Tonight is Passover- Pesach Sameach

You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.

what are you calling "anti-Christian"? Dingy, do you consider your
posts to be "anti-Jewish"?
You mean my posts which celebrate my faith?

Is that what you believe he is doing? Celebrating Judaism by talking about Christianity?

I’m pretty certain I could celebrate Judaism better than he can. Or you for that matter.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.

what are you calling "anti-Christian"? Dingy, do you consider your
posts to be "anti-Jewish"?
You mean my posts which celebrate my faith?

Is that what you believe he is doing? Celebrating Judaism by talking about Christianity?

I’m pretty certain I could celebrate Judaism better than he can. Or you for that matter.
No need to celebrate Judaism Ding. Everyone has seen your celebrations.

You violate the commands of God by worshipping a trinity that became a man as as matter of religious devotion and in case anyone was unsure about where you stand you desecrate the teachings of Jesus on a daily basis which is a brazen display of hatred for the Hebrew God, Jesus , and the Jews.

You ritually celebrate the torture and death of Jesus, a Jewish messiah sent by God, and then you eat him.

Thats quite the celebration of Judaism .

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Last edited:
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.
I went over this already, 2 days later you forgot it. *L*
1) it'a not a ritual.
2)my post is to inform people of the history surrounding the day.
3) the passover was to mock the Egyptian idol Lamb and you now admit Christianity is that idol worship of the Egyptian (influenced) lamb.
4)you bashed me for celebrating my heritage, so it's you who are the villain..
5)all of your commentary has bashed others beliefs and them personally opposite your claim about acceptance and tolerance.
6) so much so that they had to take Hobelim away in an ambulance for laughing himself sick when you claimed Christianity never did anything to anybody, and then you go and do just that lashing out instead of reflecting what you do in defense of your drug..
7)Sheva (7), the name you're scared of, so much so that you bloted it out of the Hebrew translation of your Bible.
8)Christianity claims makes it an intellectual discussion target least you admit thst you DO CENSOR such discussion. If Christianity is the only one to claim the fallen morning star(Lucifer) as their god and savior then they will be the only one rebuked by the messengers of truth.
If you had truth you'd be able to defend your idol, but since you have only lies you end up using smokescreens and tactics that you yourself recognize when done politically against you but blind when it's you using ad hominem arguments to avoid reality and truth.
9)Christian sects despise and degrade each other, they don't need anyone's help. Then within sects individuals struggle to get along.
Guess what, it's a human condition, exposing the teachings
do not work, hence my post on how people move on from failed management. Would you
accept 2000+ years of losing seasons from your Houston Astros?
If your significant other walked out and said they were going out for icecream, be back quickly and they never showed up 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, 2 centuries, 2000+ years would you still wait up for her or move on and learn your lesson and take your loss like a man not a snowflake?
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.
Rabbi simply put means Teacher.... Let me explain it to you this way if you were taking a course at school that you were paying good money for and the teacher teaching you was really really bad and taught you completely nonsensical material that would not help you pass the course or improve your life wouldnt you be upset....I know most people would once they realize that.... Now let us take this a step further and half way through the class the really bad teacher is removed and a new teacher comes into the class... Does the new teacher continue to teach the bad information to the class and just try to push them through or if he is a really really good teacher doesnt he try to remove all the crappy teachings that the previous teacher taught you and your classmates and after removing those really bad teachings then he can teach you what you really need to know so that you can succeed..... Some students may see the new teacher as being mean and horrible because he is tearing down what they were taught by the previous teacher but the others might figure out for themselves that the new teacher is not mean he actually has their best interests at heart and he truly wants them to better themselves in life and the classroom.... A good teacher or a good rabbi removes the bad teachings and only then can he instill the proper teachings that are required and are needed....It is not hatred but love and it is called tough love much like a parent uses with ones child ....Can you not see the diference...
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

Yep that was a funny one, mostly because I have no followers, only cults do, therefore he inadvertantly exposed the Nazarenes as a cult.
He's also claiming me a device that feeds the Babies their nutrition, thus calling himself a Baby.
You know, the name they call sore losers who couldn't handle losing an election they swore was in the bag. :)
Last edited:
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

Yep that was a funny one, mostly because I have no followers, only cults do, therefore he inadvertantly exposed the Nazarenes as a cult.
He's also claiming me a device that feeds the Babies their nutrition, thus calling himself a Baby.
You know, the name they call sore losers who couldn't handle losing an election they swore was in the bag. :)
View attachment 258005

Any person who keeps a running list of people poking fun at them through actual and perceived insults , including being called a boob, must be a very emotionally sensitive and insecure quivering blob of jello... without shape or form and void.

This could be why you are trying to compensate for your inadequacies by pretending to be super Jew.

I know I know, your feelings were hurt because all of those meanies won't let you pretend to be important. Jesus must have warned them about false messiahs, that bastard!

Not to worry!

You can always cry in private.
Last edited:
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

Yep that was a funny one, mostly because I have no followers, only cults do, therefore he inadvertantly exposed the Nazarenes as a cult.
He's also claiming me a device that feeds the Babies their nutrition, thus calling himself a Baby.
You know, the name they call sore losers who couldn't handle losing an election they swore was in the bag. :)
View attachment 258005

Any person who keeps a running list of people poking fun at them through actual and perceived insults , including being called a boob, must be a very emotionally sensitive and insecure quivering blob of jello..

This could be why you are trying to compensate for your inadequacies by pretending to be super Jew.

I know I know, your feelings were hurt because all of those meanies won't let you pretend to be important.

Not to worry!

You can always cry in private.
Those are not all replies to me or about me, they reflect human behavior when they can't refute "unpopular truth" the name of my book.
You ask for proof, And you complain when you get proof, which is what that post was about. Now instead of denouncing such behavior you went and persecuted the messenger again, proving my point that Easter is not about a persecuted messenger lesson, it's about how many melted eggs you can get to stain your white pants.
I haven't even touched the surface of the disgusting behavior, like people calling Jews Rats and Christians calling Mormons, Adventists, and JW's all kinds of names that never address anything Biblical or spiritual.
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

Yep that was a funny one, mostly because I have no followers, only cults do, therefore he inadvertantly exposed the Nazarenes as a cult.
He's also claiming me a device that feeds the Babies their nutrition, thus calling himself a Baby.
You know, the name they call sore losers who couldn't handle losing an election they swore was in the bag. :)
View attachment 258005

Any person who keeps a running list of people poking fun at them through actual and perceived insults , including being called a boob, must be a very emotionally sensitive and insecure quivering blob of jello..

This could be why you are trying to compensate for your inadequacies by pretending to be super Jew.

I know I know, your feelings were hurt because all of those meanies won't let you pretend to be important.

Not to worry!

You can always cry in private.
Those are not all replies to me or about me, they reflect human vehavior when theycanct refute "unpopular truth" the name of my book.
You ssk for proof And you complain when you get proof, which is what that post was about. Now instead of denouncing such behavior you went and persecuted the messenger again, proving my point that Easter is not about a persecuted messenger lesson, it's about how many melted eggs you can get to stain your white pants.
I haven't even touched the surface of the disgusting behavior, like people calling Jews Rats and Christians calling Mormons, Adventists, and JW's all kinds of names that never address anything Biblical or spiritual.

I see. Your are a huckster trying to boost sales for your own book ..

What a loser!

Go on now, strap that box to your head and make the picture perfect.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

Yep that was a funny one, mostly because I have no followers, only cults do, therefore he inadvertantly exposed the Nazarenes as a cult.
He's also claiming me a device that feeds the Babies their nutrition, thus calling himself a Baby.
You know, the name they call sore losers who couldn't handle losing an election they swore was in the bag. :)
View attachment 258005

Any person who keeps a running list of people poking fun at them through actual and perceived insults , including being called a boob, must be a very emotionally sensitive and insecure quivering blob of jello..

This could be why you are trying to compensate for your inadequacies by pretending to be super Jew.

I know I know, your feelings were hurt because all of those meanies won't let you pretend to be important.

Not to worry!

You can always cry in private.
Those are not all replies to me or about me, they reflect human vehavior when theycanct refute "unpopular truth" the name of my book.
You ssk for proof And you complain when you get proof, which is what that post was about. Now instead of denouncing such behavior you went and persecuted the messenger again, proving my point that Easter is not about a persecuted messenger lesson, it's about how many melted eggs you can get to stain your white pants.
I haven't even touched the surface of the disgusting behavior, like people calling Jews Rats and Christians calling Mormons, Adventists, and JW's all kinds of names that never address anything Biblical or spiritual.

I see. Your are a huckster trying to boost sales for your own book ..

What a loser!

Go on now, strap that box to your head and make the picture perfect.
Never took a dime for the book, but thanks for calling everyone who pushed the NT losers, I'm sure they love to hear that coming from a devoted liberal.
*L* Things never change, you keep swinging at yourself and others
every time you go for me.
Now where's that lamb, he seems to be missing, so I'm gonna put him on a milk carton to see if anyone can locate the debate forfeiture.
And the winner is....4/18/16 2:48 Pm JakeStarkey quoted:

HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

Yep that was a funny one, mostly because I have no followers, only cults do, therefore he inadvertantly exposed the Nazarenes as a cult.
He's also claiming me a device that feeds the Babies their nutrition, thus calling himself a Baby.
You know, the name they call sore losers who couldn't handle losing an election they swore was in the bag. :)
View attachment 258005

Any person who keeps a running list of people poking fun at them through actual and perceived insults , including being called a boob, must be a very emotionally sensitive and insecure quivering blob of jello..

This could be why you are trying to compensate for your inadequacies by pretending to be super Jew.

I know I know, your feelings were hurt because all of those meanies won't let you pretend to be important.

Not to worry!

You can always cry in private.
Those are not all replies to me or about me, they reflect human vehavior when theycanct refute "unpopular truth" the name of my book.
You ssk for proof And you complain when you get proof, which is what that post was about. Now instead of denouncing such behavior you went and persecuted the messenger again, proving my point that Easter is not about a persecuted messenger lesson, it's about how many melted eggs you can get to stain your white pants.
I haven't even touched the surface of the disgusting behavior, like people calling Jews Rats and Christians calling Mormons, Adventists, and JW's all kinds of names that never address anything Biblical or spiritual.

I see. Your are a huckster trying to boost sales for your own book ..

What a loser!

Go on now, strap that box to your head and make the picture perfect.
Never took a dime for the book, but thanks for calling everyone who pushed the NT losers, I'm sure they love to hear that coming from a devoted liberal.
*L* Things never change, you keep swinging at yourself and others
every time you go for me.
Now where's that lamb, he seems to be missing, so I'm gonna put him on a milk carton to see if anyone can locate the debate forfeiture.
View attachment 258023

lol..... You wouldn't know Jesus if he passed you by in the streets of the city and called you a silly name or hit you upside your head and you fell from the sky into the dust of the earth like the doo doo of a dodo bird.

Anyway, until Jesus shows up you can always practice your charms on me to see if you can get me to eat a baloney sandwich because if you can't do that you better go back to the drawing board before he descends from the clouds and throws you into the trash dump and you end up among the goats in a temple slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord, with legions of adoring crowds about to explode with anticipation for you to throw the scraps to the poor.

Oh....Wait a minute! I guess that would be paradise for you.....

Never mind.
Last edited:
Well that was silly, as you yourself admit there is no Jesus, just the men who make up various versions of the christ figure. How do you recognize 3-5 dead guys and 6-8 mythologies, 5-6 Biblical characterizations? Do I look for Carol Channing's LAMBCHOP? (*see kept it on topic to Passover.)

Now show us one post you or ding talked about Passover and it's historical event in this whole 20+pages.
You only could reference me, and you could only serve your purpose to distract and disrupt like your political party of choice could only deflect, disrupt, resist, instead of be part of the changes to progress forward you
" held back, hampered, resisted(adversary)" all words descriptions in the word SawTawn.
=true Satanic behavior.
But then like Jesus being admitted Lucifer in Rev 22:16, you have admitted your sick devotion to
Some goat which I take was a hint to your baphomet devotion.
Last edited:
Well that was silly, as you yourself admit there is no Jesus, just the men who make up various versions of the christ figure. How do you recognize 3-5 dead guys and 6-8 mythologies, 5-6 Biblical characterizations? Do I look for Carol Channing's LAMBCHOP? (*see kept it on topic to Passover.)

Now show us one post you or ding talked about Passover and it's historical event in this whole 20+pages.
You only could reference me, and you could only serve your purpose to distract and disrupt like your political party of choice could only deflect, disrupt, resist, instead of be part of the changes to progress forward you
" held back, hampered, resisted(adversary)" all words descriptions in the word SawTawn.
=true Satanic behavior.
But then like Jesus being admitted Lucifer in Rev 22:16, you have admitted your sick devotion to
Some goat which I take was a hint to your baphomet devotion.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.

what are you calling "anti-Christian"? Dingy, do you consider your
posts to be "anti-Jewish"?
You mean my posts which celebrate my faith?

Is that what you believe he is doing? Celebrating Judaism by talking about Christianity?

I’m pretty certain I could celebrate Judaism better than he can. Or you for that matter.
No need to celebrate Judaism Ding. Everyone has seen your celebrations.

You violate the commands of God by worshipping a trinity that became a man as as matter of religious devotion and in case anyone was unsure about where you stand you desecrate the teachings of Jesus on a daily basis which is a brazen display of hatred for the Hebrew God, Jesus , and the Jews.

You ritually celebrate the torture and death of Jesus, a Jewish messiah sent by God, and then you eat him.

Thats quite the celebration of Judaism .

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
You need to stop. You have no theology. You have no basis for believing anything in the Bible.

So your interpretations are meaningless. It’s not your faith.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
1) that is not a refutation of the former post you are replying to, it is an
Ad Hominem response and also against forum rules and God's Laws.
2) YOU keep obsessing over me Michael as being most obsessive over Lucifer and Luciferianism then anyone else, so for that I thank you for your validating me. :)
3) there is no Christianity, it's illegitimate, because there is no Temple=required for claim.
Why are you affraid of building a Temple without him, isn't that liken to Dems who won't make America great, because it will give someone they despise the credit?
It wasn’t meant to be a refutation. It was meant to be an observation. One you can’t refute.

It’s not even close to being an ad hominem attack. I don’t believe you understand what that means. Was that an ad hominem attack too?

There is no validation for what you are doing. What you are doing is wrong. There’s no validating wrong, Mikey.

Christianity is the reformation of Judaism. Your people elevated the form of religion over the meaning of religion. You people have forgotten God.
Christians admit Jesus comes as a thief in the NT, his story is based on the Galilean thief.

Your invalid faith throughout the ages is always trying to thief roles and stories as your own and your comment just contradicted about five of your previous posts that made people laugh at the absurdity.

NOW- let's review your reformation: Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust? Over 50 million murders and thousands of wars that you needed to cause because Jesus can't convince the world that a guy who couldn't get down from a tree could create the world? Or did he create his initiates to get revenge like Hillary or Obama did?-oops
Jesus needs you to post for him in forums but damn if he never shows up to debates when requested. If these are his representatives then you are in serious trouble:
Example of Christians teaching their love and faith:
Some uncensored be forwarned:

3/19/17 9:56am Ding quoted:
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.

excuse the vulgarity it's a sample of how people behave when unable to refute or discuss problematic issues;
thus is left intact as written by them unless I note otherwise.

1/15/17 8:19 pm Ding quoted:
"I don't answer your questions because you are fucking insane and subversive. A real piece of shit. You don't have to answer the question, shit for brains. It was fucking rhetorical. We know your people's history. Go ahead and throw some more stones. But just make sure you hide behind your keyboard when you do."

Another DING QUOTE to someone:
"That went right over your head, didn't it. No, it proves the veracity of the Bible, you dumbfuck."
Post by: ding , Dec 3, 2016 in forum: Religion and Ethics

In responding to an radical atheist against a Christian poster,
Hobelim said about his fellow Christian:
Dec 3, 2016 10:45 AM
Hobelim Quotes:
Don't waste your time. The guy spends his days and nights muttering to himself reeking of cheap wine and vomit. He denounces the gospels as roman fabrications and then quotes verses that support his delusions. Its downright nutty.

Another Christian fanatic chimed against this same Christian using this missinformation false testimony, but worse exposing their hatred for Jews in the process and gang like attack mentality:
Dec 3, 2016 at 5:06 PM
yiostheoy quoted:
Thanks hobelim . So guess this guy is a Jewish-boy wacko nutcake then.

8/27/16 2:46 AM
Blackrook quoted:
I don't know what to think about Matthew. Every time I think he's as retarded as they come, he proves himself even retarded-er.

*(I had to censor this*)
8/21/16 1:00AM
TheGreatGatsby said:
It's not a verifiable fact. Wars are much much much more dangerous places than the streets of America; and you're either an ignorant baffoon, or you're pedling libtard talking points in the hopes that I'm a f*cking idiot. To either case, I say f*ck you, bitch.

8/23/16 7:50 AM
SassyIrishLass quoted:
Guano ain't right in the head

8/14/16 8:23pm
SassyIrishLass quoted:
The Holocaust? LMAO

*I censored the word*
8/14/16 12:09 AM
Divine.Wind quoted:
Let me help you and your friends get a f*cking clue:

8/13/16 7:45pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Have a really nice f*cking day, HaShev!

8/12/16 1:20pm
Divine.Wind quoted:

It's difficult to do a mental diagnosis across keyboards, but, offhand, anyone who is habitually delusional, certainly has a loose grip on reality. IOW, mentally deficient for some reason.

8/12/16 7:26pm
Divine.Wind quoted:
Wow. What an excellent example of a mentally deranged person. Thank you.

8/13/16 at 12:00 AM
Divine.Wind quoted;
Your lies are odd because they are so easily disproven. IMHO, only someone severely mentally ill, probably a paranoid schizophrenic, would such delusions.
You make several accusations, now prove them or be revealed to be the liar I know you are.
You claim "Your correlation and lying skills are horrendous." Show where this is true by quoting me and proving me wrong or a liar.
You claim "So you admit a fictitious Jesus can't heal disabled people". Quote where I've said this or be known as a lying whackjob.

6/29/16 5:24PM
aris2chat quoted:
Michel row your boat a shore............your brain is sea sick

6/28/16 9:08pm
AmericanFirst1 quoted:
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

10/15/2017 at 12:34 PM
Picaro quoted:
So far only some orthodox Jewish bigots and some Gnostic conspiracy theorist have replies; so far so good. The rest must have found the links interesting. Maybe someone actually educated will come along and offer some informative opinions.

10/15/2017 at 7:27 PM
Picaro quoted:
He's just a troll and Xian bashing bigot, is all. Pay no attention to his ridiculous bloviatiing; it's entirely made up garbage.

6/30/16 6:30PM Picaro quoted:
He's not anything, just a mentally ill troll. Stop feeding the gimp and it will go away. Nobody is reading anything he says anyway.

6/28/16 11:04PM
Picaro quoted:
Have you tried changing the water in your hookah?

6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

6/7/16 11:40 AM
syIrishLass said:
I still think a Christian peed in Guano's Queerios.

6/7/16 11:41 AM
Uncensored2008 said:
Batshit proclaims proudly that he and his fellow gutter scum are leading the world into a new dark age.

4/19/16 12:33PM
Uncensored2008 quoted:
Fuck off Batshit. Get back to your ISIS cell and let the decent folk talk.

4/18/16 7:45PM
Avatar4321 quoted:
So.. You hump crosses? Why?

July 22, 2016 at 5:35 PM
JakeStarkey quoted;
Come on, bobby, you promised your keepers you would take your meds if they let you out for the coming weekend!

6/28/16 4:55pm Post by: JakeStarkey:
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

4/17/16 5:04 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board. You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.

4/17/16 7:47 PM
Post by: JakeStarkey;
;) I own blaylock. You know if you took his brain out and dropped it in a pot and shook it, it would sound like a pea bouncing in a kettle drum.

4/18/16 8:44 AM
Post by: JakeStarkey:
You are the sheep, DF, and your kind will not win with your candidate. Read the links carefully. Come back and apologize for being a doofus.

4/18/16 2:48 PM
JakeStarkey quoted:
HaShev is a boob and his followers are boobies.

4/14/16 5:17PM
Weatherman2020 quoted:
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.

No one is trying to convert you. We don’t accept atheists.
You can go over it as much as you want... it doesn’t change the fact that the purpose of your thread was to bash a rival religion and not to celebrate yours.

So in effect you have created a wolf in sheep’s clothing thread. You literally whored out your faith to try to disparage a rival religion. You might as well ass fuck your beliefs if all they are are pawns in your personal agenda.
*LOL* Checkmate;
Your holiday of easter and
"it's Finished" posts was to bash a rival religion your faith through the ages blamed for his death and not to celebrate your faith, but cause the hatred that comes with demonization of your opponent. Once again you recognize that in Politics, but in religion you play blind because now your team is the instigator.
It seems you can’t celebrate your faith without obsessing over Christianity. You’re still doing it.
No that is not it Ding you missed the point which Michael has been pointing out to you over and over again .. I will give you an example Champagne comes from a specific area of France the grapes come from there and the product is referred to from that specific area and they have been very successful selling their product however there are many knockoffs or cheap imitations that claim they are Champagne but are not.... Many Many people are fooled into believing what they are drinking is the real Macoy but it isn’t....There is a difference in the products one is the original and better and the other is a cheap imitation.. The same can be said for Christianity it pawns itself off as the real Macoy that it has replaced the original Judiasm and that it is better but it is a cheap imitation and is a knockoff.... Some people are cheap and don’t mind having a knockoff others and that is most don’t really knowthe difference and are easily fooled( hence the fools for Christ . toungue in cheek saying) but the ones in the know do know the difference and point it out even though most people are still drunk and hooked on the cheap imitation stuff and really can’t get sober enough to figure it out for themselves which is really too bad...
I didn’t miss his anti-Christianity message. It comes over loud and clear. It is the central theme of every one of his posts.

Some rabbi he is.
Rabbi simply put means Teacher.... Let me explain it to you this way if you were taking a course at school that you were paying good money for and the teacher teaching you was really really bad and taught you completely nonsensical material that would not help you pass the course or improve your life wouldnt you be upset....I know most people would once they realize that.... Now let us take this a step further and half way through the class the really bad teacher is removed and a new teacher comes into the class... Does the new teacher continue to teach the bad information to the class and just try to push them through or if he is a really really good teacher doesnt he try to remove all the crappy teachings that the previous teacher taught you and your classmates and after removing those really bad teachings then he can teach you what you really need to know so that you can succeed..... Some students may see the new teacher as being mean and horrible because he is tearing down what they were taught by the previous teacher but the others might figure out for themselves that the new teacher is not mean he actually has their best interests at heart and he truly wants them to better themselves in life and the classroom.... A good teacher or a good rabbi removes the bad teachings and only then can he instill the proper teachings that are required and are needed....It is not hatred but love and it is called tough love much like a parent uses with ones child ....Can you not see the diference...
I’d really rather you didn’t explain it to me. I don’t pay attention to what people who ignore reality think. Your friend is the Jewish version of a nazi.
lol you're both wrong.

The Spring Equinox is a standard sign that new life begins, and better days will follow, after the cold, hard winter.

It's been used as a religious symbol for so long that it's funny. It's just an astronomical event. When the days start becoming longer than the nights. So the region of earth warms, and crops grow, and animals get happy and reproduce...

and we have more food to eat because of it.
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Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.
Remove the veil, and don't be oblivious to the claims on the slain lamb of passover and the symbolism of that claim to be the passover lamb.
First off: passover was of the first born, the first born Of the Egyptians must die. =Lucifer the first claimed messiah (learned his forbidden maggi and underworld teachings in Egypt) we are told to pass this imposter by as he is an idol god.
Secondly; The lamb on passover is representing the Egyptian idol god which was a lamb, they slayed it to mock & humiliate the Egyptian idol worship in hopes of getting kicked out of Egypt=the lamb is bad not a good thing. You are saying we are saved by removing the idol god Jesus who was the sin itself not the salvation from sin. Thus removing Lucifer the first born we are saved from his sin and our sins, that worship in Lucifer Jesus brings.
Brilliant use of the Passover lamb without knowing the Passover story or why the Egyptian influenced christ was sentenced on Passover.
Pesach Sameach
(Happy Passover).
Passover, a Jewish holiday, is not about lamb and has nothing to do with Lucifer and Jesus.

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