Tonight is Passover- Pesach Sameach

The central tenet of Islam is peace through surrender. Most people misrepresent what this means.

It means that we are rebels at war with God and that for us to find peace we must surrender to God’s will.

This is pretty consistent with Judaism and Christianity.

Nonsense. Islam is not about surrendering to the will of God, it is about surrendering to the dictates of Islam which have nothing whatever to do with the will of God anymore than your imaginary relationship with a first century Jew.
The central tenet of Islam is peace through surrender. Most people misrepresent what this means.

It means that we are rebels at war with God and that for us to find peace we must surrender to God’s will.

This is pretty consistent with Judaism and Christianity.

Nonsense. Islam is not about surrendering to the will of God, it is about surrendering to the dictates of Islam which have nothing whatever to do with the will of God anymore than your love hate relationship with a first century Jew.
You know even less about Islam than you do about Christianity.

I don’t hate anyone.
The central tenet of Islam is peace through surrender. Most people misrepresent what this means.

It means that we are rebels at war with God and that for us to find peace we must surrender to God’s will.

This is pretty consistent with Judaism and Christianity.

Nonsense. Islam is not about surrendering to the will of God, it is about surrendering to the dictates of Islam which have nothing whatever to do with the will of God anymore than your imaginary relationship with a first century Jew.
Islam: Peace through Surrender

Islam: Peace through Surrender
A radical militant fringe of Muslims leaves us with a media image of Islam as fanatical terrorists. Many Americans are surprised to learn that at the heart of Islam is the notion of peace through surrender. Etymologically the root of the word Islam is slm which mean peace. From this comes aslama, surrendered, submitted. Al-Islam is religion which brings peace to humanity when it commits itself to God and submits to God’s will....
The central tenet of Islam is peace through surrender. Most people misrepresent what this means.

It means that we are rebels at war with God and that for us to find peace we must surrender to God’s will.

This is pretty consistent with Judaism and Christianity.

Nonsense. Islam is not about surrendering to the will of God, it is about surrendering to the dictates of Islam which have nothing whatever to do with the will of God anymore than your love hate relationship with a first century Jew.
You know even less about Islam than you do about Christianity.

I don’t hate anyone.

Yeah I heard. You love Jews so much that you want them to throw away their birthright as rational creatures, violate the law of God, and worship the lifeless work of human hands so that they can join the we crowd, lose their minds, and become sanctimonious assholes for the rest of their lives.

What a guy!
This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
In conclusion to this thread:
In short, it's time to passover this old outdated and failed mythology and religious authority who claim keepers of this Roman created farce.
It's time for the changing of the Guard(ians). Build the Temple already and get rid of that monstrocity built on the mounds of the dead (literally and figuratively). You can get the same electricians that worked on the rewiring of Notre Dame to give you a quick demolition job on the Vatican. :)
*what, to soon?*
The central tenet of Islam is peace through surrender. Most people misrepresent what this means.

It means that we are rebels at war with God and that for us to find peace we must surrender to God’s will.

This is pretty consistent with Judaism and Christianity.

Nonsense. Islam is not about surrendering to the will of God, it is about surrendering to the dictates of Islam which have nothing whatever to do with the will of God anymore than your love hate relationship with a first century Jew.
You know even less about Islam than you do about Christianity.

I don’t hate anyone.

Yeah I heard. You love Jews so much that you want them to throw away their birthright as rational creatures, violate the law of God, and worship the lifeless work of human hands so that they can join the we crowd, lose their minds, and become sanctimonious assholes for the rest of their lives.

What a guy!
You aren’t a Jew, remember? So you don’t believe in the G-d of Abraham. Besides I’m not the one who wants to violate freedom of religion. I believe everyone should worship God in the manner of their choosing. You are the one who wants to limit the manner and means of worship. No one is telling you how to worship God. Worship God any way you want. You can even worship God in your secular humanist materialist way which is devoid of all supernatural associations. I really couldn’t care less.
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This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
You aren’t a Jew, remember? So you don’t believe in the G-d of Abraham.
If that was true then you do not believe in the GOD of Abraham because you are not Jew you pretentious twit.

That aside, being Jewish isn't just a matter of religion.

Pay attention.

That has never been a secret.
This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
You aren’t a Jew, remember? So you don’t believe in the G-d of Abraham.
If that was true then you do not believe in the GOD of Abraham because you are not Jew you pretentious twit.

That aside, being Jewish isn't just a matter of religion.

Pay attention.

That has never been a secret.
No. That would be incorrect.

Surely you are aware of the beliefs of Christians. Christianity - despite your desire for it to be otherwise - is effectively a sect of Judaism which is also a set of religious beliefs based on the belief that God, who all existence proceeds from created the material world and that man is a product of that creation. It’s in the Bible which Christians treat as a religious text. Maybe you have heard of it before.
This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
No one is trying to convert you, relax.
This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
Last edited:
This is too funny:
Mirror reflection: His (Ding's) evangelization of his anti-Judaism and Anti-Muslim religion is his sole purpose here.
Quote:"Let me be very clear here. You people are obsessed with Christianity."
Answer: That's because this is a theology forum, if you go to the political forum people there, with your logic, are obsessed with politics.
If you go to the food forum those people are obsessed with food, but unlike you we don't assume or call them fat pigs for merely posting in the proper forum.
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
Don’t you find it funny that you create a thread about a Jewish ritual and use it to bash Christianity?
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.
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It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.

what are you calling "anti-Christian"? Dingy, do you consider your
posts to be "anti-Jewish"?
WFC’s? Don’t fuck with the Jews. They don’t get involved with any other religions beliefs, and don’t attempt to recruit people with crazy rhetoric at supermarkets.

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