Tonight is Passover- Pesach Sameach

No wonder so many Jews have become atheists. The rabbis failed to teach them their history and the importance of worshipping God.

no wonder so many Christians are alcoholics
And here I thought the reason was alcohol is addictive. Silly me.

oh----is that it------don't quit your day job---your understanding of human physiology is on the level of a sunday school teacher
C'mon rosie. You have to give the guy some credit.

Becoming an idolator and lying in the name of God was a step up for dingaling.
No wonder so many Jews have become atheists. The rabbis failed to teach them their history and the importance of worshipping God.

no wonder so many Christians are alcoholics
And here I thought the reason was alcohol is addictive. Silly me.

oh----is that it------don't quit your day job---your understanding of human physiology is on the level of a sunday school teacher
Why would I? I get paid well.

When you throw a rock into a pack of dogs do you know how you can tell which dog got hit? The one that yelps. Keep yelping.

Because it won’t change the fact that you have forgotten God.
Good. Did the Jews forget God before they left Egypt?

nope----------no way to know who "forgot" what. Long ago---
I was charged with the examination of sailors who forgot their
names. Did you ever "forget" to do your homework?
It the account of your people.

And what happens to them when they cycle between forgetting and remembering God

Seriously, I am shocked at how little you know.

It is clear that I know a LOT MORE THAN DO YOU-------
your grasp of Hebrew literature is pathetic.

There was a BUBONIC PLAGUE in Europe killing off
something like 1/3 of the Christians there-----of course
that had nothing to do with the Christians "forgetting
jesus" --------DA JEWS DONE IT <<< an example of
Sunday school teacher poetry
Rosie, it’s captured all throughout your holy texts.

of course------your reading of the writings of jews have you convinced that jews caused the BUBONIC PLAGUE and that hand washing is
evil--------poor Lister had to face that idiocy
I have no idea why you keep bringing up the bubonic plague.

My reading the writing of the Jews has taught me that when man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and when man becomes proud he forgets his Lord God and then he suffers. But through his suffering man remembers the way of the Lord and repents. Thus starting the cycle all over again. It takes two generations to forget suffering. Try remembering that the next time you read your people’s holy texts.
No wonder so many Jews have become atheists. The rabbis failed to teach them their history and the importance of worshipping God.

another bit of information from the sunday school teacher?
No wonder you are confused------so many of them are
completely illiterate. Keep in mind----chances are that your
great grandmother was illiterate too-----mine was not
I don’t claim to be anything more than what I am. If you find it offensive that I am telling you that you have forgotten God, good. So does God.

oh gee----not only do you know what people you never met "FORGOT"---you even know all about your "god's emotional
No wonder so many Jews have become atheists. The rabbis failed to teach them their history and the importance of worshipping God.

no wonder so many Christians are alcoholics
And here I thought the reason was alcohol is addictive. Silly me.

oh----is that it------don't quit your day job---your understanding of human physiology is on the level of a sunday school teacher
Why would I? I get paid well.

When you throw a rock into a pack of dogs do you know how you can tell which dog got hit? The one that yelps. Keep yelping.

Because it won’t change the fact that you have forgotten God.

my clinical impression is----first R/O toxic delirium or an infectious
disease of the brain-----like syphilis
dingbat-------your filthy sunday school teacher SOLD YOU A BILL OF GOODS -----try to be honest----tell me what you imagine is
a PHARISEE------I have been fascinated with this topic since adolescence. Your heros have been out to murder "PHARISEES" for MORE than the past 2000 years. Some of the best doctors of
medicine I have known are PHARISEES ------In fact ---Jesus was a
Pharisee too. Way back -----I, independently, concluded that Jesus was a typical Pharisee. I never attended any "jewish" school at all.
I was guest kid in sunday school, LOTS, where I learned that sunday school teachers are dangerous.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?
You are cherry picking verses.

Do you deny this?
Yes, I deny it 100%.

Rather than denying the truth you should embrace it.

The OT is the account of a people who cycled between forgetting and remembering God and what happened to them when they did.
When the real thing happens, you will be ashamed for cherry picking only the verses you want to read.
There is no cherry picking going on. The OT is the account of a people who cycle through forgetting and remembering God and what happens to them when they do.

This same phenomenon can be seen in the recorded history of all men. So don’t take this personal. The only difference is that your people used to understand this which is why they recorded it in their holy texts. They thought it was pretty important and worth remembering. But then again so is God.
You are omitting the verses, both in the Torah and Prophets and Writings, where God fully acknowledges this and yet states unequivocally that at the end of time, God will gather the Children of Israel and rebuild the Temple.
You know why?
Compared to all the other nations and religions, the Jews have always been quite phenomenal.
Quit trying to change the subject. You people forgot God.

Do you deny this?
You are cherry picking verses.

Do you deny this?
Yes, I deny it 100%.

Rather than denying the truth you should embrace it.

The OT is the account of a people who cycled between forgetting and remembering God and what happened to them when they did.
When the real thing happens, you will be ashamed for cherry picking only the verses you want to read.
There is no cherry picking going on. The OT is the account of a people who cycle through forgetting and remembering God and what happens to them when they do.

This same phenomenon can be seen in the recorded history of all men. So don’t take this personal. The only difference is that your people used to understand this which is why they recorded it in their holy texts. They thought it was pretty important and worth remembering. But then again so is God.
You are omitting the verses, both in the Torah and Prophets and Writings, where God fully acknowledges this and yet states unequivocally that at the end of time, God will gather the Children of Israel and rebuild the Temple.
You know why?
Compared to all the other nations and religions, the Jews have always been quite phenomenal.
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.
You are cherry picking verses.

Do you deny this?
Yes, I deny it 100%.

Rather than denying the truth you should embrace it.

The OT is the account of a people who cycled between forgetting and remembering God and what happened to them when they did.
When the real thing happens, you will be ashamed for cherry picking only the verses you want to read.
There is no cherry picking going on. The OT is the account of a people who cycle through forgetting and remembering God and what happens to them when they do.

This same phenomenon can be seen in the recorded history of all men. So don’t take this personal. The only difference is that your people used to understand this which is why they recorded it in their holy texts. They thought it was pretty important and worth remembering. But then again so is God.
You are omitting the verses, both in the Torah and Prophets and Writings, where God fully acknowledges this and yet states unequivocally that at the end of time, God will gather the Children of Israel and rebuild the Temple.
You know why?
Compared to all the other nations and religions, the Jews have always been quite phenomenal.
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.
Jews have this belief in a little something called Free Will; we have used it and God approves of how we have used it.

I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.

"INEXPLICABLE"?----gee----now ding insists that "G-D" did
something to make jews sorta "more accomplished" "the credit
goes to "god" <<<< ------his conclusion? "there is nothing special about being jewish"...........but suggesting that "god" CHOSE is what? "arrogant"-----or something like that......????
run that one past me again, dingbat
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.

If God chose the Jewish people to write the instruction in that holy book you profess to believe is special then how can the Jews not be special in the eyes of God whatever your sense of inadequacy tells you to make yourself feel better about being an idolatrous Jew hating Jesus eater?

If there was nothing special about being Jewish why was the messiah that you eat a Jew?

Why don't you eat an Italian?

You keep saying that the Jews forgot God every now and then because it says so in the book. Whether that is true or not, what does that have to do with the fact that you have never seen God and do not know him at all?
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I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.
You keep saying that the Jews forgot God every now and then because it says so in the book. Whether that is true or not, what does that have to do with the fact that you have never seen God and do not know him at all?
Actually in Christianity it's not "him" , but rather "them".
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.
You keep saying that the Jews forgot God every now and then because it says so in the book. Whether that is true or not, what does that have to do with the fact that you have never seen God and do not know him at all?
Actually in Christianity it's not "him" , but rather "them".

lol...Yes, I know.

They are seeing triple.They can't walk a straight line. They stumble around and giggle when they fall down, they don't know where they are coming from or where they are going. They reek of cheap wine and vomit.

I suspect they are drunk.
No wonder so many Jews have become atheists. The rabbis failed to teach them their history and the importance of worshipping God.

another bit of information from the sunday school teacher?
No wonder you are confused------so many of them are
completely illiterate. Keep in mind----chances are that your
great grandmother was illiterate too-----mine was not
I don’t claim to be anything more than what I am. If you find it offensive that I am telling you that you have forgotten God, good. So does God.

oh gee----not only do you know what people you never met "FORGOT"---you even know all about your "god's emotional
I know you better than if I had known you in real life. You show your true colors here. In real life you would most likely be more fake.
No wonder so many Jews have become atheists. The rabbis failed to teach them their history and the importance of worshipping God.

no wonder so many Christians are alcoholics
And here I thought the reason was alcohol is addictive. Silly me.

oh----is that it------don't quit your day job---your understanding of human physiology is on the level of a sunday school teacher
Why would I? I get paid well.

When you throw a rock into a pack of dogs do you know how you can tell which dog got hit? The one that yelps. Keep yelping.

Because it won’t change the fact that you have forgotten God.

my clinical impression is----first R/O toxic delirium or an infectious
disease of the brain-----like syphilis
And mine is you know right from wrong and when you violate it you rationalize you didn’t.
Yes, I deny it 100%.

Rather than denying the truth you should embrace it.

The OT is the account of a people who cycled between forgetting and remembering God and what happened to them when they did.
When the real thing happens, you will be ashamed for cherry picking only the verses you want to read.
There is no cherry picking going on. The OT is the account of a people who cycle through forgetting and remembering God and what happens to them when they do.

This same phenomenon can be seen in the recorded history of all men. So don’t take this personal. The only difference is that your people used to understand this which is why they recorded it in their holy texts. They thought it was pretty important and worth remembering. But then again so is God.
You are omitting the verses, both in the Torah and Prophets and Writings, where God fully acknowledges this and yet states unequivocally that at the end of time, God will gather the Children of Israel and rebuild the Temple.
You know why?
Compared to all the other nations and religions, the Jews have always been quite phenomenal.
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.
Jews have this belief in a little something called Free Will; we have used it and God approves of how we have used it.
Free will was ancient man’s understanding of the major distinction between human and animals.

I doubt that God approves of everything you have done.

I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.

"INEXPLICABLE"?----gee----now ding insists that "G-D" did
something to make jews sorta "more accomplished" "the credit
goes to "god" <<<< ------his conclusion? "there is nothing special about being jewish"...........but suggesting that "god" CHOSE is what? "arrogant"-----or something like that......????
run that one past me again, dingbat
It would be arrogant for Jews to see it any other way.

But please do tell God how the Jews did everything on their own. You are just proving my point further that you have forgotten God.
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.

If God chose the Jewish people to write the instruction in that holy book you profess to believe is special then how can the Jews not be special in the eyes of God whatever your sense of inadequacy tells you to make yourself feel better about being an idolatrous Jew hating Jesus eater?

If there was nothing special about being Jewish why was the messiah that you eat a Jew?

Why don't you eat an Italian?

You keep saying that the Jews forgot God every now and then because it says so in the book. Whether that is true or not, what does that have to do with the fact that you have never seen God and do not know him at all?
There’s nothing special about anyone. We are all God’s creatures. You want to take credit for that?
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.
You keep saying that the Jews forgot God every now and then because it says so in the book. Whether that is true or not, what does that have to do with the fact that you have never seen God and do not know him at all?
Actually in Christianity it's not "him" , but rather "them".

lol...Yes, I know.

They are seeing triple.They can't walk a straight line. They stumble around and giggle when they fall down, they don't know where they are coming from or where they are going. They reek of cheap wine and vomit.

I suspect they are drunk.
I suspect you are a subversive.
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.

If God chose the Jewish people to write the instruction in that holy book you profess to believe is special then how can the Jews not be special in the eyes of God whatever your sense of inadequacy tells you to make yourself feel better about being an idolatrous Jew hating Jesus eater?

If there was nothing special about being Jewish why was the messiah that you eat a Jew?

Why don't you eat an Italian?

QUOTE] ^^^^^ thanks hobie-----UP WITH A LAUGH
I’m not arguing that they have not been phenomenal. By any objective assessment their continued existence and significant contributions disproportionate to their tiny numbers is inexplicable. But the credit goes to God. There is nothing special about being Jewish. And before you take that the wrong way... to see it any other way would be to make the concept of being chosen an arrogant position.

If God chose the Jewish people to write the instruction in that holy book you profess to believe is special then how can the Jews not be special in the eyes of God whatever your sense of inadequacy tells you to make yourself feel better about being an idolatrous Jew hating Jesus eater?

If there was nothing special about being Jewish why was the messiah that you eat a Jew?

Why don't you eat an Italian?

QUOTE] ^^^^^ thanks hobie-----UP WITH A LAUGH


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