Tonight is Passover- Pesach Sameach

Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

It’s true.

he gave out "options" on what to "believe"?
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

It’s true.

he gave out "options" on what to "believe"?
Actually no. He didn’t give that option. He either is exactly who he claimed to be or he was insane. There is no middle ground.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

You've been watching Jason and The Argonauts.
Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

It’s true.

he gave out "options" on what to "believe"?
Actually no. He didn’t give that option. He either is exactly who he claimed to be or he was insane. There is no middle ground.

I agree----he was clearly a PHARISEE who despised roman
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

It’s true.

he gave out "options" on what to "believe"?
Actually no. He didn’t give that option. He either is exactly who he claimed to be or he was insane. There is no middle ground.

I agree----he was clearly a PHARISEE who despised roman
I’m familiar with that interpretation but his message was not political it was personal.
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

You've been watching Jason and The Argonauts.
Not for a very long time.

Don’t you believe it would be odd for God to exist and seek out man and not try to seek out all men?

Is the belief of Jews that the G-d of Abraham is only the G-d of the Jews?

Wouldn’t that seem odd to you?
Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

You've been watching Jason and The Argonauts.
Not for a very long time.

Don’t you believe it would be odd for God to exist and seek out man and not try to seek out all men?

Is the belief of Jews that the G-d of Abraham is only the G-d of the Jews?

Wouldn’t that seem odd to you?

I'd not thought of it in such depth.

Though the monolith in A Space Odyssey is an interesting notion. That was on TeeVee last night.

A form of intelligence we can't even get our puny brains around.
FYI. Ding.

In Judaism.... "The Lord offered the Law to all nations; but all refused to accept it except Israel"

Now don't complicate the matter.
Which could very well mean that the law of right and wrong is written into the hearts of all men and that the Jews were the first to embrace it. There is no doubt that the Jews at the time of Moses established standards which were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. In fact we are still challenged to meet those standards today.

Coming to know God is not an event it is a process. He provides us with ample feedback on the choices we make. And like a good father he will never give up on us. He will continually bring us back to our lessons until we learn them.

So my point still stands. Is God the God of everyone or is God only the God of a few?
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

You've been watching Jason and The Argonauts.
Not for a very long time.

Don’t you believe it would be odd for God to exist and seek out man and not try to seek out all men?

Is the belief of Jews that the G-d of Abraham is only the G-d of the Jews?

Wouldn’t that seem odd to you?

I'd not thought of it in such depth.

Though the monolith in A Space Odyssey is an interesting notion. That was on TeeVee last night.

A form of intelligence we can't even get our puny brains around.
I agree. Us being things we will never be able to understand the nature of God because God is no thing. God is beyond energy and matter. God is something entirely different.
FYI. Ding.

In Judaism.... "The Lord offered the Law to all nations; but all refused to accept it except Israel"

Now don't complicate the matter.
Which could very well mean that the law of right and wrong is written into the hearts of all men and that the Jews were the first to embrace it. There is no doubt that the Jews at the time of Moses established standards which were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. In fact we are still challenged to meet those standards today.

Coming to know God is not an event it is a process. He provides us with ample feedback on the choices we make. And like a good father he will never give up on us. He will continually bring us back to our lessons until we learn them.

So my point still stands. Is God the God of everyone or is God only the God of a few?

Of everyone of course.
FYI. Ding.

In Judaism.... "The Lord offered the Law to all nations; but all refused to accept it except Israel"

Now don't complicate the matter.
Which could very well mean that the law of right and wrong is written into the hearts of all men and that the Jews were the first to embrace it. There is no doubt that the Jews at the time of Moses established standards which were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. In fact we are still challenged to meet those standards today.

Coming to know God is not an event it is a process. He provides us with ample feedback on the choices we make. And like a good father he will never give up on us. He will continually bring us back to our lessons until we learn them.

So my point still stands. Is God the God of everyone or is God only the God of a few?

Of everyone of course.
That would seem to be the logical answer to me as well.

And using logic if we assume he cares about us would you expect he would provide some level of feedback on the choices we make?

Let me say it this way, as a parent did you reinforce the good decisions your children made? And didn’t you let them know when they made bad choices?

Isn’t that something a good parent does?

And doesn’t a good parent provide instructions early in their child’s life and then give them space to let them fail or succeed?
I disagree with both of you. I think our gods are extra-terrestrial beings. Not made up religious ones.

Extraterrestrials, living beings and otherworldly creatures, brought the knowledge of God to the people of earth through men whose minds were receptive to their form of communication which is not a spoken language per se...
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Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

So, according to you, Rome made the ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus the national religion because he was fully man and fully God?


If you believe that Jesus is God why would you celebrate the death of God in church every Sunday or even once?

Why would you ritually eat him , even symbolically?

Do you hate God or have you lost your mind?
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FYI. Ding.

In Judaism.... "The Lord offered the Law to all nations; but all refused to accept it except Israel"

Now don't complicate the matter.
Which could very well mean that the law of right and wrong is written into the hearts of all men and that the Jews were the first to embrace it. There is no doubt that the Jews at the time of Moses established standards which were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. In fact we are still challenged to meet those standards today.

Coming to know God is not an event it is a process. He provides us with ample feedback on the choices we make. And like a good father he will never give up on us. He will continually bring us back to our lessons until we learn them.

So my point still stands. Is God the God of everyone or is God only the God of a few?

Of everyone of course.

God is the God of the living, not the dead.

The dead in hells keeping cry out to God in agony because he is not among them yet some still believe that they have made the better choice by defying his law as a brazen expression of their love and devotion which amounts to none.

And then when they turn to a priest for help because they feel completely lost and are in unspeakable pain he tells them to keep the faith and worship and eat another cracker.

What a guy!

I would love to join them but I just can't seem to get inebriated enough to throw my mind in the trash.

I have no faith.

Woe is me,.
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Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

So, according to you, Rome made the ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus the national religion because he was fully man and fully God?


If you believe that Jesus is God why would you celebrate the death of God in church every Sunday or even once?

Why would you ritually eat him , even symbolically?

Do you hate God or have you lost your mind?
No. His resurrection is celebrated.

We celebrate the reconciliation of justice with mercy. We celebrate the last supper. We were made to be sustained by God. God is meant to be our sustenance. We are supposed to want to devoir God. You intentionally misrepresent what communion means.
FYI. Ding.

In Judaism.... "The Lord offered the Law to all nations; but all refused to accept it except Israel"

Now don't complicate the matter.
Which could very well mean that the law of right and wrong is written into the hearts of all men and that the Jews were the first to embrace it. There is no doubt that the Jews at the time of Moses established standards which were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. In fact we are still challenged to meet those standards today.

Coming to know God is not an event it is a process. He provides us with ample feedback on the choices we make. And like a good father he will never give up on us. He will continually bring us back to our lessons until we learn them.

So my point still stands. Is God the God of everyone or is God only the God of a few?

Of everyone of course.

God is the God of the living, not the dead.

The dead in hells keeping cry out to God in agony because he is not among them yet some still believe that they have made the better choice by defying his law as a brazen expression of their love and devotion which amounts to none.

And then when they turn to a priest for help because they feel completely lost and are in unspeakable pain he tells them to keep the faith and worship and eat another cracker.

What a guy!

I would love to join them but I just can't seem to get inebriated enough to throw my mind in the trash.

I have no faith.

Woe is me,.
You are correct that you lack faith.

You lack faith that God created existence.
The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

It’s true.

he gave out "options" on what to "believe"?
Actually no. He didn’t give that option. He either is exactly who he claimed to be or he was insane. There is no middle ground.

I agree----he was clearly a PHARISEE who despised roman
I’m familiar with that interpretation but his message was not political it was personal.

wrong again. His attack on the money changers in the Temple courtyard was 100% political and 100% PHARISEE. Even his
direction to the cripple sleeping at Bethesda----"put your cot-pad
under your arm and walk away" (or something like that) was
100% Pharisee AND POLITICAL
We celebrate the reconciliation of justice with mercy. We celebrate the last supper. We were made to be sustained by God. God is meant to be our sustenance. We are supposed to want to devoir God. You intentionally misrepresent what communion means.

Haven't you noticed that every time I squeeze your head this we we we thing emerges?

Aren't you the least bit concerned about the condition of your mind?

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