Tony Shaffer PROVES Obama Knew Of Trump Conspiracy

Do you really want an all-powerful executive?

I don't. For the very reasons many non-Trump supporters hate his use of the executive.


Obama used his EO power because he was even worse than Carter dealing with meetings with GOP committee chairmen he had to keep reminding them and himself he was President as they gave each other an elbow and dumbass.

You were there then darlin?
Obama used his EO power because he was even worse than Carter dealing with meetings with GOP committee chairmen he had to keep reminding them and himself he was President as they gave each other an elbow and dumbass.
Yeah, they were acting like democrats are acting now. They didn't take him seriously and made no effort to actually do something useful, just like democrats are doing now.

But, EOs that have legislative effect should be immediately deemed unconstitutional usurpation of power not granted to the executive.
I posted this on the military board a couple weeks ago. It's good to see that this is making the rounds....hopefully Trump will catch it sometime. ( in fact Shaffer's on the Trump 2020 advisory board so how could he not have ?)
Former Intel Officer Tony Shaffer on Spying on Trump Campaign
Gawd, don't tell me there's a military board??
"If you don't have enough brains to get a real job, join the military. Great indoctrination and commie benefits"
Fuck off troll.
I'm probably old enough to be your grandpa,
but don't tell your girlfriend. I think she likes me.
Democrats used to like Tony Shaffer when he dogged the Bush administration,
but now we see they're clearly hypocrites. ( they're doing the same thing to Julian Assange--if the bitch was president he'd be in gitmo or dead already )
Of course Obama knew. Are you stupid? When a foreign enemy is discovered to be waging a sabotage campign against our elections in favor of one candidate, you don’t think they tell the President?

Obama ain't making a peep now is he, ya inbred little anitfa-wannbe? If your brain wasn't destroyed from huffing paint and listening to CNN, you'd know the entire operation was illegal and treasonous....of course Obama was probably Mike's idea and Barry does what Mike says.
He hasn’t said anything for years. Make an effort not to be so retarded
The Mouth That Roared, suddenly silent?

Ole Floppy Ears has nothing to say?

Obammy Smoked Dope for 8 years straight and the only time he got off of his ass to do anything was to kiss Terrorist Ass!
Of course Obama knew. Are you stupid? When a foreign enemy is discovered to be waging a sabotage campign against our elections in favor of one candidate, you don’t think they tell the President?

Obama ain't making a peep now is he, ya inbred little anitfa-wannbe? If your brain wasn't destroyed from huffing paint and listening to CNN, you'd know the entire operation was illegal and treasonous....of course Obama was probably Mike's idea and Barry does what Mike says.
He hasn’t said anything for years. Make an effort not to be so retarded
The Mouth That Roared, suddenly silent?

Ole Floppy Ears has nothing to say?

Obammy Smoked Dope for 8 years straight and the only time he got off of his ass to do anything was to kiss Terrorist Ass!
^ drunk retard
Of course Obama knew. Are you stupid? When a foreign enemy is discovered to be waging a sabotage campign against our elections in favor of one candidate, you don’t think they tell the President?

Obama ain't making a peep now is he, ya inbred little anitfa-wannbe? If your brain wasn't destroyed from huffing paint and listening to CNN, you'd know the entire operation was illegal and treasonous....of course Obama was probably Mike's idea and Barry does what Mike says.
He hasn’t said anything for years. Make an effort not to be so retarded
The Mouth That Roared, suddenly silent?

Ole Floppy Ears has nothing to say?

Obammy Smoked Dope for 8 years straight and the only time he got off of his ass to do anything was to kiss Terrorist Ass!
^ drunk retard
Did you learn about that in the Newspapers like Obama Bin Lying did?

He didn't even have to be drunk to be the most worthless, corrupt and scandal ridden plague on American Society to ever hold office.

It'd be better for his legacy if he DID have a drinking problem, or women....but then again, you got Mike Obama the first Transgender First Lady in history, so Obama Bin Spying was not really in to women.

Of course Obama knew. Are you stupid? When a foreign enemy is discovered to be waging a sabotage campign against our elections in favor of one candidate, you don’t think they tell the President?

Obama ain't making a peep now is he, ya inbred little anitfa-wannbe? If your brain wasn't destroyed from huffing paint and listening to CNN, you'd know the entire operation was illegal and treasonous....of course Obama was probably Mike's idea and Barry does what Mike says.
He hasn’t said anything for years. Make an effort not to be so retarded
The Mouth That Roared, suddenly silent?

Ole Floppy Ears has nothing to say?

Obammy Smoked Dope for 8 years straight and the only time he got off of his ass to do anything was to kiss Terrorist Ass!
^ drunk retard
Did you learn about that in the Newspapers like Obama Bin Lying did?

He didn't even have to be drunk to be the most worthless, corrupt and scandal ridden plague on American Society to ever hold office.

It'd be better for his legacy if he DID have a drinking problem, or women....but then again, you got Mike Obama the first Transgender First Lady in history, so Obama Bin Spying was not really in to women.
^ :cuckoo:
Super Majority in 2020 thanks to a Failed COUP attempt
Failed Job to Frame The President
And Idiots who tried to make a Fake Investigation look Legit so the dumbasses documented everything.

There be Democrats Burning In Hell over this.

The Pain is a coming boy.

Super Majority in 2020 thanks to a Failed COUP attempt
Failed Job to Frame The President
And Idiots who tried to make a Fake Investigation look Legit so the dumbasses documented everything.

There be Democrats Burning In Hell over this.

The Pain is a coming boy.

They lost their life savings on a horse ,
and got caught trying to fix the race. :71:
Biden asked him not to. Again, do try to make an effort

And I got a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell don't believe any of that're here to pose as a masked nitwit pepper-spraying women from behind......get lost.
Biden says he asked Obama not to endorse him

Make an effort :itsok:

I agree with you Blackflag! Biden said he asked Obama NOT to endorse him, about 15 minutes AFTER Obama told him he wouldn't, lol!
This is why Comey was on a book tour less than a year after
he was fired, to pay for the attorney he's gonna need.
Biden asked him not to. Again, do try to make an effort

And I got a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell don't believe any of that're here to pose as a masked nitwit pepper-spraying women from behind......get lost.
Biden says he asked Obama not to endorse him

Make an effort :itsok:

I agree with you Blackflag! Biden said he asked Obama NOT to endorse him, about 15 minutes AFTER Obama told him he wouldn't, lol!
Oh have either of them said that? Has Obama denied Biden’s claim? No? Then go fuck yourself, how about that?
Like I said, the next few years are the best chance you’ll ever have to do something about it.
What about you? Are you going to do something about it?

It's not a simple matter of who is sitting in the White House. We are talking about a much more complicated process.

I’m doing the only things I can, telling everyone who’ll listen about it, and writing representatives about it. Next year I will campaign like my life depends on it against Trump, and argue to everyone I meet in those campaigns that executive power needs to be weakened.

Then maybe you should watch the video and learn something. The man was CIA, and a department head. It will also explain to you what the REAL RULES are, not what the MSM tells you they are.

I don't understand you people, I really do not. You would THINK that you would want to know as much as you can so you can figure a new way to screw Trump. Instead, you are still carping 3 cycles behind on things that have already been disproven. Is that the best you can do? Or rather is it, you are just singing to your choir who you know haven't got a clue.
Biden asked him not to. Again, do try to make an effort

And I got a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell don't believe any of that're here to pose as a masked nitwit pepper-spraying women from behind......get lost.
Biden says he asked Obama not to endorse him

Make an effort :itsok:

I agree with you Blackflag! Biden said he asked Obama NOT to endorse him, about 15 minutes AFTER Obama told him he wouldn't, lol!
Oh have either of them said that? Has Obama denied Biden’s claim? No? Then go fuck yourself, how about that?

Of course he didn't, it is called POLITICS and SPIN CONTROL. You should read a few books on politics, maybe you will learn something, lol.

Can you people believe what Blackflag said, lol. Neither of them denied it, so it MUST be true, lolololol. And they both told you that the Iran deal was terrific. DEATH to AMERICA!

You damn fools are so gullible, you will believe anything!
Like I said, the next few years are the best chance you’ll ever have to do something about it.
What about you? Are you going to do something about it?

It's not a simple matter of who is sitting in the White House. We are talking about a much more complicated process.

I’m doing the only things I can, telling everyone who’ll listen about it, and writing representatives about it. Next year I will campaign like my life depends on it against Trump, and argue to everyone I meet in those campaigns that executive power needs to be weakened.

Then maybe you should watch the video and learn something. The man was CIA, and a department head. It will also explain to you what the REAL RULES are, not what the MSM tells you they are.

I don't understand you people, I really do not. You would THINK that you would want to know as much as you can so you can figure a new way to screw Trump. Instead, you are still carping 3 cycles behind on things that have already been disproven. Is that the best you can do? Or rather is it, you are just singing to your choir who you know haven't got a clue.
You voted for a greasy casino mogul who promised war against the wants and beliefs of a majority of the population. I wouldn’t expect for you to understand a single god damn thing
Shaffer is ex-Army Intel Officer who was involved for years with clandestine operations with all the spook agencies. This isn't a two minute if you're just here for cheap thrills, simply skim over it. But if you want to know how it would be impossible for the WH not to have known, and been deeply involved in, the plot to overthrow Trump, this is must see: :shock:

I was so busy giving Blackflag the business, I forgot to thank you for such an informative piece. Good job!

The Leftists either are to stupid to know what is coming, or think they can propagandize themselves out of it. THEIR SCREWED, they really, really, are!
Like I said, the next few years are the best chance you’ll ever have to do something about it.
What about you? Are you going to do something about it?

It's not a simple matter of who is sitting in the White House. We are talking about a much more complicated process.

I’m doing the only things I can, telling everyone who’ll listen about it, and writing representatives about it. Next year I will campaign like my life depends on it against Trump, and argue to everyone I meet in those campaigns that executive power needs to be weakened.

Then maybe you should watch the video and learn something. The man was CIA, and a department head. It will also explain to you what the REAL RULES are, not what the MSM tells you they are.

I don't understand you people, I really do not. You would THINK that you would want to know as much as you can so you can figure a new way to screw Trump. Instead, you are still carping 3 cycles behind on things that have already been disproven. Is that the best you can do? Or rather is it, you are just singing to your choir who you know haven't got a clue.
You voted for a greasy casino mogul who promised war against the wants and beliefs of a majority of the population. I wouldn’t expect for you to understand a single god damn thing

We will soon see who really understood/understands-) If it wasn't so sad, I would laugh for 2 days when the poop falls on you and your side.

Hell with it, you deserve the poop coming, so I will laugh like hell-)

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