Tonight CNN is gonna tell us about the N Word

"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

Whether or not LBJ used the N word, he was right that blacks began voting Democratic and Whites, in the South, began voting Republican after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act.
What annoys me is everybody calling it the N word. Just fucking say ******. We all know what you mean anyway.
^^ Seems to be Bogus Quote Day up in here :dunno:

How much do you want to bet?

Obviously we can't exchange money here but if you can document it I'll toss you a rep, and you send me a neg. If you can't, then the opposite. And I don't mean ipse dixit from Kessler's book; I need real documentation.

Deal or no deal? We could say... 24 hours?

I'll dig up LBJ's remains.

You need "real documentation" what a fucking joke

How many times do you want me to quote you LBJ saying "******"?
sO how was the program?
Cable-less minds want to know.

Hm. No answer.
Oh well, the important thing is, CNN knows what draws ratings. :thup:

They lost me at --'I went back and found 'Roots'--to recall the historical significance'. This member of the panel was probably a teenager or younger in the mid 70's.

I was/am older.

By school age we told each other--'Don't say the N word'. I didn't and don't.

I can only assume CNN's target audience is younger?

Discussions on rap music followed.

A day or so later they announced that the segment had generated water-cooler discussions. Ok.

What can I say--we/neighborhood kids of the 50's attended Sunday School regularly and that worked for us. What may now be effective is beyond me. 'Racial slurs'---allowing oneself to think that way--to focus on hate--doesn't seem to be effective?
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

^^ Seems to be Bogus Quote Day up in here :dunno:
How much do you want to bet?

Obviously we can't exchange money here but if you can document it I'll toss you a rep, and you send me a neg. If you can't, then the opposite. And I don't mean ipse dixit from Kessler's book; I need real documentation.

Deal or no deal? We could say... 24 hours?

I'll dig up LBJ's remains.

You need "real documentation" what a fucking joke

How many times do you want me to quote you LBJ saying "******"?

Bogus quote. You lose.

Next time: more due diligence = less 'fucking joke'.
Thanks for playin'.
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It is amusing to see a cable news channel try to educate the public on why it is OK for black people to call others "*******," but not OK when non-whites do so. Does anyone else appreciate the irony in this delicious hypocrisy?

What I find more hypocritical is the fact that the Mexican Mafia had MS 13 gangs order black families in California to move out of Latino - White Neighborhoods the other day and called the woman a ****** while evicting her and neither Al Sharpton nor Jessie Jackson nor CNN (or any other news media ) reported the story much less was there an outcry about it from ANYONE.

Think about that. This woman didn't only get called the "N" Word! She and her entire family got evicted by the Mexican Mafia orders and Al Sharpton nor Jessie Jackson have said a word. So Mexican Mafia ethnically cleansing black neighborhoods in California and no complaints, no beer summit, no Rose Garden speech....

This didn't happen 20 years ago, folks. This happened RECENTLY!

The hypocrisy of that is just too much.

But then again the Mexican Mafia is not Paula Deen. :cool:

[ame=]President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word. - YouTube[/ame]


If Kessler is a source you won't accept (why?) I have one here from Beschloss, is he safe to believe?


Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals

Wednesday, July 7, 1965, 1:30 P.M.

Johnson offers the job of Solicitor General to Judge Marshall, who famously championed school desegregation before the Supreme Court in the landmark 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education and succeeded in twenty-eight other cases before the Court. Without saying so flat-out, LBJ makes it clear that he intends one day to appoint Marshall as the first black Justice on the Supreme Court.

(This he ultimately did in June 1966. When an aide later suggested another black judge, Leon Higginbotham, for the Court, Johnson glared and said, "The only two people who ever heard of Judge Higginbotham are you and his mama. When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******.")

Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson's Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965 by Michael R. Beschloss - Powell's Books
President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word. - YouTube


If Kessler is a source you won't accept (why?) I have one here from Beschloss, is he safe to believe?


Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals

Wednesday, July 7, 1965, 1:30 P.M.

Johnson offers the job of Solicitor General to Judge Marshall, who famously championed school desegregation before the Supreme Court in the landmark 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education and succeeded in twenty-eight other cases before the Court. Without saying so flat-out, LBJ makes it clear that he intends one day to appoint Marshall as the first black Justice on the Supreme Court.

(This he ultimately did in June 1966. When an aide later suggested another black judge, Leon Higginbotham, for the Court, Johnson glared and said, "The only two people who ever heard of Judge Higginbotham are you and his mama. When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******.")

Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson's Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965 by Michael R. Beschloss - Powell's Books

That's not the quote. Not in there. Still bogus.

Frank's entry is unacceptable because there's no record of it. Just a guy claiming to have heard it. Anyone can do that. The obvious point being, you don't post a quote you can't prove exists. Earlier in the day somebody did that with George Washington, and before that a different poster had another different bogus Washington quote in his sig. We can't just walk around making up our own quotes and attributing them to historic figures --- unless you think dishonesty is fair play.

"Stop throwing the constitution in my face. It's just a goddam piece of paper!" -- George W. Bush said that. Or did he? Somebody reported that he said that, but there's no actual record. Same thing. No, we don't get to just make it up, nor do we get to pass it on when somebody else just makes it up.

Captain Obvious
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President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word. - YouTube


If Kessler is a source you won't accept (why?) I have one here from Beschloss, is he safe to believe?


Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals

Wednesday, July 7, 1965, 1:30 P.M.

Johnson offers the job of Solicitor General to Judge Marshall, who famously championed school desegregation before the Supreme Court in the landmark 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education and succeeded in twenty-eight other cases before the Court. Without saying so flat-out, LBJ makes it clear that he intends one day to appoint Marshall as the first black Justice on the Supreme Court.

(This he ultimately did in June 1966. When an aide later suggested another black judge, Leon Higginbotham, for the Court, Johnson glared and said, "The only two people who ever heard of Judge Higginbotham are you and his mama. When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******.")

Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson's Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965 by Michael R. Beschloss - Powell's Books

That's not the quote. Not in there. Still bogus.

I never said it was, thats why I didn't quote the post with that particular quote in I need to stress the obvious?

Frank's entry is unacceptable because there's no record of it. Just a guy claiming to have heard it. Anyone can do that. The obvious point being, you don't post a quote you can't prove exists. Earlier in the day somebody did that with George Washington, and before that a different poster had another different bogus Washington quote in his sig. We can't just walk around making up our own quotes and attributing them to historic figures --- unless you think dishonesty is fair play.

"Stop throwing the constitution in my face. It's just a goddam piece of paper!" -- George W. Bush said that. Or did he? Somebody reported that he said that, but there's no actual record. Same thing. No, we don't get to just make it up, nor do we get to pass it on when somebody else just makes it up.

Captain Obvious

so when does a quote become a "quote"?....why is Kessler not acceptable and say Beschloss is, (?). Not every Salinger 'quote' in A Profile in Courage was first person, or attributable:eusa_eh:
President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word. - YouTube


If Kessler is a source you won't accept (why?) I have one here from Beschloss, is he safe to believe?


Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals

Wednesday, July 7, 1965, 1:30 P.M.

Johnson offers the job of Solicitor General to Judge Marshall, who famously championed school desegregation before the Supreme Court in the landmark 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education and succeeded in twenty-eight other cases before the Court. Without saying so flat-out, LBJ makes it clear that he intends one day to appoint Marshall as the first black Justice on the Supreme Court.

(This he ultimately did in June 1966. When an aide later suggested another black judge, Leon Higginbotham, for the Court, Johnson glared and said, "The only two people who ever heard of Judge Higginbotham are you and his mama. When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******.")

Reaching for Glory: Lyndon Johnson's Secret White House Tapes, 1964-1965 by Michael R. Beschloss - Powell's Books

I never said it was, thats why I didn't quote the post with that particular quote in I need to stress the obvious?

Frank's entry is unacceptable because there's no record of it. Just a guy claiming to have heard it. Anyone can do that. The obvious point being, you don't post a quote you can't prove exists. Earlier in the day somebody did that with George Washington, and before that a different poster had another different bogus Washington quote in his sig. We can't just walk around making up our own quotes and attributing them to historic figures --- unless you think dishonesty is fair play.

"Stop throwing the constitution in my face. It's just a goddam piece of paper!" -- George W. Bush said that. Or did he? Somebody reported that he said that, but there's no actual record. Same thing. No, we don't get to just make it up, nor do we get to pass it on when somebody else just makes it up.

Captain Obvious

so when does a quote become a "quote"?....why is Kessler not acceptable and say Beschloss is, (?). Not every Salinger 'quote' in A Profile in Courage was first person, or attributable:eusa_eh:

Nobody brought up Beschloss or Salinger. Strange tangent you're trying to derail to in order to justify an undocumented quote. Several posters did bring up Washington and Johnson, attributing quotes to them that cannot be documented or confirmed. If I declare "Trajan told me he eats babies", does my word alone make it a fact? Certainly not; if we ran reality on that basis, we wouldn't have any.

I don't see how it can be argued that passing around fabricated quotes or histories is a defensible act. It isn't. It's lying.

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