Top 10 things destroying America

Which of these is most destroying America?

  • The Deficit

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Threat of Terrorism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Partisanship

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Unemployment

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Illegal Immigration

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Dependence on Middle Eastern Oil

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • The State of the Media

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • A Clueless Electorate

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • Government Secrecy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Justin Bieber

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't think this list is well assembled at all. Some items are redundant, some frivolous, and some I'd have to call missing.

Oh well...

Well that's what you get when you ask a bunch of online miscreants for their opinion on shit they don't know anything about. Alas...

But still... vote! I can still prove a point to some posters who were the whole reason behind this!

We're voting just so you can prove a point in a thread about Chipper Jones? The retired Chipper Jones??

I want my money back.


Well that's what you get when you ask a bunch of online miscreants for their opinion on shit they don't know anything about. Alas...

But still... vote! I can still prove a point to some posters who were the whole reason behind this!

We're voting just so you can prove a point in a thread about Chipper Jones? The retired Chipper Jones??

I want my money back.



This guy:

After much brilliant debate and quite the copious amount of enlightened conversation the posters of this nutso board came to the unanimous (that's really exaggerated) conclusion that these are the top 10 issues of our day.

Enjoy you maniacs.

Maybe I'll make some threads about how to fix these things. Then we can all shout at each other in caps.

The problem with this poll is that you give a list of 10 things destroying this country, but then you restrict our choice to only one. I'm not ready to pin it all on only one. It should have been a multiple choice poll.
The GREAT Chipper Jones! But so far I'm winning! You might've thrown a wrench in the works by mentioning the Chipper Jones thread but I'll head it off!

Everyone ignore the Chipper Jones thread! You can look at it AFTER you vote!!!

Too late.

Say, why isn't Chipper Jones on the list? Just in Beaver is.

The Biebs brings in the ratings. And TemplarKormac requested it. BUT HE HASN'T VOTED btw. That mf'er

HEY! Give a man some time!

The single biggest threat to America is the National Educational Association. Public school teachers are turning out children's brains into mush. On top of the fact that they are failing miserably to teach basic skills needed for survival, they are brainwashing our kids with leftist crap. If we don't separate the government from the education of our young, this nation will end up circling the toilet bowl in short order.
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First they started with Brain Adams then they sent Justin Bieber.

Blame Canada!
I can't believe Anthropogenic Global Warming didn't make the poll.
Justin Bieber is a piker.

Willie Nelson has been destroying America for much longer. And he's better at it.
I voted a clueless electorate. With people of knowledge all that shit would fix itself or get addressed through the vote.

Except for partisanship. It always has and always will be part of our system.

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