Top Communist Admits: Communist Party ‘Utilizes’ the Democratic Party – a Lesson for

Sure sounds like it. One of those guys who thinks Daddy made a man out of me, by beating and abusing me. That tends towards sexual abuse as well, which would be no shock in this case.

I'm not accusing him of anything he is not himself offering in evidence.

I'm just enjoying the chance to debate someone who wants to put kids back in the mines.

No one is talking about putting kids in mines, jackass. There's no reason kids can't do simple jobs like cleaning up stocking shelves. Those are the kinds of jobs they have typically done. If a kid got hurt doing a dangerous job the parents could sue the employer for millions, so that isn't likely to happen.
Ah, your fantasy world that capitalism regulates itself. Got it.

So you don't think parents would sue if their kid was seriously hurt on the job?
See my post just above this. And if I were using child labor, you would not have the right to sue me. That would be in the contract.

I don't see an answer to the question in your previous posts.




Come now... surely someone has noticed this trend?

Yes the far left Obama hailed Apple as a great company, but many of their products are made using child slave labor. If the far left wanted to put their money where their mouth is then they would stop using all electronics..

I don't think FOXcon uses child labor. However, it does push its workers quite hard.
Yeah, they live like slaves, which they more or less are.

they aren't slaves. They are free to leave whenever they like.
Capitalism literally does regulate itself, where those engaged in such possess the virtue to do so.
Capitalism relegates itself by working the numbers. If it cost more to fix the defect in the cars already on the road than to pay off the lawsuits of people who die because of it, the defect doesn't get fixed. It's a numbers game, and it's why we regulate it.


You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

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I'm not accusing him of anything he is not himself offering in evidence.

I'm just enjoying the chance to debate someone who wants to put kids back in the mines.

No one is talking about putting kids in mines, jackass. There's no reason kids can't do simple jobs like cleaning up stocking shelves. Those are the kinds of jobs they have typically done. If a kid got hurt doing a dangerous job the parents could sue the employer for millions, so that isn't likely to happen.
Ah, your fantasy world that capitalism regulates itself. Got it.

So you don't think parents would sue if their kid was seriously hurt on the job?
See my post just above this. And if I were using child labor, you would not have the right to sue me. That would be in the contract.

Such contracts are illegal. When you buy a lift ticket at a ski resorts, it says right on the ticket that you can't sue them for any injuries you incured while skiing, but people sue them all the time and win when they are at fault.
Well, that's just wrong and a breach of contract now isn't it? I realize that you can sue a ham sandwich but you of all people should be opposed to that eh?
No one is talking about putting kids in mines, jackass. There's no reason kids can't do simple jobs like cleaning up stocking shelves. Those are the kinds of jobs they have typically done. If a kid got hurt doing a dangerous job the parents could sue the employer for millions, so that isn't likely to happen.
Ah, your fantasy world that capitalism regulates itself. Got it.

So you don't think parents would sue if their kid was seriously hurt on the job?
See my post just above this. And if I were using child labor, you would not have the right to sue me. That would be in the contract.

Such contracts are illegal. When you buy a lift ticket at a ski resorts, it says right on the ticket that you can't sue them for any injuries you incured while skiing, but people sue them all the time and win when they are at fault.
Well, that's just wrong and a breach of contract now isn't it? I realize that you can sue a ham sandwich but you of all people should be opposed to that eh?

Not all contracts are legal. For example, a contract where you sell yourself into slavery would never be enforced by the courts. Obviously, not every contract can be legal.




Come now... surely someone has noticed this trend?

Yes the far left Obama hailed Apple as a great company, but many of their products are made using child slave labor. If the far left wanted to put their money where their mouth is then they would stop using all electronics..

I don't think FOXcon uses child labor. However, it does push its workers quite hard.
Yeah, they live like slaves, which they more or less are.

they aren't slaves. They are free to leave whenever they like.
Not really, but you'd have to be honest know why they are more or less captives. They didn't put the suicide nets in for no reason.
Reader: Do you see how easy this is?

To defeat a Leftist in debate, one need merely find a Leftist and encourage them to speak.
Ah, your fantasy world that capitalism regulates itself. Got it.

So you don't think parents would sue if their kid was seriously hurt on the job?
See my post just above this. And if I were using child labor, you would not have the right to sue me. That would be in the contract.

Such contracts are illegal. When you buy a lift ticket at a ski resorts, it says right on the ticket that you can't sue them for any injuries you incured while skiing, but people sue them all the time and win when they are at fault.
Well, that's just wrong and a breach of contract now isn't it? I realize that you can sue a ham sandwich but you of all people should be opposed to that eh?

Not all contracts are legal. For example, a contract where you sell yourself into slavery would never be enforced by the courts. Obviously, not every contract can be legal.
I'm surprised by you. Shouldn't a contract be able to say and do whatever the contracted parties wish? What's this regulated contract thing you have going?
Just to keep the illustration fresh in the mind, let's revisit the comparative subject at hand:

Here is a graphic illustration of the two opposing points of view:

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Child Labor!


The Left's Solution to Child Labor.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

I honestly do not see a point which is worthy of debate.
The US has nearly bred work out of its youth and as a result, our future looks very bleak indeed.​
Reader: Do you see how easy this is?

To defeat a Leftist in debate, one need merely find a Leftist and encourage them to speak.
You have no ability to judge wins or defeats, but keep patting yourself on the back, you're gifted at that.

Well, as a general debate rule, where one is asked a specific question regarding a key element of their position and they fail to answer that question, despite NUMEROUS attempts by the proponent of that question to GET AN ANSWER... YOU LOSE!

So... that's not even a remotely debatable point.

(See how that works?)
Capitalism literally does regulate itself, where those engaged in such possess the virtue to do so.
Capitalism relegates itself by working the numbers. If it cost more to fix the defect in the cars already on the road than to pay off the lawsuits of people who die because of it, the defect doesn't get fixed. It's a numbers game, and it's why we regulate it.


You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.
Reader: Do you see how easy this is?

To defeat a Leftist in debate, one need merely find a Leftist and encourage them to speak.
You have no ability to judge wins or defeats, but keep patting yourself on the back, you're gifted at that.

Well, as a general debate rule, where one is asked a specific question regarding a key element of their position and they fail to answer that question, despite NUMEROUS attempts by the proponent of that question to GET AN ANSWER... YOU LOSE!

So... that's not even a remotely debatable point.

(See how that works?)
Your questions have been answered, long ago.




Come now... surely someone has noticed this trend?

Yes the far left Obama hailed Apple as a great company, but many of their products are made using child slave labor. If the far left wanted to put their money where their mouth is then they would stop using all electronics..

I don't think FOXcon uses child labor. However, it does push its workers quite hard.
Yeah, they live like slaves, which they more or less are.

they aren't slaves. They are free to leave whenever they like.
Not really, but you'd have to be honest know why they are more or less captives. They didn't put the suicide nets in for no reason.

The liberal theory that everyone who works is a slave.
Capitalism literally does regulate itself, where those engaged in such possess the virtue to do so.
Capitalism relegates itself by working the numbers. If it cost more to fix the defect in the cars already on the road than to pay off the lawsuits of people who die because of it, the defect doesn't get fixed. It's a numbers game, and it's why we regulate it.


You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.

In the real world, you do the best you can to NOT HAVE A PROBLEM... we call that DUE DILIGENCE.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you could have known that. As such falls within a subject known as "Ethics"... which falls under "Virtue", which requires Objectivity, which you as a relativist, have no means to understand, let alone apply.

Which is why you're so poorly suited for freedom and that is why you're so rarely found participating in it, historically speaking; and why you idiots are so often found weeping and gnashing your tooth over "Capitalism".
So you don't think parents would sue if their kid was seriously hurt on the job?
See my post just above this. And if I were using child labor, you would not have the right to sue me. That would be in the contract.

Such contracts are illegal. When you buy a lift ticket at a ski resorts, it says right on the ticket that you can't sue them for any injuries you incured while skiing, but people sue them all the time and win when they are at fault.
Well, that's just wrong and a breach of contract now isn't it? I realize that you can sue a ham sandwich but you of all people should be opposed to that eh?

Not all contracts are legal. For example, a contract where you sell yourself into slavery would never be enforced by the courts. Obviously, not every contract can be legal.
I'm surprised by you. Shouldn't a contract be able to say and do whatever the contracted parties wish? What's this regulated contract thing you have going?

Obviously not. Should I be able to contract with someone to do something illegal? Can I sign a legal contract to deliver 5 lbs of heroin? Should I be able to sign a contract to have someone killed?
Capitalism literally does regulate itself, where those engaged in such possess the virtue to do so.
Capitalism relegates itself by working the numbers. If it cost more to fix the defect in the cars already on the road than to pay off the lawsuits of people who die because of it, the defect doesn't get fixed. It's a numbers game, and it's why we regulate it.


You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.

In the real world, you do the best you can to NOT HAVE A PROBLEM... we call that DUE DILIGENCE.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you could have known that. As such falls within a subject known as "Ethics"... which falls under "Virtue", which requires Objectivity, which you as a relativist, have no means to understand, let alone apply.

Which is why you're so poorly suited for freedom and that is why you're so rarely found participating in it, historically speaking.
The freedoms this country has are because my people founded it, not yours. Your kind shouldn't even be here since you are anti-American. Capitalism isn't patriotic either BTW, and that's another reason why we regulate it.

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