Tonight is Passover- Pesach Sameach

Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on

"FUNNY"? dingbat? is there? Did the romans keep records
of their victims?
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on

"FUNNY"? dingbat? is there? Did the romans keep records
of their victims?
Watch out for the holy water, Rosie. We wouldn’t want you to take an accidental baptizing by mistake.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on

"FUNNY"? dingbat? is there? Did the romans keep records
of their victims?
Watch out for the holy water, Rosie. We wouldn’t want you to take an accidental baptizing by mistake.

"holy water" -------as in DISTILLED?
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on

"FUNNY"? dingbat? is there? Did the romans keep records
of their victims?
Watch out for the holy water, Rosie. We wouldn’t want you to take an accidental baptizing by mistake.

"holy water" -------as in DISTILLED?
We only use kosher water seeing how we are reformers of Judaism.
Why did the Jews have to keep reminding themselves to remember to do the right thing? It’s all throughout their religious texts.

Because the stupid fuckers kept forgetting God.

So they had to be reminded to do the right thing.
"FUNNY"? dingbat? is there? Did the romans keep records
of their victims?

I heard that they only kept their shoes and clothes, brought them to Rome, and sold them to its citizens at a high price as exotic imports and the latest fashion trend for summer wear.

I heard someone once found some hot pants in the discount basket with Jesus H. Christ embroidered across the ass in sparkles.,

Prelates are deciding right now whether or not that constitutes a miracle.,
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Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
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Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.
It’s funny how Jesus keeps popping up in a thread devoted to Judaism.

He must have been real enough to keep popping up in threads that supposedly have nothing to do with his ministry.
We don’t really see too many people arguing against the FSM. Probably because the FSM isn’t real.

Jesus on the other hand... oh boy, does he illicit some strong feelings.
We don’t really see too many people arguing against the FSM. Probably because the FSM isn’t real.

Jesus on the other hand... oh boy, does he illicit some strong feelings.

Thats weak ding. So does Bambi...I have heard people incessantly arguing over klingons (lol) and kardashians.

However I do concede that God becoming an innocent little baby boy is far more maudlin.
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Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.
And they (including priests) refuse to discuss the historical characters used to compile this new image, because once they do, they know they are bound by one era persona that is merely a fraction of the accounts that never add up to the era or details they claim the compiled character in. Plus the historical is less impressive then the fabricated image mixed with deified
godly powers. Propaganda uses just enough real facts to seem legitimized, but also so far fetched that the unsuspected think this can't be made up, it's too stupid to be concocted. *L*
But, just like Barney Simpsons tall tales, they take it just a few steps to far, like the part about Jesus being an 'awesome' and 'legendary' shepherd when he got his sheep scattered, lost, and slain.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.
Historically correct it was about mocking the idol lamb god of the Egyptians in order to get kicked out of Egypt. Many rituals by many faiths are used to mock other kingdoms deities/worship by showing they can't defend themselves.
Example the Heifer mocks Mithraism, Rome mocked the revolter christs through their death scene while they placed the image lineage through all the harlots of the Bible.
They even called Jesus (Iesous means the swine) the great scarab(dung beetle) which rolls the Bull Dung till it grows and grows to bigger pile of Bull.
Rome also mocked the Veiins and their godess Juno in the same way.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.
It’s funny how Jesus keeps popping up in a thread devoted to Judaism.

He must have been real enough to keep popping up in threads that supposedly have nothing to do with his ministry.

ya mean LIKE IN ISRAEL where Christian missionaries pop
up like mushrooms after a spring rain?
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Not Jesus, but a figure used in a portion of his stories and not crucified, but stoned and hanged on a tree as book of acts refers to being slew and hanged.
Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc was the only figure sentenced on such a high holiday recorded as Passover, for sorcery maggis scams and Egyptian influenced forbidden teachings liken to a
Necromancer forbidden in Deut.
He was the Benny Hinn scam artist of his era.
This is found in the meticulous Talmud records of Rabbis and kings which is how we date the character in 100bc.
Sources for the history of (Yeshu) Jesus: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Stada and the father being Pandera. Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in Acts.
The early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus (the story of Yeshu ben Panderas called Yeshu ben Stada son of Mary Stada).
We don’t really see too many people arguing against the FSM. Probably because the FSM isn’t real.

Jesus on the other hand... oh boy, does he illicit some strong feelings.

Thats weak ding. So does Bambi...I have heard people incessantly arguing over klingons (lol) and kardashians.

However I do concede that God becoming an innocent little baby boy is far more maudlin.
Not like Jesus does.

You only see it like that way because you can’t accept that a mind without a body created the material world so that he could share in the experiences of the material world. So to me I see no reason why a mind without a body which created time and space couldn’t chose to be born into the material world.

My faith doesn’t limit God.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.
It’s funny how Jesus keeps popping up in a thread devoted to Judaism.

He must have been real enough to keep popping up in threads that supposedly have nothing to do with his ministry.

ya mean LIKE IN ISRAEL where Christian missionaries pop
up like mushrooms after a spring rain?
Relax. I will shield you from the backsplash of the holy water.
I disagree with both of you. I think our gods are extra-terrestrial beings. Not made up religious ones.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

Is there historic evidence that Jesus was actually crucified on
Jesus is a fantasy character.

The way the gospels were written seem to indicate that.

What was written between the lines indicates that he was a real son of a bitch.

He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts.

Why would Rome make the most important aspect of their national religion a ritual celebration of the torture and death of Jesus unless he was a real person who pissed them off to no end in real life?
Maybe for the same reason Jesus didn’t give you the option of believing he was an ordinary mortal man who wasn’t insane.

Because Jesus is fully human and fully God.

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