Tomorrow Republicans will pretend to laugh and say it's not as bad as liberals thought!

Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?


Here is a cut-out question from your above post, which I would like to answer, knowing I cannot make the blind see:

"While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted?

I care more about the leak...Because the leak is a crime committed by someone in an office of public trust; and the indictment will have nothing to do with bogus allegations of collusion by Trump with the Russians during the campaign.

Sounds most likely that they will get Manafort for something he was into back when he was working with Podesta way before Trump ever decided to run for President. Possibly Flynn for failing to register when he was working for Turkey.

I know you butt-hurt liberals numbskulls have had Vaseline constantly on your shopping list since last November.

Prepare to open an new jar tomorrow.

I don't think Donnie had anything to do with Russia. It was his acolytes. He's not smart enough for a start.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)
View attachment 157312
We will see tomorrow… I have a feeling the Russian connection will be a nothing burger. LOL
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?

ROTFLMAO!!!!! The ROOSKIES didn't hack the DNC server and Assange isn't a ROOSKIE agent...PERIOD.

What still amazes me to this day is that the leftard clown posse has never shown the slightest bit of disgust in the revelations of Wikileaks and how the DNC and the lamestream media was attempting to steal the election...OH HELL NO!!! They are simply pissed that this traitorous, lying skank wasn't able to cheat her way into office. You see? Leftards live by the mantra of "By any means necessary and there is no line in the sand that they will not cross.

Get bent, ya moron....Manafort's pending indictment by deep stater Mueller doesn't mean diddly squat. This is all nothing but a smoke and mirror attempt to deflect from the crimes of the prior admin and the Hildebeast's days at the state department when she was trading "diplomacy" for donations to the Clinton slush fund disguised as a charitable foundation.
Were the ROOSKIES also behind the findings and revelations of Project Veritas as well?

Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)
View attachment 157312
We will see tomorrow… I have a feeling the Russian connection will be a nothing burger. LOL
The connection, at first, will be finances.

Where that leads will be the issue.
There's a good chance that Tony Podesta will join Paul Manafort in being indicted. So will this be worse than Mueller announcing that his investigation is over?
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)
View attachment 157312
We will see tomorrow… I have a feeling the Russian connection will be a nothing burger. LOL
The connection, at first, will be finances.

Where that leads will be the issue.
And the issue will be a nothing burger
So when it becomes obvious that Trump won't be impeached tomorrow, are you guys going to stop this Russian collusion nonsense? Or will we have some new conspiracy theory?

Low level guys tomorrow... But it will be very interesting if Cambridge Analytica are in that group... Experts are saying that Cambridge Analytica and the russians were both investing money in the exact areas of Facebook in the final week...

Trump. Cambridge Analytica. WikiLeaks. The connections, explained. - CNNPolitics
So when it becomes obvious that Trump won't be impeached tomorrow, are you guys going to stop this Russian collusion nonsense? Or will we have some new conspiracy theory?

Low level guys tomorrow... But it will be very interesting if Cambridge Analytica are in that group... Experts are saying that Cambridge Analytica and the russians were both investing money in the exact areas of Facebook in the final week...

Trump. Cambridge Analytica. WikiLeaks. The connections, explained. - CNNPolitics
ничего гастронома
looks like the left is preparing for the big disappointment tomorrow...they don't care how meaningless and silly the indictment is, the right better take it as seriously as they demand it be taken or be ready for some good old fashioned nagging.

There you go. Now try it again from the top only this time use more caps, exclamation points and a dash more neener neener
that's tomorrows grand finale...neener-neener
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)

Trumpster Behaviour Expert: When things gets hot drop bullshit brick and stir deflectively - repeat until waters are well muddied.
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)

Trumpster Behaviour Expert: When things gets hot drop bullshit brick and stir deflectively - repeat until waters are well muddied.
how's the union holding up?
Watch for it. Tomorrow no matter who is indicted and no matter for what reason Republicans will construct that tried and true strawman where they claim that liberals thought it would be much worse.

So an actual indictment isn't bad because liberals thought...blah blah you get the point.

While I have your attention isn't it funny how they seem to care more about how the indictment was leaked MORE than they care about someone within the Trump camp being indicted? And the total reason for the investigation is because Trump helped Russia fuck our democracy in the ass.

Oh but they want to tell you that what's really important is anything but Russia and Trump.

It's all fake news until someone gets indicted. Right?
Body Language Expert: Hillary Clinton 'Afraid of Prosecution' Amid 'Trump Dossier' Funding Revelations (VIDEO)

Trumpster Behaviour Expert: When things gets hot drop bullshit brick and stir deflectively - repeat until waters are well muddied.
Elections have consequences
Well cc, there was never a doubt in my mind that someone would be indicted for something once the special,counsel was appointed. What will be interesting is to see whether they are indicted for collusion or financial,shenanigans which have nothing to do with collusion. Then we will know where this investigation is going.
I am betting that Flynn will be the target here. After all that has come to light he is the only one thus far that actually looks like there is hard evidence that he broke the law.

That does nothing for the collusion that the democrats are looking for.

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