Too bad the GOP didn't go after al Qaeda the way they go after Hillary Clinton.

'Too bad the GOP didn't go after al Qaeda the way they go after Hillary Clinton'.'s illegal to bomb a US citizen...Never mind, no it isn't....if you use a drone. :p

(Relax, it was a JOKE - I swear!)
Too bad Obama didn't go after Isis the way he does the police.

Obama is pounding the shit out of ISIS ...even killed their leader the other day

No, he attacks ISIL.........I couldn't resit.

But he's not trying to win, he just doesn't it because terrorism is a hot topic.

What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out
Too bad Obama didn't go after Isis the way he does the police.

Obama is pounding the shit out of ISIS ...even killed their leader the other day

No, he attacks ISIL.........I couldn't resit.

But he's not trying to win, he just doesn't it because terrorism is a hot topic.

What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out

He just killed their leader in Iraq yesterday and Obama has destroyed their funding sources . He is bombing the hell out of their military ground troops

What else would you like him to do?
The "Funding Source" of ISIS is the Mossad.

O didn't off them for ISIS or 911. Rather, O sold out just like W and tries to lie and claim otherwise.

Want to shut off ISIS' cash = wipe out the source = ISRAEL
Too bad Obama didn't go after Isis the way he does the police.

Obama is pounding the shit out of ISIS ...even killed their leader the other day

No, he attacks ISIL.........I couldn't resit.

But he's not trying to win, he just doesn't it because terrorism is a hot topic.

What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out

He just killed their leader in Iraq yesterday and Obama has destroyed their funding sources . He is bombing the hell out of their military ground troops

What else would you like him to do?

Stuff I can see... like we are killing these crazy muslim.extremists
Obama is pounding the shit out of ISIS ...even killed their leader the other day

No, he attacks ISIL.........I couldn't resit.

But he's not trying to win, he just doesn't it because terrorism is a hot topic.

What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out

He just killed their leader in Iraq yesterday and Obama has destroyed their funding sources . He is bombing the hell out of their military ground troops

What else would you like him to do?

Stuff I can see... like we are killing these crazy muslim.extremists

They are losing hundreds a day. They are losing territory in both Iraq and Syria

The chance of two Islamic states is no longer possible
No, he attacks ISIL.........I couldn't resit.

But he's not trying to win, he just doesn't it because terrorism is a hot topic.

What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out

He just killed their leader in Iraq yesterday and Obama has destroyed their funding sources . He is bombing the hell out of their military ground troops

What else would you like him to do?

Stuff I can see... like we are killing these crazy muslim.extremists

They are losing hundreds a day. They are losing territory in both Iraq and Syria

The chance of two Islamic states is no longer possible
, now stop importing them...and we'll be fine.
What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out

He just killed their leader in Iraq yesterday and Obama has destroyed their funding sources . He is bombing the hell out of their military ground troops

What else would you like him to do?

Stuff I can see... like we are killing these crazy muslim.extremists

They are losing hundreds a day. They are losing territory in both Iraq and Syria

The chance of two Islamic states is no longer possible
, now stop importing them...and we'll be fine.

You have actually touched on the real problem

ISIS doesn't have to import them. They can post propaganda on the internet about the Muslim cause and evil of the west. They can find suckers anywhere in the world who will carry out a terror attack and credit ISIS
That is their legacy
Revisionist bull shit, nothing more, nothing less. To think 9-11 could have been stopped, or that the hunt for OBL was somehow compromised by baby bush is a vain attempt to legitimize one's pathetic political rhetoric. Good luck with that.
Revisionist bull shit, nothing more, nothing less. To think 9-11 could have been stopped, or that the hunt for OBL was somehow compromised by baby bush is a vain attempt to legitimize one's pathetic political rhetoric. Good luck with that.
Good luck with your revisionist history
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

The GOP dos go after Al Qaeda.... Funded and built the Intel infrastructure for Bin Laden to be taken out under Obama's watch.
Maybe the radical left is so desperate to deflect attention from real political issues that they post insane scenarios as truth or maybe they think the low information rabble won't know the difference.
No I admit that the whole thing was planned on Clintons watch.
What does that matter if nobody knew who al Qaeda was?

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

What. You think AQ was the only outfit out there? Just shows what a moron you are.
But we knew before 9/11 that bin Laden headed al Qaeda. Well, non-retards knew, anyway...

And Republicans criticized Clinton for only lobbing missiles into Afghanistan to kill bin Laden. So this has nothing to do with other "outfits".

You're flopping and flailing because you said something really fucking stupid and can't take it back.

I understand. Doesn't mean I'm gonna let it go. Hell, I got a new sigline out of it!
Right, Republicans could have prevented 9/11 by spending how much extra in the first 9 months of Bush's admin that Bubba wasn't spending on intel?
Has nothing to do with money.

It has everything to do with ignoring warnings given to Condi Rice and the rest of the Bush security team.

Because why should Bushies listen to Democrats, right? They were only in office for 8 years with CIA briefings every morning.

It was a case of Republicans believing their own PR about being the Party of Security. And it bit America in the ass.

Thanks, George Fucking Bush.

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