Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY

You think Trump was defeated in municipal elections?
You seem to make alot of ignorant statements....which are simply either a deflection or an impetuous act because you have nothing to offer.

Let me spell it out to you, Lady.....Democrats create these Meccas of liberal thought in the most populous cities in every state. Then they wait till late on election night for Republican districts to submit their results....and simply generate enough votes to steal the state in the general election. They don't have to control all of the country....just the most populated urban centers.
You seem to make alot of ignorant statements....which are simply either a deflection or an impetuous act because you have nothing to offer.

Let me spell it out to you, Lady.....Democrats create these Meccas of liberal thought in the most populous cities in every state. Then they wait till late on election night for Republican districts to submit their results....and simply generate enough votes to steal the state in the general election. They don't have to control all of the country....just the most populated urban centers.
Why don't you READ what you write? If you're outvoted you're out voted. Who's fault is that?
The opposite.
Too many countries live it up and we finance them.

Stop wandering. Your position is we should do the same as other countries. So let's have free healthcare and college for all like some other countries. That's your argument. Mine is -- who cares what other countries do?
Nah.. they just want cheap labor.. and Americans would much rather fight than solve a problem. least you're half right.

Democrats sure love to argue and fight.
If you notice...every one of these acts of gun-violence took place in a Dem controlled city, or was committed by someone living in one.

Democrats are turning their cities into Hell-holes intentionally in hopes that it will create the hatred needed to push some sick white guy into shooting a bunch of people. They basically ignore the blacks that are shooting and beating us every single day. They only focus on whites that do it.
You seem to make alot of ignorant statements....which are simply either a deflection or an impetuous act because you have nothing to offer.

Let me spell it out to you, Lady.....Democrats create these Meccas of liberal thought in the most populous cities in every state. Then they wait till late on election night for Republican districts to submit their results....and simply generate enough votes to steal the state in the general election. They don't have to control all of the country....just the most populated urban centers.

Stop wandering. Your position is we should do the same as other countries. So let's have free healthcare and college for all like some other countries. That's your argument. Mine is -- who cares what other countries do?
You need to be right has betrayed you yet again.
Your lover surada wants the US to do what other nations won’t.
But go ahead and insist you are right.
Why don't you READ what you write? If you're outvoted you're out voted. Who's fault is that?
Well....if you read what I wrote you'd understand that Democrats don't earn votes....they create's called vote-farming.
Also they are letting people vote that legally can't vote in cities and states run by Republicans. This is why they fight against any laws that require a picture I.D. to vote. They claim it's racist and destructive to Democracy if we make sure each voter only votes once and is who they claim to be.
Moron, we're not putting any non-citizens ahead of citizens in this regard. You clutch your pearl necklace any harder and you'll break it.
Moron, I never stated we are putting non-citizens ahead of citizens.
Your sex drive is making you irrationally.

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