Top GA Republican Election official DEBUNKS every single Trump claim of Fraud

The Georgia votes have been recounted THREE times. Once by hand.

Trump lost. Deal with it.

Trump is the sorest loser of all time. A big fucking tantrum baby who doesn't care if he takes the whole country down with him.
Re-counting the same bogus votes over and over again will never change the result, nor will it make the initial result any more valid. Just pointing it out.

There is no disputing the fact that state election officials - mainly in swing states, and mainly in Democrat controlled voting districts - changed the voting laws and rules, in some cases violating the State's Constitution in the process, in order to facilitate mail-in voting, and remove any real security measures to ensure that the votes cast and counted were legitimate votes. The time-tested measures used for ABSENTEE BALLOTS were either loosened or totally ignored. No witness, no notary stamp, no signature verification, no copy of a picture ID.

The President warned everyone of what was going on months before the actual election, and he personally voted "absentee." And the Lefties continue to say, "Why didn't anyone bring up these issues BEFORE?" Bullshit.

With the complete lack of reasonable controls, it was impossible to identify bogus votes, hence the constant, loud cry of "YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE!" Of course there is no evidence; that's the way it was planned.

But when you wake up in the morning and the ground is covered with snow, you don't really need eyewitnesses to prove that it snowed overnight. And that's basically what we have/had here.

If you have any interest in seeing why Trump's supporters believe we were "jobbed," read the linked essay.

Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling | Spectato...To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank. W...
Title say it all. Watch the video, this guy is a republican.

There is not even a remote shred of evidence to suggest fraud. Trump lost 100% fair and square. Deal with it.

This election was completely fraud free, and Trump lost.

It matter not because his ( Trump ) base will refuse anything that is reality...

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