TOP NEWS In Reversal, Trump Decides Not to Deport ‘Dreamers’

Lets verify what people who agree with this are really saying. The people, through their elected representatives, pass a law but the president then decides not to enforce it. The same people then think Obama has made a good decision by not enforcing and Trump it is equally good. Wouldn't this render the democratic arm of the government powerless and pretty much neutralize the people's control over the government. Why even have democracy anymore since we all seem pretty content on letting the executive branch craft whatever policy it wants.
President Trump never said he would round up all the illegals described by Hussein as "dreamers" and deport them. It's just more fake news by the crazy left that is desperate for an issue.
Debunked Debunked.
President Trump never said he would round up all the illegals described by Hussein as "dreamers" and deport them. It's just more fake news by the crazy left that is desperate for an issue.
Debunked. Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Remove all undocumented immigrants

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