Top 20 Superhero Movies

It's not the special effects that bother me with Superman. It's the writing, the incredible cheesiness of the movies. It's difficult to watch them now because of how silly they are. I'm not and have never been a big special effects person. Going back to the Superman movies, the dialogue, the sad attempts at humor, those are what I mean when I say they don't hold up.
Superman 2 was so bad. Thor had some points, but the story was so choppy it became crap. Origins was probably the best of the 3.

Superman 2 or Superman Returns? All the old Christopher Reeve Superman movies were pretty bad in retrospect. They don't hold up. Superman Returns was a bit dull, but not terrible.

Thor 2 was enjoyable. Definitely better than Origins, which was inconsistent both internally and with the wider X-Men universe of the movies. Not to mention the abortion that was the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool of that movie. :p
in 1979 that Superman movie was at that time pretty well done,and it also showed that a good Comic super hero movie can be made....

Like I said, it didn't hold up. At the time it was good, but try watching it now. Horrible. :p I can go back and watch Star Wars and still love it. Same with Alien. Those both came out about the same time. Superman (and the sequels) however, I don't enjoy at all now.
i think there is a big difference between a super hero comic movie and a sci-fy space romp....Superman was all about making him look super....sure 35 years later,after all they have learned,it just don't cut it with today's FX,just like the old Superman show from the 50's looked shitty compared to 1979's.....they knew how to make Space Ships look impressive before people.....i still can watch these ones from the 50's just about every time they are on...

The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)
Invaders From Mars (1953)
Them! (1954)
This Island Earth (1955)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
Superman 1&2 still have some appeal. I still enjoy them, even if they special effects are dated.
that could be because the guy who directed them,Richard Donner,understood comics,he did 75% of 2......
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

Blade.......this was a movie that some of these movies should pay attention had a black guy in a black costume..which would, in any other hero movie, be a disaster for being able to see the fight scenes......this was a huge problem in the Batman movies, in particular the Michael Keaton movies. The black Batman Costume in night time settings made it impossible to see the action...then you add the extremely close up camera shots and it was movement without definition.........

Blade changed that....the very beginning, and awesome, fight in the slaughter house...every scene with Wesley Snipes was back lit........and you could see everything that was happening. So a black guy, in a black costume didn't hide any of the action.........

You should see Kick is a really good movie...the language of the girl is off putting but the story is one of the lends drama to the action....
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

I only liked the first Blade.
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

I only liked the first Blade. was really good...the other ones...not so much.......
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

If you include The Crow, I'd have to think about putting it at #1. I still love that movie and just watched it a couple of weeks ago, still holds up.

Batman Begins was too 'Hollywood' in the second half to go that high on the list.

Spiderman 2 is one of the most overrated comic book movies ever. "Look at this giant, glowing thing completely exposed on my back! If anything happened to that, it would be a disaster!" :lol:

I'd put the Tim Burton Batman higher on the list. Although it's not as good today, it was such an incredible movie at the time it deserves a spot for how big a deal it was.

Blade was better than Darkman, the first Cap, or any of the Punisher movies (sadly).

Move the first Cap and Incredible Hulk down or off the list, along with Darkman.

I'd put my top 5 more like 1. The Crow 2. The Dark Knight 3. Guardians of the Galaxy 4. The Avengers 5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I generally wouldn't include The Crow in a list like this, despite its comic book heritage. It isn't a super hero kind of movie really.

Kick Ass was a good movie. Hit Girl stole the show and made it lots of fun. It deserves a spot.

Again, Spiderman 2 is overrated. :) None of the Raimi Spiderman movies were that good, although the first was OK despite Willem Defoe's overacted Goblin.

ChrisL is right, the first Iron Man probably deserves a spot as well.
I'm not a big watcher of 'superhero' movies, a little too fake and way too over-the-top these days, but Heath Ledger as The Joker stands out. As I don't watch many of these type movies I was reluctant to rent The Dark Knight and even after I did it sat on top of the tv for a week as I wasn't really interested. I hadn't seen the first one and haven't seen the third one (which actually looks good as well). But I watched it finally and the movie itself was very good. Ledger though, as the Joker, was one of those performances where you understand what genius and master in a profession is. When he won the Oscar for supporting actor in 2009 I hadn't seen the movie and thought it just a nod because of his untimely death. Wrong! That guy was a brilliant actor. What a loss, we lost out on at least another 2-3 movies with that incredible character.

Many give credit for inspiration for the Joker to Tom Waits

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Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

Blade.......this was a movie that some of these movies should pay attention had a black guy in a black costume..which would, in any other hero movie, be a disaster for being able to see the fight scenes......this was a huge problem in the Batman movies, in particular the Michael Keaton movies. The black Batman Costume in night time settings made it impossible to see the action...then you add the extremely close up camera shots and it was movement without definition.........

Blade changed that....the very beginning, and awesome, fight in the slaughter house...every scene with Wesley Snipes was back lit........and you could see everything that was happening. So a black guy, in a black costume didn't hide any of the action.........

You should see Kick is a really good movie...the language of the girl is off putting but the story is one of the lends drama to the action....

I don't remember that being an issue in the Keaton Batman.

I heard kickass was good I need to download it
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

I only liked the first Blade. was really good...the other ones...not so much.......

Snipes was picture perfect for the role and made a great hero, but I just didn't like the plots of the 3
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

If you include The Crow, I'd have to think about putting it at #1. I still love that movie and just watched it a couple of weeks ago, still holds up.

Batman Begins was too 'Hollywood' in the second half to go that high on the list.

Spiderman 2 is one of the most overrated comic book movies ever. "Look at this giant, glowing thing completely exposed on my back! If anything happened to that, it would be a disaster!" :lol:

I'd put the Tim Burton Batman higher on the list. Although it's not as good today, it was such an incredible movie at the time it deserves a spot for how big a deal it was.

Blade was better than Darkman, the first Cap, or any of the Punisher movies (sadly).

Move the first Cap and Incredible Hulk down or off the list, along with Darkman.

I'd put my top 5 more like 1. The Crow 2. The Dark Knight 3. Guardians of the Galaxy 4. The Avengers 5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I generally wouldn't include The Crow in a list like this, despite its comic book heritage. It isn't a super hero kind of movie really.

Kick Ass was a good movie. Hit Girl stole the show and made it lots of fun. It deserves a spot.

Again, Spiderman 2 is overrated. :) None of the Raimi Spiderman movies were that good, although the first was OK despite Willem Defoe's overacted Goblin.

ChrisL is right, the first Iron Man probably deserves a spot as well.

With the Crow I just didn't like the invincibility factor until the end. I have Ironman at 10. You didn't like Spiderman 2, it was great in my opinion, but I collected the comic as a kid.
Revising my list 25:
(1) The Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show - Still the best)
(2) Captain America 2 (The movie was great from being to end and the story was top notch).
(3) Captain America 3 (Great story and great pulling together all the characters - loved it
(4) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice, but the trailer from Batman vs Superman looks good)
(5) Guardians of the Galaxy (I loved this movie and I had low expectations
(6) Deadpool (Funny and awesome)
(7) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie. I don't get why so many people hated it.)
(8) Avengers (yes I liked the original better than the sequel)
(9) Spiderman 2 (After watching the Amazing Spiderman 2, it made me appreciate the Toby McGuire Spiderman more. Amazing Spiderman 2 was horrendous and ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 in my eyes).
(10) Ironman (the movie that really kicked off the superhero revival. RDJ captured the role
(11) Avengers 2 (was still great)
(12) Xmen Days of Future Past (They did good on a classic comic story and did a good job of reversing the damage done by X3)
(13) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(14) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(15) Xmen (Ditto)
(16) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(17) Antman (Paul Rudd seemed like a bad choice, but he nailed the role)
(18) Incredible Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(19) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(20) The Wolverine (Thank god for this movie, because the first Wolverine was so bad. He was my favorite superhero growing up and this movie was pretty good)
(21) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(22) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(23) XMen First Class (very good prequel).
(24) Punisher War Zone (this was the most recent one and it was great. Very true to the character)
(25)t Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(25)t Darkman (I forgot about this one on the original list. I loved this movie.)

Honorable Mentions: Blade (good not great), Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.). Crow (was very good and well casted with the son of Bruce Lee, but the others were better in my book).

Note: Thor is off the list both movies sucked balls. Amazing Spiderman 2 ruined Amazing Spiderman 1 for me. I never saw Kickass, so I left it off. I don't see the appeal to Hellboy, I thought both movies weren't that good. While I kind of enjoyed Fantastic Four (the first one) it wasn't that good. I might be one of the few, but I didn't like Dark Night Rising. Batman vs Superman sucked from beginning to end.

If you include The Crow, I'd have to think about putting it at #1. I still love that movie and just watched it a couple of weeks ago, still holds up.

Batman Begins was too 'Hollywood' in the second half to go that high on the list.

Spiderman 2 is one of the most overrated comic book movies ever. "Look at this giant, glowing thing completely exposed on my back! If anything happened to that, it would be a disaster!" :lol:

I'd put the Tim Burton Batman higher on the list. Although it's not as good today, it was such an incredible movie at the time it deserves a spot for how big a deal it was.

Blade was better than Darkman, the first Cap, or any of the Punisher movies (sadly).

Move the first Cap and Incredible Hulk down or off the list, along with Darkman.

I'd put my top 5 more like 1. The Crow 2. The Dark Knight 3. Guardians of the Galaxy 4. The Avengers 5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I generally wouldn't include The Crow in a list like this, despite its comic book heritage. It isn't a super hero kind of movie really.

Kick Ass was a good movie. Hit Girl stole the show and made it lots of fun. It deserves a spot.

Again, Spiderman 2 is overrated. :) None of the Raimi Spiderman movies were that good, although the first was OK despite Willem Defoe's overacted Goblin.

ChrisL is right, the first Iron Man probably deserves a spot as well.

With the Crow I just didn't like the invincibility factor until the end. I have Ironman at 10. You didn't like Spiderman 2, it was great in my opinion, but I collected the comic as a kid.

Not sure how I missed Iron Man at 10. :p

The Raimi Spiderman movies were too......well, Raimi. I don't think Evil Dead and Spiderman mix well. Plus, so cheesy! I also thought Garfield was a better Spidey than Maguire.

The Crow was a supernatural revenge story, he's invincible so he can finish getting revenge! :D I think it just was one of those movies that happened to get everything right; the actors, script, music, it all clicked. They tried to recapture it in the second movie and it was a total failure.
I thought the Spidermans were okay. I mean, I didn't hate them. Not something I would watch again though.

Except for the third one, they weren't terrible. My problem is that Spiderman 2, in particular, is often looked at as one of, if not the, best comic book based movies. Even at the time I found that ridiculous, and it's more so with the good movies that have come out since. :)
I thought the Spidermans were okay. I mean, I didn't hate them. Not something I would watch again though.

Except for the third one, they weren't terrible. My problem is that Spiderman 2, in particular, is often looked at as one of, if not the, best comic book based movies. Even at the time I found that ridiculous, and it's more so with the good movies that have come out since. :)

I really like that new series, Preacher! That show blows my mind! :lol: Have you watched it?
I thought the Spidermans were okay. I mean, I didn't hate them. Not something I would watch again though.

Except for the third one, they weren't terrible. My problem is that Spiderman 2, in particular, is often looked at as one of, if not the, best comic book based movies. Even at the time I found that ridiculous, and it's more so with the good movies that have come out since. :)

I really like that new series, Preacher! That show blows my mind! :lol: Have you watched it?

Yeah, it's pretty good. I've read the comic, though, so it's probably a very different experience for me, even though the show deviates a lot.

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