Tony Blair Calls Biden An Imbecile

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

Donald Trump: (22:53)

Keep trying to find the tasty end of that turd.
Blair isn't wrong about Biden, but let's not forget he aided and abetted Bush and Rumsfeld by getting us into this mess in the first place.
i’m pretty sure the Taliban helping AQ is what got us in the mess to begin with. Had 9/11 not happened we wouldn’t be there

After Xiden’s surrender to the terrorist the only question is what will we do after the next 9/11…it’s not an if, but a when now
Again, when did I every claim I wasn't a Democrat? More kazzing?

What does this reply of yours have to do with any part of my post?

If you were my kid I'd be bragging about my abortion.

Your double talk and endless lying and racism is just so you being a Democrat
Your double talk and endless lying and racism is just so you being a Democrat
What double talk, endless lying and racism exactly are you referring to? A lot of accusations from you not an ounce of proof. Quote me where I have been any of that.
It is your problem that your brain translated what I actually said into whatever it is you think I said.
No translation needed. Dumbassery is easy to identify by all who don't use it.
i’m pretty sure the Taliban helping AQ is what got us in the mess to begin with. Had 9/11 not happened we wouldn’t be there

After Xiden’s surrender to the terrorist the only question is what will we do after the next 9/11…it’s not an if, but a when now

Nation building wasn't the mission. That was Bush and Rumsfeld.
Nation building wasn't the mission. That was Bush and Rumsfeld.
actually remember they went on to Iraq…it was obama and xiden that said it was the war of necessity

but what’s wrong with helping folks build a nation? why is that a bad thing? we helped the germans after the national socialist , we helped the japanese…is it because these people are brown? is that the objection now?
How many cops died because of your insurrection at the capitol? And you guys proved that day what you really think about law and order and black people

As pro-Trump insurrectionists poured into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, a Black Capitol Police officer passionately testified Tuesday that he faced racist epithets, the likes of which he had never heard while serving in uniform.

"You hear that, guys, this n***** voted for Joe Biden!" a woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled toward Capitol Police Pfc. Harry Dunn, he recounted, after Dunn said he voted for President Biden.

"Boo! F****** n*****!" the crowd yelled back, Dunn recalled.

Dunn said his story wasn't unique. He heard from another Black officer that insurrectionists yelled at that officer: "Put your gun down, and we'll show you what kind of n***** you really are!"
First of all, zero cops died during that idiocy, as a result of the idiocy…

Second, you’re kidding right…leftists supporting BLM have murdered cops, want to defund cops, and can’t stand cops…so spare me the crocodile tears.

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