation of pure evil in this world.

You have a very funny sense of what evil is, Pogo. So what exactly is evil in your eyes? You simply don't understand the gravitas of this situation. Your rationale is quite frankly disturbing. Your generalizations of evil are easy to see. I call them what they are. Radical Islamists. Looking for the gray area between the black and white is not always a good thing. Now, go report to the Chief of the PC Police, tell him you failed to catch the bad guy who called them Radical Islamists. I will say what I want, however I want to. It does not mean I swallowed anything anyone else said. Only blind people hang on every word the establishment says.

I don't blithely follow any political party. I follow my own path, you had better understand that. I stopped playing the lemming a long time ago.

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