Top Republicans demand CIA’s Haspel hand over Russia probe documents.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Two top Senate Republicans said they are fed up with the CIA dragging its feet in responding to their request for records relevant to their joint investigation into the Trump-Russia investigators.

A letter sent by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa to CIA Director Gina Haspel was made public Wednesday after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed that he handed over nearly 1,000 pages of documents to assist U.S. Attorney John Durham with his criminal inquiry into misconduct by law enforcement and intelligence officials who looked into ties between President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

“The American people have a right to know the full extent of official action taken by federal officials during the 2016 campaign, the presidential transition, and into the Trump administration," the senators wrote. "The information that has already been made public reveals what might be the most outrageous abuse of power in U.S. history against a presidential candidate and sitting president. Unfortunately, many of the puzzle pieces remain hidden, and some of that information rests within your agency. We are concerned that your agency has thus far failed to respond in full to our oversight requests.”

Here's more on our friend Bloody Gina.
Trump made a massively bad decision upon being elected president, very likely because he never ever expected to be elected, to keep in place, and or advance the careers, of hundreds of the absolute worst people possible, all put in place by Obama, to continue on in their positions or in case of Haspell, promoting them! Obama took the National Security Council and expanded it from a dozen or so experts, to over four hundred, and every last one of them but for the very few outed in the impeachment aspect of the coup, is still there, serving Obama, the DNC, and the communist Chinese, not the American people!

This is precisely why we are literally one foot in on a civil war...... :wink:
Obama rolled the dice and crapped out in Russiagate, Most corrupt administration in history.
Two top Senate Republicans said they are fed up with the CIA dragging its feet in responding to their request for records relevant to their joint investigation into the Trump-Russia investigators.

A letter sent by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa to CIA Director Gina Haspel was made public Wednesday after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed that he handed over nearly 1,000 pages of documents to assist U.S. Attorney John Durham with his criminal inquiry into misconduct by law enforcement and intelligence officials who looked into ties between President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

“The American people have a right to know the full extent of official action taken by federal officials during the 2016 campaign, the presidential transition, and into the Trump administration," the senators wrote. "The information that has already been made public reveals what might be the most outrageous abuse of power in U.S. history against a presidential candidate and sitting president. Unfortunately, many of the puzzle pieces remain hidden, and some of that information rests within your agency. We are concerned that your agency has thus far failed to respond in full to our oversight requests.”

Here's more on our friend Bloody Gina.
I said before if you are going to drain the swamp, drain it, don't do half way. Trump did not go far enough when he first took office.
Two top Senate Republicans said they are fed up with the CIA dragging its feet in responding to their request for records relevant to their joint investigation into the Trump-Russia investigators.

A letter sent by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa to CIA Director Gina Haspel was made public Wednesday after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed that he handed over nearly 1,000 pages of documents to assist U.S. Attorney John Durham with his criminal inquiry into misconduct by law enforcement and intelligence officials who looked into ties between President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

“The American people have a right to know the full extent of official action taken by federal officials during the 2016 campaign, the presidential transition, and into the Trump administration," the senators wrote. "The information that has already been made public reveals what might be the most outrageous abuse of power in U.S. history against a presidential candidate and sitting president. Unfortunately, many of the puzzle pieces remain hidden, and some of that information rests within your agency. We are concerned that your agency has thus far failed to respond in full to our oversight requests.”

Here's more on our friend Bloody Gina.
I said before if you are going to drain the swamp, drain it, don't do half way. Trump did not go far enough when he first took office.
Halfway? Hell, he didn't go at all, this is one of the primary reasons why they took out Flynn, and continue to take him out, so he was/is cut out from helping the president weed out the Obama moles, Trump definitely needed that help upon taking office! Trump replaced nobody, and the place that needed it the most was that treasonous National Security Council, which is nothing but a nest of Marxist snakes....
Two top Senate Republicans said they are fed up with the CIA dragging its feet in responding to their request for records relevant to their joint investigation into the Trump-Russia investigators.

A letter sent by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa to CIA Director Gina Haspel was made public Wednesday after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed that he handed over nearly 1,000 pages of documents to assist U.S. Attorney John Durham with his criminal inquiry into misconduct by law enforcement and intelligence officials who looked into ties between President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

“The American people have a right to know the full extent of official action taken by federal officials during the 2016 campaign, the presidential transition, and into the Trump administration," the senators wrote. "The information that has already been made public reveals what might be the most outrageous abuse of power in U.S. history against a presidential candidate and sitting president. Unfortunately, many of the puzzle pieces remain hidden, and some of that information rests within your agency. We are concerned that your agency has thus far failed to respond in full to our oversight requests.”

Here's more on our friend Bloody Gina.
I said before if you are going to drain the swamp, drain it, don't do half way. Trump did not go far enough when he first took office.
Halfway? Hell, he didn't go at all, this is one of the primary reasons why they took out Flynn, and continue to take him out, so he was/is cut out from helping the president weed out the Obama moles, Trump definitely needed that help upon taking office! Trump replaced nobody, and the place that needed it the most was that treasonous National Security Council, which is nothing but a nest of Marxist snakes....
Point taken.

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