Too Many Have Come True...crazy I Admit.

Sep 19, 2014
(Within the walls by weather and pestiplague, Without by roaming sword...That which towers tall is

given to do all...)

I stood in the grass at the base of the Mount, looking up at a brilliantly star lit, clear night sky. The Yakima river lay one hundred yards behind me. Immediately my focus became the moon. As bright and full with detail as I have ever witnessed. Then from above and behind the moon, appeared an object streaking towards the moon. Behind the object, a trail of billowing pristine white contrail, a sixth the width of the full moon.
I knew what was to come. I knew that I should brace myself. I knew the impact was going to violently pitch Earth and send me flying through the air. I knew that the firey debris from the impact would soon come crashing down on the Earth as "Fire and Brimstone". still I stood motionless against all instincts to do otherwise. I was not alone in my innability to carry out the most basic and important tenant in life itself... Either " fight or flee". All of the usual sounds of life in the night ceased. No shrill cries from the bats on their night hunt, no sound from frog or cricket, even the wind grew silent to bare witness of what was to come.
There was no sound from the impact. The outline of the bright, white full moon, slowly faded into a
ring of glowing purple haze moving towards the center of the moon, engulfing it. Silence.
And then a great and terrible moan came from the Earth. Violently the Earth ripped away from my feet and I was airborne. I had only time enough to see the giant boulders and jagged tree stumps in the exposed bank on the opposite side of the river. I had only time enough to realize with certainty, I would not survive my impact. I felt the rock that was to soon crush my bones, sink into my flesh...

I stood looking forward, out into deep space. I was not in "Heaven", surrounded by light and palaces made of gold, feeling at "One", with the universe and full of peace. I was not in "Hell", surrounded by fire and the eternal wails of torment, feeling the absolute seperation from "God".

I was in a spaceship.

And I was calm... As if this new and unbelievable setting was familiar to me. I looked out into space and it felt to me as if I had spent years looking out this same window and wanting always to push ahead faster to see what new adventure was waiting for me. I was alive... Just as I had been on earth minutes ago.

"It has begun..." A solemn voice declared from within my mind and yet not coming from myself. From
above and to the left of me a _____, ____ hand extended out of the sleave of a black robe and pointed
towards the window and down from where I had been looking previously.
It was then that I was jarred from the awesome sight of outer-space and began to noticed my surroundings. I stood in front of a massive right triangular window encased in an ultra-black polished
steel. It looked as shiny and felt as smooth as obsidian rock, yet had the hardness of diamond. In my
past I sold steel products of all makes. This was of a grade far superior to any I had seen before. The
entire craft was made of this material.
To my right where the massive window tapered down to a point, began a dark, two-story corridor from
where I had come. Leading away from the window in which I stood in front of, and towards the center of
the craft, was a wide, softly-glowing pathway extending approximately forty feet, and ending at the base of a giant triangular door. The door was ominously tall, almost glowingly black. Four times as high as the base was wide. The door was sealed tight. Leading up to that giant black door, along both sides of the path, were a dozen or so strange four foot high glass posts. Each post was unique to itself. Each post eminated different neon multi-colored tubes that all pulsated and moved at different speeds and degrees of brightness.

To the left of me was blocked by the Being which was pointing out the window at something It wished
me to witness. Why I am not sure of yet, but I will not describe here in detail the features of this great Being. I am permitted only to more say that this Being was near three times my height. I looked
into Its' eyes. And I was calm...
I now looked in the direction of that which It wished me to witness. Deep, dark outer-space gave way
to the outline of the curvature of Earth. In my field of vision from left to right was axis to axis of the earth. On the left, the South Pole. On the right, the North Pole. Near me was the Atlantic ocean in it's entirety. Farthest from me and center I could see the Rocky Mountain Range cresting over and breaking up the smooth curved outline of where Earth met space. To where this giant Being was pointing became evident. It was to the coastline of the eastern United States.
And then I watched as a hurricane grew out of relatively calm skies and sea. It formed off the coast
near Delaware Bay. It grew from nothing into a violently churning wheel that dwarfed hurricane Katrina
in eye-wall width and destructive velocity, yet strangely was smaller in overall size. It crashed into the coast. Just the eye-wall alone plowed a gouge in the Earth that was as wide as from Washington D.C. to Alexandria. I say this because that is directly where it was headed. And nothing but plowed dirt was left behind the hurricane in the width I described. Nothing. And to my further astonishment as it came inland, the hurricane increased more so in destructive force.
My heart sank in my chest as I realized I would soon witness the destruction of Andrews AFB, the Washington D.C. area, Langley, etc...But as that thought was rising in my mind I was distracted by a
little orange dot just north of the outer winds of the hurricane. It was in the area of Philadelphia.
The little orange dot grew larger and brighter. And I knew that the birthplace of my country was
engulfed in hell-fire...

"We must go now." The voice said firmly. "Are you ready?" The voice then inquired, almost affectionately. I smiled and nodded as if the question had been asked of me by an old, dear friend. We turned our backs to the window... And the Chaos. That which was unfolding, and what was yet still to come.

I knowingly take nothing from nor add any part to the revelations of John the Baptist, JRU.

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