Tonight is Passover- Pesach Sameach

I don't seek you out. There are others more worthy.

You're just, sort of, there.
Again... your behaviors say otherwise.


Not into Dr Phil.
That is surprising.

We have our own make believe psychologists.
I was referring to the type of housewives that were drawn to him.

But I have no doubt that you have surrounded yourself with plenty of people who will tell you what your itching ears want to hear.

If my ears itch, I scratch them.
Again... your behaviors say otherwise.


Not into Dr Phil.
That is surprising.

We have our own make believe psychologists.
I was referring to the type of housewives that were drawn to him.

But I have no doubt that you have surrounded yourself with plenty of people who will tell you what your itching ears want to hear.

If my ears itch, I scratch them.
That’s what yes men are for, my dear.
you should re-read the NT-----ain't nuthin' about "reforming"
Judaism other than some visions and dreams by a greek
And yet that is exactly what he did.

I would not call it "reformed"----more like perverted (see canon law)
Jesus, himself, did not do the perverting------paul may have been
good intentioned---but he formed the basis for the ultimate perversion
It’s quite common to elevate the form of religion to more than it was meant to be. That’s what Jesus was reforming.

your comment is very generic (that means meaningless) "form of religion" ----<<< that's just another word for the idiotic "PHARISICAL"
bullshit libel invented by the roman church to cover its smelly ass.
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
And yet that is exactly what he did.

I would not call it "reformed"----more like perverted (see canon law)
Jesus, himself, did not do the perverting------paul may have been
good intentioned---but he formed the basis for the ultimate perversion
It’s quite common to elevate the form of religion to more than it was meant to be. That’s what Jesus was reforming.

your comment is very generic (that means meaningless) "form of religion" ----<<< that's just another word for the idiotic "PHARISICAL"
bullshit libel invented by the roman church to cover its smelly ass.
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.
I would not call it "reformed"----more like perverted (see canon law)
Jesus, himself, did not do the perverting------paul may have been
good intentioned---but he formed the basis for the ultimate perversion
It’s quite common to elevate the form of religion to more than it was meant to be. That’s what Jesus was reforming.

your comment is very generic (that means meaningless) "form of religion" ----<<< that's just another word for the idiotic "PHARISICAL"
bullshit libel invented by the roman church to cover its smelly ass.
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
It’s quite common to elevate the form of religion to more than it was meant to be. That’s what Jesus was reforming.

your comment is very generic (that means meaningless) "form of religion" ----<<< that's just another word for the idiotic "PHARISICAL"
bullshit libel invented by the roman church to cover its smelly ass.
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
It’s quite common to elevate the form of religion to more than it was meant to be. That’s what Jesus was reforming.

your comment is very generic (that means meaningless) "form of religion" ----<<< that's just another word for the idiotic "PHARISICAL"
bullshit libel invented by the roman church to cover its smelly ass.
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You do realize that your own holy book chronicled the Jewish tradition of forgetting God, right?
your comment is very generic (that means meaningless) "form of religion" ----<<< that's just another word for the idiotic "PHARISICAL"
bullshit libel invented by the roman church to cover its smelly ass.
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?
Do you not know understand the implications of a reformer?

It’s not that complicated. First that has to be something that gets off its intended path. Then there must be someone that recognizes it and speaks out against it.[/QUOTE

of course I know what "REFORM" means------There was lots of
REFORM going on in Judaism during the time of the second
temple----BEING DONE BY PHARISEES Hillel was a great
reformer------Jesus does quote him extensively but, himself,, was not involved. Hillel and friends had nothing against hand washing but
the romans did-----and they also did not like circumcision and ---
ESPECIALLY dietary restrictions. I understand your position----
your image of Jesus a guy whose mom cooked bacon and eggs for him. Hillel did not like capital punishment and he and friends considered the practice of Judaism in the DIASPORA to be the
thing of the FUTURE and----with no temple---no sacrifice of a little lamb----or a pigeon. Do you have ANY idea what the temple
sacrifices were used for?-------your sunday school teacher never
told you
reform nothing. He was just a typical Hillel quoting Pharisee
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?

try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?

try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.
Your people elevated the form of religion to the point they forgot God. That is the reform I am talking about.

It’s no different today. Here you are arguing about the form of religion. I don’t even know if you believe God exists.

wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?

try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.

wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
wrong again, dingbat Your idiot statement "your people elevated the form of religion to the point that they forgot God" ---would be
inadmissible in a civilized court of law. How do you know what
your (my) people "FORGOT" ? Your sunday school teacher said
so?. Your 'testimony' might work before the INQUISITION. or as
chit chat at the church sex and beer fueled picnic orgy. How old were you when you first discovered that the high priest of the Temple
was NOT A PHARISEE or that the easter bunny did not bring the
jelly beans?----or does church-lady still insist he was? (and easter
bunny is.
How old were you when you first discovered that Pharisees never
crucified ANYONE?-----or does church lady still insist----that along
with Christian baby blood for matzohs?. Do you feel guilty when
(and if) you wash your hands before lunch? Be honest (for a change) you actually believe that "DA PHARISEES" were da
evil money changers........right and lived on corned beef sandwiches
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?

try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.

wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.
You would have liked my grandmother Irosie she had a lot of favourite sayings but the one that fits your conversation with Ding Is I would rather loose with a smart one then argue with a fool( esp a fool for Christ... like Ding is)... On a side not he is starting to sound a lot like Penelope in his accusations...
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?

try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.

wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.

dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Which accusations? That Jews have a recorded history of forgetting God?

Do you even prophets?

try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.

wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.

dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?
try again-----jews have a very real history of unabashed SELF ACCUSATION-------Amos was not talking to you-----in fact, neither was the Pharisee, JESUS OF NAZARETH. The quintessential
preacher in the PHARISEE MODE was Jeremiah. Read his screeds for ---goyische kicks
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.

wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.

dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?

I am neither a sunday school teacher or inquisitionist. My profession is considered a SCIENCE. in fact, neuroscience. Even with the
newest FUNCTIONAL MRI exams------it is impossible to detect
that which anyone "forgets" or "remembers" Your sunday school teacher was WAY OUT OF HER LEAGUE. As to Jeremiah-----
he was a fantastic poet------so was Edgar Allen Poe. Stick to that which you know-----like the mushroom fueled BOOK OF REVULSIONS
now that we got that BS out of the way------try to remember
your childhood education and answer my BURNING
question------what do you imagine is a PHARISEE-----(also---
btw did your sunday school teacher know how to read in
Hebrew and Aramaic?
I don’t need to try again. It’s the history of the Jews.

Not to mention that your forgetting proves my point.

wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.

dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?

I am neither a sunday school teacher or inquisitionist. My profession is considered a SCIENCE. in fact, neuroscience. Even with the
newest FUNCTIONAL MRI exams------it is impossible to detect
that which anyone "forgets" or "remembers" Your sunday school teacher was WAY OUT OF HER LEAGUE. As to Jeremiah-----
he was a fantastic poet------so was Edgar Allen Poe. Stick to that which you know-----like the mushroom fueled BOOK OF REVULSIONS
You have read your holy book, right?
wonder that your mind is so screwed ----but of course JONATHAN
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.

dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?

I am neither a sunday school teacher or inquisitionist. My profession is considered a SCIENCE. in fact, neuroscience. Even with the
newest FUNCTIONAL MRI exams------it is impossible to detect
that which anyone "forgets" or "remembers" Your sunday school teacher was WAY OUT OF HER LEAGUE. As to Jeremiah-----
he was a fantastic poet------so was Edgar Allen Poe. Stick to that which you know-----like the mushroom fueled BOOK OF REVULSIONS
You have read your holy book, right?

of course-----I have read lots of books and the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe too. As to Hebrew poetry----I have read some of it in the
original. Have you read the works of Chaim Nachman Bialik,
or of ISAIAH -------ha davar hazeh........etc (sheeesh I had that
one memorized long long ago-----AND THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS -----back to poe------the raven is still there
btw ding------do you deny that your sunday school teacher taught
The history of your people forgetting God is throughout your people’s entire existence.

I can’t believe you are arguing against it.

dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?

I am neither a sunday school teacher or inquisitionist. My profession is considered a SCIENCE. in fact, neuroscience. Even with the
newest FUNCTIONAL MRI exams------it is impossible to detect
that which anyone "forgets" or "remembers" Your sunday school teacher was WAY OUT OF HER LEAGUE. As to Jeremiah-----
he was a fantastic poet------so was Edgar Allen Poe. Stick to that which you know-----like the mushroom fueled BOOK OF REVULSIONS
You have read your holy book, right?

of course-----I have read lots of books and the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe too. As to Hebrew poetry----I have read some of it in the
original. Have you read the works of Chaim Nachman Bialik,
or of ISAIAH -------ha davar hazeh........etc (sheeesh I had that
one memorized long long ago-----AND THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS -----back to poe------the raven is still there
Good. Did the Jews forget God before they left Egypt?

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