Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY is the very fabric of this country....allowing non-citizens the right to vote.....this is human-trafficking.
Destroying the country from the inside-out.
Nope. We allowed non citizens to vote from our creation, if they were white and land owners, and even a hundred years after that..... It wasn't until about 1900 that states began to write laws against it from what I just read.

Nope. We allowed non citizens to vote from our creation, if they were white and land owners, and even a hundred years after that..... It wasn't until about 1900 that states began to write laws against it from what I just read.

So you think all of the sudden that this is okay....even though you've been denying for years that it has been happening?

Let me point out the massive differences between people who came here legally and learned to love this country, and people who came here illegally and are just trying to get free health care and benefits.

A person who immigrated here legally usually turns out to be better Americans that some of the degenerates that were born here. They already know how tough it is to live in 3rd World Countries. They appreciate this country for it's opportunities. Opportunities that don't exist in their home countries.

But a person who jumps the fence and only came here to get the free handouts usually has allegiance to their home country...otherwise they wouldn't be flying their flags during their marches in our cities. These types mostly come here because Democrats paid them to come here. Many of them hate this country and only want to take advantage of it.
So you think all of the sudden that this is okay....even though you've been denying for years that it has been happening?

Let me point out the massive differences between people who came here legally and learned to love this country, and people who came here illegally and are just trying to get free health care and benefits.

A person who immigrated here legally usually turns out to be better Americans that some of the degenerates that were born here. They already know how tough it is to live in 3rd World Countries. They appreciate this country for it's opportunities. Opportunities that don't exist in their home countries.

But a person who jumps the fence and only came here to get the free handouts usually has allegiance to their home country...otherwise they wouldn't be flying their flags during their marches in our cities. These types mostly come here because Democrats paid them to come here. Many of them hate this country and only want to take advantage of it.
your complaint and accusation And continual disinformation rant, is that illegal aliens are voting illegally in federal elections.... and democrats are purposely causing immigrants to illegally rush our borders so that we could make them illegally vote for a democratic president.....

Which is utter bull crap.

And from what I've read on these 7 municipalities throughout the USA that allow NON Citizens to vote in local city or school board elections etc....

They are NOT ILLEGAL aliens, they are immigrants that are green card holders awaiting the completion of the time needed for their citizenship waiting period to be completed....they are immigrants the USA ALREADY approved and made elligible for citizenship and were invited in, by us....

And if they are voting, they are NOT voting illegally or fraudulently, the law in their towns says they can vote in limited local, there is nothing illegal or nefarious if the citizens in these towns agreed to it.

I'm not certain what I think about it all.... right now it is not my beeswax, not my locality.
It means leftists let them in this country illegally then gave them rights only granted to legal citizens .
Nope. It means they came to the US on a visa, have a green card and resident status. It means they can visit their home country once a year, but cannot stay away for a year without losing their non resident status. You should probably look into the laws about visas and such.
your complaint and accusation And continual disinformation rant, is that illegal aliens are voting illegally in federal elections.... and democrats are purposely causing immigrants to illegally rush our borders so that we could make them illegally vote for a democratic president.....

Which is utter bull crap.

And from what I've read on these 7 municipalities throughout the USA that allow NON Citizens to vote in local city or school board elections etc....

They are NOT ILLEGAL aliens, they are immigrants that are green card holders awaiting the completion of the time needed for their citizenship waiting period to be completed....they are immigrants the USA ALREADY approved and made elligible for citizenship and were invited in, by us....

And if they are voting, they are NOT voting illegally or fraudulently, the law in their towns says they can vote in limited local, there is nothing illegal or nefarious if the citizens in these towns agreed to it.

I'm not certain what I think about it all.... right now it is not my beeswax, not my locality.
You explained that very well. Thanks.
your complaint and accusation And continual disinformation rant, is that illegal aliens are voting illegally in federal elections.... and democrats are purposely causing immigrants to illegally rush our borders so that we could make them illegally vote for a democratic president.....

Which is utter bull crap.

And from what I've read on these 7 municipalities throughout the USA that allow NON Citizens to vote in local city or school board elections etc....

They are NOT ILLEGAL aliens, they are immigrants that are green card holders awaiting the completion of the time needed for their citizenship waiting period to be completed....they are immigrants the USA ALREADY approved and made elligible for citizenship and were invited in, by us....

And if they are voting, they are NOT voting illegally or fraudulently, the law in their towns says they can vote in limited local, there is nothing illegal or nefarious if the citizens in these towns agreed to it.

I'm not certain what I think about it all.... right now it is not my beeswax, not my locality.
Of course.....typical Democrat. What doesn't effect you personally doesn't matter.....unless it's something the media tells you matters. Whites shooting blacks matters. Blacks shooting everyone else doesn't matter.

But if Republicans were paying for millions of white rednecks to migrate to America and vote in your local'd want to build a mile high wall to stop it.....and want to throw the Republicans in jail that are doing it.
Some places let immigrants who have school age kids to vote for the school board. So what? It's not like they get the same ballot full citizens do. It's a local matter the locals voted for. After years of saying localities should have a measure of autonomy it seems republicans are now saying it's bad. Make up your minds.
What is it about the word "citizen" that you don't understand?
Nope. It means they came to the US on a visa, have a green card and resident status. It means they can visit their home country once a year, but cannot stay away for a year without losing their non resident status. You should probably look into the laws about visas and such.
We're aware of the laws.
But the claim was that roughly 800,000 "ILLEGALS" voted in local elections in NY.
This caused poopy-pants to admit they were allowing non-citizens to vote despite laws that prevent such a thing.
It doesn't matter if it's presidential election or and local election. They shouldn't be voting. Democrats granted prisoners the right to vote as well. That's just stupid as you can get, unless you support criminals....which the DNC openly does.
We're aware of the laws.
But the claim was that roughly 800,000 "ILLEGALS" voted in local elections in NY.
This caused poopy-pants to admit they were allowing non-citizens to vote despite laws that prevent such a thing.
It doesn't matter if it's presidential election or and local election. They shouldn't be voting. Democrats granted prisoners the right to vote as well. That's just stupid as you can get, unless you support criminals....which the DNC openly does.
You probably should read more carefully and look deeper than a tweet.
You probably should read more carefully and look deeper than a tweet.
The admission was clear. Jerry Nadler likes to skirt around the truth and he eventually admitted that non-citizens were voting in elections......but this is a slippery-slope issue that will lead to legal voting by illegals.....which I hate to break it to already going on.
As I said before....2015 in CA they appointed two illegals to a city commission in Huntington Park CA.

California City Appoints Two Illegal Immigrants to Commission
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