Top Indiana Republican Leaves Office After ‘Sexually Explicit Video’ Leaks

McMillin has a wife and four kids. His wife is gorgeous.
I wouldn't exactly say gorgeous...

She uses that bottle of viagra to get him up.
You gotta hand it to the left. Thanks to hundreds of researchers and sleazy investigators employed by tax exempt Media Matters and other left wing propaganda sources, no republican is safe from scrutiny into his/her personal life no matter if it's state and local or a freaking dog catcher. Bill Clinton still stands as the ultimate example of sleazy sexual abuse of women but democrats almost never resign. Let republicans take note that the left will play the gotcha game no matter how minor the elected post.
We only go after your freaks because they went after Bill.
He's not the top Indiana Republican.
Another lie from the Lord of Lies of USMB.
He was a bottom?
He's someone no one outside the state ever heard of. And if the scumbag OP didnt spend his all time trolling for Republicans who committed some indiscretion no one would know. As it is, no one cares.
Can you name all 50 governors? Just because you don't know the second in command in the Vermont or Rhode island legislature doesn't mean they aren't powerful.

In fact Republicans have figured out you can get more done at the state level.
Another day, another disgraced Republican.

Top Indiana Republican Leaves Office After ‘Sexually Explicit Video’ Leaks

The Indiana House of Representatives just lost its second-highest ranking elected official, who resigned on Tuesday following the alleged discovery of at least one “sexually explicit video” on his cell phone.

According to the Indianapolis Star, Jud McMillin (R-Brookville) quickly became the state house floor majority leader following his election in 2010. As a result, he was “was widely considered one of the more ambitious lawmakers in the House Republican caucus.” Hence why Tuesday’s resignation announcement comes as a shock to Indiana Republicans.

In an official statement, McMillin said that he had “decided the time is right for me to pass the torch and spend more time with my family,” whose world he wants to make “a better place.”

However, as the Indiana Business Journal reports, insiders tell a different story — one that involves a supposedly stolen cell phone with some rather intimate material on it. Evidence for this comes in the form of a text message McMillin sent to his contacts before the resignation announcement, in which he claimed his phone had been stolen.

“My phone was stolen in Canada and out of my control for about 24 hours. I have just been able to reactivate it under my control,” said McMillin’s text message. “Please disregard any messages you received recently. I am truly sorry for anything offensive you may have received.”

What was so offensive about the material on McMillin’s phone? Specifically, the discovery of “at least one sexually explicit video” which “showed the lawmaker involved in sexual contact” with an unidentified person. Whether or not this video was sent out — let alone whether or not it even exists — has neither been confirmed nor commented upon by McMillin or anyone else on the record.

As both the Indianapolis Star and the Indiana Business Journal note, this isn’t the first time McMillin’s alleged sexual (mis-)conduct has gotten him into trouble. During his time as an assistant county prosecutor in Ohio, he was caught having a relationship with a complainant in a domestic abuse case he was prosecuting. He resigned from his position following his departure from the case.

Top Indiana Republican Leaves Office After ‘Sexually Explicit Video’ Leaks

He looks like a real sleazeball.


Bummer....power and corruption.

And we put these people in charge of hour health insurance.

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