top 10 politicians who turned out to be criminals

When I think of a US politician who turned out to be a crook, the first person of whom I think is:

  • Rep. Duke Cunningham.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rep. Rick Renzi.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Probably Cold Cash Jefferson because it was so blatant

Rod BLowjobavich would be a close second

Trafficant's main claim to fame-other than being organized crime's representative to congress was that he shared the Donald Trump "Something crawled onto my skull and died" Hair style
I just can't believe rantpolitical's poll didn't include any US prezzies.

I can think of a few of them who belong in that poll.
Ray Nagin, he was not only a crook for the crimes he went to prison for, but I hold him responsible for many of the deaths from Katrina.
According to, that is.

10 Politicians Who Turned Out To Be Criminals

An accurate list, in your opinion?

An accurate enough list of some of the ones who got caught. It's the ones who sell out "the people" every day on the Hill for campaign donations or favorable press or a hundred other forms of silent graft that are the big problem. It's so entrenched and they're so good at it the insidious corruption they practice is mostly "legal". And the saddest part of it all is that the enormous amounts of money it takes to win re-election makes the sell-out "necessary" if you want to be a successful politician. Money and politics aren't a good mix for democracy, lot's of the best American politicians warned of the toxic mix, from George Washington to Lincoln (see my sig) to DDE in his Military-Industrial Complex comments in his farewell address.
I just can't believe rantpolitical's poll didn't include any US prezzies.

I can think of a few of them who belong in that poll.

Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary fit the pattern. They just had better lawyers than the ones who got convicted.

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