Top Communist Admits: Communist Party ‘Utilizes’ the Democratic Party – a Lesson for

Capitalism literally does regulate itself, where those engaged in such possess the virtue to do so.
Capitalism relegates itself by working the numbers. If it cost more to fix the defect in the cars already on the road than to pay off the lawsuits of people who die because of it, the defect doesn't get fixed. It's a numbers game, and it's why we regulate it.


You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.

In the real world, you do the best you can to NOT HAVE A PROBLEM... we call that DUE DILIGENCE.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you could have known that. As such falls within a subject known as "Ethics"... which falls under "Virtue", which requires Objectivity, which you as a relativist, have no means to understand, let alone apply.

Which is why you're so poorly suited for freedom and that is why you're so rarely found participating in it, historically speaking.
The freedoms this country has are because my people founded it, not yours. Your kind shouldn't even be here since you are anti-American.

So you feel that addle-minded communists founded the United States?

Are you sure?

Because the United States was founded upon the Charter of Principles which recognizes that All men are endowed by God with rights, and that those rights rests upon no less an authority THAN GOD and as a result that no power within humanity is capable of removing those rights... which would decidedly include the limitless power of Government.

And THAT is pretty much the antithesis of everything you've ever said on this here message board.
112 people died building Hoover damn. It appears the government makes the same kind of calculations.
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.
Capitalism relegates itself by working the numbers. If it cost more to fix the defect in the cars already on the road than to pay off the lawsuits of people who die because of it, the defect doesn't get fixed. It's a numbers game, and it's why we regulate it.


You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.

In the real world, you do the best you can to NOT HAVE A PROBLEM... we call that DUE DILIGENCE.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you could have known that. As such falls within a subject known as "Ethics"... which falls under "Virtue", which requires Objectivity, which you as a relativist, have no means to understand, let alone apply.

Which is why you're so poorly suited for freedom and that is why you're so rarely found participating in it, historically speaking.
The freedoms this country has are because my people founded it, not yours. Your kind shouldn't even be here since you are anti-American.

So you feel that addle-minded communists founded the United States?

Are you sure?

Because the United States was founded upon the Charter of Principles which recognizes that All men are endowed by God with rights, and that those rights rests upon no less an authority THAN GOD and as a result that no power within humanity is capable of removing those rights... which would decidedly include the limitless power of Government.

And THAT is pretty much the antithesis of everything you've ever said on this here message board.
Smart Liberals founded the country. And since you are neither, you don't belong here.

And God has no power here, which is why we didn't even bother to mention him in the Founding Document. Your rights come from the government, not God.

You're speaking of the practices of the non-virtuous who engage in Capitalism. The response to which is that they received LESS business, thus their profits are lower then they would have been, had they been adequately trained in the soundly reasoned moral absolutes common to American Principle.

You see scamp, killing one's clientele is VERY hard on the bottom line and can be fatal to the enterprise.

Such practices are limited to processes OKA: Crony Capitalism, wherein the fascist (or Progressive, if you prefer) feel that they are protected by 'The Gubmint'... such individual's lack virtue.

Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.

In the real world, you do the best you can to NOT HAVE A PROBLEM... we call that DUE DILIGENCE.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you could have known that. As such falls within a subject known as "Ethics"... which falls under "Virtue", which requires Objectivity, which you as a relativist, have no means to understand, let alone apply.

Which is why you're so poorly suited for freedom and that is why you're so rarely found participating in it, historically speaking.
The freedoms this country has are because my people founded it, not yours. Your kind shouldn't even be here since you are anti-American.

So you feel that addle-minded communists founded the United States?

Are you sure?

Because the United States was founded upon the Charter of Principles which recognizes that All men are endowed by God with rights, and that those rights rests upon no less an authority THAN GOD and as a result that no power within humanity is capable of removing those rights... which would decidedly include the limitless power of Government.

And THAT is pretty much the antithesis of everything you've ever said on this here message board.
Smart Liberals founded the country. And since you are neither, you don't belong here.


Yes... Very Smart proponents of Individual Liberty did in fact found this nation.

Of which you nor any Leftist has ever been a member of anything remotely in kinship with them.

Which is the basis upon which a Moderator of this very site recently noted:


The reason for that, is that God precludes the means for an individual to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

(See how that works?)​
The KKK wholeheartedly supports the 2nd Amendment. Do you?
So? If you don't then you are unAmerican. It's part of our constitution and our rights. Thanks for proving you're a commie.

The whole premise of this stupid thread is the claim that the Democratic Party is Communist because some people calling themselves communists agree with the Democratic Party on some issues.

If you agree with that premise, which YOU DO, then that premise is valid - by your measure - to apply to other circumstances.

The other circumstance cited, in accordance with your measure - is that YOU are KKK because you agree with the KKK on some issues.

Get it now?

the purpose of the thread is to remind everyone that the communist party feels comfortable aligning itself with the democrats. Thats all this is about. Spin all you wish, you cannot change the fact that communists and democrats have a lot in common.
Thanks for the ideology, which is dead wrong of course. In the real world you figure out how much a problem is going to cost you before you fix it. Capitalists don't do the right thing just because. That is anti-capitalist even illegal depending on what you do because the only legal goal is to maximize shareholder value. it's why corporations can't just hand out cash unless they can justify how doing so will help the bottom line, which in the end is the only thing that matters.

In the real world, you do the best you can to NOT HAVE A PROBLEM... we call that DUE DILIGENCE.

But, in fairness... there was no way that you could have known that. As such falls within a subject known as "Ethics"... which falls under "Virtue", which requires Objectivity, which you as a relativist, have no means to understand, let alone apply.

Which is why you're so poorly suited for freedom and that is why you're so rarely found participating in it, historically speaking.
The freedoms this country has are because my people founded it, not yours. Your kind shouldn't even be here since you are anti-American.

So you feel that addle-minded communists founded the United States?

Are you sure?

Because the United States was founded upon the Charter of Principles which recognizes that All men are endowed by God with rights, and that those rights rests upon no less an authority THAN GOD and as a result that no power within humanity is capable of removing those rights... which would decidedly include the limitless power of Government.

And THAT is pretty much the antithesis of everything you've ever said on this here message board.
Smart Liberals founded the country. And since you are neither, you don't belong here.


Yes... Very Smart proponents of Individual Liberty did in fact found this nation.

Of which you nor any Leftist has ever been a member of anything remotely in kinship with them.

Which is the basis upon which a Moderator of this very site recently noted:

The Mod is as dumb as you are then. This is a Liberal nation, so, get out it's not a good fit for you.
would you libs please give us a list of the countries where communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, or liberalism has ever been successful? or for that matter, just name one country.
The KKK wholeheartedly supports the 2nd Amendment. Do you?
So? If you don't then you are unAmerican. It's part of our constitution and our rights. Thanks for proving you're a commie.

The whole premise of this stupid thread is the claim that the Democratic Party is Communist because some people calling themselves communists agree with the Democratic Party on some issues.

If you agree with that premise, which YOU DO, then that premise is valid - by your measure - to apply to other circumstances.

The other circumstance cited, in accordance with your measure - is that YOU are KKK because you agree with the KKK on some issues.

Get it now?

the purpose of the thread is to remind everyone that the communist party feels comfortable aligning itself with the democrats. Thats all this is about. Spin all you wish, you cannot change the fact that communists and democrats have a lot in common.
Did you think they were GOP voters? Moving to the center for them is moving right, but that far right eh little buddy? The Nazis and racists vote GOP. You can keep them.
would you libs please give us a list of the countries where communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, or liberalism has ever been successful? or for that matter, just name one country.
Start with Sweden, an easy one. And Liberalism is why this nation exists. If you don't like, then leave my country, it was never meant for you.
112 people died building Hoover damn. It appears the government makes the same kind of calculations.
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

But here's the problem with that. If that one kid that dies is mine... and I find out that you knew that there was a chance that my child MIGHT DIE doing what you asked them to do, from the moment that I discovered that you knew of that risk... and you subjected my child to that risk, I would immediately go to where you are and kill you.

It wouldn't even be close... and IF I failed... LOL! Never mind, because there's no chance I'd fail. ... But you see how that works right?

Because responsible people do not DO THAT.

You're speaking to issues wherein people BELIEVE that they're protected from those responsibilities.

112 people died building Hoover damn. It appears the government makes the same kind of calculations.
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

But here's the problem with that. If that one kid that dies is mine... and I find out that you knew that there was a chance that my child MIGHT DIE doing what you asked them to do, from the moment that I discovered that you knew of that risk... and you subjected my child to that risk, I would immediately go to where you are and kill you.
If I knew you were that kind of nut I wouldn't hire your kid. And you would be breaking the law while I wouldn't be, at least if you had your way I wouldn't be. People die using perfectly working equipment all the time. As long as they were trained and warned, that's on them for the most part. You can always sue but believe me, capitalists do the numbers first. A flaw that causes one person in a thousand driving the car to die will never be fixed in the cars already on the road. It would make no sense to do so, it's not cost-effective.
112 people died building Hoover damn. It appears the government makes the same kind of calculations.
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

You will fix the equipment when the parents of the child who died sue you for $50 million.
112 people died building Hoover damn. It appears the government makes the same kind of calculations.
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

But here's the problem with that. If that one kid that dies is mine... and I find out that you knew that there was a chance that my child MIGHT DIE doing what you asked them to do, from the moment that I discovered that you knew of that risk... and you subjected my child to that risk, I would immediately go to where you are and kill you.
If I knew you were that kind of nut I wouldn't hire your kid. And you would be breaking the law while I wouldn't be, at least if you had your way I wouldn't be. People die using perfectly working equipment all the time. As long as they were trained and warned, that's on them for the most part. You can always sue but believe me, capitalists do the numbers first. A flaw that causes one person in a thousand driving the car to die will never be fixed in the cars already on the road. It would make no sense to do so, it's not cost-effective.

Actually, if you knew a piece of equipment had a design flaw that made it dangerous, and you allowed someone to work on it without fixing the problem, you could go to prison for negligent homicide.
would you libs please give us a list of the countries where communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, or liberalism has ever been successful? or for that matter, just name one country.
Start with Sweden, an easy one. And Liberalism is why this nation exists. If you don't like, then leave my country, it was never meant for you.


No No! Finish your sentence... "Start and Stop with Sweden"... a nation isolated by THE ALPS and which enjoy a population of about 12... .

Collectivism works fine for familial communes... and it works fine there, because everyone hold one another accountable.

Of course, in reality... Sweden is not quite the Socialist 'success story' that it was 70 years ago when the Left was desperate to use it as an example, given the demise of its predecessor "Germany" that it had used for throughout the 1930s... It turned sour after Germany fell from Progressive grace, after it murdered Millions upon millions of innocent, defenseless people... and sorta tried to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD!".

Today Sweden is having a VERY tough time paying the bills... it's healthcare system showing signs of faltering under the dead weight of the more recent generations of hapless... Well... let's take another look at the problem:

Just to keep the illustration fresh in the mind, let's revisit the comparative subject at hand:

Here is a graphic illustration of the two opposing points of view:

Of the two concepts presented below, which does the Reader feel 'serves a greater good'?


Old Sweden (Figuratively Speaking)


The Left's Solution to Old Sweden.




Reader: You pick which of the two you feel 'serves a greater good'.

I honestly do not see a point which is worthy of debate.
Sweden has nearly bred work out of its youth and as a result, their future looks very bleak, indeed.​
You will fix the equipment when the parents of the child who died sue you for $50 million.
No, I won't, because they won't get that and I already calculated that what they will get will be less than it would have cots me to fix it. it works like this boys:

"NEW YORK -- Amid the worst safety-defect crisis in its history, General Motors executives and staff have taken to social media to find customer complaints and identify quality issues long before they become a crisis.

GM, which faces lawsuits for dragging its feet before recalling a faulty ignition switch that's connected to at least 35 deaths, is now mining every source of information to head off another crisis, President Dan Ammann said in an interview."
GM executives help scour social media to spot vehicle flaws

The flaw was known and they only went to fix it when it became a financial public relations issue, hence the word "crisis", not because they were such great guys who always do the right things. That's capitalism at work. Always has been and always will be. It's one of its well-known downsides.
112 people died building Hoover damn. It appears the government makes the same kind of calculations.
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

But here's the problem with that. If that one kid that dies is mine... and I find out that you knew that there was a chance that my child MIGHT DIE doing what you asked them to do, from the moment that I discovered that you knew of that risk... and you subjected my child to that risk, I would immediately go to where you are and kill you.
If I knew you were that kind of nut I wouldn't hire your kid. And you would be breaking the law while I wouldn't be, at least if you had your way I wouldn't be. People die using perfectly working equipment all the time. As long as they were trained and warned, that's on them for the most part. You can always sue but believe me, capitalists do the numbers first. A flaw that causes one person in a thousand driving the car to die will never be fixed in the cars already on the road. It would make no sense to do so, it's not cost-effective.

Actually, it's more like one person in 100,000. The flaws were are talking about are often not the direct cause of an accident. Take the infamous Corvair case. The accusation was that the placement of the gas tank caused the car to blow up when it was struck in the right way, So what we're actually talking about is the failure of the equipment to protect the occupants from accidents.

If you think costs should not be considered when making decision on safetey, you're a fool. We can make a car that is 100% safe, but it might cost $500,000 a copy.

What's the point of building a car that no one will buy?
Yes, they do. It's how it works, now you know.

So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

But here's the problem with that. If that one kid that dies is mine... and I find out that you knew that there was a chance that my child MIGHT DIE doing what you asked them to do, from the moment that I discovered that you knew of that risk... and you subjected my child to that risk, I would immediately go to where you are and kill you.
If I knew you were that kind of nut I wouldn't hire your kid. And you would be breaking the law while I wouldn't be, at least if you had your way I wouldn't be. People die using perfectly working equipment all the time. As long as they were trained and warned, that's on them for the most part. You can always sue but believe me, capitalists do the numbers first. A flaw that causes one person in a thousand driving the car to die will never be fixed in the cars already on the road. It would make no sense to do so, it's not cost-effective.

Actually, if you knew a piece of equipment had a design flaw that made it dangerous, and you allowed someone to work on it without fixing the problem, you could go to prison for negligent homicide.
They can try, but yet again. you are using the law to regulate capitalism.
So you condemn capitalism for doing the same thing as the socialist government programs you defend?
I'm not condemning anything, I'm explaining to you that such things are numbers games. The human costs, meaning death and disability, are also part of the calculation. If I employ a 1,000 kids and 999 of them won't die because of some flaw in the equipment, I don't fix the equipment, it's not cost effective to do so.

But here's the problem with that. If that one kid that dies is mine... and I find out that you knew that there was a chance that my child MIGHT DIE doing what you asked them to do, from the moment that I discovered that you knew of that risk... and you subjected my child to that risk, I would immediately go to where you are and kill you.
If I knew you were that kind of nut I wouldn't hire your kid. And you would be breaking the law while I wouldn't be, at least if you had your way I wouldn't be. People die using perfectly working equipment all the time. As long as they were trained and warned, that's on them for the most part. You can always sue but believe me, capitalists do the numbers first. A flaw that causes one person in a thousand driving the car to die will never be fixed in the cars already on the road. It would make no sense to do so, it's not cost-effective.

Actually, if you knew a piece of equipment had a design flaw that made it dangerous, and you allowed someone to work on it without fixing the problem, you could go to prison for negligent homicide.
They can try, but yet again. you are using the law to regulate capitalism.

That's criminal law, not regulation by some three letter bureaucracy.

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