Too bad the GOP didn't go after al Qaeda the way they go after Hillary Clinton.

9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

Republicans actually mocked Bill Clinton for going after Osama bin Laden....they claimed it was interfering with their blowjob investigation

Remember "wag the dog"?
Yup! Mocked him as trying to distract from Monica, while also mocking him for not doing enough.

Typical Republicans - confused messaging.
Too bad Obama didn't go after Isis the way he does the police.

Obama is pounding the shit out of ISIS ...even killed their leader the other day

No, he attacks ISIL.........I couldn't resit.

But he's not trying to win, he just doesn't it because terrorism is a hot topic.

What is winning?

Driving them out of Iraq and Syria?
Preventing every possible terrorist attack?
Destroying their orginization....crushing it.....if only Obama didn't pull out....kinda like when you want to have and killing Isis both post little and only doable if you don't pull out

He just killed their leader in Iraq yesterday and Obama has destroyed their funding sources . He is bombing the hell out of their military ground troops

What else would you like him to do?
Become White?
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.
We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.
Too bad Obama didn't go after Isis the way he does the police.
How many police chiefs has Obama killed?

He's killed a lot of ISIL chiefs.

ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL = CIA, the Mossad, MI5/MI6 and Saudi Intel while using Turkey's government as a proxy. The origins of al qaeda (which translated means "the base" was actually the mujaheddin that Carter security adviser Zbigniew Brzenzski helped put to gether to lure the USSR into Afghanistan. It is and has always been a CIA asset. Only a brain dead idiot would believe that Osam bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" was taken out by Seal team 6 (that was later killed to keep the team quiet) when Bin Laden died of Marfan's syndrome on December 13, 2001. Your beloved corporate "gubermint" lies to you and they even lie about shit that doesn't even matter but it's just habit. You don't strike me as someone that has the ability to discern information but eagerly gobble up anything the lame stream media feeds you like it was manna from heaven.
9/11 might not have happened.

How much taxpayer money have they spent? I know Bill's impeachment by the House cost 40 million after all the investigations and resources were added up. So how much did they spend going after the Clintons since then?

Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. It was Obama and Mrs. Clinton that actually took Bin Laden down. And still, they go after her. Wasting millions more in tax payer money.

Obama said Mrs. Clinton argued FOR taking out Bin Laden after they discovered where he was. Remember during the election, when Obama said he would take down Bin Laden no matter where he was and the GOP said that just proves Obama isn't ready to be president.

Turns out Mrs. Clinton and Obama were right and it was the GOP that was completely wrong.

Republicans need to stop the witch hunts and present their policies.

Show us what they'll do.

We already know what they did. If it's more of the same, will the country survive? Maybe that's their plan.

How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.

Bush was in charge...Keeping us safe was his responsibility
He failed miserably

Oh he will forever get the blame because he was the POTUS for eight months before they struck.

You can bet your ass Clinton is on his knees every day thanking GOD that they waited those eight months before they struck. And yes, he failed miserably.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch and its nice to know you assign no blame to him and all the blame to Bush.

Personally, I blame the dirt bags flying the planes.
How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.

Bush was in charge...Keeping us safe was his responsibility
He failed miserably

Oh he will forever get the blame because he was the POTUS for eight months before they struck.

You can bet your ass Clinton is on his knees every day thanking GOD that they waited those eight months before they struck. And yes, he failed miserably.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch and its nice to know you assign no blame to him and all the blame to Bush.

Personally, I blame the dirt bags flying the planes.

Eight months is a long time

Can you point to any anti-terror initiative out of the Bush camp prior to 9-11?
Bush never even met with his top anti-terrorism experts until after the attack

I can plan anything I want from anywhere in the world. But the terrorists boarded planes with weapons, compromised the cockpits, seized the planes and flew them into buildings without any resistance. 3000 died

That is not keeping us safe
Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.

Bush was in charge...Keeping us safe was his responsibility
He failed miserably

Oh he will forever get the blame because he was the POTUS for eight months before they struck.

You can bet your ass Clinton is on his knees every day thanking GOD that they waited those eight months before they struck. And yes, he failed miserably.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch and its nice to know you assign no blame to him and all the blame to Bush.

Personally, I blame the dirt bags flying the planes.

Eight months is a long time

Can you point to any anti-terror initiative out of the Bush camp prior to 9-11?
Bush never even met with his top anti-terrorism experts until after the attack

I can plan anything I want from anywhere in the world. But the terrorists boarded planes with weapons, compromised the cockpits, seized the planes and flew them into buildings without any resistance. 3000 died

That is not keeping us safe

Oh so you think they planned the attack in those eight months??

I doubt it. That attack was years in the planning.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch but Bush will forever take the blame because HE was POTUS.

Neither of them kept us safe.
Too bad Obama and Hillary allied themselves with Al Qaeida, dragged the US into an UN-authorized war - in the middle of a civil war between the dictator we helped put into power and the terrorist group that murdered 3,000 Americans 15 years ago - to help Al Qaeida take over their own nation as a safe haven.
the terrorists boarded planes with weapons,

Or there were precisely no Islamic terrorists on 911, but instead...

1) a 767 cargo plane, likely a drone, hitting the South Tower (notice cargo hatch on bottom center of fuselage)
2) the North Tower blew up from inside (no plane)
3) the Pentagon was clearly hit by a cruise missile, not a 757 (nobody disputes it came in 8 feet off the ground at around 400 mph)
4) and all you need about Shanksville is this...

Shanksville Coroner: No Bodies Found at 9/11 'Crash' Site | Humans Are Free

In the 12 months following 9/11, Miller in fact described the surprising lack of human remains at the Flight 93 crash site, repeatedly and unequivocally: He told author David McCall:

“I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. … Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. "
the terrorists boarded planes with weapons,

Or there were precisely no Islamic terrorists on 911, but instead...

1) a 767 cargo plane, likely a drone, hitting the South Tower (notice cargo hatch on bottom center of fuselage)
2) the North Tower blew up from inside (no plane)
3) the Pentagon was clearly hit by a cruise missile, not a 757 (nobody disputes it came in 8 feet off the ground at around 400 mph)
4) and all you need about Shanksville is this...

Shanksville Coroner: No Bodies Found at 9/11 'Crash' Site | Humans Are Free

In the 12 months following 9/11, Miller in fact described the surprising lack of human remains at the Flight 93 crash site, repeatedly and unequivocally: He told author David McCall:

“I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. … Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. "
Where's Barbara Olson?

Barbara Olson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. … Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. "

I KNOW a man who died on Flight 93. Family members had cell-phone conversations with their loved ones during the highjacking and before the crash. You conspiracy theorists are batshit crazy.
How does a political party go after armed insurgents? Is their a GOP army out there we haven't heard about?

My God you post the stupidest shit.

Yup and before 9-11 who had any idea who or what Al Queda was???

Bill Clinton did and he told Bush to keep an eye on them.

Bush was in office for eight months when they pulled the raid.

The whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. The same Clinton that could have taken out UBL a few times but didn't.

Him telling someone else to keep an eye on them is a cop out if I ever heard one. Wonder if Clinton was keeping an eye on them?? Kinda doubt it since his FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder that something was going to happen. He couldn't get his bosses or anyone else to listen to him so I doubt Clinton would have either.
It was planned on Clinton's watch. And Clinton warned Bush. So what did Bush do? First, he ignored the warning. Then he let the Bin Laden family go, and helped them get out of the country before any of them could be interviewed. Then he let Bin Laden go and invaded Iraq. Guess that was Clinton's fault too.
Link to what? Bush helped the Bin Laden family get out of the country. It was news at the time. Rice thought the document warning against attack was a "historical document". It was news at the time. Bush let Bin Laden go and said he truly wasn't concerned about him. You can watch it on Youtube.
And even Trump says Bush invaded Iraq. How can you not know that?
What are you? About 12?
Too bad Obama and Hillary allied themselves with Al Qaeida, dragged the US into an UN-authorized war - in the middle of a civil war between the dictator we helped put into power and the terrorist group that murdered 3,000 Americans 15 years ago - to help Al Qaeida take over their own nation as a safe haven.
No idea what you are talking about.
the terrorists boarded planes with weapons,

Or there were precisely no Islamic terrorists on 911, but instead...

1) a 767 cargo plane, likely a drone, hitting the South Tower (notice cargo hatch on bottom center of fuselage)
2) the North Tower blew up from inside (no plane)
3) the Pentagon was clearly hit by a cruise missile, not a 757 (nobody disputes it came in 8 feet off the ground at around 400 mph)
4) and all you need about Shanksville is this...

Shanksville Coroner: No Bodies Found at 9/11 'Crash' Site | Humans Are Free

In the 12 months following 9/11, Miller in fact described the surprising lack of human remains at the Flight 93 crash site, repeatedly and unequivocally: He told author David McCall:

“I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. … Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. "
Ok, 'Conspiracy Theory'' File time...or perhaps if there is a 'NUT JUB' folder.


Do you know how hot jet fuel burns? Enough to melt steel. It caused STEEL to VAPORIZE. No bodies found? No kidding.

Have you ever participated in a 'recovery' of plane and body parts after an aircraft crash? I have - the biggest parts we found after a fighter slammed into the side of a mountain, total, could fit in a small cigar box.

You remember the biggest PIECE of body part they found after the shuttle blew up years ago? They found a PIECE of a bone in what was left of a sock...and the ship blew up and fell to earth. It did not sit there in 1 place and burn.

The coroner is a is anyone who actually believes all of those people who boarded those planes, the plane took off, it never landed (the people had no opportunity to disembark) were not really on the planes and never really died.
Too bad Obama and Hillary allied themselves with Al Qaeida, dragged the US into an UN-authorized war - in the middle of a civil war between the dictator we helped put into power and the terrorist group that murdered 3,000 Americans 15 years ago - to help Al Qaeida take over their own nation as a safe haven.
No idea what you are talking about.
Of course you don't - you are a rabid liberal in extreme denial.

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