Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Taxes in 2016

Until the Tax Code includes a per capita maximum tax amount, it can never be truly fair.

Once you have paid ... pick a number... then you have paid enough. Make it a million dollars - i don't care - but for the maximum to be open ended, thus punishing success, it is unfair.
The right wing needs to pay for their warfare programs;

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We do. Considering we pay the majority of taxes.
You should not be making Profit; not for profit is what we should be saving as the difference.

So you're saying we shouldnt be paid or our work?
You seem to have a twisted idea of who the top 3% are.

We're people who have worked hard and invested wisely.
How can you think you deserve a bigger cut when you've done nothing to earn it?
Until the Tax Code includes a per capita maximum tax amount, it can never be truly fair.

Once you have paid ... pick a number... then you have paid enough. Make it a million dollars - i don't care - but for the maximum to be open ended, thus punishing success, it is unfair.
The right wing needs to pay for their warfare programs;

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We do. Considering we pay the majority of taxes.
You should not be making Profit; not for profit is what we should be saving as the difference.

So because we work harder and smarter we shouldnt receive more for our efforts?
You sir need a bullet in the head.
Seems like they are paying their fair share to me


(Bloomberg) -- Individual income taxes are the federal government’s single biggest revenue source. In fiscal year 2018, which ended Sept. 30, the individual income tax is expected to bring in roughly $1.7 trillion, or about half of all federal revenues, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

If past statistics can offer any guidance, in 2016, $1.44 trillion income taxes were paid by 140.9 million taxpayers reporting a total of $10.2 trillion in adjusted gross income, according to data recently released by the Internal Revenue Services.

Bloomberg looked into the 2016 individual returns data in detail for some additional insights illustrated in the charts below:

  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of total individual income taxes.

  • In other words, the bottom 50 percent paid 3 percent. Which small percentile of tax payers also paid 3 percent or more? You might have guessed it. It is the top 0.001%, or about 1,400 taxpayers. That group alone paid 3.25 percent of all income taxes. In 2001, the bottom 50 percent paid nearly 5 percent whereas the top 0.001 percent of filers paid 2.3 percent of income taxes.

  • The individual income tax system is designed to be progressive – those with higher incomes pay at higher rates. While the indentation, or the reduction in the steepness of the "progressivity" curve, is visible at the highest levels.
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Taxes in 2016
Ok, so the top 50% paid 90% of all income taxes. That's only fair since they made 90% of all the income.

Do you see the problem yet?
Yet the left screams they are not paying their fair share and should pay more


I agree, the rich carry too much of the tax load. I suggest we go back to marginal tax rates somewhere north of fifty percent for the top income earners because when they were that high, why hell, the rich carried less of the total tax load. But in reality those high income individuals are perfectly happy paying most of the taxes because they garnish more of the total income than when those tax rates were lower. Look at it this way, if one person made all the money that one person would pay all the taxes. Does he have a problem are do the rest of the population that has no income have the problem? God but you conservatives are some shallow minded ignorant dipshits.
Well we know its not 47% of the population

raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
You are ignorant. $15 minimum wage wot correct the defect. Your socialist posts are always moonbeams

15 minimum wage would in fact reduce federal spending on low income people and increase how much they pay in taxes.

But as always you ignore the fact that products will increase in cost to make up for the loss in income.
inflation happens anyway; at least the Poor will benefit.

the right wing, "hates it when that happens".

How do the poor benefit in that situation?
Well we know its not 47% of the population

raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
No, let the poor get a higher paying job, then they will pay higher taxes.


WTF?...who is not letting people get a better paying job?

But intill they do get one, minimum wage ensures they are minimaly compensated for their labor.

29 million filthy, low iQ, illiterate wetbacks that can’t speak the native language and have zero communication skills fuck shit all up don’t they?

No you stupid racist shit. Those "wetbacks that can't speak the native language" pay billions, yes BILLIONS with a B, in Social Security taxes and they will never collect a dime. Better yet, you never ever hear them bitch about it. In my book, that makes them more of a "real American" than you can ever hope to be.
Majority use stolen fake SS numbers

Top 3% received the greatest benefit from the collective efforts of all the rest, especially the "defense" provided.

As a member of the top 3% ?
You're a fuken liar. I receive nothing from the gov.
not even a financed tax break that helps make You richer simply passing on greater Debt, to the People.

You obviously dont know who the 3% consists of.
did You receive any benefit from the tax break? The Poor still have to pay higher rent prices, higher gas prices; and need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
You are ignorant. $15 minimum wage wont correct the defect. Your socialist posts are always moonbeams
it is about raising more tax revenue.

Because the right wing prefers to be cognitively dissonant regarding Spending.
But the left wants higher taxes regardless of who is in office

Because we have to pay down right wing deficit spending; for the global wars not global trade.
Until the Tax Code includes a per capita maximum tax amount, it can never be truly fair.

Once you have paid ... pick a number... then you have paid enough. Make it a million dollars - i don't care - but for the maximum to be open ended, thus punishing success, it is unfair.
The right wing needs to pay for their warfare programs;

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We do. Considering we pay the majority of taxes.
You should not be making Profit; not for profit is what we should be saving as the difference.

So you're saying we shouldnt be paid or our work?
You seem to have a twisted idea of who the top 3% are.

We're people who have worked hard and invested wisely.
How can you think you deserve a bigger cut when you've done nothing to earn it?

Paid for your work? Really? How high of a tax rate is too high? Is it fifty percent? Eighty percent?

Take a single mother with two children earning around twenty grand a year. She gets the EITC. She gets SNAP benefits. If she works another job, or maybe pulls some overtime, well she gets to keep about fifteen cents out of ever dollar she earns. That gives her a marginal tax rate of 85%. Would you work for fifteen cents on the dollar? And yet I am sure you are one of the asshats yelling those low income people should get better jobs. The way I look at it, if we expect that single mother to be happy with fifteen cents on the dollar we should have no problem letting our highest income earners keep only fifteen cents on the dollar.
raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
No, let the poor get a higher paying job, then they will pay higher taxes.

lol. Only if You convince the right wing to stop whining about the cost of social services for the Poor.

Considering we pay for it.....
why complain about it? the rich should be Taxed into Heaven; it is the moral thing to do.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour equivalent should be ok, to start with.

In response to your's one for you.
it was about morals from the Age of Iron; don't like it, stop whining about "laziness from the Poor".
Top 3% received the greatest benefit from the collective efforts of all the rest, especially the "defense" provided.

As a member of the top 3% ?
You're a fuken liar. I receive nothing from the gov.
not even a financed tax break that helps make You richer simply passing on greater Debt, to the People.

You obviously dont know who the 3% consists of.
did You receive any benefit from the tax break? The Poor still have to pay higher rent prices, higher gas prices; and need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
For one, if they are paying rent in California, they should move to a more economical, state income tax free state. I can't help if they want to live beyond their means

Get a job losers, pay your fair share you mooching parasites.
stop financing your tax cuts, "parasites".

You losers suck up the lions share of government spending, pay your share.
You losers can't employ, Everyone and whine about the cost of social services, even in alleged Right to Work States.

Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. It is for the benefit of Capitalists, not the Poor.
You are ignorant. $15 minimum wage wont correct the defect. Your socialist posts are always moonbeams
it is about raising more tax revenue.

Because the right wing prefers to be cognitively dissonant regarding Spending.
But the left wants higher taxes regardless of who is in office

Because we have to pay down right wing deficit spending; for the global wars not global trade.
No we don't

Until the Tax Code includes a per capita maximum tax amount, it can never be truly fair.

Once you have paid ... pick a number... then you have paid enough. Make it a million dollars - i don't care - but for the maximum to be open ended, thus punishing success, it is unfair.
The right wing needs to pay for their warfare programs;

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We do. Considering we pay the majority of taxes.
You should not be making Profit; not for profit is what we should be saving as the difference.

So you're saying we shouldnt be paid or our work?
You seem to have a twisted idea of who the top 3% are.

We're people who have worked hard and invested wisely.
How can you think you deserve a bigger cut when you've done nothing to earn it?
Profit is usually after expenses. Capitalists should know that.
raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
No, let the poor get a higher paying job, then they will pay higher taxes.


WTF?...who is not letting people get a better paying job?

But intill they do get one, minimum wage ensures they are minimaly compensated for their labor.

29 million filthy, low iQ, illiterate wetbacks that can’t speak the native language and have zero communication skills fuck shit all up don’t they?

No you stupid racist shit. Those "wetbacks that can't speak the native language" pay billions, yes BILLIONS with a B, in Social Security taxes and they will never collect a dime. Better yet, you never ever hear them bitch about it. In my book, that makes them more of a "real American" than you can ever hope to be.
Majority use stolen fake SS numbers


Persactly. So they pay the Social Security tax, know they will get nothing out of it, and never bitch a bit. We need more people like that, not less.
Get a job losers, pay your fair share you mooching parasites.
stop financing your tax cuts, "parasites".

You losers suck up the lions share of government spending, pay your share.
You losers can't employ, Everyone and whine about the cost of social services, even in alleged Right to Work States.

Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment. It is for the benefit of Capitalists, not the Poor.

The rich will never allow you people to take their wealth, deal with it.
Until the Tax Code includes a per capita maximum tax amount, it can never be truly fair.

Once you have paid ... pick a number... then you have paid enough. Make it a million dollars - i don't care - but for the maximum to be open ended, thus punishing success, it is unfair.
The right wing needs to pay for their warfare programs;

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We do. Considering we pay the majority of taxes.
You should not be making Profit; not for profit is what we should be saving as the difference.

So because we work harder and smarter we shouldnt receive more for our efforts?
You sir need a bullet in the head.
lol. what "harder work do the wealthier do"?

let me know when acquire and posses sufficient moral fortitude to dig ditches in front of car washers, then I may Start to take you morally seriously.
raise the minimum wage until the poor pay enough in taxes.
You are ignorant. $15 minimum wage wot correct the defect. Your socialist posts are always moonbeams

15 minimum wage would in fact reduce federal spending on low income people and increase how much they pay in taxes.

But as always you ignore the fact that products will increase in cost to make up for the loss in income.
inflation happens anyway; at least the Poor will benefit.

the right wing, "hates it when that happens".

How do the poor benefit in that situation?
With a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?

A more efficient economy that only the Rich, could Never accomplish with All of their wealth.
Top 3% received the greatest benefit from the collective efforts of all the rest, especially the "defense" provided.

As a member of the top 3% ?
You're a fuken liar. I receive nothing from the gov.
not even a financed tax break that helps make You richer simply passing on greater Debt, to the People.

You obviously dont know who the 3% consists of.
Seems like they are paying their fair share to me


(Bloomberg) -- Individual income taxes are the federal government’s single biggest revenue source. In fiscal year 2018, which ended Sept. 30, the individual income tax is expected to bring in roughly $1.7 trillion, or about half of all federal revenues, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

If past statistics can offer any guidance, in 2016, $1.44 trillion income taxes were paid by 140.9 million taxpayers reporting a total of $10.2 trillion in adjusted gross income, according to data recently released by the Internal Revenue Services.

Bloomberg looked into the 2016 individual returns data in detail for some additional insights illustrated in the charts below:

  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of total individual income taxes.

  • In other words, the bottom 50 percent paid 3 percent. Which small percentile of tax payers also paid 3 percent or more? You might have guessed it. It is the top 0.001%, or about 1,400 taxpayers. That group alone paid 3.25 percent of all income taxes. In 2001, the bottom 50 percent paid nearly 5 percent whereas the top 0.001 percent of filers paid 2.3 percent of income taxes.

  • The individual income tax system is designed to be progressive – those with higher incomes pay at higher rates. While the indentation, or the reduction in the steepness of the "progressivity" curve, is visible at the highest levels.
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Taxes in 2016
So? Too low.

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