Top Conservative Magazine Is Anti Semetic

Bernie Sanders self identifies as socialist. This thread is a waste of time
Another fascist weighs in with words of wisdom.

Does Sanders identify as socialist or not? Why yes he does, it is YOU who is using the term Nazi. You have failed, sir
Do you think that the People's Republic of China is 'the people's' or pa 'Republic'? Do you understand that National Socialism has little if anything to do with Socialism as it is understood today?

You, like so many amature politicos, have no actual understanding of politics. Perhaps a board where you can exchange recipes or discuss bird watching would serve you better as it is apparent that politics is too deep for you to grasp.
The right wing rag National Review thought it would be a good idea to compare Bernie Sanders, a Jew whose relatives died in the Holocaust, with Nazis by referring to him as a 'national socialist".
Question: Was the National Review recently purchased by Donald Trump?

bernie is a socialist, socialist put his family in the ovens.

hate hearing the truth? I know you do.

Now lets spin this another way;

Bernie supports the same system that led to his family going into the oven. What The Fuck Is Wrong With Him?

Huge difference between a "socialist" of the late 20th century and a "national socialist" of the 1930s and 40s. You see the word "socialist" and think that they mean the same thing. But they do not, in context, at all.

Context is everyone.

Nazis were actually fascists, like many Righties right here in USMB.

nazis believed in a powerful central government to control the people.

how is that a sliver different from the dnc?

and don't say b/c they don't have a body count, b/c they do.

Uh huh, Fascism was also a right wing movement. Using literary devices to imply that Bernie Sanders is somehow like a Nazi is purposefully sleazy. It's the kind of message that appeals to the lowest common denominators.

ok, lets put the words to the side, since you seem to think National Socialist meant National Facist

and let go with what they did and do;

both support;
government control of the population
restricted gun rights
prog taxation
rid the gene pool of unwanted traits
government run everything

did I miss anything?

No, you didn't miss much....just history, context and reality.
The right wing rag National Review thought it would be a good idea to compare Bernie Sanders, a Jew whose relatives died in the Holocaust, with Nazis by referring to him as a 'national socialist".
Question: Was the National Review recently purchased by Donald Trump?

Oh, I didn't realize this was a total fucking retard post.

I was going to point out that antisemitism is virtually exclusive to the left - but your just spewing utter retardation, so carry on...
Two Thumbs
ignore that buffoon, he just wants to hijack the thread.

Professional victim, much?

The OP deliberately contains the provocative, emotive, buzzwords, ... Jew, Holocaust, and Nazis.

How is it a thread hijacking to discuss what is contained in the OP?
you're a single topic buffoon that tries to hijack every thread you're on.

piss off ya petty trollkin.
bernie is a socialist, socialist put his family in the ovens.

hate hearing the truth? I know you do.

Now lets spin this another way;

Bernie supports the same system that led to his family going into the oven. What The Fuck Is Wrong With Him?
Wow! Well that answers that question: You people really are this craven and disgusting.
Bernie sanders support the political ideals that led to the mass murder of his fellow jews.

but I'm craven and disgusting

grats, you are yet another leftist that lacks the ability to think for himself.
The political ideals that resulted in the Holocaust were entirely right wing, nothing to do with Bernie Sanders.
They were socialist, Bernie is a socialist.

It's the truth.

It's like selling booze to people after your parents were killed by a drunk driver.

Nazis, like Tea Party Republicans, were an entirely right wing movement. They co opted some of the messages of socialism, in much the same way as Tea Party Republicans have pretended to be libertarians.
Good analogy -
The right wing rag National Review thought it would be a good idea to compare Bernie Sanders, a Jew whose relatives died in the Holocaust, with Nazis by referring to him as a 'national socialist".
Question: Was the National Review recently purchased by Donald Trump?

Well, William F Buckley's National Socialist Review should know a fellow National Socialist.
Huge difference between a "socialist" of the late 20th century and a "national socialist" of the 1930s and 40s. You see the word "socialist" and think that they mean the same thing. But they do not, in context, at all.

Context is everyone.

Nazis were actually fascists, like many Righties right here in USMB.
nazis believed in a powerful central government to control the people.

how is that a sliver different from the dnc?

and don't say b/c they don't have a body count, b/c they do.
Uh huh, Fascism was also a right wing movement. Using literary devices to imply that Bernie Sanders is somehow like a Nazi is purposefully sleazy. It's the kind of message that appeals to the lowest common denominators.
ok, lets put the words to the side, since you seem to think National Socialist meant National Facist

and let go with what they did and do;

both support;
government control of the population
restricted gun rights
prog taxation
rid the gene pool of unwanted traits
government run everything

did I miss anything?

Wide, wide, wide off the mark.

Your first failure is with "government run everything".

Socialism, like Capitalism, is essentially an economic model.

The governing system that drives the model would decide whether "government runs everything". If socialism is caught in a dictatorial system like fascism, then yes, "government runs everything". If not, then no.

You are equating an economic model with a ideology for governance, but they are not the same thing.

Let's start with that.
Lets not talk theory of socialism since in the real world it doesn't exist, the real world ends up with socialism running everything (into the ground, like Greece)

Uhm, no. Unfettered socialism, enforced by communist dictatorial rule, runs stuff into the ground.

But many kudos to you for staying on topic and arguing a point and not getting personal. Good for you.
The right wing rag National Review thought it would be a good idea to compare Bernie Sanders, a Jew whose relatives died in the Holocaust, with Nazis by referring to him as a 'national socialist".
Question: Was the National Review recently purchased by Donald Trump?

He is a self described socialist.


And calling him a socialist is accurate.

Uh huh, you really like the Nazi part though.....don't you.
The right wing rag National Review thought it would be a good idea to compare Bernie Sanders, a Jew whose relatives died in the Holocaust, with Nazis by referring to him as a 'national socialist".
Question: Was the National Review recently purchased by Donald Trump?

He is a self described socialist.


And calling him a socialist is accurate.

Uh huh, you really like the Nazi part though.....don't you.

I didn't read where they mentioned "Nazi's".

Perhaps you could provide a direct quote.

• We demand the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
• We call for worker and community ownership and control of corporations within the framework of a decentralized and democratically determined economic plan.
• We call for a minimum wage of $15 per hour, indexed to the cost of living.
• We call for a full employment policy. We support the provision of a livable guaranteed annual income.

• We call for all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking authority, which should include credit unions, mutual insurance cooperatives, and cooperative state banks. In the meantime, we call for reregulation of the banking and insurance industries.
• We call for a steeply graduated income tax and a steeply graduated estate tax, and a maximum income of no more than ten times the minimum. We oppose regressive taxes such as payroll tax, sales tax, and property taxes.
• We call for the restoration of the capital gains tax and luxury tax on a progressive, graduated scale.
• We call for compensation to communities-- and compensation, re-training, and other support service for workers-- affected by plant and military base closings as stop-gap measures until we reach our goal of creating a socialist society totally separate from the global capitalist economy.
• We oppose the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization as instruments of capitalist oppression throughout the world.

• We demand cancellation of Third World debt.
• We call for a National Pension Authority to hold the assets of private pension funds, and a levy against corporate assets for any pension fund deficits.
• We call for increased and expanded welfare assistance and increased and expanded unemployment compensation
at 100% of a worker's previous income or the minimum wage, whichever is higher, for the full period of unemployment or re-training, whichever is longer.
• We support a program of massive federal investment in both urban and rural areas for infrastructure reconstruction and economic development.
• We support tax benefits for renters equal to those for homeowners.
• We call for the elimination of subsidies and tax breaks that benefit corporations and all other forms of corporate welfare.
• We oppose the court-created precedent of “corporate personhood” that illegitimately gives corporations rights that were intended for human beings

I put in bold all the things I've heard leftist support.

How different is this from the dnc platform, how different is it from what the nazis actually did
Are you kidding or what?
The right wing rag National Review thought it would be a good idea to compare Bernie Sanders, a Jew whose relatives died in the Holocaust, with Nazis by referring to him as a 'national socialist".
Question: Was the National Review recently purchased by Donald Trump?

He is a self described socialist.


And calling him a socialist is accurate.

Uh huh, you really like the Nazi part though.....don't you.

I didn't read where they mentioned "Nazi's".

Perhaps you could provide a direct quote.

Still playing dumb I see. How's that working out for you?
He is a self described socialist.

And calling him a socialist is accurate.
Uh huh, you really like the Nazi part though.....don't you.

I didn't read where they mentioned "Nazi's".

Perhaps you could provide a direct quote.
Still playing dumb I see. How's that working out for you?

So your inability to provide a direct quote means I'm playing dumb?

Liberal logic at it's finest!

And calling him a socialist is accurate.
Uh huh, you really like the Nazi part though.....don't you.

I didn't read where they mentioned "Nazi's".

Perhaps you could provide a direct quote.
Still playing dumb I see. How's that working out for you?

So your inability to provide a direct quote means I'm playing dumb?

Liberal logic at it's finest!
Maybe you are too stupid to understand the National Socialist Review article.

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