Top 20 Superhero Movies

(1) Batman Dark Knight (The Joker stole the show)
(2) Batman Begins (Bale was the right choice unlike his replacement)
(3) Man of Steel (call me crazy, but I loved this movie)
(4) Spiderman 2 (Dr. Oct and Spiderman, great)
(5) Avengers
(6) Xmen 2 (beat the original in my mind)
(7) Spiderman (Great, just not as good as the sequel)
(8) Xmen (Ditto)
(9) Ironman
(10) Watchmen (Never heard of them before, but the movie was awesome)
(11) Hulk/Ed Norton (It was very under-rated)
(12) Amazing Spiderman (the reboot is good, just not as good at Toby's Spiderman 1 and 2)
(13) Captain America (It was a ton better than I expected)
(14) Ironman 2 (I am leaving off 3, since I thought it wasn't any good)
(15) Incrediables (Great Pixar movie)
(16) Unbreakable (Very unrated movie. I still enjoy it.)
(17) Batman/Michael Keaton (A little cheesy now and so inferior to the new one, but still good in it's own way)
(18) Blade (Pick one they are all the same, but Snipes played the character well)
(19) Crow (Very dark and something cool about it)
(20) Superman 1 & 2 (I loved these as a kid, but now they are very cheesy and low special effects. Still good in their own way, but dated.)

NOTE: I left Wolverine (he was my favorite superhero growing up, but I thought the movies were weak); Thor (I didn't see the 2nd one and I thought the first sucked); FF (blew);

Sorry not the biggest fan of your list.
I can agree maybe on dark knight so.
1. Dark knight
2. Winter soldier, freaking awesome movie. On top of great action scenes (the elevator scene might be the best ever), the classic archetypes woven together, as well as the reflection of our society today (based with a little bit of reality) was just beautiful. Capt. America representing a principle based values, vs Nick Furry representing interest based values with good intentions, and hydra representing interested based values taken to its darkest conclusion, a relic of a dark passed that has latched on and grown in power by leeching off of the Nick Furry interest based values with good intentions. Winter soldier definitely belongs in top 2 IMHO.
3) Itd probably have to be avengers (just a fun well made movie)
5)Iron Man (set this whole new age of SH movies off)
6)Batman begins
7)Guardians of the galaxy (so much fun)
8)Doctor Strange
9) Man of Steel
10) Civil war (it has grown on me, but this can be interchanged with other SH movies, don’t feel too strongly about it)

Ack, no. Take Doctor Strange off of that list. What a strangely unoriginal movie. So much possibility when introducing magic to the MCU, and they seemingly just wanted to make another cookie-cutter superhero movie.

Winter Soldier is definitely a good movie, but I can never get past the idea that a few hovercarriers with essentially large Gatling guns can target millions of people around the world. That was just extremely lazy writing. I have no problem with that in the top 10, but 2 is too high.

Logan was good, but not great. The movie was actually a bit disappointing after the amazing trailers.

I'd put GotG ahead of most of the movies on this list. I would probably keep DK at 1, then put the GotG, Civil War, and Avengers in the next three spots, and I'm not sure in what order.

Doctor Strange and Man of Steel would not make the top 10. Nor would Batman Begins, which did not have an impressive second half.

Like GHook, I might put X-Men 2 on the list. And I would put The Crow in the top 5 if it counts for the list. Despite its age, I can still watch and love that movie. I can't say what it is about the movie that made it work, as every other Crow movie was garbage, but it is one of my favorite movies of all time.

You guys are leaving off Deadpool.

Yes, Deadpool would make the top 10. Amazing what they did with that movie.
One more thought: Although Robert Downey, Jr. is a hoot as Iron Man, and looks very much like Tony Stark, the personality is all wrong. In the comics Tony Stark is a very serious character. Not a smart-ass quipster. So that has always bothered me.

Not anymore, he isn't. ;)
Is he a jokester in the comics now? That's disappointing.
OK, you guys got my curiosity piqued so I pulled a few boxes out. I have a lot more #1s than I remember:

I also saw a run, starting with #1, of a title called What If...

Anyone remember that? It supposed different scenarios. Some were stupid, ie What if Mary Jane Watson had been bit by the spider, etc. But some were pretty good.

I've read some of the What If? comics.

You've got some cash waiting in your comic boxes.
One more thought: Although Robert Downey, Jr. is a hoot as Iron Man, and looks very much like Tony Stark, the personality is all wrong. In the comics Tony Stark is a very serious character. Not a smart-ass quipster. So that has always bothered me.

Not anymore, he isn't. ;)
Is he a jokester in the comics now? That's disappointing.


Then later, Strange comes back:


It was actually hilarious. :)
I'm also pissed because I remember that I sold Peter Parker #1, so my long run starts at #2.

There was a time in the mid 1980s when I needed some cash, so some good comics went out the door. :(

They wouldn't be worth nearly as much as your comics, but I feel somewhat the same way about my old Magic: The Gathering cards.

I never had particularly valuable comics. I remember buying Punisher and Wolverine, and some various things here and there. I did not have anything really old.
I have some good news and bad news so far. Some of the comics hasn't aged well in price, and believe it or not a lot of them only books between $10 and $30. One however is worth a few hundred.

Want to guess which one?

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