Too bad the GOP didn't go after al Qaeda the way they go after Hillary Clinton.

9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.
Last edited by a moderator:
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.

So rdean with part was wrong?

Or hanging with pedopholes?
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
This is projection. Conservatives wanted to kill terorrists, liberals and terrorists use the same talking points and bitch about the US. You guys can't go a speech without criticism this country.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies[/QUOTE

What was Clinton's response when asked who her enemies where? She came tight out without hesitation Republicans.

One of the boards biggest hate filled posters, making up lies while fully backing someone that has stated who her enemies are,not ISIS any of the many terrorist groups,no she looks at 1/2 of this nation as enemies .

Who taught you to be such a hateful little shit that you are?
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.

So rdean with part was wrong?

Or hanging with pedopholes?
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
This is projection. Conservatives wanted to kill terorrists, liberals and terrorists use the same talking points and bitch about the US. You guys can't go a speech without criticism this country.

And yet it's Republicans who cry Make America Great Again and Make America Safe Again.

As if it isn't great now. The ultimate criticism.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.

So rdean with part was wrong?

Or hanging with pedopholes?
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
This is projection. Conservatives wanted to kill terorrists, liberals and terrorists use the same talking points and bitch about the US. You guys can't go a speech without criticism this country.

And yet it's Republicans who cry Make America Great Again and Make America Safe Again.

Uh that's because Republicans make tons of speeched extolling the great values of our country and not tear it down.
The problem is the guy in charge has really fucked this country up.
Forcing citizens to buy things or threaten with jail or fines.
Making Bush's debt look like nothing
They bitch about large companies, yet large companies love liberal policies and some even pay zero tax.
Always getting involved with local matters like cop shootings and taking sides before all the facts and evidence are in...we call that jumping to conclusions.
Allowing people to break the law repeatedly and encouraging it.

yeah there is a lot to repair, but we don't bitch about what America stands for and say by far it's the greatest most free country established, but not if the left is in control
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.

So rdean with part was wrong?

Or hanging with pedopholes?
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
This is projection. Conservatives wanted to kill terorrists, liberals and terrorists use the same talking points and bitch about the US. You guys can't go a speech without criticism this country.

And yet it's Republicans who cry Make America Great Again and Make America Safe Again.

Uh that's because Republicans make tons of speeched extolling the great values of our country and not tear it down.
The problem is the guy in charge has really fucked this country up.
Forcing citizens to buy things or threaten with jail or fines.
Making Bush's debt look like nothing
They bitch about large companies, yet large companies love liberal policies and some even pay zero tax.
Always getting involved with local matters like cop shootings and taking sides before all the facts and evidence are in...we call that jumping to conclusions.
Allowing people to break the law repeatedly and encouraging it.

yeah there is a lot to repair, but we don't bitch about what America stands for and say by far it's the greatest most free country established, but not if the left is in control

And yet every time you say "Make America Great AGAIN" you are criticizing. And large companies loving liberal policies and paying zero taxes? What the fuck is wrong with you. It's Republicans who are in the pocket of big business and have been for decades. Everyone knows that. It's Republicans who want corporation tax to be ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump: Don’t Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Too bad Bill Clinton, in his eight years didn't go after them instead of being an adulteress playboy.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.

So rdean with part was wrong?

Or hanging with pedopholes?
Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
This is projection. Conservatives wanted to kill terorrists, liberals and terrorists use the same talking points and bitch about the US. You guys can't go a speech without criticism this country.

And yet it's Republicans who cry Make America Great Again and Make America Safe Again.

Uh that's because Republicans make tons of speeched extolling the great values of our country and not tear it down.
The problem is the guy in charge has really fucked this country up.
Forcing citizens to buy things or threaten with jail or fines.
Making Bush's debt look like nothing
They bitch about large companies, yet large companies love liberal policies and some even pay zero tax.
Always getting involved with local matters like cop shootings and taking sides before all the facts and evidence are in...we call that jumping to conclusions.
Allowing people to break the law repeatedly and encouraging it.

yeah there is a lot to repair, but we don't bitch about what America stands for and say by far it's the greatest most free country established, but not if the left is in control

And yet every time you say "Make America Great AGAIN" you are criticizing. And large companies loving liberal policies and paying zero taxes? What the fuck is wrong with you. It's Republicans who are in the pocket of big business and have been for decades. Everyone knows that. It's Republicans who want corporation tax to be ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump: Don’t Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

Yet you have no problem with almost half the people in the country paying zero income taxes.
"Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies."

That’s the problem – all they have are lies and witch-hunts.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.
Bill Clinton had a chance to get Osama, yet he was banging interns and flying around with pedophiles.....rdean you make it so easy, thank you
What a piece of shit you are. Don't even know how to use Google.

Love the way Bill Clinton BITCH SLAPPED conservative reporters. All it takes is truth.

So rdean with part was wrong?

Or hanging with pedopholes?
Weird isn't it. They hate Americans far more than they hate our real enemies. Literally. I know brain-damage causes strange behavior but how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies.
It sure seems that way, doesn't it? It bears repeating:

how does this group of conservatives come to a point where they view Americans as their mortal enemy but ignore Bin Laden and our real enemies
This is projection. Conservatives wanted to kill terorrists, liberals and terrorists use the same talking points and bitch about the US. You guys can't go a speech without criticism this country.

And yet it's Republicans who cry Make America Great Again and Make America Safe Again.

Uh that's because Republicans make tons of speeched extolling the great values of our country and not tear it down.
The problem is the guy in charge has really fucked this country up.
Forcing citizens to buy things or threaten with jail or fines.
Making Bush's debt look like nothing
They bitch about large companies, yet large companies love liberal policies and some even pay zero tax.
Always getting involved with local matters like cop shootings and taking sides before all the facts and evidence are in...we call that jumping to conclusions.
Allowing people to break the law repeatedly and encouraging it.

yeah there is a lot to repair, but we don't bitch about what America stands for and say by far it's the greatest most free country established, but not if the left is in control

And yet every time you say "Make America Great AGAIN" you are criticizing. And large companies loving liberal policies and paying zero taxes? What the fuck is wrong with you. It's Republicans who are in the pocket of big business and have been for decades. Everyone knows that. It's Republicans who want corporation tax to be ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump: Don’t Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

First next time include my points in your post next time.

Now, you guys bitch about everything in this country, we do not. But this administration bash he's their own country and appogizes all the time for it, fuck you.

And big business is on the side of big government, you really have no clue. You bitch about Citizens United, so who buys the Politicians? Big business, BUT we do allow them to participate unlike you. We just try and work to help business grow, but liberals like you love huuuuge bills passed full of bullshit pork and a crazy amount of regulations.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
20 Million for the FBI investigation of Clinton, 5 million for congressional investigations. Benghazi involved 10 congressional committees, 252 witness, 13 reports of 1900 pages summarizing 33 hearings. I'll bet Clinton witch hunts conducted by Republicans have cost the country over 100 million dollars making her the most investigated women in the world. And it all could have been avoid it if she would have been a good little First Lady 20 years ago, tended the white house flowers and presided over afternoon teas instead of sticking her nose in Washington politics. That was just unforgivable.

9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
20 Million for the FBI investigation of Clinton, 5 million for congressional investigations. Benghazi involved 10 congressional committees, 252 witness, 13 reports of 1900 pages summarizing 33 hearings. I'll bet Clinton witch hunts conducted by Republicans have cost the country over 100 million dollars making her the most investigated women in the world. And it all could have been avoid it if she would have been a good little First Lady 20 years ago, tended the white house flowers and presided over afternoon teas instead of sticking her nose in Washington politics. That was just unforgivable.

Lol denial is not just a river in Egypt. If she wins will she upgrade her servers security by using Norton??,
"Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies."

That’s the problem – all they have are lies and witch-hunts.
What we're they wrong on in Ben glazing or the emails? Comey Said she lied everytime she opened her mouth. But she's rich and powerful, people like you say you fight against it, but everytime you can do something, you check party registration before acting
"Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies."

That’s the problem – all they have are lies and witch-hunts.
What we're they wrong on in Ben glazing or the emails? Comey Said she lied everytime she opened her mouth. But she's rich and powerful, people like you say you fight against it, but everytime you can do something, you check party registration before acting
No, Comey did not say Clinton lied. “We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.” said Comey testifying before Congress.
F.B.I. Director James Comey Testifies Before Congress
"Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies."

That’s the problem – all they have are lies and witch-hunts.
What we're they wrong on in Ben glazing or the emails? Comey Said she lied everytime she opened her mouth. But she's rich and powerful, people like you say you fight against it, but everytime you can do something, you check party registration before acting
No, Comey did not say Clinton lied. “We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.” said Comey testifying before Congress.
F.B.I. Director James Comey Testifies Before Congress
Flopper that is bullshit, first he stated he didn't interview her and he didn't have a transcript of the interview, so he didn't know.

Second he said she lied repeatedly to congress and to the public...we don't know what she said to the FBI.

She stated she didn't send/receive classified information....SHE DID..LIE
She stated she only used one device.....SHE USED 7 servers and multiple mobile devices....LIE
But watch the video, it's short, you get the point..

False statements are used for what? Conciseness of guilt and intent.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.
It was planned on Clinton's watch. And Clinton warned Bush. So what did Bush do? First, he ignored the warning. Then he let the Bin Laden family go, and helped them get out of the country before any of them could be interviewed. Then he let Bin Laden go and invaded Iraq. Guess that was Clinton's fault too.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.
It was planned on Clinton's watch. And Clinton warned Bush. So what did Bush do? First, he ignored the warning. Then he let the Bin Laden family go, and helped them get out of the country before any of them could be interviewed. Then he let Bin Laden go and invaded Iraq. Guess that was Clinton's fault too.

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