Top U.S. Marine Orders All Confederate Symbols Be Removed From Corps Bases

Easy, they don't.

I also find it funny that you are trying to convict all democrats with this line of nonsense.
Of course they do.. Many scholars talk about it

That all democrats want slavery?
Who said all?? More fallacies from you.. stop trolling

Not trolling. Just getting clarification. Like you should have done before you claimed I said "THEY ALL WANTED SLAVERY". Actually, you didn't really need clarification. You lied intentionally, as usual.

Plus, when I said "I also find it funny that you are trying to convict all democrats with this line of nonsense" you said "Of course they do".
So why did you first respond to me on this thread?

I was just scrolling through threads and decided to respond.
Well that’s a funny history book you read.. name?

I have read numerous history books, and taken several college level history courses. You?
I’m self taught,, I think you are confusing history,, south was fighting for state rights,, most southerners never seen a slave before never mind own one lol democrats wanted to keep slavery the elite lefties

First of all, specifically what "states rights" were they fighting for?

And second of all, no it was not. Why would states leave the union over issues with state's rights, and then write a constitution which offered no state's rights.

from the confederate constitution
"“In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States.”"

Here is a section of the Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union:

"The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation."

The full text of the Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union is available here:
Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

Feel free to read it and point out my error.
Not sure what your point is.. by 1861 most slaves were family and the southners knew the slaves couldn’t make it own their own because of the racist democrats so the law actually protected their family. But like I said are you claiming to know the thoughts of every southerner? And why did free blacks fight for the confederacy? Asians, Latinos, Indians.. you give my fallacies. I just give you common logic
"most slaves were family".......ORLY? You come from a family where you whip your family members, where they try to run away, where you sell their children if you have debts, where you keep them in shacks, with one set of clothes if that? That would get CPS at your house ASAP.
Don’t quote me ask the slaves they said it
It is confederacy believers still serve in the military

What the hell is a "confederacy believer"?

And if they do serve in the military, they are liars.

Since you never enlisted, I will help you out. Every person who enlists in the US Military takes the following oath:
""I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.".
Lol so you don’t think people that love the confederacy serve in military? Lol this is fun

I think it doesn't matter whether people like or love the confederacy. I think the US Marine Corp doesn't care either. So the symbols were removed.
Why? Don’t like proud boys?
You mean the INCEL boys?

Yes, you did.

Camp posted his comment of "Why do you want Marines to dishonor themselves and other Marines by displaying symbols of traitors?".

To which you replied "You calling most of the military traitors?". Which would ONLY have made since if he had claimed that most of the military displays confederate symbols.
Most of the military believes in freedom confederacy is that symbol
You know nothing of the military, INCEL boy.

Yes, you did.

Camp posted his comment of "Why do you want Marines to dishonor themselves and other Marines by displaying symbols of traitors?".

To which you replied "You calling most of the military traitors?". Which would ONLY have made since if he had claimed that most of the military displays confederate symbols.
Most of the military believes in freedom confederacy is that symbol
You know nothing of the military, INCEL boy.
So articulate.
Of course they do.. Many scholars talk about it

That all democrats want slavery?
Who said all?? More fallacies from you.. stop trolling

Not trolling. Just getting clarification. Like you should have done before you claimed I said "THEY ALL WANTED SLAVERY". Actually, you didn't really need clarification. You lied intentionally, as usual.

Plus, when I said "I also find it funny that you are trying to convict all democrats with this line of nonsense" you said "Of course they do".
So why did you first respond to me on this thread?

I was just scrolling through threads and decided to respond.
In the synopsis of your first post towards mine was to say what? Lol
No one is saying slavery was ok in 1860,, in the previous years it was, conquering era.. to bad, suck it up... did you know blacks owned slaves,,, one Ellison would breed slaves for sale, even white slaves didn’t do that.
16% of the slave owners in Louisiana were black, we had thousands of free blacks.. in the 1860’s elite democrats wanted slavery, no one else.. southerners didn’t want the north telling them how to end it and when

Yes, I am aware that there were black slave owners. That changes nothing in this discussion.

But back to the idea that removing confederate symbols from US Marine Bases is somehow wrong.
It is confederacy believers still serve in the military

People from all backgrounds and faiths serve in the military, doesn't mean that they all should be flying whatever flag they want to.
I dont entirely disagree with that

Commanders are responsible for maintaining good order and discipline in their units

The nazi flag would be offensive to me but that flag has never been an issue until the lib public schools stopped teaching history

For 100 years southern soldiers waved the Confederate flag without offending anyone

as did Jewish soldiers who displayed the Star of David

however we were not infested with muslims before as we are now

but America was far more of a melting pot then whereas now we are a smorgasbord of differences

how long before atheists are offended by religious symbols in our national cemeteries?

not long I suppose

It's amazing how you ass clowns try to rewrite history. Racist have always waved the Confederate flag with pride that is nothing new. The South is not totally controlled by racist anymore.
Racists have waved tje American flag too

yes there are a tiny minority of whites who hate black people

and an equal number of blacks who hate whites
No I didn’t

Yes, you did.

Camp posted his comment of "Why do you want Marines to dishonor themselves and other Marines by displaying symbols of traitors?".

To which you replied "You calling most of the military traitors?". Which would ONLY have made since if he had claimed that most of the military displays confederate symbols.
Most of the military believes in freedom confederacy is that symbol
You know nothing of the military, INCEL boy.
So articulate.
Well post some substance lol
When Confederates = Nazis, yeah. Get rid of it.

View attachment 310039
That's some of trump's fine people.

If you're still spreading that media lie, you're a worthless liar.
Nope, it's what he said....they are some of HIS fine people. Aren't you proud?

He said nothing of the kind. You're an idiot. Go away.
Who knows with that individual was thinking did you ask him?
When Confederates = Nazis, yeah. Get rid of it.

View attachment 310039
That's some of trump's fine people.

If you're still spreading that media lie, you're a worthless liar.
Nope, it's what he said....they are some of HIS fine people. Aren't you proud?

He said nothing of the kind. You're an idiot. Go away.
Who knows with that individual was thinking did you ask him?

Why is it that whenever I bring this up the Confederates all shrivel up like miserable little chickenshits and cowards?

If I was a Confederate the last thing I would want it to be associated with Nazis.
Yes, I am aware that there were black slave owners. That changes nothing in this discussion.

But back to the idea that removing confederate symbols from US Marine Bases is somehow wrong.
It is confederacy believers still serve in the military

People from all backgrounds and faiths serve in the military, doesn't mean that they all should be flying whatever flag they want to.
I dont entirely disagree with that

Commanders are responsible for maintaining good order and discipline in their units

The nazi flag would be offensive to me but that flag has never been an issue until the lib public schools stopped teaching history

For 100 years southern soldiers waved the Confederate flag without offending anyone

as did Jewish soldiers who displayed the Star of David

however we were not infested with muslims before as we are now

but America was far more of a melting pot then whereas now we are a smorgasbord of differences

how long before atheists are offended by religious symbols in our national cemeteries?

not long I suppose

It's amazing how you ass clowns try to rewrite history. Racist have always waved the Confederate flag with pride that is nothing new. The South is not totally controlled by racist anymore.
Racists have waved tje American flag too

yes there are a tiny minority of whites who hate black people

and an equal number of blacks who hate whites
Nice excuse-making there, boy.
Yes, I am aware that there were black slave owners. That changes nothing in this discussion.

But back to the idea that removing confederate symbols from US Marine Bases is somehow wrong.
It is confederacy believers still serve in the military

People from all backgrounds and faiths serve in the military, doesn't mean that they all should be flying whatever flag they want to.
I dont entirely disagree with that

Commanders are responsible for maintaining good order and discipline in their units

The nazi flag would be offensive to me but that flag has never been an issue until the lib public schools stopped teaching history

For 100 years southern soldiers waved the Confederate flag without offending anyone

as did Jewish soldiers who displayed the Star of David

however we were not infested with muslims before as we are now

but America was far more of a melting pot then whereas now we are a smorgasbord of differences

how long before atheists are offended by religious symbols in our national cemeteries?

not long I suppose

It's amazing how you ass clowns try to rewrite history. Racist have always waved the Confederate flag with pride that is nothing new. The South is not totally controlled by racist anymore.
So you think because-a few kkk members had the confederate flag that means they are the kkk? Lol how low is your iq?
Most Americans who fly the Confederate flag are not racists or members of the KKK
That's some of trump's fine people.

If you're still spreading that media lie, you're a worthless liar.
Nope, it's what he said....they are some of HIS fine people. Aren't you proud?

He said nothing of the kind. You're an idiot. Go away.
Who knows with that individual was thinking did you ask him?

Why is it that whenever I bring this up the Confederates all shrivel up like miserable little chickenshits and cowards?

If I was a Confederate the last thing I would want it to be associated with Nazis.
I shrivel up you won’t even answer my question lol

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