Tomorrow Is September 11th. What Is The President Doing To Keep Us Safe From Terrorism?

We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. On the eve of the 13th Anniversary of those attacks, you must ask yourself: What is Obama, more rather, what is our government doing to keep America safe from terrorism? Nothing. So far Obama has done more to promote it that to cull it.

Yes, it has been 13 years and we haven't had another terrorist attack on our soil since then, but what do you think will happen when a president foolishly donates money to terrorist groups such as Hamas and al-Qaeda? Well, he's asking for trouble; and trouble has already reached our shores and is pervading the very essence of our homeland.

Tonight, I learned that there is a radical Islamic terrorist training camp not 30 miles from my home, it has been there since 2007. Yes, 30 miles, in the city of Commerce, Georgia. These terrorists call themselves Jamaat al-Fuqra. And they really do exist. They have 11 suspected compounds throughout the southeast, including three here in Georgia alone. More information can be found here. Although they have not carried out acts of violence on the citizenry, it is only a matter of time before they could potentially do. However, I hope for my sake and the sakes citizens in my area, that I am wrong. They could be in your backyard, your neighborhood, and you would never know. That my friends should alarm you.

Obama isn't doing enough to stop the terrorist threat in America. Lets suppose you have a terrorist camp near you? It angers me, and it should anger all of you, that there are terrorist cells springing up all over America. So as you sit down to hear our President speak to the nation tonight about how to deal with ISIS, keep in mind his failure to stop them as they rampaged through Iraq and Syria. Keep in mind his eagerness to pull our troops out of Iraq when the mission was not accomplished; and how it gave birth to this barbaric terrorist group who beheaded two American journalists. His foreign policy is a failure. And he himself admitted he 'had no strategy.' Does he now have one? We will see tonight.

So I ask all of you: What is the President and the US doing to keep the US safe from terrorism?

We never got hit on Obama's watch.

I beg your pardon?

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia
Lone wolves?

A lone wolf or wolves in packs. The number is irrelevant.

Terrorism is the act of instilling fear and terror through acts of violence or intimidation. There is no minimum or maximum number of assailants. In that OP, I made the error of assuming terrorism only originated from the middle east and nowhere else. People can be inspired here in America by those ideologies to commit terroristic acts of violence.

So, to say we were 'never hit on Obama's watch' is wrong.

Lone wolves in America inspired to violence by jihadist ideologies in the middle east? Still terrorism. Some white supremacist shooting up a black church? Still terrorism.

The guy in Cali the other day who shot up the festival hated immigrants. I wonder who inspired him.
Wasn't Obama the one who killed bin Laden? I never was very good with history.
No. Obama never shot anyone

but yet I bet you give Trump full credit for the demise of ISIS

If you're asking whether I credit/blame a President for everything that happened when he happened to be present in office, the answer is no. I give credit and/or blame for the actions, decisions, and policies of a President that tangibly relate to outcomes. Eisenhower built the interstate system, even if he never picked up a shovel. Obama killed bin Laden, Clinton failed to get bin Laden, Bush basically gave up on bin Laden, so on. So far, Donald has no actions, decisions, or policies that can be shown to have had a meaningful contribution to defeating ISIS. An international coalition has been leading the fight against ISIS and has been driving them back since 2015. Currently, ISIS still exists.
Wasn't Obama the one who killed bin Laden? I never was very good with history.
No. Obama never shot anyone

but yet I bet you give Trump full credit for the demise of ISIS

If you're asking whether I credit/blame a President for everything that happened when he happened to be present in office, the answer is no. I give credit and/or blame for the actions, decisions, and policies of a President that tangibly relate to outcomes. Eisenhower built the interstate system, even if he never picked up a shovel. Obama killed bin Laden, Clinton failed to get bin Laden, Bush basically gave up on bin Laden, so on. So far, Donald has no actions, decisions, or policies that can be shown to have had a meaningful contribution to defeating ISIS. An international coalition has been leading the fight against ISIS and has been driving them back since 2015.

my response was to Death Angle, not you.
Oh brother.

Remember Benghazi?

Notice we don't armchair QB Trump?

At least 3,812 civilians have been killed or wounded in Afghanistan's war in the first half of 2019

The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) called the toll "shocking and unacceptable"

Trump is doing such a good job.

Then he announces or signals that he wants to bring some troops home before the 2020 election and

Two US soldiers killed in Afghan 'insider attack'

Afghan 'insider attack' kills two US soldiers in Kandahar

Why are these things happening? Let me remind you of Trump's quote, "I know more than the Generals"

Wasn't Obama the one who killed bin Laden? I never was very good with history.
No. Obama never shot anyone

but yet I bet you give Trump full credit for the demise of ISIS

If you're asking whether I credit/blame a President for everything that happened when he happened to be present in office, the answer is no. I give credit and/or blame for the actions, decisions, and policies of a President that tangibly relate to outcomes. Eisenhower built the interstate system, even if he never picked up a shovel. Obama killed bin Laden, Clinton failed to get bin Laden, Bush basically gave up on bin Laden, so on. So far, Donald has no actions, decisions, or policies that can be shown to have had a meaningful contribution to defeating ISIS. An international coalition has been leading the fight against ISIS and has been driving them back since 2015.

my response was to Death Angle, not you.

Yes, clearly that is the case. I simply don't know how to read, apparently. :eusa_doh:
Wasn't Obama the one who killed bin Laden? I never was very good with history.
No. Obama never shot anyone

but yet I bet you give Trump full credit for the demise of ISIS

If you're asking whether I credit/blame a President for everything that happened when he happened to be present in office, the answer is no. I give credit and/or blame for the actions, decisions, and policies of a President that tangibly relate to outcomes. Eisenhower built the interstate system, even if he never picked up a shovel. Obama killed bin Laden, Clinton failed to get bin Laden, Bush basically gave up on bin Laden, so on. So far, Donald has no actions, decisions, or policies that can be shown to have had a meaningful contribution to defeating ISIS. An international coalition has been leading the fight against ISIS and has been driving them back since 2015.

my response was to Death Angle, not you.

Yes, clearly that is the case. I simply don't know how to read, apparently. :eusa_doh:

Its all good! :11_2_1043:
We all know what happened on September 11th, 2001. There's no need to explain in detail the carnage radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on American soil that day. On the eve of the 13th Anniversary of those attacks, you must ask yourself: What is Obama, more rather, what is our government doing to keep America safe from terrorism? Nothing. So far Obama has done more to promote it that to cull it.

Yes, it has been 13 years and we haven't had another terrorist attack on our soil since then, but what do you think will happen when a president foolishly donates money to terrorist groups such as Hamas and al-Qaeda? Well, he's asking for trouble; and trouble has already reached our shores and is pervading the very essence of our homeland.

Tonight, I learned that there is a radical Islamic terrorist training camp not 30 miles from my home, it has been there since 2007. Yes, 30 miles, in the city of Commerce, Georgia. These terrorists call themselves Jamaat al-Fuqra. And they really do exist. They have 11 suspected compounds throughout the southeast, including three here in Georgia alone. More information can be found here. Although they have not carried out acts of violence on the citizenry, it is only a matter of time before they could potentially do. However, I hope for my sake and the sakes citizens in my area, that I am wrong. They could be in your backyard, your neighborhood, and you would never know. That my friends should alarm you.

Obama isn't doing enough to stop the terrorist threat in America. Lets suppose you have a terrorist camp near you? It angers me, and it should anger all of you, that there are terrorist cells springing up all over America. So as you sit down to hear our President speak to the nation tonight about how to deal with ISIS, keep in mind his failure to stop them as they rampaged through Iraq and Syria. Keep in mind his eagerness to pull our troops out of Iraq when the mission was not accomplished; and how it gave birth to this barbaric terrorist group who beheaded two American journalists. His foreign policy is a failure. And he himself admitted he 'had no strategy.' Does he now have one? We will see tonight.

So I ask all of you: What is the President and the US doing to keep the US safe from terrorism?

We never got hit on Obama's watch.

I beg your pardon?

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia
Lone wolves?

A lone wolf or wolves in packs. The number is irrelevant.

Terrorism is the act of instilling fear and terror through acts of violence or intimidation. There is no minimum or maximum number of assailants. In that OP, I made the error of assuming terrorism only originated from the middle east and nowhere else. People can be inspired here in America by those ideologies to commit terroristic acts of violence.

So, to say we were 'never hit on Obama's watch' is wrong.

Lone wolves in America inspired to violence by jihadist ideologies in the middle east? Still terrorism. Some white supremacist shooting up a black church? Still terrorism.

The guy in Cali the other day who shot up the festival hated immigrants. I wonder who inspired him.

Are you being serious? I doubt it. I wonder who inspires those Antifa thugs to beat people up and threaten them for their so called 'fascism'?

Really? Are we really going down this road?
Silly Boo Boo, necroing threads like a MF. This thread is from when Obama was president.

Not give Iran $150 Billion in Euros to circumvent US Law and International Treaty Law barring The US from making electronic or hard currency transfers or transactions with Iran, so they can buy weapons from Russia and buy US Uranium from Russia to make Nuclear Weapons to point at America with The ICBMS they bought from Russia and paid Russia to help the extend the range to threaten even more of The Middle East with their Reign of Terror.

That would be a start.

Yes, what Obama did was completely Illegal, and he should have been impeached for it.
But he's black, so.....
The guy in Cali the other day who shot up the festival hated immigrants.

Might I ask where you got this tidbit?

Investigators are aware of recent posts Legan wrote on Instagram that include white supremacist themes, multiple law enforcement officials briefed on the probe told ABC News. One entry, which criticizes the garlic festival, appears to have been posted Sunday from the event, showing crowds of attendees.

Another message posted Sunday criticizes people of mixed racial heritage and makes reference to a book popular among white supremacists, officials said.

Legan's Instagram account has since been taken down.

Soon after, he posted a picture with a caption that told followers to read a 19th-century, proto-fascist book. The book, which is repeatedly recommended alongside works by Hitler and other fascists on forums like 8chan, is full of anti-Semitic, sexist and white supremacist ideology. The book glorifies “Aryan” men, condemns inter-marriage between races, and defends violence based on bogus eugenicist tropes.

Ideologically motivated killers will sometimes reference manifestos before carrying out attacks, in a bid to draw attention to those works.

In his last post, Legan also complained of paved-over nature and towns “overcrowd[ed]” with “hoards of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats.” Some fascists, particularly those who follow the hyper-egoist school of thought laid out in Legan’s recommended book, criticize industrialization and Silicon Valley lifestyles as “degenerate.”
The guy in Cali the other day who shot up the festival hated immigrants.

Might I ask where you got this tidbit?

So he didn't like "Mestizos"? Didn't Trump tell America that Mexicans are rapists and murderers? So no surprise nuts like this go out and shoot places up. We have a right wing nut job conspiracy theorist in the White House.

Learn to pronounce
plural noun: mestizos
  1. (in Latin America) a man of mixed race, especially one having Spanish and indigenous descent.

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