Top Ten Reasons Why Islam Is NOT The Religion Of Peace

dilloduck said:
Again MORE public silence from the left big wigs. You think maybe they don't want to be seen as pro-Hizbully and anti-semitic? :teeth: They are SOOO screwed.

jesus christ, do you expect people to spend all day on the internet so they can give an instant rebuttle?
CharlestonChad said:
jesus christ, do you expect people to spend all day on the internet so they can give an instant rebuttle?

I'm not talking about the internet.
CharlestonChad said:
nt250, in your internet studies of islam, what do you think is the reason that almost soley middle eastern muslims commit terroristic crimes? There are around 6 million muslims in America, but we haven't been attacked by American-Muslims yet. Do you think it has anything to do with the theocracies in the middle east?

I guess you'd have to define what you mean by "American-Muslim". Do you mean Muslims living in America, or American born converts? Think about the men who carried out 9/11. Some of them lived in this country for a long time. They knew more freedom here than probably at any other time of their lives. They did it anyway. The other day a Muslim shot 6 women at a Jewish center because he was upset at the current situation in Lebanon. Do they have to be born here? Be actual citizens? Live here for so many years?

I don't think it is solely Middle Eastern Muslims. They commit the majority, but as any liberal Muslim defender will tell you, Turkey is a Muslim secular democracy. Their bombers of a couple of year ago were home grown. Did they ever find out who did Spain? London?

And don't forget John Walker Lindh.

To answer your question, I think it's Islam. People are basically good. But Islam appeals to darkest, most selfish, basest side of human nature. And Islam is about power. All religions are about some form of power over another, a way to control the masses. What makes Islam different than the other major religions is that it's main goal it to protect and promote itself. Islam. Not God, or Allah, but Islam itself. And anything is allowed in that context. Most people in this world are basically good. Most Muslims are basically good. But they are basically good in spite of Islam, not because of it.
nt250 said:
Which Christian Church would that be?

The one that encompasses the whole of Christianity. The Christian Church did not spread through the use of violence; it spread in spite of violence leveled against it.
CharlestonChad said:
This has got to be the most uninformed thread in the history of the USMessageboards. I would be shocked if anyone on this thread (besides myself) has done any reading or research outside of scanning over articles written on Christian websites.

I'll bite, how did it start?

You don't have to cut and past, just quote authors - recognized, legitimate authors, preferably one who wrote or co-wrote the text used in one of your Mid Eastern/Islam studies classes. :)
CharlestonChad said:
Islam might be the only religion to ever start with non-violence.

:wtf: What on earth are you talking about? Where in any of Islams early years do you find it starting with non-violence? Mohammad was the first person to unite the Arabian penninsula. And he did that by conquoring many of the people that had persecuted them. The rightly guided Caliphs then followed by conquoring most of the known world at the time. They physically conquored a territory that at one time touched the edge of the Chinese empire to Western Africa/Spain. And they did all this within 70 years or so.

If thats not violent I dont know what is. At the time they had one of the most cultured civilizations of the world, but unfortunately for them the backward Europeans advanced passed them and they have refused to get out of the 9th century.
CharlestonChad said:
Way to dodge my post.

I didn't dodge anything.

You posted.

I replied.

Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted to hear.

That's life.
CharlestonChad said:
This has got to be the most uninformed thread in the history of the USMessageboards. I would be shocked if anyone on this thread (besides myself) has done any reading or research outside of scanning over articles written on Christian websites.

Well, aside from your nasty little stab at the poeple of this board, you have already found out that nt250 is quite informed about islam.

But all I need to know about islam is, that practically, for all intents and purposes, every terrorist orginization in the world is muslim. What more do you need to know? Anyone that's NOT muslim is an infidel, and the koran directs them to KILL us, and they've been doing it for quite awhile now.
Islam starting in non-violence? No other religion started in non-violence?

What about Christianity? It started by Jesus Christ willingly dieing the most painful death ever. It spread through nothing more than words, and the only violence surrounding it was the brutal execution of those who spread those words. The first record of violence in the name of Christ didn't come for hundreds of years after the start of the religion.

What about Buddhism, which started with a single man embracing the ascetic lifestyle in order to achieve enlightenment?

What about Judaism, which started with the birth of Isaac, father of the Jewish race?

Islam started with the military conquest of most of the Arab world, a conquest which didn't stop until the Muslims' technology was completely outdone by the entire western world, due to their acceptance of science as bringing them closer to God, rather than a heresy.

If you also want to touch on the morality of Islam, the entire culture objectifies women and caters to men with less control over their loins than I have over the weather. Women have to cover up so the men won't go crazy, and the promise of the homicide martyrs is a heirem of 72 pure virgin women, while the promise of Christianity is a closeness to God unlike any other, not a closeness to 72 hot pieces of a**.
Pale Rider said:
Well, aside from your nasty little stab at the poeple of this board, you have already found out that nt250 is quite informed about islam.

But all I need to know about islam is, that practically, for all intents and purposes, every terrorist orginization in the world is muslim. What more do you need to know? Anyone that's NOT muslim is an infidel, and the koran directs them to KILL us, and they've been doing it for quite awhile now.

I don't think Chad really knows all that much about Islam. Either that or he's a Muslim himself.

One of the first things I noticed, very early on, was how everything had an exception. An "out". There is not a single rule in the Koran and Hadiths that doesn't contain some exception, qualifier, or contradiction.

Take the Five Pillars

1. There is only one God and Muhammad was his Messenger. That's all it takes to call yourself a Muslim. But you only have to say it once.

2. Prayer. Muslims are supposed to pray 5 times a day. Except if it's inconvenient, they don't have to. They're supposed to do it at dawn, mid-day, late-afternoon, sunset and nightfall. (Let's not quibble over what the difference is between sunset and nightfall, shall we?) They are supposed to do it in Arabic, but again, they don't have to. They can do it in their own language, and whenever they want.

3. Alms giving. This is all over the place. One site I found said that Zakah was 1/40th of a Muslims annual capital excluding his primary residence, car, and professional tools. Nice, huh? For me that would amount to about a $1.80 a year. But it gets better. A Muslims obligation only extends to the desire to give to charity. Wanting to give is enough to satisfy this Pillar. They don't actually have to give anything, and if they DO give they're not supposed to tell anybody. It's considered akin to bragging and is highly frowned upon.

4. Ramadan. Every Muslim is supposed to fast during the month of Ramadan. Yeah, right. This one, in my opinion, is the biggest joke in Islam. From "Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are menstruating, pregnant or nursing, are permitted to break the fast and make up an equal number of days later in the year if they are healthy and able." Notice the 'IF". And what if they DO adhere to the fast? So they go from sunrise to sunset without eating or having sex. Big deal, I do that every single day. They have a big meal every night, and a big feast at the end. What a hardship. Oh, and if a Muslim happens to live in the Arctic Circle during perpetual daylight? Eat whenever you want, just don't look out the window.

5 Hajj. Every able bodied Muslim is supposed to make the journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetimes. That's lifetime, folks. Not annually. Just once in their whole entire lives. Unless they can't afford it. Or don't want to. They can always go next year, or the year after that.

Islam is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the world. It was invented by a very clever guy who saw this new religion called Christianity and he decided "Hey! I can do that!" and he did. Muhammad was a very good student of human nature, especially male human nature, and he geared his little con towards just the type of people who would run with it.

And here we are. 1400 years and a billion people later. And no end in sight. Islam will win in the end. Because the people who defend it, while knowing nothing about it, will defend it up until a Muslim walks up behind them and cuts their head off.

If Beslan was not enough, nothing ever will be.
No doubt nt250 is informed (more than myself)

Christianity started by the brutal murder of a long haired hippie.

Judiasm came arose after the flood that killed all of the unwanted humans of the earth.

Buddhism is founded on beliefs that life is just variations of suffering

Islam was started with Muhammad uniting some of the most morally corrupt societies in the history of the world.

I said nothing about how it was spread or where the religion is today. Post like that of Pale Rider shows how misinformed many are regarding religion.
CharlestonChad said:
No doubt nt250 is informed (more than myself)

Christianity started by the brutal murder of a long haired hippie.

Judiasm came arose after the flood that killed all of the unwanted humans of the earth.

Buddhism is founded on beliefs that life is just variations of suffering

Islam was started with Muhammad uniting some of the most morally corrupt societies in the history of the world.

I said nothing about how it was spread or where the religion is today. Post like that of Pale Rider shows how misinformed many are regarding religion.

I'm really not all that informed. I haven't read all of the Koran or the Hadiths. I'm no expert and I have never claimed to be. I have not "studied" Islam. I've just read a lot about it.

Posters like you fascinate me because I will never understand why you post the things you do. That's an editorial "you" by the way. I don't mean this personally and I'm not trying to challenge you personally. You are not alone in posting challenges to who you consider "conservatives" who are unfairly maligning an entire religion. It's been close to three years now since I started posting about Islam on my former message board and it's what got me banned and blocked by IP address. Well, that, and I told another poster he had a little dick. :)

What I will never get used to is the utter hatred some people have for the United States. I just do NOT understand it. But the people who defend Islam always seem to come back to that. It's all our fault. They want to look for a "root cause" but they start with the US and end at Islam's door. Can't go there.

9/11 was bad. I spent 4 days watching the TV. I lost nobody. I don't know anybody who lost anybody. I have no personal connection to it at all. But the people at Windows On The World will haunt me until the day I die. Of all the stories I read, about all the victims, none of them are the same as what those people at Windows On The World suffered through. Nobody deserves to die like that. Nobody.

It was such a beautiful day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The sky was so crystal clear blue, it was still warm out. It was the perfect September morning. Everybody who walked into that restaurant that morning just had to look out the windows. They had to. There was no way they couldn't look. I don't care if it was their first visit, or if they had worked there for 20 years, they had to look that morning. It was such a beautiful day.

None of them deserved to die like that. How bad must it have been for them to do what they did. I can't imagine. I don't want to imagine it.

Even after 9/11, I still didn't care about Islam. But Belsan was different. By then, I had learned a lot about Islam. They targeted a school. Let me repeat that: Muslim separatists targeted a SCHOOL. Was there no Army post? No military post of any kind? A police station? A town hall? Anything? No, they targeted a school. On purpose and as a goal. They shot little kids in the back as they fled for their lives.

Muslims can do such things because Islam allows it. Yes, it does. This life means very little to a Muslim in relation to the rewards that await in the next one. In all my reading of the Koran and Hadiths I never read anything that mentioned anything about 72 virgins. It might be there and maybe I missed it. I didn't read it all, but I did find several sites that were searchable and I never found anything that mentioned 72 virgins. But the promise of rewards in paradise? Oh yeah, that's all through out the texts.

And there is this, and this is VERY important for anyone who wants to understand how terrorists can target civilians: Muslims can kill "innocents" because they are taught that it's up to Allah to decide who is truly innocent and who isn't. Their victims will face the judgment of God, so who they kill is not really their problem. Allah will sort it out. If the person is truly innocent, and a Muslim, then they will enter Paradise. If they're not a Muslim, then Allah will sort that out, too. Who they kill is not their problem.

The proof of what Islam is is in the news every single day. Every day. But yet people like you still would rather believe it's being unfairly judged. And I will never understand why that is.

But it is. And it's gotten no better. Islam will win.
CharlestonChad said:
No doubt nt250 is informed (more than myself)

Christianity started by the brutal murder of a long haired hippie.

Judiasm came arose after the flood that killed all of the unwanted humans of the earth.

Buddhism is founded on beliefs that life is just variations of suffering

Islam was started with Muhammad uniting some of the most morally corrupt societies in the history of the world.

I said nothing about how it was spread or where the religion is today. Post like that of Pale Rider shows how misinformed many are regarding religion.

Nice dodge. :)
CharlestonChad said:
Christianity started by the brutal murder of a long haired hippie.

Well there ya go. Nad's true color's finaly show.

You're nothing but another generic liberal Christian basher, that will defend even people that would rather kill you than look at you.

You're misplaced alliegence is part of the reason why terrorists are flourishing in this day and age. People like you that defend them. You, are my enemy, as well as the terrorists.
Pale Rider said:
Well there ya go. Nad's true color's finaly show.

You, are my enemy, as well as the terrorists.

I totally agree with that sentiment. Except I think defenders of Islam, Westerners who hate their own countries, hate their own leaders, are a much more insidious enemy than any terrorist.

These people don't seem to understand the concept of right from wrong. They really don't. They also get highly offended when their hatred of the West is called on. One trait liberals have is that they cannot admit they hate anything. They love to accuse others of hate, but they are totally incapable of recognizing it in themselves.

The one thing that really drives me nuts is the "root cause" argument. We need to understand why they hate us so that we can stop terrorism. But what these people do not understand, and do not want to understand, is that they don't hate us for anything we've done, they hate us for who and what we are. And we can't change who and what we are. The "root cause" of terrorism is Islam.

Right from wrong. The deliberate targeting and murder of children is wrong. Period. 9/11 was wrong. Period.
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nt250 said:
I totally agree with that sentiment. Except I think defenders of Islam, Westerners who hate their own countries, hate their own leaders, are a much more insidious enemy than any terrorist.

These people don't seem to understand the concept of right from wrong. They really don't. They also get highly offended when their hatred of the West is called on. One trait liberals have is that they cannot admit they hate anything. They love to accuse others of hate, but they are totally incapable of recognizing it in themselves.

The one thing that really drives me nuts is the "root cause" argument. We need to understand why they hate us so that we can stop terrorism. But what these people do not understand, and do not want to understand, is that they don't hate us for anything we've done, they hate us for who and what we are. And we can't change who and what we are. The "root cause" of terrorism is Islam.

Right from wrong. The deliberate targeting and murder of children is wrong. Period. 9/11 was wrong. Period.

Libs think it's cool to have barbaric countries stick it to the capitalistic America. They think a defeat for the evil capitalists furthers thier cause for socialism in America.
dilloduck said:
Libs think it's cool to have barbaric countries stick it to the capitalistic America. They think a defeat for the evil capitalists furthers thier cause for socialism in America.

That's one reason. Liberals do advocate socialism. Except they will never call it that. They have very altruistic ideals, and see themselves as caring. They see Republicans and conservatives as uncaring. Liberals are the saviours and conservatives are the real enemy. Especially Christian conservatives. Which to them is the same thing. They are the real enemy.

Israel is the tool, or catalyst. If you engage a liberal long enough about a topic like terrorism and Islam, they will inevitably mention Israel. It's not that they are anti-Semites, really, it's that they are anti-Christian. Nobody hates Christians more than a liberal does. Islamic terrorism against the West is mainly caused by the West's support for Israel. These people have no sense of history. No sense of the future. It's all the United State's fault, and it's all our fault because George W. Bush is a born again Christian and is using Israel to bring on the End of Days.

And I'm not talking about Nutjobs, here. I'm not talking about the "fringe". I'm talking about mainstream, prominent, supposedly rational Democrats and liberals. To them, the biggest threat to the world is not Islamic terrorism. It's us, because we need to stop what we're doing to cause terrorism in the first place. And the biggest cause of terrorism is American imperialism and our support for Israel.

To me, the biggest threat to the world is liberal ignorance. Most liberals don't even know what a "neocon" is. They think all Republicans are neocons.
I've only been posting here for a couple of months. You ever have a liberal post about PNAC here? That's another subject, but it's related to why liberals defend Islam and blame the West for Terrorism.
Pale Rider said:
Well there ya go. Nad's true color's finaly show.

You're nothing but another generic liberal Christian basher, that will defend even people that would rather kill you than look at you.

You're misplaced alliegence is part of the reason why terrorists are flourishing in this day and age. People like you that defend them. You, are my enemy, as well as the terrorists.

Come on man, don't be that dense where you can't take something for what it is. If one has to pick an exact point where the religion of Christianity started, it would be the death and reserection of JC. I'm sorry if that's not what your sunday school teacher tries to tell you.

I still haven't defended Islam in this thread. I stated a fact. Then got bashed. Nothing new for a progressive poster on this MB.

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