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Top Ten reasons we will miss the 111th Congress


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
People's Republic

These are "times that try men's souls".

The defeat of the most progressive and leftist Congress in US history and proudly, I may add, the most expensive by adding more debt than the last 110 Congresses combined, does make us sad.

Of course, have no fear my friends, Papa Obama is hard at work to make sure he can work himself around the democratic process by circumventing the legislative branch through regulation.

I know we need to look forward to our Progressive utopia future; but nevertheless, let us look back upon the Top Ten Reasons we will miss this Congress

Top Ten Reasons:

  1. Obamacare: Billed as the panacea for America’s health care woes, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as “Obamacare,” is a 2,700-page behemoth that “portends a massive transfer of power, dollars and decision making to the federal government,” says Heritage’s Nina Owcharenko. Heritage also finds that under the law, workers and families will face increased costs, seniors will lose access to care, and American taxpayers will take the hit for a trillion dollars in new federal spending. (3/2010)
  2. The Failed Stimulus (a.k.a., the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act): President Obama promised that his stimulus would save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. The result? America saw a bunch of orange and green “ARRA” signs sprout up like dandelions all over America, touting the slogan “Putting America to Work,” but here we are in December 2010 with a 9.8 percent unemployment rate, a national debt of $2.9 trillion, and 7.3 million jobs shy of President Obama’s promise. Some stimulus! (2/2009)
  3. The 9,000-Earmark Omnibus Bill: Never mind the $1.4 trillion budget deficit facing America in 2009. Congress went ahead and passed an omnibus spending bill containing 9,287 pork project earmarks costing $13 billion. Included in the earmarks were a $200,000 tattoo removal program in Mission Hills, Calif., and more than a million dollars to combat Mormon Crickets in Utah. (3/2009)
  4. Mountains of Debt: You can't pin it on one piece of legislation alone, but the 111th Congress has piled heaps upon heaps of new debt -- a massive $3.22 trillion. That comes out to $10,429.64 for every man, woman and child counted in the 2010 census. That's more debt racked-up than in the first 100 Congresses combined, according to CNSNews.com. The total national debt as of the 111th Congress' last day? $13.859 trillion.
  5. The Government Union Bailout: As if one massive bailout weren’t enough, President Obama and the 111th Congress delivered another $26.1 billion bailout in the summer of 2010. The beneficiaries? Government unions and big-spending states that wouldn’t know a balanced budget if it smacked them in the face. The bill was supposed to “save” jobs, but the reality is that most jobs were never in jeopardy. (8/2010)
  6. Wall Street Reform? Think Again: While President Obama touted the Dodd-Frank bill of 2010 as a reform of Wall Street and America’s financial rules, the resulting law is a boon for lawyers and lobbyists, thanks to its creation of 243 new formal rule-makings by 11 different federal agencies. What’s more, the bill “does nothing to stop future government bailouts,” makes a TARP-like bailout system permanent, and does nothing to reform two of the biggest culprits behind the financial crisis: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (7/2010)
  7. The "Neighborhood Destabilization Act": Speaker Pelosi would refer to it as the “Helping Families Save Their Homes Act,” but in reality the law does the opposite by "putting millions of homeowners or potential buyers at greater risk of an unstable credit and housing market and creating high interest rates in the future." And if you're a responsible homeowner, you lose big time.
  8. Cash for Clunkers: Stuck with an old car or truck? Under this plan, the U.S. government would have paid you $3,500 to $4,500 to trade it in for a new, more fuel efficient vehicle. Though the program boosted sales for the two months it was in place, a study showed the clunker program was a clinker. It didn’t bring new buyers into the market; it merely accelerated purchases. The cost to the taxpayers? $3 billion. (According to an Edmunds analysis, it came to $24,000 per car.) (6/2009)
  9. New START: President Obama sold this nuclear arms treaty between the United States and Russia as an effort to reduce nuclear weapons. Conservatives, though, criticized it for being “useless in limiting proliferation, detrimental to missile defense, and counter to the purpose of defense treaties — defending and protecting America from her enemies.” (12/2010)
  10. Cap-and-Trade: The Waxman-Markey climate bill that passed the House was intended to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions with the goal of curbing global warming. Were it enacted (which it wasn't), the plan would have increased gas prices by 58%, and average household electric rates would increase by 90% by 2035. (Passed House in 6/2009; stalled in Senate)

Yes with our last Congress, it reminds me of, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"
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Top 5 reasons I will miss the 111TH DumbASS Congress:

1. They make it SOOOOOOO damn easy for us to expose, and beat them in national elections. I mean cmon lol.

2. The National Strategic Botox Reserve (NSBR) otherwise known as Nancy Pelosi will be severely diminished. Who will the DC left siphon it's mind numbing poison from now?

3. Obama will actually have to, REALLY WORK with us in January, which means no more, amusing, epic, press conference FAIL when he feigns that attempt.:(

4. Reid's constant, self pwning "We're clearly right and awesome cuz we run government" hubris.

5. A House that provided me with many an epic lol with each passing failure, condescension, and direct "FUCK YOU" to us, the electorate/public.
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These are "times that try men's souls".

The defeat of the most progressive and leftist Congress in US history and proudly, I may add, the most expensive by adding more debt than the last 110 Congresses combined, does make us sad.



Yes with our last Congress, it reminds me of, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"

Will we ever get the chance to miss you and you copy/pastes?
More proof this is true:

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains | News & Politics | AlterNet

"I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all for fear of being carried off their feet. The prospect really does frighten me that they may finally become so engrossed in a cowardly love of immediate pleasures that their interest in their own future and in that of their descendants may vanish, and that they will prefer tamely to follow the course of their destiny rather than make a sudden energetic effort necessary to set things right." Alexis De Tocqueville

These are "times that try men's souls".

The defeat of the most progressive and leftist Congress in US history and proudly, I may add, the most expensive by adding more debt than the last 110 Congresses combined, does make us sad.



Yes with our last Congress, it reminds me of, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"

Will we ever get the chance to miss you and you copy/pastes?

One freedom we still have, you don't have to look
(unless of course, Papa Obama regulates it away from US)
More proof this is true:

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains | News & Politics | AlterNet

"I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all for fear of being carried off their feet. The prospect really does frighten me that they may finally become so engrossed in a cowardly love of immediate pleasures that their interest in their own future and in that of their descendants may vanish, and that they will prefer tamely to follow the course of their destiny rather than make a sudden energetic effort necessary to set things right." Alexis De Tocqueville

^^Laughable lefty source from a laughable Obama sheep^^:lol::cuckoo:
More proof this is true:

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains | News & Politics | AlterNet

"I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all for fear of being carried off their feet. The prospect really does frighten me that they may finally become so engrossed in a cowardly love of immediate pleasures that their interest in their own future and in that of their descendants may vanish, and that they will prefer tamely to follow the course of their destiny rather than make a sudden energetic effort necessary to set things right." Alexis De Tocqueville

Thanks for reminding me......since you like studies

Since you and Sarah G agree so much.....

Speaking of "More proof this is true"

Liberals have the more &#8216;feminine' brain
Some of the more intriguing results reported in this study involve the Empathizer-Systemizer scale. The scale measures the tendency to empathize, defined as "the drive to identify another person's emotions and thoughts, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion," and to systemize, or "the drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system."

&#8220;We might say that liberals have the most &#8216;feminine&#8217; cognitive style, and libertarians the most &#8216;masculine.&#8217;&#8221; They speculate that the &#8220;feminizing&#8221; of the Democratic Party in the 1970s may thus explain why libertarians moved into the Republican Party in the 1980s.

No need to thank me
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Passing Bills that no one reads.The Classic Nancy Pelosi line.We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

And not related to Congress but number one on my hit parade."For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country.I never get tired of that one.
1. Because you thought wasting time on stupid Presidental investigations were over.
2. Impeachment out of the question? Not anymore.
3. If you thought Michelle Bachman was fun..just you wait.
4. We've missed wasting tax payer money on expensive weapon systems that didn't work.
5. Deficits? What deficits?
6. Debt? What debt?
7. Because you just can't get enough of "You Lie" shouted at the President in the halls of Congress.
8. John Boehner's tears. Well maybe not. Now they will be tears of joy.
9. Mitch McConnells subtle politics. Maybe he will get a bat this time around and chase Obama with it.
10.Gridlock. Oh wait.
1. Because you thought wasting time on stupid Presidental investigations were over.
2. Impeachment out of the question? Not anymore.
3. If you thought Michelle Bachman was fun..just you wait.
4. We've missed wasting tax payer money on expensive weapon systems that didn't work.
5. Deficits? What deficits?
6. Debt? What debt?
7. Because you just can't get enough of "You Lie" shouted at the President in the halls of Congress.
8. John Boehner's tears. Well maybe not. Now they will be tears of joy.
9. Mitch McConnells subtle politics. Maybe he will get a bat this time around and chase Obama with it.
10.Gridlock. Oh wait.

You gave us the Top Ten Reasons to look forward for the 112th Congress

You must be a racist, xenophobe, misogynist rightwinger
Looking forward to a feisty year in politics.Let the good times roll.....
Chris Mathews,to see the look on his face every night.
Ed Shultz,just maybe his head might explode on TV...
Keith Olberman,just maybe he finds his true calling as a used car salesman....

This is gonna be way cool.
so a conservative puts together a pretty solid list and the retorts are personal attacks.

You do realize that that means you know he's right, you just can't admit it.

I will miss screeching harpy as speaker, but I'm so glad those dumbasses kept her as minority speaker. All we need to do to win more seats is to get that harpy in front of the mic. She has no idea how much help she was.
1. Because you thought wasting time on stupid Presidental investigations were over.
2. Impeachment out of the question? Not anymore.
3. If you thought Michelle Bachman was fun..just you wait.
4. We've missed wasting tax payer money on expensive weapon systems that didn't work.
5. Deficits? What deficits?
6. Debt? What debt?
7. Because you just can't get enough of "You Lie" shouted at the President in the halls of Congress.
8. John Boehner's tears. Well maybe not. Now they will be tears of joy.
9. Mitch McConnells subtle politics. Maybe he will get a bat this time around and chase Obama with it.
10.Gridlock. Oh wait.

You gave us the Top Ten Reasons to look forward for the 112th Congress

You must be a racist, xenophobe, misogynist rightwinger


But thanks..there are door prizes.:lol:
so a conservative puts together a pretty solid list and the retorts are personal attacks.

You do realize that that means you know he's right, you just can't admit it.

I will miss screeching harpy as speaker, but I'm so glad those dumbasses kept her as minority speaker. All we need to do to win more seats is to get that harpy in front of the mic. She has no idea how much help she was.

She really doesn't. Her wacko politics, ideology, and general arrogance/ignorance just won't allow it to occur to her.

It's the same way for every dunce on my pwned belt too, but THIS is/was the Speaker of the fuckin House of Representatives, and therefore was highly disturbing.
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1. Because you thought wasting time on stupid Presidental investigations were over.
2. Impeachment out of the question? Not anymore.
3. If you thought Michelle Bachman was fun..just you wait.
4. We've missed wasting tax payer money on expensive weapon systems that didn't work.
5. Deficits? What deficits?
6. Debt? What debt?
7. Because you just can't get enough of "You Lie" shouted at the President in the halls of Congress.
8. John Boehner's tears. Well maybe not. Now they will be tears of joy.
9. Mitch McConnells subtle politics. Maybe he will get a bat this time around and chase Obama with it.
10.Gridlock. Oh wait.
Pelosi out of power..let the party begin.

These are "times that try men's souls".

The defeat of the most progressive and leftist Congress in US history and proudly, I may add, the most expensive by adding more debt than the last 110 Congresses combined, does make us sad.

Of course, have no fear my friends, Papa Obama is hard at work to make sure he can work himself around the democratic process by circumventing the legislative branch through regulation.

I know we need to look forward to our Progressive utopia future; but nevertheless, let us look back upon the Top Ten Reasons we will miss this Congress

Top Ten Reasons:

  1. Obamacare: Billed as the panacea for America’s health care woes, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as “Obamacare,” is a 2,700-page behemoth that “portends a massive transfer of power, dollars and decision making to the federal government,” says Heritage’s Nina Owcharenko. Heritage also finds that under the law, workers and families will face increased costs, seniors will lose access to care, and American taxpayers will take the hit for a trillion dollars in new federal spending. (3/2010)
  2. The Failed Stimulus (a.k.a., the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act): President Obama promised that his stimulus would save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. The result? America saw a bunch of orange and green “ARRA” signs sprout up like dandelions all over America, touting the slogan “Putting America to Work,” but here we are in December 2010 with a 9.8 percent unemployment rate, a national debt of $2.9 trillion, and 7.3 million jobs shy of President Obama’s promise. Some stimulus! (2/2009)
  3. The 9,000-Earmark Omnibus Bill: Never mind the $1.4 trillion budget deficit facing America in 2009. Congress went ahead and passed an omnibus spending bill containing 9,287 pork project earmarks costing $13 billion. Included in the earmarks were a $200,000 tattoo removal program in Mission Hills, Calif., and more than a million dollars to combat Mormon Crickets in Utah. (3/2009)
  4. Mountains of Debt: You can't pin it on one piece of legislation alone, but the 111th Congress has piled heaps upon heaps of new debt -- a massive $3.22 trillion. That comes out to $10,429.64 for every man, woman and child counted in the 2010 census. That's more debt racked-up than in the first 100 Congresses combined, according to CNSNews.com. The total national debt as of the 111th Congress' last day? $13.859 trillion.
  5. The Government Union Bailout: As if one massive bailout weren’t enough, President Obama and the 111th Congress delivered another $26.1 billion bailout in the summer of 2010. The beneficiaries? Government unions and big-spending states that wouldn’t know a balanced budget if it smacked them in the face. The bill was supposed to “save” jobs, but the reality is that most jobs were never in jeopardy. (8/2010)
  6. Wall Street Reform? Think Again: While President Obama touted the Dodd-Frank bill of 2010 as a reform of Wall Street and America’s financial rules, the resulting law is a boon for lawyers and lobbyists, thanks to its creation of 243 new formal rule-makings by 11 different federal agencies. What’s more, the bill “does nothing to stop future government bailouts,” makes a TARP-like bailout system permanent, and does nothing to reform two of the biggest culprits behind the financial crisis: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (7/2010)
  7. The "Neighborhood Destabilization Act": Speaker Pelosi would refer to it as the “Helping Families Save Their Homes Act,” but in reality the law does the opposite by "putting millions of homeowners or potential buyers at greater risk of an unstable credit and housing market and creating high interest rates in the future." And if you're a responsible homeowner, you lose big time.
  8. Cash for Clunkers: Stuck with an old car or truck? Under this plan, the U.S. government would have paid you $3,500 to $4,500 to trade it in for a new, more fuel efficient vehicle. Though the program boosted sales for the two months it was in place, a study showed the clunker program was a clinker. It didn’t bring new buyers into the market; it merely accelerated purchases. The cost to the taxpayers? $3 billion. (According to an Edmunds analysis, it came to $24,000 per car.) (6/2009)
  9. New START: President Obama sold this nuclear arms treaty between the United States and Russia as an effort to reduce nuclear weapons. Conservatives, though, criticized it for being “useless in limiting proliferation, detrimental to missile defense, and counter to the purpose of defense treaties — defending and protecting America from her enemies.” (12/2010)
  10. Cap-and-Trade: The Waxman-Markey climate bill that passed the House was intended to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions with the goal of curbing global warming. Were it enacted (which it wasn't), the plan would have increased gas prices by 58%, and average household electric rates would increase by 90% by 2035. (Passed House in 6/2009; stalled in Senate)

Yes with our last Congress, it reminds me of, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"

I am in different because its like they never left, we have the same problem, it will take another two years of getting our message out, what is our message, a little less than the worst the other party gave us.

we need to go far right and articulate what that means.

Like one tax, 10% sales tax, no power for congress or the president or courts or any other form of government to take our money, our labor.

The problem is Chomsky and Zinn, how do we get them out of the schools.

The problem is Bill Ayers, he is a Marxist who teaches at Universities.

We have zero control, the propaganda alone has us by at least 30 years.

People need to wake up and listen to the Conservatives, not the Republicans.

Who is our leader, I pray I have not heard their message yet. I pray that the next leader is not anyone any of us heard of.

Hopefully the next leader will unite the people yet not compromise with the Liberal's or Moderates.

More compromise gave us the lousy politicians we have today.
The defeat of the most progressive and leftist Congress in US history and proudly, I may add, the most expensive by adding more debt than the last 110 Congresses combined, does make us sad.

That is just so wrong on so many levels I will not even touch it.

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