Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY

The story says they are undocumented.....thus illegal.
They were appointed to Parks and Recreation & Health and Recreation commissions.
This is precisely why they established sanctuary cities in the first place:

"They have been community volunteers for a lot of years," Pineda told KABC-TV. "They've always given to the community ... They just happen to be undocumented."

Who cares what your rightarded sources say? The actual law says otherwise...

Why do you support illegals?

I don't give a shit about illegal aliens. That aside, illegals are not being allowed to vote. Not my problem if you still don't understand that after nearly 300 posts.
They are non citizen stupid.
They are undocumented thus illegal....get it thru your thick skull.

What Is an Undocumented Immigrant?​

Posted by Frank Gogol​

Updated on April 26, 2022​

You may often hear the words “undocumented immigrant”, and not know exactly what they mean. Well, there are plenty of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. So, knowing exactly what being “undocumented” as an immigrant means is important to get a proper idea of the situation.

Thus, what is an undocumented immigrant? Read below to become familiar with the term.

Undocumented Immigrants​

An undocumented immigrant is a person who was born in a different country and came to the United States illegally. To be more specific, they don’t have any documents that would give them the legal right to live in the United States.
They are undocumented thus illegal....get it thru your thick skull.

What Is an Undocumented Immigrant?​

Posted by Frank Gogol​

Updated on April 26, 2022​

You may often hear the words “undocumented immigrant”, and not know exactly what they mean. Well, there are plenty of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. So, knowing exactly what being “undocumented” as an immigrant means is important to get a proper idea of the situation.

Thus, what is an undocumented immigrant? Read below to become familiar with the term.

Undocumented Immigrants​

An undocumented immigrant is a person who was born in a different country and came to the United States illegally. To be more specific, they don’t have any documents that would give them the legal right to live in the United States.
Just means they're illegal. Non citizen residents usually are waiting to obtain naturalized US citizenship.
Just means they're illegal. Non citizen residents usually are waiting to obtain naturalized US citizenship.
Undocumented is the same as illegal. The reason these people aren't getting deporting in CA is because they live in what is officially a sanctuary city.
They aren't waiting on anything. They don't have the documentation to stay in the USA.
They don't qualify for citizenship unless they go back to their home countries and apply there.
I'm really tired of talking to idiots who refuse to face the facts.
As Jesus said "Do not throw pearls before swine".
One more stupid post on your part and this discussion is finished.
Undocumented is the same as illegal. The reason these people aren't getting deporting in CA is because they live in what is officially a sanctuary city.
They aren't waiting on anything. They don't have the documentation to stay in the USA.
They don't qualify for citizenship unless they go back to their home countries and apply there.
I'm really tired of talking to idiots who refuse to face the facts.
As Jesus said "Do not throw pearls before swine".
One more stupid post on your part and this discussion is finished.

And the law in your OP applies to neither undocumented aliens or illegal aliens. You're simply incapable of learning.
I don't give a shit about illegal aliens. That aside, illegals are not being allowed to vote. Not my problem if you still don't understand that after nearly 300 posts.
Illegals are voting. Idiot
OP is a horrible paranoid person that has never acted as if he has one reasonable bone in his body. What about you? Are you a hate-filled piece of shit too?
Fool, read what I said. Nowhere did I express any bias or hatred towards any individual that is invading this country. I clearly expressed my anger at the illegality of it. Believe me, I would rather be a POS than be you.
You should volunteer as an election judge in your community. It will answer your questions. It's an amazingly robust process. Everything happens in bipartisan pairs of election judges. I think a lot of question you might have could be answered if you got involved yourself. It will give you a whole new perspective on our elections system and new pride in living in this great country.
I have plenty of pride in America. I served in uniform for 20 years.

And my county doesn't have any illegals voting.

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