Top Russian Cybercrimes Agent Arrested on Charges of Treason




A senior official in the Russian cyberintelligence department that American officials say oversaw last year’s election hacking has been arrested in Moscow on charges of treason, a Russian newspaper reported Wednesday.

Trump Just Replaced the State Department's Senior Management

“It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” said David Wade, State Department chief of staff during John Kerry’s tenure, told Rogin. “Department expertise in security, management, administrative and consular positions in particular are very difficult to replicate and particularly difficult to find in the private sector.”

Kellyanne Conway Says Trump May Roll-Back Russian Sanctions | Zero Hedge

President-elect Trump's senior advisor Kellyanne Conway questioned whether additional investigations are needed into reports of Russian hacking during the campaign and, during an interview with USA Today, indicated the incoming president would consider rolling back some of the punitive actions President Obama had ordered in response.


So much Russian stuff happening all at once.

1. English agent that broke Trump story gone into hiding.
2. Someone high up in Russian Cyber security was suddenly arrested and hustled away into hiding and charged with treason.
3. Trump got rid of the entire top tier of the State Department. People that worked there since the Bush Administration and way before.
4. Trump to roll back Russian sanctions.

What is going on?

We know that USMB Republicans are very, very pro Russia, but believe it or not, Russia is not that popular among the rest of the US Republicans.


Umm, maybe not. Seems Putin is very popular among Republicans.
I have been asking leftards for a very long time what Russia and Syria has done to get into the cross hairs of USA.INC, the E.U, NATO and George Soros....I know the answer but the OP is totally fucking clueless......
You know what this thread is missing? A kitchen sink...


Rdean threw in everything but the kitchen sink...soooooo... now we have everything. :thup:
I have been asking leftards for a very long time what Russia and Syria has done to get into the cross hairs of USA.INC, the E.U, NATO and George Soros....I know the answer but the OP is totally fucking clueless......

I have been asking leftards for a very long time what Russia and Syria has done to get into the cross hairs of USA.INC, the E.U, NATO and George Soros....I know the answer but the OP is totally fucking clueless......
And George Soros.

No, don't let me stop you. You're on a roll. Explain it to us. I'm all ears.
I have been asking leftards for a very long time what Russia and Syria has done to get into the cross hairs of USA.INC, the E.U, NATO and George Soros....I know the answer but the OP is totally fucking clueless......
And George Soros.

No, don't let me stop you. You're on a roll. Explain it to us. I'm all ears.

The duly elected government of the Ukraine was usurped by the George Soros led E.U coup that led to the puppet that was installed after this illegal invasion. Crimea balked and decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the globalist ran E.U and that totally pissed them off because the Crimea Peninsula was the sweetest plum on the Ukraine tree.....Soros runs to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting Russia to be punished for denying him and the E.U the land mass that is Crimea thus the economic sanctions and all the military build-up. The Ukraine was a buffer against NATO would you feel if China annexed Mexico that would allow them to put Chinese troops on our border? Would you be fine with that? So why would Russia be fine with having Ukraine in NATO?
I have been asking leftards for a very long time what Russia and Syria has done to get into the cross hairs of USA.INC, the E.U, NATO and George Soros....I know the answer but the OP is totally fucking clueless......
And George Soros.

No, don't let me stop you. You're on a roll. Explain it to us. I'm all ears.

The duly elected government of the Ukraine was usurped by the George Soros led E.U coup that led to the puppet that was installed after this illegal invasion. Crimea balked and decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the globalist ran E.U and that totally pissed them off because the Crimea Peninsula was the sweetest plum on the Ukraine tree.....Soros runs to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting Russia to be punished for denying him and the E.U the land mass that is Crimea thus the economic sanctions and all the military build-up. The Ukraine was a buffer against NATO would you feel if China annexed Mexico that would allow them to put Chinese troops on our border? Would you be fine with that? So why would Russia be fine with having Ukraine in NATO?
I'm curious. Do you have any links backing all that up or that's just the conclusions you came to in your own head?

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